It's Shocking How EASY And Powerful A SHORT BACKSWING Can Be

It's Shocking How EASY And Powerful A SHORT BACKSWING Can Be

The Art of Simple Golf

3 года назад

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whocant - 13.07.2023 16:31

Leadbetter : 30 years ago was the worst person for my golf. Alex: you are the best.
Grateful Aussie.

Russell D
Russell D - 31.12.2021 16:07

Hi Alex, this and the similar video you did in the simulator are absolutely fab. I suffer from a rare kidney disease that causes inflammation stopping me from making longer back swings. I tried leadbetters a swing but his book is confusing. These 2 videos made complete sense. I have been hitting foam balls inside and it is super simple, repeatable and surprisingly powerful. One thing that helped me was to have the word "flow" as a swing thought as it stopped me swinging too hard. I'm exited to get back out and really get this swing down once weather in the UK gets warmer. My 8 year old son also wants to try it so you have won 2 new fans. Great work Alex and happy new year.

tldr2yLeader - 13.11.2021 05:47

Coming back to this feel/tip again, have been getting too out to in with a short backswing and the clubface has been inconsistent. Focusing on this concept along with a target two inches in front of the ball. Feels powerful and compressed, don't miss the longer swing at all.

Greg Hill
Greg Hill - 09.07.2021 22:44

Please e-mail me when your full program using this move comes out. I purchased your short swing maximizer program, but that seems to only concern the short game???

Greg Hill
Greg Hill - 09.07.2021 22:41

Alex: Tried this again after hitting 4 shanks in a row with my lob wedge!!! Hit one of my longest drives followed by hitting a green in regulation! I just need to keep on practicing the move! Thanks! Greg Hill

Nate_Feag - 30.06.2021 02:16

That all the swing you need

Greg Hill
Greg Hill - 28.06.2021 18:24

I read the "A Swing" Book, but couldn't understand it! Your point about pointing the butt of the club at the right thigh clears everything up! Hopefully this will cure my problems of being stuck & casting! Thanks so much for simplifying the golf swing, Alex!

Lou Buth
Lou Buth - 28.06.2021 18:03

R u still doing in-person lessons (3/4 hrs x 2 days)?

Greg Hill
Greg Hill - 28.06.2021 17:59

Alex: This may be just what I need! I struggle in my transition. My best shots are low punch shots out of the trees with a 1/2 backswing. Thanks!

john Mule
john Mule - 28.06.2021 02:36

Very smart instruction and a nice reference to Calvin Peete. Watched him play for many years in New Orleans. A truly mesmerizing ball-striker.

jay Schultz
jay Schultz - 28.06.2021 02:03

This is kind of similar to a swing that a golf coach gave me a long time back. I’ve gotten away from it,,but I got away from it. I’ll give it another try. Thanks

DBoyFoy - 28.06.2021 00:07

Love this. As a guy who doesn't do a super high takeaway, I appreciate this set of fundamentals. When I pair this with the little "elastic wrist" (for lack of better terminology) beginning of the movement I bet it'll help a lot. Gotta remember to try and "whip" it inside the way you explained it there. Thanks!

Martin Hardman
Martin Hardman - 27.06.2021 22:10

Alex, this is exactly where I am right now. From one of your videos a while back I think. My takeaway feels like I’m slightly twisting the clubface shut, hands in club head out, up steep, 3/4 swing then start down with lower body and rip it thru impact with hands close to thighs and a full release. I’m 66 with sciatica so this short swing suits me. And I have you to thank for it. I’m so much longer with this swing than with a full “conventional” swing (when often all hell breaks loose 😂)

WeRquantum - 27.06.2021 18:36

“When I hated golf.”

I’m hard pressed to remember a time when I didn’t.

Bkuyk9 ***
Bkuyk9 *** - 27.06.2021 16:16

I’ve unknowingly adopted this as of late and I’m getting much better at striking the ball first and creating divots. It’s allowed me to feel more consistent as well. I do pull it every 5th or 6th swing it seems and my main miss is a slight push to the left (I’m left handed)
