Current Status on Tarkov - CHEATING is OUT OF CONTROL! - Escape from Tarkov

Current Status on Tarkov - CHEATING is OUT OF CONTROL! - Escape from Tarkov


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@Pestily - 14.01.2024 12:27

I also forgot to mention they've changed the task for sew it good part 2 and 3 and should be easier to hand in but still difficult to get the armor. Will keep you updated if this changes

@madprofet - 16.01.2024 21:07

I'm sad to say I've stayed away from tarkov because of how prevelant cheaters are.

@distortedrain5624 - 16.01.2024 21:03

The only thing keeping me from playing tarkov is the cheaters. the game is fun when you play against legit players, but it's a waste of time if i lose all of my gear to cheaters half of all games.

@snakeplissken1754 - 16.01.2024 20:59

Honestly the game would be more appealing to me as a form off pve only, online or offline. People can cheat as much as they want as it wouldn´t matter at all.

@cjwars2828 - 16.01.2024 20:55

least i play game is 30% every raid a type of hacker got killed on interchange as scav by scave had pillgram purps junk aim lock thorax look at account says he has 9k hours but this wipe like 3rd run shared bot account dead af game

@marcoscoelho8626 - 16.01.2024 20:53

In Brazil server this not happen. You know what? Because this cost 780 BRL, its mean 3/4 of total month income from average people. No hacker want to spend 3/4 of his income to cheat in a game.

@ZMan3k - 16.01.2024 20:53

Latest bug I ran into was airdrops do NOT spawn FiR items. Walked my 72Kg ass all the way to trailer park from across the damn river only to find out once in stash it wasn’t FiR! Guess I’m using it for the battery task now and will craft them. Very frustrating tho!

@KiazaKadaj - 16.01.2024 20:46

games an actual joke lol. these devs man

@ctaylor8003 - 16.01.2024 20:46

No legit players would ever play this game. Everybody knows only cheaters play this game. Stay butthurt that someone has a hack you haven't bought yet though

@Leap_of_Faithhh - 16.01.2024 20:42

Pest, let me give you one good reason to tank kd, and I do hope you read this although it would be quite miraculous if you do. I am a console gamer and I suck at mouse and kb (a good console gamer, I actually have #1 positions on xbox 360 and I've never cheated in my life). Tarkov being one of the hardest games on pc I became a careful player. Because I don't have a lot of time and leveling is essential I have played factory, hid and wait til there's like 15 mins left then kill scavs for xp. I'll let players pass by and won't even shoot if they don't see me (whole teams passed by me, found it quite hilarious tbh). Now I'm ashamed of my kd which is far too high (10. something) while it shouldn't be more than 3. Therefore I plan to take it down to that number. I can think of multiple ways to overcome this time restriction vs leveling problem for BSG, hoping some day they will. Again, I've never cheated in my life, nor will I ever, but anyone including you would think that I am and I understand why.

I mostly scav Interchange, that's how I make all my roubles. I just want my Thicc so I can store what I find scaving. I know I shouldn't be playing the game like this, and I do try all other maps and improve, but this is not cheating. Hope you understand.

Best regards HT

@ImaITman - 16.01.2024 20:25

He sounded like Uncle Roger when he said "What tha fuk"

@Injabsful - 16.01.2024 20:24

no its not , im level 30nand i have seen just one of them , and even that got banned a week later

@shooter2224 - 16.01.2024 20:20

As someone who doesn't play Tarkov. Why would you tank your K/D? I'm guessing the game uses that to matchmake?

@SNUSNU4U - 16.01.2024 20:18

Cheaters are so weird and lie to themselves in order to rationalize using them. Its so weird. Theres a channel on tarkov cheaters that stream and try to pull views for money, and some of them are actually sad and depressing to see how pathetic they are irl, pathological liars, narcissists, and other deeply psychological issues. Usually people with severe problems when it comes to their own percieved inferiority or the desire to be "popular". Its really sad to see them react to getting called out or even banned on stream. The worst part is, after getting publicly humiliated, they do it AGAIN, they will rename their twitch channel, buy another account, use voice changers etc. Some of them get so angry and start screaming on steeam. At this point i just assume every cheater has some kind of trauma suffered in childhood that hadnt been dealt with, and act out by cheating in games to prove to THEMSELVES that they are better.

@bbbbBEOTCH - 16.01.2024 20:14

how come even the browser based board games are cheated to death from those regions?

bot farms, superusers, colluders, ect have all but ruined online poker stealing 10s of millions and by far the majority of cheaters stem from those regions.

u missing out on how its not seen as bad there. cheating to get one over on a foe in russia, eastern blk, and china is seen as cunning.

why are u having this woke argument against the internet?

i get ur livelihood depends partly on the success and image of tarkov but to me ur as blind as a bat.

@zetorrec - 16.01.2024 20:02

just went to customs night raid to do checking, went into a guard post at the bridge and crouched, 2 mins later i hear footsteps infront of the guard house so i stand up without turning and get headshot with shotgun from a bush outside the window infront of me

@Crash312 - 16.01.2024 20:00

You have to be naive if you think that BSG is not welcoming the $1.21M they will make from those 11,000 cheaters they banned when they rebuy the $110 edition (assuming they are paying full price for the top edition which they likely are not after watching this video ). $110 is nothing to cheaters as I heard they are currently paying $350 per month for cheats. If they ban those same players several times per wipe it could be $5M+ in revenue. And this is only that first batch of cheaters; there are probably 5x maybe 10x more out there. Even if you go off OnePeg’s numbers you are still looking at millions in extra revenue per wipe in a worst-case scenario for players, best for BSG.

There is also rumored Russian audio of Nikita a few years back saying pretty much what I am saying here- cheaters are good for their bottom line. I have never heard it and I don’t speak Russian, but Google it; it’s supposedly out there.

As somebody who has been at the highest level of business and seen behind the curtain, even the most well-known American companies turn a blind eye to unethical behaviors (and even aid in it) when it generates free profit. These are companies that are often under not only public but governement scrutiny. Do you think BSG is any less greedy than these companies? It’s the reason why PURE capitalism isn’t best for society- self-interest; some regulation is always needed. Remember 2008?

Noiceguy said it correctly in his video-“the incentive is too high”. But he was talking about the cheaters not BSG. This also applies to BSG, they do not want to eradicate cheating entirely. It is against their best financial interest. Sadly, I think I am done with this game until I see a change; so I am probably done with it for good. If you want to stick your head in the sand and pretend BSG truly cares; well, ignorance is bliss as they say. If you still have fun and all of this doesn’t bother you, more power to you.

@Strusz - 16.01.2024 19:47

stopped last wipe becouse of the wiggle video and get into another till this russian construction is finished

@Derpzila - 16.01.2024 19:43


@TheArqitect - 16.01.2024 19:35

Yeah, I said this in some streams and people lost their shit. I wont play until the cheats are out, so maybe never.

@alexanderivanov7766 - 16.01.2024 19:25

Complaining about cheaters is useless. During the cheating rush, they, as usual, will make a useless wave of bans and share the ban list.

@atinygrilledcheese4296 - 16.01.2024 19:18

They will never solve cheaters. It’s a money farm they have found and abuse

@WarumBinIchHier - 16.01.2024 19:13

SPTarkov for the Win

@loganknight3618 - 16.01.2024 19:12

Do you think BSG might lean to Private servers? I think it would be a good idea where you can only have like verified users join your servers ect.

@markjackson3227 - 16.01.2024 19:06

Finally someone addresses it man this wipe has so much potential to be the best so far but cheaters are fucking destroying it

@frankensteinmd4921 - 16.01.2024 18:57

Ur currently shilling for cheat filled hell scape. All the players u get to get into this game are just sheep to the slaughter.....

@inqufox1750 - 16.01.2024 18:42

Unless BSG changes things for the better and not try hard sweats i'll probably never return to this game its been three years sense i last even attempted to play this game seriously as in do quests and try and progress in the game and even now with this most recent update it is still a face slamed into a grindstone wrapped in razor wire game. To me i have no hate or anger towards the people that are cheating, i did back in the day when i thought this game was the second coming of jesus but now...BSG is doing it to themselves it will (until fixed) always be morally correct to hack in EFT

@Neolarthytep - 16.01.2024 18:38

So how do you fix the issue? Every game has this problem now, there are people that believe cheating isn't wrong, but shows how smart you are.

@biomechanism1 - 16.01.2024 18:30

CHEATING is OUT OF CONTROL, again! hahaa fuck Tarkov what an sorry excuse for a game

@murk6sh - 16.01.2024 18:22

I play nae and naw and still notice a cheater at least once out of ten raids minimum

@suntzu4691 - 16.01.2024 18:12

It’s crazy that Chinese people can be protected from all criticism in the West simply by using “racism” as a shield. Yes, cheating is prevalent in China and it’s a problem, get over your racial obsession.

@n0quart3r - 16.01.2024 18:12

This comes from a guy who lives in Serbia, at the time when I bought it EOD was ONE THIRD of my paycheck and I shelled it because I believed in it.

Last March I was falsely banned and completely ignored by BSG. Apart from video and audio editing software there's nothing on my PC that's out of the ordinary.

I've had about 2k hours on my account, bought EOD to support devs.... But seeing videos like this just reaffirms that I never want to support this, they seem to be selling the idea of what Tarkov may be one day but with all things they talked about and at this rate - we're looking to get there in 2040's or so.

At first I was sad that I got unrightfully removed from the community, but as the time passes I do get a sense that it's not that great to be a part of such community where company bans legit players but creates an ecosystem where black market is so powerful that people are hiring people to work for them and cheat in EFT to earn money from that market.

BGS is at fault for that, they are ACTIVELY making a game that encourages this and makes that black market ecosystem flourish. Banning those people again and again only makes BSG take their cut off that pie, their tax. That's all.

I regret my purchase, not on the basis of a ban alone but on the fact that BSG is developing a game in such way that they are not doing anything negative to the black market apart from taxing it for their own profits. At this point I have to assume that main reason for not giving us raid replay or killcam is to hide actual numbers of compromised raids.

@truemaveric - 16.01.2024 18:09

When I turn on the caption it generates wild stuff like when he says "escape from tarkov" it translates into "SCA and taco" (strong customer authentication and tacos) XD, I love that's guy accent

@skeevythewizzard5465 - 16.01.2024 17:51

Last wipe I got around level 45, and never saw some bosses alive until their 100% spawnrate. Now I don`t play Tarkov and sleep incredibly well.

@Dr.Shnuggumsshorts - 16.01.2024 17:48

Only reason I don't try this game is because of how many people talk about how rampant the cheating is.

@trippasnippa119 - 16.01.2024 17:47

Yup im unistalling, goodbye tarkov and goodbye to all my money

@jstn369 - 16.01.2024 17:31

Should try apex lol 60% of playerbase uses cheats or strikepacks. FPS shooter genre is over

@guvnormclean - 16.01.2024 17:30

they only want your money. EFT not finished after so many years and they made hundreds of millions this is available online (google it) , they are based in the UK for finance reasons and their HQ is one of those rented offices. Tarkov is never meant to be finished and then they make another game on the sidelines with the money you gave (dont tell me it was different team, the program is the same, the loading screen is the same process its on the same servers) . While EFT is fun after 12 plus wipes it becomes a paid permanent Beta Test lol. EFT is the Star citizen of Military sims and will be forever. Nikita is actually quite clever .

@TheXV1CT0Rx - 16.01.2024 17:23

i like how a couple years ago you were praising cheaters and now they're annoying?

@tmrocks9204 - 16.01.2024 17:17

Wish they had a progressive offline mode with separate character than online. Be good for noobs like me…

@UAmmo - 16.01.2024 17:14

As far as the Chinese racism goes, thats what happens in the US when we have a conservative reactionaries desperately trying to ignite a Cold War with China. Unfortunately a lot of US gamers get stuck in right-wing echo chambers

@u_Niekk - 16.01.2024 17:13

will they release coop offline mode then to non EOD'ers?

@TerronHD - 16.01.2024 17:07

I haven't played in a few years. Have they fixed bugged audio especially on staircases?

@SaltCollecta - 16.01.2024 17:03

what cheaters?

@mortaljacket - 16.01.2024 17:02

Its pointles if they ban cheaters using only client bans, they kinda need to start rolling out hardwer bans. This is most likely RMT caused so they just buy one more. I had ben gone from tarkov ever since Goat's video came out. Kinda sad to see literally nothing had changed or maybe got even worse.

@chrishaugh1655 - 16.01.2024 16:56

It's only obvious to you guys in OCE and Asia, where the vast majority of the cheaters reside because of China. Most of the US (especially Eastern and Central) are fine with the occasional cheater.

@jasonwragge - 16.01.2024 16:53

I stopped playing this game over 2 years ago because of the cheating. I watched this to check the state of the game, it looks like nothing has changed.

@Schniiiils - 16.01.2024 16:47

Es bringt nichts, wenn man cheater nun sieht durch den Status, Sie aber nicht gebannt werden oder es Ewigkeiten dauert....
