The Least Credible Scammer Of 2019 (Also FAQ: How Do I Receive So Many Scam Emails?)

The Least Credible Scammer Of 2019 (Also FAQ: How Do I Receive So Many Scam Emails?)

Atomic Shrimp

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@Cartoonicus - 22.01.2022 01:56

What I don’t get is these people who claim they want to embezzle or launder funds. Aren’t they putting themselves in a position where someone could report them upon seeing a written confession to criminal activity?

@Feluffle - 03.02.2022 01:43

LOL! Love how he thinks all he had to do was add "credible" to things. That makes ALL the difference!

@Tony-The-Motherfucking-Tiger - 09.02.2022 03:22

The fact that you actually created an award for worst scammer 2019 and send it to him 💀

@SouthPark333Gaming - 11.02.2022 19:57

Only small boys do not know these things. Are you perhaps a small boy? I thought you were a grown man, but now I see that you are just a small boy. Only small boys do not know these things

@cursedcontent4207 - 28.02.2022 02:07

Before I blocked him, I used to get an obscene amount of spam from my grandfather in the genre of Cute Animals Every Day. They had this scammy internet look to them and my suspicion is that there are websites out there that operate under the pretense of "send adorable otters to your loved ones every day to cheer them up in these trying times!" when in reality, they just sell the emails of the grandparents, the loved ones, and whoever forwards the emails that go out. So... thanks grampa for getting me on fifty republican mailing lists?

@cinm9565 - 20.03.2022 03:25

Your content is witty and OK

@cinm9565 - 20.03.2022 03:34

Too funny

@Daniel-ox2zr - 06.04.2022 17:56

Really brilliant

@midrone4349 - 09.04.2022 03:15

Yo Shrimp ! How bout making a documetary about this and sell it to BBC. Just send me, say $100 and i will make the arrangement with BBC.😀

@maggiesays7827 - 10.04.2022 09:04

I had to watch this twice as tears streamed down my face! I'm proud to say I refrained from drinking anything causing tea (my preferred drink of choice being a southerner) to come out of my nose as I watched.

@SolidSonicTH - 15.04.2022 04:44

Woulda been fun if you had a Grabify link to give to that guy. Then you could figure out where he's based out of.

@D3nz3lCr0ck3r - 29.04.2022 18:41

So, let me get straight. You took six takes to read the subject line of the last email?
Can't blame ya. It was freaking hilarious! I really laughed hard when you read it! hahahahaha

@dicedoomkid - 30.05.2022 18:10

This dude may be the least credible scammer but he might just have a sense of humor.

@myzacky96 - 05.06.2022 01:05

Loved this one!

@themightychippy3756 - 15.06.2022 22:04

I love that the only thing that the scammer took from this whole experience was learning the word "credible"

@phoenixyt124 - 08.07.2022 18:16

i love how the title of the last loan mail was just credible loan offer. he really did accept his trophy.

@W4iteFlame - 19.07.2022 20:58

It now knows a new word. What have you done...

@iwema93 - 27.07.2022 08:35


@OblivionWalkerVerified - 02.08.2022 03:51

Fund thrust. How bout Money shaft

@maxmacks8856 - 04.08.2022 03:55

Credible loan offer 😂😂😂😂

@a_true_generic_gamer1104 - 10.08.2022 21:30

I'd give him my bank info. I'm -$51.09 in the hole. Got $0.01 in my savings.

@andreworders7305 - 14.08.2022 10:29

A scammer who accidentally hid their scam under the guise of another crime

@andreworders7305 - 14.08.2022 10:31

All of your crypto sites sound like adult toy manufacturers

@marvelsomething1952 - 19.08.2022 08:39

This scammer is incredible

@Pink-Computer - 17.09.2022 17:19

you know your words cut deep when he proceeds to try and prove you wrong by putting the word "credible" in the subject line 🤣

man's looked at that and said "ah yes that'll show him that I'm credible"

@trickvro - 05.01.2023 21:37

"It is your own bank account that I need, sir."
But I'm using mine! 😫

@joshuaneace6597 - 25.01.2023 21:31

Don’t contact the soul named John Barosa…

@rin_etoware_2989 - 06.02.2023 17:40

in case people didn't get the spoon thing: in a tradition that has roots in Cambridge exams, last placers in a contest are awarded a comically large wooden spoon

Corey Otwell should have gotten a big wooden spoon too, i guess Shrimp scammed him out of one

@truerandomness - 04.03.2023 00:12

"Monsieur Mangetout", sometimes referred to as "Monsieur Mouth", was the stage name of Michel Lotito, a French stuntman. He famously ate shopping carts, panes of glass, and an entire Cessna 150 light airplane. "Mange tout" means "(to) eat everything".

@sas.tronaut5055 - 02.04.2023 22:20

replying to scam emails or texts in anyway is a great way to say “yes this email gets active attention from a human being” and therefore get more scam messages

@blackasthesky - 20.04.2023 22:21

This is my all-time favourite.

@seththebeatmxchine - 29.05.2023 03:45

I really wish my guy would just focus on the scam baiting videos cuz they're so good but I'm pretty sure this guy doesn't do it for money judging by the foraging and food challenges, he does cuz he loves it.

@jerseythedog - 06.07.2023 23:56

Hands down this is some of the best writing and jokes I’ve experienced in a long time.

@TheKbeast63 - 19.07.2023 19:24

Just loving your vids. ❤

@johnfoltz8183 - 25.07.2023 00:53

Bless his heart for giving money to a complete stranger. 🙄

@joefarrow1599 - 21.08.2023 11:27

Maybe that person really is looking for an account for money laundering?

@monkekeyed - 21.09.2023 05:44


@icedlava7063 - 12.10.2023 18:18

Love the foreshadowing with the focus on the word "credible"

@JanusHoW - 31.12.2023 14:51

I'd be more inclined to trust someone who just outright says "this is a scam. Give me money." than the scammer in this video.

Of course, I would take such an honest person at their word and NOT give them any money.

@sarahberkner - 04.02.2024 04:37

The other scams you've received sound about as credible as this one to me. One time at age 19 I almost let someone have a remote access of the family computer, because I was still half asleep, but then I realized this was suspicious before he did have remote access. I know a lot of people get scammed and didn't even think about the possibility of that happening, but I don't relate. You don't have to be a distrustful person to be careful of scams, I have sympathy for people wasting their lives in those jobs. But even if someone I know who means well recommends I do something that I think is a bad idea, I'm probably not going to do it.

@saltyspitt00n - 06.02.2024 09:08

only now am i realizing your scambaiting identity is Mange Tout n not Mange Trout, as in the fish

@Indolent_Canadian - 14.07.2024 23:18

yo atomic shrimp my mom keeps sending money to scammers my dads going insane about it how do i stop her without like locking her in her bedroom

@syos1979 - 10.08.2024 19:38

"Credible Loan Offer"

He's trying his bestest ok?

@DAiSUKiDREWELL - 25.09.2024 18:28

I don’t know what you find so funny?? This is the most incredibly crediblest creditable loan offer I’ve ever seen…

@HunterJE - 19.10.2024 00:15

Re: "why would anyone fall for this" I feel like the answer is in the "you contacted me on my other email address" step, which combined with the vagueness of the initial request reads to me as hoping to get someone who is already in the process of being scammed and might think this is the scammer they're already in communication with...

@illusory-illusionist - 24.10.2024 22:43

I've always thought this one stood out as a terrific and distinct one off episode of this scambaiting series

@SunroseStudios - 02.11.2024 22:09

we've been watching this entire series in order and somehow it was only this video that it occurred to us that coinsquirt probably wasn't a real service. i think the inclusion of "fundthrust" was what really tipped us off

@genericuser2339 - 09.11.2024 10:55

I was about to type what you SHOULD have said was to ask for his online banking details so he could receive his award cash prize and then you did. Excellent work sir.

@staticradio724 - 20.11.2024 02:02

Somehow the fact that the scammer wrote in large font and usually was only capable of one sentence at a time made him come across as, uh, less intelligent than most other scammers you encounter. Congats to Corey on his award!

@Henri11111 - 26.11.2024 18:24

Just noticed that Mange Tout is man get out LMAO
