Jackson Galaxy

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@icaliver - 11.02.2024 06:34

It’s not about privacy for cats more about cleaning convince. Litter tracking can be annoying since we can’t just train cats to walk out of the box. Their instinct is to leap out and run away with trail of kitty litter.

@Beth0962 - 09.02.2024 06:26

Totally agree!! I’m not a cat psychologist but it should be common
sense, not scents!

@oliviafergerson2305 - 08.02.2024 13:36

How do I prevent litter tracking ?

@StAnger561to770 - 08.02.2024 01:33

Big fan I watched your show for years. I have an uncovered area in my backyard I'm trying to create a type of litter box for the street cats what products should I use I was thinking to make something with sand I heard peat moss but I want something that will keep the smell down so I was thinking to make some type of litter with the sand appreciate any suggestions

@user-ze5tf8bv1u - 07.02.2024 23:32

I am lucky enough to have a base kitchen unit at floor level which I don't need to use for me.

This is where my wee furry beastie has her litter tray.

She loves it and uses it very happily 😂

I use clay based, clumping, non perfumed litter and no liners.

I get up in the morning and first of all, clean her tray out of deposits. She's a happy cat! 🐈‍⬛😂❤

Ps had a guy come in to fix my washing machine and he asked if she closed the unit door when she pooped! 🤣🤣🤣❤

@alexcoop8068 - 04.02.2024 21:52

I had to get my cat a muuuuuuch bigger deeper litter box and it has a foldable lid that I’m able to keep halfway down. Good for me-but she doesn’t like a whole lid so good for her too-but she will NOT go if I’m in the room with her. She sits infront of the box and screams at me until I walk around the corner and then I hear her going to town LOL she’s a little diva and she does like her privacy but she doesn’t like to be covered up

@lathamplus - 04.02.2024 04:28

The litter box I have is covered and it was one I saw you recommend on your TV show. I had been completely exasperated with finding the kitty box crunchies all over because my dogs could access them. I had been researching with no solutions that would work for my exact situation. Then I saw your recommendation of one that was igloo shaped. A lightbulb went off! I immediately looked them up on Amazon and ordered one. It has been just short of miraculous for me! I was still a little frustrated with the amount of litter tracked all over on her feet, so I ended up adding a cheap double layer litter mat in front and now there is NEVER a sign of litter anywhere but the litter box. Kitty is happy, mama is happy, the dogs probably aren’t…but that’s a whole different story!

@dorannachristenson592 - 03.02.2024 22:26

My cat doesn't mind walking on, peeing in, or burying poop in the finer crystal litter. It also lets me know if she has urinary problems because it changes color. Secondly, I always watch after my cat excretes to check for problems. I've had every kind of litter over the years and find this to be a good compromise between my very sensitive nose and her excretion habits.

@shonabrowne6324 - 03.02.2024 22:05

Are wood pellets ok?

@jamesharris9352 - 03.02.2024 06:48


@ShireenLilith - 02.02.2024 14:52

ON NOOOO you missed a HUGE chance for a good pun... Why didnt you say "You can take it with a grain of cat litter" hahaha

@ShireenLilith - 02.02.2024 14:49

Im moving tomorrow and once Im settled I wanna adopt a kitten. Now Ive been a cat mommy before but I have a feeling I did things wrong. This time I wanna do her right. So Im watching as many videos of you as possible so I can give her THE BEST life possible and Im gonna try ALL your tips. And this one seems INCREDIBLY important so I will.
Ill admit I thought having the cover on the box made my floof feel safer cause the "danger" could only come from 1 direction so she could do her thing in peace. Now Ive learned I was wrong so Ill try my bestest to do right by my future adopted floof. Thank you

@elizabethtobison6309 - 01.02.2024 21:20

Thoughts on the breeze pellet litter or pine pellets???

@treegallagher9562 - 29.01.2024 04:00

With stainless steel litter boxes? Does it give cats the hebees when they go to cover?

@JoanneSwanson-by4bj - 27.01.2024 19:34

I rambled but one more thing. Even with 3 boxes, one of my kittens wants to pee in the bathroom sink. The litter box is right beneath it on the floor. I have to keep both bathroom sinks covered with a cardboard box.

@JoanneSwanson-by4bj - 27.01.2024 19:32

I adopted two boy kittens after a bad year of my brother dying, his dog dying a week later while in my care ( broken heart syndrome), then 3 months later my beautiful bot cat peanut died ( 15yrs old, kidneys) and then 3 months later my 19 yr old cat Moses died. So the kittens bring joy to a very empty home. I have 3 large litter boxes. 2 in the washer room and one in my master bath. I keep them in my bedroom at night because they could get in trouble as they ransack the house. I clean it constantly. Scented litters make me allergic and I find them sickening. I sweep up the litter off the floor every couple of days. At 69, I stopped caring about them being on the kitchen counter when I cook. They like to be near me and they bring me much needed joy. Even when they trample me when I'm trying to sleep. I love them so my heart gets mushy just looking at them. My thing that keeps me awake is leaving my house to my cats if we should die. I have auto food deliveries. But how does someone get a RELIABLE HONEST PERSON( well paid) to come 2x a day for as long as the cats live?

@ewe392 - 27.01.2024 07:15

Why not just use sand and wash it

@everythingjen1 - 20.01.2024 20:56

I totally agree! I have extra boxes, unscented litter & clean them 2x daily. I also clean floors with just water, don't use any chemicals in the home & wash laundry with unscented as well. Very important for our cats noses & paws!

@krumpelschtiltzkeen - 20.01.2024 07:34

I was interrupted by an ad for litter robot or whatever. The irony.

@kimmagee9645 - 19.01.2024 10:09

Also I want to say we have a semi-automatic cat box which doesn't automatically empty itself you have to go in and pull the handle and then shake a few times so that the letter falls through the holes and the poop falls into the bucket underneath so you can actually see the poop and how it looks you may not necessarily know which cat did the poop but you wouldn't anyway unless you saw the cat in action and obviously you don't pull the handle if there's a cat in the box and I find the one that we have pretty good and if anything does get stuck in the little great that everything falls through I just take it out and put the power hose on it

@kimmagee9645 - 19.01.2024 10:04

Just want to say we have a cat that actually DOES like privacy, our Bengal x Orion is very anxious and we had several types of litter boxes around the house trying to get our other cat to not have accidents and Orion who never has accidents would always go to the covered box she never went to the open one she never went to the open one that was in the bottom of that cat cage which we leave open and they love their cat cage she always went to the one that she had to hop up on top of and then jump down into the hole she will poop in any of our boxes, as a matter of fact she poops in all of them the minute you change them she will find a way to poop, you are not even finished and she's waiting looking at you ready to go and if I do all of them she will find a way to go in all of them which we have three for two cats, but if given a choice she will always go to the one with the lid

@francnewman9984 - 17.01.2024 18:44

I mean humans dont naturally crap in a water bowl either, we're trained to do so.

@tank8955 - 16.01.2024 01:28

Nappy/daiper bags are game changers. I pay £1 for a box of 300. Scoop into the bag, tie the handles and drop in the trash. Job done.

@DeidreL9 - 15.01.2024 03:05

If someone can’t cope with cat poo or wee, then they shouldn’t have a cat! Without poo and wee there’s no life. Cats are not fluffy toys. And I disagree with them going to a human toilet as well. It’s faddish and not helpful, especially for an older cat. I call scooping out my cat’s litter box “panning for nuggets”, lol. You learn so much about their health.

@faginabag898 - 15.01.2024 02:43

My cat has a open box in my room the only one that’s not accessible to the dog and her primary living space but the other 2 around the house are covered because my dog chooses to eat cat poop if she can get to it any suggestions on a better method?

@crazy_cat_Lady88 - 14.01.2024 08:07

I hate the crystal litter as do my cats. It hurts my feet let alone my cats. We all like recycled paper litter and we all love it. We use only an open normal litter box. ❤❤

@miowacity - 13.01.2024 20:19

Before litter was invented cat boxes existed but they used sand or dirt. When Lowe initially tried to sell the pre Tidy Cat clay litter, at the equivalent of $9 for a 5 pound bag (note today we pay simular for 20 pounds) it was thought to be ridiculous so he let store owners give it away for free until demand could be established. (Clay litter is lighter, more absorbent and contained smells better than sand)

@gingerninja9385 - 13.01.2024 10:10

I use a paper based litter, it’s amazing and all I have to do is flush the poop by picking it out with a piece of toilet paper.

@katherineyokers8052 - 12.01.2024 23:20

I live in Albania and was honored to have a street kitty come live with me at age approximately 3-1/2 years. She is now almost 5-1/2 years old. The very first day she was here, she hid immediately and I did not see her for approximately 3 days. She immediately began to use the litter box. (That let me know she had not escaped.) I am so grateful I am able to buy a biodegradable fiber-product kitty litter from Germany…unscented. She won’t let me hold her or pick her up. She does snuggle next to me at night and next to me when I’m reading or watching a movie. She loves being brushed. She also follows me from room to room as I go about my daily chores. I finally heard her meow, ever so softly about 6 months ago. She is the quietest kitty I’ve ever had. I absolutely adore her. I know she loves me, too.

@sarahs7253 - 12.01.2024 20:16

What do you think about the 4 in 1 strength multicat clumping?

@sukihartman1737 - 12.01.2024 14:17

This might sound gross, but i wanted to share something that i find kinda cool and interesting. We have 3 sets of 3 litter boxes in our house. We have an upstairs, main floor, and a finished basement, with 3 litter boxes on each level of the house. They're out in the open and are the kind of boxes without a lid, but they're not directly next to couches or anything, but they're kinda nearby to where we hang out. The weird thing is, when i scoop all of the boxes twice a day, they tend to have used the boxes that are on the same level where we spent most of the day, more than the other 2 floors. I dunno, maybe it's gross to say this, but it's kind of sweet.

@JamieM470 - 10.01.2024 19:50

So many people say pine pellets are great and inexpensive, so I bought some, and introduced them to my cat's litter box bit by bit.
He hated them. He has an indoor box and an "outside" box in the garage. (neither has a lid)
He started using the box in the garage exclusively, because there were no pellets in that one.

I think for many cats those pellets are uncomfortable to stand on and unnatural for burying. And if they've been declawed (God forbid), the pellets are actually painful.
I think many cats prefer something that is soft on their paws and easy to bury things in. I now use litter made from corn. It's very soft and my cat likes it, so we're both happy now.

@sherrie6492 - 07.01.2024 16:31

My Tabby girl Nellie is an overachiever. She pees vertically. I googled the issue. Ah, they make cat boxes for that issue.. $55.00 and Amazon's 2 day delivery,...and no more peeing on the wall. While in the litter box..
It's a great litter box .

@donnachurch386 - 05.01.2024 21:22

I had a cat for many years. She was an indoor/outdoor cat. When she got older, during the winter time, I discovered that she chose to use the closet in the spare bedroom for her toilet needs, instead of going out in the cold 🥶. So I got her a litter box, but she couldn’t figure out how to use it, since she had never used one before. I struggled with that for a while, then one day, the neighbor cat came into my house just as I was leaving. I didn’t have time to chase her out, so I just left her in. When I came back later, I found out that she had used the litter box. When my cat saw the “gift” in the litter box, she finally understood what the box was for, and she used it faithfully for the rest of her life. 😂

@robertbrown5194 - 04.01.2024 20:03

I set up a cat door in a piece of plywood that I put in a low window so my meows can come and go into the fenced in yard. When outside time is over I take it- the Window of Opurr-tuna-tee down. Any rate, they come in to use their litter boxes. Its like "What you expect us to "go" outside like some kinda animals?"

@palomaaviles5998 - 04.01.2024 10:39

I've had a lot of friends have to put down there cats or surrender them because they couldn't afford their medical bills to fix the blockages they get when they have too many minerals in their system and they can't pee. And you won't know if you can't see them pee and when they are covered in their litter box sometimes you won't be able to hear them cry or if you're not cleaning the litter frequently enough you won't see there is blood. Or notice the urgency or frequency they're going. It's happened to at least two of my friends that had to out their cats down and another friend had a cat with the same issue but she was able to afford the surgery but it was like 2000

@aislinnstanton1196 - 01.01.2024 04:06

I'm going to admit. I love my fat boy, but he's the last. I'm too scared to have an outdoor cat but I dont want to deal with the cat box anymore.

@mijadelsol - 31.12.2023 19:39

OK if you say that it’s necessary for their mental well-being to have a natural litter box I agree and my cats prefer going outside to the litter box. but what does that say about their mental well-being with being stuck in a house for their whole entire entire life and never being allowed to go outside that’s also very unnatural for a cat and people get red in the face about it being animal cruelty to let your cat be a cat and be outside. It’s crazy!

@janedoe6071 - 29.12.2023 17:01

I noticed I think my mom lets the cats go to the bathroom outside in the summer because it’s easier for her but is that ok to do

@marywatkins9438 - 26.12.2023 20:55

So, the lady you consulted with would rather look at a wall full of cat piss than look at a litterbox? Yo! 😂😂😂😂

@jeanelizabethterry7583 - 26.12.2023 07:58

Boy is this an eye opener. Thank you

@lauraroy2298 - 24.12.2023 08:27

Uncovered boxes are less to clean and easier to scoop, at least to me. We keep the litter box in front of the toilet, as we sit on the toilet we just scoop the box just in front of us at the same time. Easy and convenient for us and the cat, just keep the toilet lid closed when not on it and the bathroom door cracked open for cat access. The cat is not bashful, he thinks it's a great idea to join us and use his box while we use the toilet. We just laugh about it.

@amandalynn3066 - 24.12.2023 01:23

Idk if I bought the wrong brand but like- the crystals made my house smell like straight up pee, I don't know how anyone likes that crap

@EXbobomb - 22.12.2023 23:57

When I first saw enclosed litter boxes I though "why would a cat prefer to poop in a dark, enclosed, awful smelling box, instead of an open tray?"

Then I saw a bunch of legit seeming sources saying cats prefer privacy, and I think that was enough of an excuse for me to get one.

It didn't last, it just felt kinda wrong to me, especially if it was to reduce smell, because that just means it smells even worse inside.

@Experiment632 - 22.12.2023 08:19

Unfortunately removing the cover isn't an option if you have a dog.

@sjkula - 22.12.2023 02:40

Interesting. I think my cat does like privacy because he will stop what hes doing if i come look at him in the litterbox. He waits until i am not looking to finish his business

@elisabethlafontaine8979 - 21.12.2023 00:50

Jackson, what is the best litter to use? My boxes are in the basement of my house and I use clay. I have a small light close to the boxes. Would pine be a better litter and if I have to make the change, how best do I do it? Many thanks!

@barbaralarissa - 16.12.2023 07:49

Thanks for that!!! I needed it!

@judithbarnes4905 - 16.12.2023 05:47

Truth! You give it to us! Thank you!

@jeanniecampbell6942 - 14.12.2023 06:09

We rescued a cat who had been an inside/outside cat. He is so interesting. He is fastidious about covering his pee and poo but does not like you to be in the room when he goes. I think it is because he hide to go when he was on the streets because of dogs. He is terrified of dogs. So if we see him go into his room with the litter box, we stay out till he is finished. Cats have very interesting personalities.
