Who Would Be Tsar of Russia Today? | Romanov Family Tree

Who Would Be Tsar of Russia Today? | Romanov Family Tree


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Yankev Kornfeld
Yankev Kornfeld - 03.10.2023 00:50

The Grand Duke Vladimir, recognised by EVERY royal family, was the Head of the House of Romanov. He had every right to issue an Ukaz (Imperial Decree) as to who would succeed him! I knew Vladimir very well and helped him go-over the genealogy as to who should succeed him. HE and ONLY HE had the RIGHT to determine who would succeed him.

Tabita Cumi
Tabita Cumi - 30.09.2023 03:59

MARIE STRALVO investigación sobre los Romanov.Busquen su libro.

Nick Aviles
Nick Aviles - 28.09.2023 21:24

The funny thing is that Maria has worked all her life in doing things right. Her son is dynast. Now, he is getting married morganatically, so Maria is working with the Orthodox Russian clergy to convince them to get rid of that “pesty” requirement.

Ammo08 - 28.09.2023 05:42

The Russians just need to change the law and put Prince Harry on the throne...he needs a job...

Svetlana Didichenko
Svetlana Didichenko - 25.09.2023 14:43

Maria is a joke.

manuel azzuro
manuel azzuro - 22.09.2023 18:38


Houston Burnside
Houston Burnside - 21.09.2023 07:44

I think we should respect Paul’s rules and just say there are no eligible claimants

Amir Khogali
Amir Khogali - 19.09.2023 12:48

Grand Duches Maria is the rightful heir to the Russian thrown

Mike Or
Mike Or - 18.09.2023 17:56

In my newest book, the Red Prince, I present an alternate history, wherein the Red Army is defeated by the White Army after the October Revolution. Nicholas II and his family are killed, but his two youngest children, Alexei and Anastasia, survive. Alexei dies of hemophilia, so instead, it is Anastasia who becomes the Empress of Russia two years after the end of the Russian Civil War (which is 1924). I took a lot of inspiration from the 1997 movie, which, despite its style is NOT Disney.

NYYUUUKAAAH - 14.09.2023 16:32

Vladimir Putin it’s our Tsar

natasha - 14.09.2023 16:13


Brad Bachew
Brad Bachew - 12.09.2023 07:41

Christian, Duke of Oldenburg

Filomena Silveira
Filomena Silveira - 11.09.2023 17:17

Muito interessante a família da sua mulher 👌👏👏👏

Filomena Silveira
Filomena Silveira - 11.09.2023 17:16

Já não faz sentido, actualmente falar e agir, em casamento morganático e deixar a linha feminina de fora!

dipanwita dasgupta
dipanwita dasgupta - 09.09.2023 07:54

If the person is of noble lineage but the dynasty is not ruling why is that person automatically not noble anymore? What exactly constitutes NOBLE?

dipanwita dasgupta
dipanwita dasgupta - 09.09.2023 07:48

The Pauline Rules= stupidity= acting out against mommy😮

Flavius Valerius Constantinus
Flavius Valerius Constantinus - 03.09.2023 19:36

It should be noted that Paul Ilyinsky’s mother was the heiress of a wealthy family so you could argue that the marriage wasn’t morganatic. Honestly the whole idea of a morganatic marriage is somewhat new in nobility and it creates a slippery slope as what counts as nobility. If you go back far enough all nobles come from a morganatic marriage so should they all be disqualified too?

J. Smyth
J. Smyth - 03.09.2023 02:03

if Russia wanted to restore its monarchy, Putin would probably just proclaim himself Emperor instead. its practically like that already

majsTTer - 02.09.2023 10:45

Lenin already solved this problem 100 years ago and Putin continues in his work

Catherine - 02.09.2023 00:43

As a Russian, every one of them can f* off. Especially Kirill the traitor's descendants. And anything/anyone to do with any churches. People having a right to rule other people by their birth is an obsolete concept. It violates human rights of the citizens because it splits a population into the first class and second class citizens where a minority has more rights that all the rest.

DeepOne - 01.09.2023 19:44

Not tsar but царь !

Mark ONeill
Mark ONeill - 01.09.2023 03:39

Russia has a lower percent population of slavic people than Poland, Ukraine, Slovakia, Czech, Serbia.... in fact Vladimir Lenin was 1/2 Turko-Finnish. And many people are partly Tartar. Russia wants to put itself off as the main Slavic country and protector of the Slavs, but it is not. Poland should have that title.

Revin Hatol
Revin Hatol - 31.08.2023 01:27

1. Maria Vladimirovna's husband was a Hohenzollern (and therefore, German) prince named Franz Wilhelm Prinz von Preussen and together they had a son named George Mikhailvich before they divorced the year thereaft.
2. Franz Wilhelm was the grandson of Prince Joachim, who would have become the King of Ireland had the Central Powers won World War 1.

Revin Hatol
Revin Hatol - 31.08.2023 01:13

I REPEAT: The Romanovs all started with a man named Mikhail Khoborit, Grand Prince of Vladimir.

Mikhail Khoborit -> (son) Andrey II -> (son) Vasiliy Andreyevich, Prince of Suzdal -> (son) Konstantin V, Prince of Suzdal -> (son) Dmitry of Suzdal -> (son) Simeon Suzdal -> (son) Vasily Shuysky -> (son) Ivan Shuysky -> (son) Boris Gorbaty-Shuysky -> (daughter) Eudoxia -> (son) Philaret, Patriarch of Moscow -> (son) Michael of Russia

The mighty eagle
The mighty eagle - 31.08.2023 00:28

Before Andrew died, I'd say he is the best option for the current Tzar. But hes dead, so Im all for Maria being the Tzarina

Wayne G
Wayne G - 29.08.2023 07:24

Sad affair.

shania salazar
shania salazar - 25.08.2023 17:53

you family frank history

Tancred De Hauteville
Tancred De Hauteville - 24.08.2023 18:58

The problem with championing Maria is that her son, Grand Duke George Mikhailovich Romanov, married an Italian woman not of noble birth, therefore making this clearly a morganatic marriage.

Phil Andrawis
Phil Andrawis - 23.08.2023 03:57

I watched so many of those and you all got it wrong and you don't know even how to do the tree right prince PHILIP is related so his successor the father of Charles the third king is the one to be if you still didn't get it to follow the family of Philip in Greece also orthodox Christians so you got the religion right too
the prince had followed the church OF England IF he was to marry E2

mr hamburger
mr hamburger - 22.08.2023 23:01

I didn't think the Democrats or I mean the Communist left anybody alive from that family

Dimitry Yurevich
Dimitry Yurevich - 21.08.2023 20:03


SideWalk Astronomy Netherlands.
SideWalk Astronomy Netherlands. - 21.08.2023 17:59

Better go with King Willem Alexander of the Netherlands, he descends from a Tzar too.

xx xy
xx xy - 20.08.2023 02:31

he is already there Tsar Wladimir Wladimirowitsch Putin 😃

Bar - 19.08.2023 12:35

of all these candidates i think K-Real has the best claim

shady ishak
shady ishak - 18.08.2023 09:28

Olga escaped, and buried in north York Toronto, you can look her up

Natasha Collier
Natasha Collier - 18.08.2023 08:03

It’s not Kayrill. It’s Kirill, short i sounds. And Xenia is not Zena. It’s pronounced Ksenia.

Farmazone - 18.08.2023 04:31

Times of Trouble prove that there's no need for dynasty, as long as noblemen can elect their ruler.
Back then it was boyars, now it would be parliament I guess, some Russians even say they already have de facto Czar, Putin already ruled longer than most of them.

moi meme
moi meme - 15.08.2023 19:04

Vraisment, Merci d'avoir expliqué ces lignées aux personnes qui se soucient encore de l'histoire. Il est assez important de connaître les têtes couronnées d'Europe et d'ailleurs.

moi meme
moi meme - 15.08.2023 19:03

Спасибо за объяснение этих родословных людям, которые все еще заботятся об истории. Довольно важно знать о коронованных особах Европы и не только.

moi meme
moi meme - 15.08.2023 18:57

My maternal grandfather was a Fredericks/Freedericksz/Фредерикс (spelled several ways depending on how whichever branch of the family wanted to spell it and which country they lived in) who was the last Minister of the Imperial Court of Russia. Count Fredericks/Freedericksz/Фредерикс was his cousin. Buried in Finland. SUOMI

Philippe M
Philippe M - 15.08.2023 17:25


Alex Terziev
Alex Terziev - 15.08.2023 12:20

no one is good anymore for Russia,,they all are forighners and agents to others countries.

snab032 - 15.08.2023 03:32

We Russians do not need these upstarts with fake Russian roots. if we need a new emperor, we will take a full-blooded prince from the British Dynasty, but he will be raised in Russian traditions. Nicholas 2 and George 6 were cousins ​​and very similar, the British betrayed the Romanovs and they must give the Russians one of their young heirs as a debt. Though of course it's a joke.

РАВЕНСТВО - 14.08.2023 16:54

We all know who is Russian tsar now

Леонид - 14.08.2023 14:21

Как Романовы из США могут претендовать на престол? Получив гражданство США ты зачитываешь клятву, которая лишает тебя всех твоих дворянских титулов.

Picasso Moon
Picasso Moon - 14.08.2023 05:45

Why isn’t the Grand Duchess Olga in the family tree?

Eugene Chilufya
Eugene Chilufya - 14.08.2023 00:00

I have enjoyed watching this, and your narration

Charles - 13.08.2023 15:20

Vladimir Putin

Yulia C
Yulia C - 13.08.2023 08:51

If Russia ever will restore Monarchy none of the Romanov's will have a chance. Tsar will be picked just like once Michael Romanov was picked from a few candidates after Rurik dynasty ended. But I doubt this ever will happen. There is not even a slim chance to restore Monarchy in Russia.
