ACTUALLY! Android is more private than the iPhone!

ACTUALLY! Android is more private than the iPhone!

The Hated One

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abeismain - 24.09.2023 15:51

I heard Apple moving manufacturing to India 🇮🇳 😅

GabbarK - 24.09.2023 14:13

Custom ROMS ftw

Joseph Dredd
Joseph Dredd - 24.09.2023 12:31

I miss the blackberry IM...
That was secure wasnt it back in the day..

Sumit Singh
Sumit Singh - 24.09.2023 08:51

As someone with years of experience in cybersecurity, I can tell anything connected to the internet is not private we can only make it harder for the other person to access it using encryption

World War 3
World War 3 - 24.09.2023 06:42

my computer tower is more important to me then a Smartphone will ever be. plus my GNU/Linux distro has Full Disk Encryption the same can't be said about Smartphones.

theotherphil - 24.09.2023 00:21

Literally every other independent security report shows iOS is vastly superior in security and privacy vs Android. Unfortunately, every device manufacturer has to comply with local laws if they want to operate in that region. I have advanced data protection turned on - all my iCloud data is E2E encrypted and I use S/MIME certificates in Apple Mail. Advanced Data Protection is rolling out globally and Apple said even in China.

That doesn't sound like Apple are actively trying to undermine their users - just complying with local laws. Your issue should be with those regions that have a poor record of human rights abuse. If Apple were to pull out of those regions, it just means that those citizens have less/ no other choices and arguably makes their position worse.

Scott C
Scott C - 24.09.2023 00:20

Oh well Yeah. If YOU say so.

cyrilio - 23.09.2023 20:46

For private conversations your best of using signal on an iPhone.

Krishna Gupta vigneshwara
Krishna Gupta vigneshwara - 23.09.2023 20:26

and 99.99,% person don't know it , see apple id means all ur data is taken

Beterhans - 23.09.2023 19:38

This is false info, Android have worse privacy than iPhone , especially the one from China. China need ask apple to hand over the info. but for android, and android manufacturies (chinese one) are activily report user info even without ask. the only way Android can have privacy is make your own Android phone, read your own android code, without buying an android phone from a company.

sakib ahmed
sakib ahmed - 23.09.2023 19:30

Making private as privacy its all in you the way you use your phone as daily basis. None of this company help from privacy. WAKE UP peoples apple marketing as Privacy. How you know just by telling you by their words. We did not see it physical how secure useing as apple phone actually.

david Charlton
david Charlton - 23.09.2023 18:21

Samsung/Android has lockout mode. If the code is put it wrong 20x it factory resets the phone. Everything is deleted.

Interstellar408 - 23.09.2023 17:52

You can install gab on iphone without the apple app store

Clash Con
Clash Con - 23.09.2023 17:40


Lunamiya - 23.09.2023 17:27

This a real problem if you are in an authoritarian nation state.

Also your mobile service/ISP still can track your location and your data.

Tony Burzio
Tony Burzio - 23.09.2023 17:19

"Sure, ignore that nasty iPhone and get an Android!" - FBI Communications Team

Sickening - 23.09.2023 17:16

as much as i agree with what you said but you do know and you have to understand majority of users dont know how to install a new os on android.
hence apple sells out the most because its sold as the most secure device.
Majority of incidents that happen do happen on android, not on Ios.

You cant just drop a malware to a apple device because it takes more than that.
but with android its different and much more easier.

GhostCat - 23.09.2023 16:38

I think it’s really 50/50 no phones of yours gonna be private it’s still gonna be crack by someone 99% of the time. but I feel like android gets more hack due to being a open source software since I was easy able to download a emulator without a issue and get a game going vs apple where it’s a very tight lockdown from them that they won’t allow certain apps which is a good thing…but at the same time I question their iCloud storage prices.

Aisher Gamboa
Aisher Gamboa - 23.09.2023 13:22

Thank you for this video.

Artūras - 23.09.2023 12:31

I'm using e/OS daily and can recommend for you! Banking works too

verm - 23.09.2023 12:19

I don't trust any of the big companies. It's laughable that people are for example so concerned about Huawei or Kaspersky, while at the same time using Microsoft Windows, Google Android and Apple iOS. Everyone is spying on you.

Dominik - 23.09.2023 09:34

Its not an iPhone / Android thing. Its company greed

Stuart Ingram
Stuart Ingram - 23.09.2023 09:29

Crazy you mentioned the Hong Kong protests that magically ended when COVID hit. Most info about the protests has been scrubbed from the internet strangely.

Now onto my main argument. I’m very thankful to have a good relationship with my parents. My dad is a software developer for a major company and I talk to him on a regular basis and compare notes when it comes down to things I hear between the two platforms since he has to develop apps for each platofrm. Android allows most any app on their store. If you submit the same app to Apple and they notice anything wrong with the code or anything shady they will outright bounce your app back to you while google will just allow the app. Understand the potential dangers that can come from that would change your mind about who’s really more secure. Most data is saved directly on the iPhone now and can’t be accessed by Apple. The reason I know this is not only do I have friends that work at Apple behind the scenes but I’ve spent probably more than 10k hours either jailbreaking or trying to hack into my own iPhone or friends iPhones using other various methods. Android I can literally root the device in maybe 10 mins.

Ally Strong
Ally Strong - 23.09.2023 08:52

The number one privacy issue is the usb-c port it’s a back door to the wider network.

fl404 - 23.09.2023 08:26

😂😂😂😂 android has more backdoors than android’s front doors.

Signitro - 23.09.2023 07:43

Can i use Lineage os as alternative? I have a different phone

The ZeResonate Galaxy
The ZeResonate Galaxy - 23.09.2023 07:19

Those Hong Kong protesters weren’t good people lol

Passport bro in the making
Passport bro in the making - 23.09.2023 05:22

Your mic is low compared to other videos and ads

Inquisitive Amayi
Inquisitive Amayi - 22.09.2023 22:14

Between Android and iPhones, Android gives you the most flexibility to control as much as possible what happens when you use your phone. Android is better, but is NOT the best. You can ONLY truly get control of your phone beyond limitations with Android with Linux operating Systems like SailFish OS etc.

Smelley Shoebrush
Smelley Shoebrush - 22.09.2023 22:09

Good thing I use Samsung and always have thanks man

jeff meares
jeff meares - 22.09.2023 20:36

Close, but…. International laws(and the laws of the other country) are followed equally…

Reality is google is more private-able

When the government (any of them) wants to be punitive(become the threat)… well, the government and the apples/googles are run by the same fallible links in the chain… humans!

Mihai Pascu
Mihai Pascu - 22.09.2023 20:17

I’m sorry but I hope people don’t believe what you say in this video, because most of what you said is wrong, or at least incomplete. Neither Google or Android phones and OSes work as you say, you are talking like how a simple user THINKS they work, but it’s not correct.

RantzNTirades - 22.09.2023 19:40

Stock android is less secure and private than ios. A pixel running grapheneOS or CalyxOS is significantly more secure than any iPhone. Especially any pixel with the Titan M security chip.

tutacat - 22.09.2023 18:59

Why censor the "your software cannot be checked" text?

tutacat - 22.09.2023 18:53

Actually, Fairphone updates (and even third party developers on Lineage) trump iOS updates

10Meisterbälle - 22.09.2023 17:25

Actually, if you don't want the police to be able to see your location, then you have to turn on airplane mode no matter the operating system because the police can request your ISP to give them your connection to cell towers which gives a pretty accurate location.

matthew rambe
matthew rambe - 22.09.2023 16:43

yeah but try get your android phone to govt... one plug away... then it will vomit of all your data

WhiteEuphoria74 - 22.09.2023 15:43

The video mentions custom ROMs but it is important to remember that many custom ROMs with the latest versions of Android do not encrypt the phone at all.
Be aware of it! If you use custom ROM that do not encrypt the phone and the phone ends up in the wrong hands or in a police investigation, they can easily get into the phone.

Floor Gang
Floor Gang - 22.09.2023 14:14

Pretty sure Apple App Store is allow in China because they have to follow China rules. Android sold in China do not allow Google store but only it own maker store and have spyware pre-installed.
In other words, Chinese user need to root, unlock bootloader, install custom rom and use VPN to get apk from other side of the firewall.

Angwydud - 22.09.2023 13:32

is your profile picture meant to be a joke on "simon says" being such that what the government says you have to do?

Oktay Acikalin
Oktay Acikalin - 22.09.2023 10:11

I'm using /e OS on a Moto X2 (2014) - works great. The installation was not hard, just the man pages are 🙂. I would say that this is private enough and not too far from being convenient. Just like in Graphene, I can use Google services but I don't have to.

i like Georgia but i've only been there once
i like Georgia but i've only been there once - 22.09.2023 09:09

lmao who thinks otherwise??????

Tech Matt
Tech Matt - 22.09.2023 09:02

Nothing is private these days even when you think the opposite. Even with an operating system like graphene OS. Your device still has sensors that can be activated remotely that tell wherever someone is.

lampros - 22.09.2023 07:31

You are mostly right, but your forgetting something important.

Apps from Apple Store are the original, so if you download Facebook is the app from Facebook.
On the other hand if you install an app yourself that you found somewhere then it might not be the original.
It could be Facebook made by China that actually see all your friends and all your interactions.
It’s time you install an app by yourself you increase the positivity to get a “fake” app.
Finally if you have a custom android and all the extra privacy apps then you make yourself target when they found it.
And if get yourself mark as target then you lose your anonymity completely.

jkirk1626 - 22.09.2023 05:59

Traitor Apple bowed to their fellow Communists running China. Until realization that Jėws comprised 5% of the Russian population during the Jewish Bolshevik Revolution, yet 70% of the Bolshevik leadership that killed more Christians than German Socialists killed Jews, defense of liberty will not be as effective as it could be.
