PGS Testing| Our Embryo Final Count

PGS Testing| Our Embryo Final Count

Let's Make Lemonade

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@ValthatBish - 02.04.2020 17:16

Thank you for sharing!! 💜💜

@leandraellis6513 - 01.11.2019 04:20

I am so glad to have found you and your journey in infertility, ohhh my husband and I have been married for 13 years with a total of 3 fertility doctors, we have recently (3 weeks) into our journey into starting the very beginning stages of making steps forward into ivf, we're walking into this blind whew it's alot to take in. Just made the call today to say, we're moving forward with ivf

@raelynnr2524 - 08.10.2019 03:48

Just came across your page!! Saw your gender reveal and congrats to you both! God is good🙏🏼 May god bless you and your family!

I also went through IVF and was successful the 1st try. My babygirl is now 9months old💕 I have 13 remaining embryos🙏🏼❤️

@miimii_vee - 13.08.2019 14:52

I love the getting hit in the face with the zika virus restriction. Almost planned a trip to Mexico for a family trip. Had no idea!

@shaunnatrawick3480 - 08.05.2019 12:23

New Subbie!! 🙌 congrats and welcome to the TTC IVF family!!! I was pleasantly surprised at the end with your "bloopers"😁😂 That was too funny n too cute! I am 40+ and on/in my 2nd round of IVF. Currently awaiting my PGS results on my 1 embryo and I am a NERVOUS WRECK! And this is only Day 2!!😬😬😬 And YES YOU ARE SO RIGHT...When you see your R.E office call/email-time completely STOPS!! But I am prayerful and faithful that God is in control!! Wishing lots of baby dust sprinkled upon you👶🙏🧚‍♀️🤰

@chihuahua0965 - 27.04.2019 03:24

its me again! wow we are really matching up. I know on your other video I had said I only had 1 good embryo, but like you i technically have a second that came back as "no result" I just am not really counting that one right now, but it does still exist if we wanted to try to re-biopsy it like you said about yours in your video. I believe the one ill be transferring is 4BB, I feel pretty good about that! keep in touch!

@christiwaxes9423 - 26.04.2019 01:54

Were you recommended pgs testing because of your age or because of your genetics?

@leylahg1108 - 25.04.2019 04:36


@JustinaP84 - 25.04.2019 04:31

May is coming up really fast!!

@JustinaP84 - 25.04.2019 04:31

May is coming up really fast!!
