As part of Hunaniaith's work to increase understanding and recognition of the value of the Welsh language as an employability skill, Sgiliaith was commissioned by Hunaniaith to create five short video clips, concentrating on the advantages of using the Welsh language as a communication language within the workplace.
The main aim of video clips is to demonstrate the possibility of using Welsh as an administrative language, and that members of staff can use the language for formal communication / for work purposes / whilst completing duties in the workplace on a day to day basis.
There is a series of 5 video clips, and there are English medium versions as well as Welsh medium versions of all five are available. As well as to be used as part of Hunaniaith's activities in promoting the value of the Welsh language in specific workplaces in Gwynedd, the videos can also be seen on Sgiliaith's YouTube channel.
#Wales_(Country) #Welsh_Language_(Human_Language) #cymru #cymraeg #dwyieithrwydd #bilingualism