7 things I wish I knew in my 20s

7 things I wish I knew in my 20s

Sahil & Sarra

1 год назад

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Ujjwal Raj
Ujjwal Raj - 13.11.2023 23:12

No failure is ultimate. No success is ultimate. Lets grow in our 20s and make this country a happy place for the younger and elder generation.

Adarsh Kt
Adarsh Kt - 10.11.2023 14:41

I found that our certain thoughts can create the same kind of emotions inside ourselves.If you think you are so genious you will start to feel arrogance and starts judging others and will eventually goes out of control

vash stampede
vash stampede - 09.11.2023 05:46

Pretty late to the game:
I think the first and most honest thing I learned not from others is that which you mentioned in the video at a young age.
The universe is indifferent, but more so that the universe is as indifferent as people. The truth is people care about things after you accomplished them. You can say "I competed in the topic 3 for the olympics" and people will only care if you brought home gold. Despite the difference in skill being marginal of fractions, people only recognize results. When I lost weight I realized that people only cared after the 100, or 50 ibs mark. They didn't care when I lost 10, they didn't care about the journey they cared about the results. Results are what matter most. Even then understand people want homeostasis. When they see someone achieving so much more thier first reactions aren't praise it will be "why don't you have more fun?". Despite telling them you managed something immensely impressive their first response is asking why you aren't like them. That I learned a lot growing up. Results matter more than journey. Everybody loves6 pack abs, but nobody wants to diet for 9 months eating less than a thousand calories a day to do it.

S 🦋
S 🦋 - 05.11.2023 13:13

Sir totally loved this video and your monotonous way of saying things.🙏

James Navarro
James Navarro - 31.10.2023 06:30

This man is absolutely correct. I am 44 years old and spent many years working as a chef I dabbled in programming with a friend attending a local university and now works as a software engineer. then lived with Buddhist monks and took my teacher back to Sri Lanka where he passed away many people there are suffering but they never give up on life. when I returned to the U.S. I enrolled in my local college for data analytics because I find it fascinating and frankly don't care what people think. Life is short and your time is precious if you want to do something then do it, it will be difficult but nothing worth having comes easily.

PRIYANSHU KUMAR - 29.10.2023 17:58

once you become capable you don't need to choose success ...success will choose you ...

mohamad yahyavi
mohamad yahyavi - 25.10.2023 14:06

oh man we share the same story i gave up my course at mechanical engineering now i am a CE student i love what you said about working hard

Usaid Ok
Usaid Ok - 23.10.2023 15:08

Thank you sir

Kali Eswaran
Kali Eswaran - 22.10.2023 08:38

To create or destroy a brand name just change the perspective view point of customers.
For example:
Most of the middle class youngsters have iphone bcoz everyone seeing them with excitement.they feel they are proud bcoz they are having iphone.
Okay let's change the game.
if others consider they are fools who have iphone.bcoz they spend too much amount of money for a single mobile phone even apple has many disadvantages...

zarin’s art
zarin’s art - 21.10.2023 17:54

Thank you mr robot! Exactly what I was looking for 😊

Asha Sharma
Asha Sharma - 20.10.2023 12:11

indian here

mathpedia - 18.10.2023 08:57

My story is quite similar to you bro,
I ended taking major in mechanical for diploma program after 10th exam. Because of many myths about cs engineering I thought mechanical is better than that but soon realised that it's not form me , as you said first time it's mistake and second time it's a choice and I did as it is ,for the second time during undergrad admission I took cs major. And now hustle and bustle is on. But I enjoy it 🙂

Mouli Mallina
Mouli Mallina - 18.10.2023 07:24

Initially, I thought I was weak and people around me would help which happened in most cases, however, when I am put in a helpless situation there, I feel more powerful and chase it.

create with krishna
create with krishna - 16.10.2023 06:45

Building an app for IT people so that they can contribute their weekend time to local government school students by taking programming classes, the app contains which slot is available in local area for them to teach in particular class.

Dhileep Kumar
Dhileep Kumar - 15.10.2023 16:59

If you are in ur sad phase...Then you will going to face the happy phase

Nisarul Amin Naim
Nisarul Amin Naim - 15.10.2023 15:09

Yes, I have an observation I came up with. Although it's too early to say as I'm just at the begaining of my carrer. My observation is, It's important to go on in life without stopping, you don't need to be perfect or fast, you can be both imperfect and slow, but keep going, life is not a race, it's a never-ending marathon. Eventually, you'll find out you are way ahead of a lot of people who were ahead of you once, just because you never stopped, and kept going, even if you weren't the fast one.

Abu Ragdab Hussain ali cheerag
Abu Ragdab Hussain ali cheerag - 12.10.2023 12:37

Bohat he bayzook ho bhai

Davi Prata
Davi Prata - 11.10.2023 22:32

WOW, so your second coding job was at Amazon? Nice!!!

Which language you picked to be your first? JavaScript?

Srishti Shetty
Srishti Shetty - 11.10.2023 20:05

You stand out of the crowd and also all your videos shows your intelligence, hard work, and patience. Hats off!

Aakansh Anand
Aakansh Anand - 09.10.2023 17:09

The One Thing I came up with my own is that if I believe that my path is correct, Doubting that path is a bigger mistake than actually walking on that path, If you've research countless of videos and resources to learn how to be a software engineer and still doubting your path, then it's you whose stopping yourself, it's not anyone else, In my case.... I believed I need a computer, a Phone and a Stable internet connection, i.e. in India is a big deal to get all 3 at once, But at the end of my Graduation, I got that somehow, and for next 3 months I've been using it for fun, some basic studying and something useless, Now for a month or two, I made myself a straight path, One that I made for myself and figured out that it will work, and I didn't added maths in my path, My friend came to me just today and told me that if I can't do math, CS is not for me, I literally got depressed and tried to study math for next 30 mins and then got irritated. I could've used that 30 mins just for going straight onto my path and made something good out of it. I then thought about the realization I mentioned that I was doubting what I conducted in few weeks just because it took 5 mins to someone else to make me doubt my path. By the way my path is full stack developer especially in making secure applications and later pursuing Cyber security majors. If someone happens to be interested in a complete path I formed, Comment back to me here with your email address and I will provide you that PDF for free. I love FOSS so it won't be paid or charged. Just pin your email address and I'll be sending you the PDF that I made after researching the actual tools, programming languages needed, and if you wanna be connected after receiving the mail. Feel free to ask more.

Ram - 06.10.2023 18:41

Hey, man, you are the only person helping me out. My problem is that now that I have graduated in computer science, I want to get into the tech industry as a developer. Now that I have learned the basics of Python programming and done one mini project, when it comes to the technical rounds, I can understand the functions of the code and how the output comes. But in reality, I cannot write the proper algorithm for that particular question. Every time I try to code on platforms like HackerRank or Leetcode, I get exhausted within 30 to 40 minutes. Now I am in a confused state of mind about whether this is my thing or not. Shall I continue my learning journey or switch to something different?

Karthik Kumar
Karthik Kumar - 04.10.2023 20:24

A thing I came up after the deep thinking , your's most feared thing becomes nothing when you start to face it .

Marcos - 01.10.2023 14:16

I am currently struggling to redirect my path in life as a 26yo man that feels behind in life. I have fallen victim of modern day technology for so much time that I can't even imagine it.
Thank you very much for making this video, it has helped me a ton by making me realize what I am currently doing wrong.

keerthi vasan
keerthi vasan - 01.10.2023 10:11

You have to push for yourself , your parents waiting for your sucess🎉

தமிழ் மாஸ் TECH
தமிழ் மாஸ் TECH - 30.09.2023 18:12

On my own I thought I could do well doing instead of thinking. And it worked on day one...

Thomas Amara
Thomas Amara - 30.09.2023 08:05

Sometimes when I was younger, I was seldom listened to myself because I thought it would be more appropriate to listen to others who might have more experience in life. Even when I got older, I still having this dilemma. I don't have good mentors or really good circle ever. But I realize, I am more able to accept failure because of my own decisions than listening to other people because other people will not be responsible for it.

Geeta - 28.09.2023 17:43

Like as you said, I have completed by Bachelor’s in computer science and I realised that I’m unable and hate coding. I tried really hard, but l feel coding is not my cup of tea. What am I supposed to do ???

Joy Patel
Joy Patel - 15.09.2023 12:26

Only one line to say " It's awesome video I ever seen " thank you for providing your real life experience

Vinti Singh
Vinti Singh - 15.09.2023 12:03

Hi I received a call from Google but I asked for 2 months because I was not prepared..they told me that when you available reconnect me we will look at any other position..is I missed that opportunity?

Joy Patel
Joy Patel - 15.09.2023 09:56

Sir I am also mechanical engineering I am thinking to move usa for master in computer or industrial Engineer field is this decision is right and I just graduated in 2023

Muhammad Taimoor
Muhammad Taimoor - 12.09.2023 04:17

A couple of things that I came up with deep thinking on my own:
1. Most goals are not really difficult, they are more of a time sink. In most cases, if you spend long enough working towards it, you eventually will reach it. The difficult decision is if you want to sink that much time into the goal or not?
2. Getting started is much more important than planning how to do a thing perfectly. As you start doing the thing, and gain experience with it, you will learn how to optimize it little by little to make the experience better.

pk pavankalyan
pk pavankalyan - 12.09.2023 00:43

bro, wtf, i thought u are in ur 20s

Pon Pradeep r
Pon Pradeep r - 08.09.2023 09:15

Growing up in a remote place in india.who did not have access to a tv,computer or internet have access to video camera's and have the chance to take photoshoot with coolers.Great brooo🤭

Edwin Torres
Edwin Torres - 04.09.2023 19:51

I hear you! I really can understand your story, I had a similar one and now I'm working from heart ❤ to be every day better at my passions and communicate better, at the end we all are social people by nature

Daniel okediran
Daniel okediran - 04.09.2023 19:24

Do not give up; simply have faith in yourself and carry on regardless of what others or your parents may say. sometimes

JAI SHRI RAM - 03.09.2023 08:31

1. Communication skills are very important to grasp.
2. Don't overrate hardwork: he faced 500+rejections even after working hard.
3.learn decision making: before you get up make a start thinking what are the goals that today i have to accomplish.
4. Stay careful about relevant technologies
5. Don't fear to work with new things: slowly and steadily you may find yourself comfortable. Guy had a chance to take admission in cse iit delhi, but didn't take it due to not being conversant with computer.
6. Think rationally, never fear to start from zero, guy spent 6 years in ME and still switched to programming.

Krishna Singh
Krishna Singh - 02.09.2023 18:42

You are from IIT Delhi

DOLI BHUVANESHWAR - 27.08.2023 19:37

Bro won try not to laugh achievement

R. VIGNESH KUMAR - 23.08.2023 05:49

I would not say it's my own thinking but I deeply experienced this, " Universe always gives what you deserve, not what you want "

Suman N
Suman N - 12.08.2023 06:12

Love u brooooo😊

Rusher - 11.08.2023 19:00

i figured that our brain or thought always has two sides logical and illogical which gives two perspectives for an action

hence our thoughts are contradictory

python_world - 08.08.2023 07:59

When I was in 7th standard I was a dull student of any subject but I realise that there is only appreciation for a topper and any we have it would not liked by anyone then I decide a thought by own thinking capabilities and got first in my standard onwards that was a great achievement

Charlie Austin
Charlie Austin - 04.08.2023 16:10

I can totally relate to this. I am currently in my third year in the university studying Aerospace Engineering, but I’m beginning to think it’s not for me. I’ve been thinking about that since my second year. That’s my problem at the moment. I’m trying to learn programming as it suits me

Nekoji - Chan
Nekoji - Chan - 01.08.2023 01:25

As someone in my late 20s, who always wanted to start programming but never was able to stick with it, I always said to myself "Well, you f-ed up, you could have done better in professional school" etc. etc.
Now I finally found the courage to try it once more, and I'm actually making progress this time, but still this lingering regret of "I could have done better, now it's too late" is always present.
Watching this video, really helped me get out of that cycle, and lets me look forward to a much, much brighter future! Thank you so much!

EDIT: When I started in a career, the school I was attending, had two paths we could choose from "System-Technician" and "Software-Developer"
I really, wanted to go the Developer-Path, but I struggled so hard keeping up with the courses, that I eventually gave up and sticked with the other path.
Once I did that, I always thought "Thats it, thats what you have todo from now on". It felt like having to write an essay, while watching my friends eat ice-cream outside.
Knowing that I can still turn the wheel and take up my passion...is life-changing!

Soumik Chanda
Soumik Chanda - 27.07.2023 21:58

You are not boring, but you are superb realistic I think

Mr yahya
Mr yahya - 23.07.2023 14:22


divyanshu bolya
divyanshu bolya - 22.07.2023 15:35

only one thing is krsna
