You MUST Quit Your Job If This Happens | Jordan Peterson on TOXIC Workplaces

You MUST Quit Your Job If This Happens | Jordan Peterson on TOXIC Workplaces

Pursuit of Meaning

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Micro Center
Micro Center - 02.11.2023 22:11

said something and was persecuted.

hank - 02.11.2023 16:06

Got fired. The sad part is theyll just find some other poor sucker to fill the position! Hell probably do bare minimum work. For lesser pay. And theyll be happy with that!
😢Sad when the ones on top who should care the most about the work and the ppl, dont care at all and just skate by with there complacency and bloated salaries! 😂
I quit right when i was on top. Jus because I felt devalued!
I dont NEED the job is the trick. So ill jus sit back and find something better. Meanwhile they struggle to find someone else while wondering what THEY were doing wrong to lose such a model hard working man!
They will find someone else.
I will find something else.
They suffer.
I improve and get better!
Ill be looking back...did they improve and get better!?😂
Point is I'm not working/ wasting my life in a dead end position. While the lazy get treated as pets. Hard workers get treated like slaves! If I'm gonna be a slave for the rest of my life. It's gonna be in a position thats better suited for me!

PDogg - 02.11.2023 07:40

i work in low management with higher management above me. i am used as a buffer between upper management and regular employees. i am told to lie to employees and….so much i could say but i hate it.

Marcus Long
Marcus Long - 02.11.2023 00:52

I get that living in poverty and ridicule can seem like some sort of punishment for telling the truth and speaking you mind. But the amount of strength you gain over time from telling the truth is far more powerful. And that power will grow into something much better. You will get another chance to shine. So DONT be afraid to take an L by speaking up.

erich84502ify - 31.10.2023 21:14

There are jobs where all you ever do is sell out

Jim Angelo
Jim Angelo - 28.10.2023 16:38

Toxic workplaces always make you feel like your not good enough. Must have the ability to do this. Must have the ability to do that ! Is a common saying.Meanwhile, the person saying that does not do anything all day!

K Forest
K Forest - 17.10.2023 15:56

Never settle for BS take control it’s your life and well-being on the line put BS in its place so that other workers don’t have to go through it and give them the heads up and all of this especially because your future generations need genuine workplaces in their futures. And then you leave the fkn CT or SOB fkers immediately after your fix knowing you’ve left the place with a bunch of eyes watching the manipulative fkers.

Annette Walker
Annette Walker - 06.10.2023 17:24

What if nobody listens?

Fred Katerega
Fred Katerega - 04.10.2023 20:07

Great message if not applied in a one way street manner. The irony here is, his example contradicts his premise. Google too is standing up for the truth. IQ is bs. If you had all the resources in the world, obviously, your IQ will be higher than somebody just getting by. Many tech companies discovered this fact after many self taught programmers were hired, and outperformed their degree holding counterparts. The science on IQ's is flawed. It omits many factors that contribute to a higher score, namely, exposure to information. A person who grew up in the West for example, with access to internet, social media, etc..., will definitely know more than somebody who grew up in a third world village simply by exposure. It doesn't look like much, but logging into websites, interacting on social, doing online banking, etc..., develops skills that translate well on IQ tests. This is the privilege some people mistake for smartness.

Jabreon Johnson
Jabreon Johnson - 04.10.2023 01:09

I feel like leaving is making you weak. Also my health has gone bad. I have personal problems and that made it worst.

Phil N
Phil N - 03.10.2023 09:55

I was in this career situation working in healthcare security at a large regional hospital during Covid. I had to tell family members that they could not spend one last moment with their dying loved ones. I had to refuse patients and visitors from entry unless they needed emergency medical care if they refused to wear a paper mask. The vaccine mandate for continued employment was the last straw. Don't EVER allow an employer to force you to compromise your humanity, morals, or decency.

Another YouTube Channel
Another YouTube Channel - 29.09.2023 18:19

Recently left my job. Absolutely oppressive and the boss was too cowardly to admit it any format. I did my job so exceptionally well that me leaving made other people who were already hanging on a thread leave as well due to having to compensate for all the work I was accomplishing on my own. Now the job has 50% less workers. And they’re slowly going under and whoever is left is being overworked.

Texas Potency
Texas Potency - 29.09.2023 15:17

Time to take a leave and work on my exit strategy

CHL - 27.09.2023 09:03

I stayed too long at a toxic job, and it damaged my health. It’s not worth it. I didn’t have to tell them that they were rotten. They knew that. There is always something else out there. Walking out is confronting tyranny.

ShellBellShow - 26.09.2023 21:39

You know what's awful? I didn't keep my mouth shut. I became a whistleblower. Guess who kept their job? My boss. Because she failed to report, (duty to report), I did and they came after me for it. I’m drowning over here in this mess and I'm struggling to bring myself out of it.

Danica Auge
Danica Auge - 23.09.2023 18:49

You need to consider housewives as women at work who are being abused and they need to speak up and consider leaving their jobs for safety and security and welfare so many other reasons I could go on forever this is always something that seems to be forgotten when we discuss issues like this and women at home are never ever embodied as employed in the workplace etc it’s so archaic grow up people really it’s the 21st. century and if women work at home raising their children they should be treated equally because this aged dilapidated ideology has no place in our society anymore enough is enough!!!

bray - 10.09.2023 18:45

the only reason i’m going to speak up against my boss is because i’ve asked for help from my supervisor, i’ve asked for help from other bosses. and they haven’t done anything. so i’m taking it into my hands. there’s apparently a chain of command and i’m breaking that because i’m tired. i am going to tell my boss and if i get let go then oh well, im in college. i really don’t need this job right now

John Berry
John Berry - 10.09.2023 15:14

This hit home HARD !! And if anyone else works as an RN you know this speaks to you !
The horrors, neglect, disregard, mental abuse and cavalier attitude towards the well being of another human being because, “It’s not in the budget” is what we deal with daily.
NO ONE regardless of occupation has to witness the suffering that is willingly and knowingly allowed to occur in a nursing facility. These things, moral insults, destroy your soul !
