How Gemstones Form From Igneous & Metamorphic Processes (12 Examples!) GEO GIRL

How Gemstones Form From Igneous & Metamorphic Processes (12 Examples!) GEO GIRL


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GEO GIRL - 31.05.2023 17:20

CORRECTION: I was wrong about jade! Sorry guys, I clearly got sloppy with my research near the end of the gem list. Jade refers to either jadeite or nephrite, not a mixture of the two. There is no such thing as a 'jadeite-nephrite mixture'. They are both formed in metamorphic zones of oceanic-continental crust collisions, but in different environments. Jadeite is a pyroxene that forms along the oceanic crust boundary in blueschist and eclogite facies metamorphism, under high pressure. Nephrite is an amphibole that forms during metasomatic replacement of serpentinite in the mantle wedge, under lower pressure. People didn’t learn until the 1860s that the two types of jade were very different mineral species, so we continue to call both minerals “jade”, but they are always found separately, not together! Thank you @tedetienne7639 for pointing this out! Sorry again everyone for the misinformation!

deisisase - 19.10.2023 01:54

Are some pegmatites made of gold or silver?

Harry Robson
Harry Robson - 07.10.2023 08:32

PLEASE DO TRANSITION METAL COLOURS!!! haven’t finished video yet or checked if u already have but pls do :)

Sergio Ortega
Sergio Ortega - 02.10.2023 11:16

Hello friend, you know years ago I started collecting how to invest and save and I made a small collection of rubies and others but now. I don't know how to sell them. I would really like some advice, thank you for your time.

김영진 - 29.09.2023 08:32

안녕하세요~.광물 분석도 하십니까?~ (세렌디바이트)

mobitel srilanka
mobitel srilanka - 19.09.2023 19:14

hello i am from sri lanka who knows about srilankan gems?

Jose Pablo Luna Sanchez
Jose Pablo Luna Sanchez - 29.08.2023 16:47

Many people look for shiny mirrors, I was looking for a diamond that looks like coal in the outside. This is how I found my wife. She has a heart of gold. This is what I call marriage geology. She was forged by fire in her life.

Whatever - 22.08.2023 01:04

I wish there was more distinction in everyone's discussions between Beryl and Tourmaline and corundum. They all have very similar growth habits and are always talked about together. As someone with dyslexia this makes them all a category for me and I find it almost impossible to keep them separated. Especially with all the list of elements that always accompany these conversations. Yes it is part of the nature of the material but I do not have a good enough handle on the material to have a suggestion on change.

Eduardo S.
Eduardo S. - 16.08.2023 08:48

Very nice video. Yes, I would be happy to see a video about why transition metals are responsible for the colors in gemstones. Thanks geogirl.

pucky - 12.08.2023 08:10

I'd like a video about transition metals affecting color of gems please.

Tiger Tiger
Tiger Tiger - 11.08.2023 13:10

🤯… you know you stuff

Grigori One
Grigori One - 11.08.2023 09:35

Life is: perpetual metamorphic chaotic perfection , a biological imploding explosion of pressure and resistance .

DragonHawke Clouse
DragonHawke Clouse - 10.08.2023 16:25

so, i clicked on this, because i was hoping that it was going to tell me the pressures needed to make these things. And you did that for diamonds, so i was ecstatic over the idea of sapphires, and, didn't mention the pressures or heat for them

James Finnerty
James Finnerty - 10.08.2023 14:51

Transition metal affect on colourisation would be a great video. Need to brush up, err...relearn a lot of chemistry. Thanks!

Astroponicist - 08.08.2023 16:38

You are now on my 'Sexy Scientist' playlist. Very nice videos by the way. very detailed & accurate as far as I can tell that is why I want to ask you what your thoughts are regarding what gem stones might be found in asteroid mining. I am aware that very little is currently known but I would be very interested in your thoughts.

Stephen Verges
Stephen Verges - 07.08.2023 08:53

So, what trace causes yellow sapphires? White Sapphires?


Be well.
Be safe



Kimberly Perrotis
Kimberly Perrotis - 27.07.2023 17:49

Wonderful, two generations of lady geologists in one family! I wasn’t among the very first ice-breakers, but in the 80s, there weren’t many of us around.

Kimberly Perrotis
Kimberly Perrotis - 27.07.2023 17:41

To me, only the big three are gemstones: diamond, corundum and emerald/beryl. Everything else is a semi-precious stone, mineral or mineral aggregate.
