Girls, what inappropriate questions about guys have you always wanted answered?

Girls, what inappropriate questions about guys have you always wanted answered?

Bobnob Studios

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Anormos - 02.11.2023 21:57

No comments to the last one O.O?

Severin Hawkland
Severin Hawkland - 26.10.2023 17:01

I think women who can do stuff themselves are quite attractive.

Gaming Gamer
Gaming Gamer - 24.10.2023 21:55

What do you do with you j*zz after you c*m?
Or do you spurt it straight into a condom/toilet/something I couldn't think of right now?

Ramon Alex Ferreira
Ramon Alex Ferreira - 22.10.2023 18:11

Here in Brazil we Hug ALL the time,everybody.

nightmastercool97 97
nightmastercool97 97 - 22.10.2023 04:18

I would sleep with 8 gals I personally know that I would like to sleep with

Shawn Wilt
Shawn Wilt - 22.10.2023 01:33

When i was in colege our health clinic had a Sex Jeopardy night with a Q&A session afterwards

I was a Ressident Assistant in the dorm where this was held. Three of us men had been picked to be the contestants ahead of tume. The three of us went out and had pizza and drinks before the event. Lets just say it was very fun and our being lit helped the whole thing be a huge success.
At the end, in the Q&A session this young woman raised her hand with a question. The medical clinic doc called on her and the ypung woman asked "Why do huys put their hands on your head when they getting oral sex?"

I practically jumped out of my seat and raised my hand into the air to answeer that question. The lady doc from the medical clinic was like "oh i am hpinh to regret this. Ho ahead, tell us why."

I said "Men put our hands on a woman head while she is giving us head because when we (i syarted clapping and going "YAY! YAY!!" ) women hey upset."

The whole room of about 70 people including the women and tge lady doc broke out in gut busting laughter. When everyone had calmed down the lady doc asked one of tge other guys on the panel what their thoughts were and he simply said "No, he's right. YAY!!!" Everyone crackrd up again.

Zerenza - 20.10.2023 09:37

So about that "Doing masculine things" thing. The primary reason is how Men are often raised. As a man i was pretty much always taken out of the house to help grandpa with things he considered "Manly". Such as hunting, which I hated because he made me shoot a bunny. Mechanic work, Plumbing, Yard Work(I'm allergic to pollen and grass.) and I mean the list goes on and on really. Constantly being told that no matter what I have to protect my sister, I have to fight, ect. It really took a tole on me mentally for a good portion of my life because I was quite the opposite of what he wanted me to be.

I like pastel colors and always have, I hate killing things, I'm not good at mechanic work or yard work, I'm not able to do physical labor for a long time because of a Weak Constitution. But what I did like was Sewing and Drawing. Instead of supporting me, he kind of steered me away from the things I liked. It really messed me up as a kid honestly because I was always a bit more feminine to the point of everyone assuming I was gay when I definitely wasn't and still am not.

So, a lot of men are raised this way. We're basically forced to like certain things and act a certain way, because that's what the societal norm was for out parents and in a lot of places that's what the societal norm still is. Thankfully we live in a world now where women can do SOOOOO MUCH and personally, I found that I actually like headstrong, ambitious and skilled women, it's incredibly attractive to me and I'd love to date someone who fits that bill, I don't even care if she makes more than me either, if anything that's less for me to worry about because I truthfully don't think I could date a woman who completely relies on me for survival.

Martin Walker
Martin Walker - 13.10.2023 23:27

Preying mantis or Black Widow, if a woman isn’t worth dying for then she isn’t worth chasing.

Maverick Crow
Maverick Crow - 13.10.2023 16:20

Ive been thought of as gay, but this partly because of my peppy attitude, and because of childrens media having more female representation of homosexuality, i often express my annoyance that there is less male representation. Annoyingly, like Chandler bing, its usually women who think this 😑

Chris daCorte
Chris daCorte - 10.10.2023 05:42

listen to me. cuz im gettin a little tired of repeating this. this is mostly for the ladies. ALL-SIZE-BOOBS-ARE-THE-BEST-BOOBS. Anyone that says otherwise is either a LIAR or has very little to no experience.

Death Star Stallion
Death Star Stallion - 07.10.2023 09:39

I genuinely have no idea where women come across some of these men lol

zerstorer335 - 01.10.2023 08:06

Regarding a woman doing “masculine things”: The issue of “let me do that, I’m a guy” comes mostly from how he’s been brought up to be ready to do those things and to feel some of what he brings to the table is the ability to do those things for the woman in his life. When anybody gets a chance to shine or to at least do things they prepared for and that bring value to others, they want to do it. And it shows up in men’s other friendships, too, because guys like having a role. Maybe they’re something like the hunter, fitness guy, home repair guy, finance guy, the guy with a big truck for hauling, or brewer in their friend group. They like having that feeling they’ve got something to contribute. When an opportunity to use those qualities arises, they’re eager to take the opportunity.

SOME feel women cannot or should not do those things. But I think most are just looking for the opportunity to contribute and are more bothered by not getting that chance than they are by the woman’s capabilities.

Jon “Froboy”
Jon “Froboy” - 28.09.2023 17:16

how could you NOT tell someone is post op? also that's part of getting to know someone before you sleep with them, its not like every person goes "nice shoes, wanna fuck?"

Soulwrite7 - 27.09.2023 23:23

Re : Testicular pain.
Take the pain of striking your "funny bone" nerve. Multiply this between 5 to 50 times (depending on the type/force of trauma) and locate the pain in your genital region. Now apply gut churning nausea. If the above multiple was more than 15, the nausea scales proportionally to the pain.

At least, this is my extrapolated explanation to the opposite gender based on several minor impacts and a couple of twists over the years. I don't think it is quite analogous to giving birth, though they may rate similar on a pain scale. If a woman who has given birth can provide equally as detailed description, I would be interested. Based on what I have seen and heard, this is how I think childbirth may feel, though feel free to correct me.

Labor, I imagine, feels like muscle craps times by 5 to 15, located in the central abdominal, and accompanied by proprtional nausea with a factor of 0.1 to 0.4. Giving birth feels like sounding with a larger rod than accustomed multiplied by a favor of 30 to 80. Alternatively forced anal penitration multiplied by 50 to 100. During this muscle cramps increase to a factor of 20 to 40, while the nausea dissipates. Once again, correct my numbers or analogies where needed, I am curious.

So, while peak pain I suspect can be equivocation on, labor is more intense and longer than the recovery pain after testicular trauma. Thus, total pain is more during childbirth. However, it should be noted that it is significantly easier to inflict such pain on a man, unexpectedly, immediately, and without warning. As testicular trauma is a torture method, there are undoubtedly men who have experienced more total pain than any women during childbirth, though this is a vanishing tiny minority mainly historical.
