Gender Dysphoria

Gender Dysphoria

Phoenix Animations

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@Rinsixel - 08.12.2023 04:48

I dont have it but I have a very high pitched voice

@heyitseli2 - 08.12.2023 03:05

Stop transgenders!

@heyitseli2 - 08.12.2023 03:05

Stop transgenders!

@heyitseli2 - 08.12.2023 03:05

Stop transgenders!

@krimsun4049 - 08.12.2023 03:04

I myself believ that god gave me a challenge to live with an asymetrical body and face. I embrace it as I know god created me with love, obv not everyone believes in religion but this is what I believe when it comes to Dysphoria :P

@ameliab324 - 06.12.2023 23:16

People always make up strange comparisons to describe it, like the shoes or 'walking into the wrong classroom'. And I can be mistaken, but I feel like it's much simpler than that (I don't have gender dysphoria, so, as I said, I may be wrong) - I think it's way simpler to say 'How would you feel if suddenly you woke up in a body of the opposite sex? How would you feel hearing people refer to you as a boy\girl (depending on the cis person's gender)?'. I think most of us would see how that may feel pretty awful, or at least weird. There's no need to get poetic about it.

@smallFrie43 - 06.12.2023 19:38

I don’t understand why people feel terrible from getting misgendered.




I disliked the video LMAO


You will never be a real women 😂

@clydethezoo - 04.12.2023 08:43

I'm transpecies so I know what It's like 🙄🙄 I identify as a dog and people keep saying it's wrong to have intercourse with the species I identify as, so bigoted 🙄🙄 💋

@libfer - 03.12.2023 21:16

boohoo lil bro

@Snazzyperson126 - 03.12.2023 20:56

I’m disappointed by this comment section. Why are transphobes even clicking?

@MF2Official - 03.12.2023 01:58

I wish I found this video sooner maybe then I could properly understand what I was feeling at least I figured it all out tho

@deadrats1441 - 02.12.2023 21:06

As a female-born non-binary, i don't have gender dysphoria, i even like what i look like. Though it feels kinda weird looking in the mirror and seeing a body that doesn't really belong to me, i feel like this is just hazardous: what i mean by that is you're born with a gender, and a completely made-up body that you don't decide of. It's just something that has nothing to see with gender for me, so i guess that's why i don't have gender dysphoria.
And to all the people suffering from it, be brave ❤ i also have many mental issues, but not dysphoria. I know, but i don't understand. It's two different things. I support you guys, even though i don't understand! <3

@pricklypear300 - 02.12.2023 13:00

Distraction might not cover it, as I have broken down multiple times doing some athletic activities. The more repetitive and monotonous that distraction is, the easier it seems for the intrusive, dysphoric thoughts to creep in. Anyway, hope you are doing well.

@jaromino77 - 02.12.2023 09:06

Your "true self" is relative, its what you decide it to be and thats the amazing part of being free. So just because you dont necessarily feel like youre true self doesnt mean theres some predestined calling you have to fulfill. If youre like me, you can decide that who you are is your true self ❤

@cupofjoe1785 - 02.12.2023 06:09

Thank you to all the cis people in this comment section trying to explain being trans to trans people. Seriously I JUST WANT TO BE A GIRL WHY DO YOU HAVE SUCH A BIG PROBLEM WITH THAT

@jtharris3522 - 02.12.2023 00:47


@jasperoles7255 - 01.12.2023 22:56

you are what you are

@MrWW2nerdInTheComments - 01.12.2023 22:27

is existance dysphoria a thing?

@alpha_jasperflair1097 - 01.12.2023 17:08

My whole childhood ive been very boyish but since nowadays i just decided to act like other girls, become elegant, have long hair wear skirts or dresses, but still something feels off, especially the way i act, which is still boyish, the way i walk, the way i sit, or my posture, even my parents sees it often, and say its just not very fitting for a girl like me, but im glad i never realized my boy best friend, was always attracted to me just being myself, he liked me this way as a tomboy.

@martind2520 - 01.12.2023 17:05

Yep, that is all correct.
But the important thing to remember is that the problem is in your head, not actually with your body.

Which is crap, obviously, because head problems are much harder to deal with, but pretending otherwise is just lying to yourself.

@zowzkosmosu8574 - 01.12.2023 16:48

this is so short but so important..


Of course the jews are behind this


This is why we should stop believing science 😂 They are the same people who claim we are a bunch of temporary hairy skin walkers living on a floating sphere in the void 😂 Please god help us

@TheComedyGeek - 01.12.2023 10:06

I'm too weakly embodied to feel dysphoria.

@Gloopp - 01.12.2023 07:36

I have unfortunately felt out of place for a long time (for many reasons) yet was able to deal with it for a while. But it's gotten worse recently where I start feeling like crap every time I wake up knowing I'm not actually fine with myself. I envy my three sisters and they make me feel so unappreciated when they talk crap about men with their friends and then say something like "oh youre not like them though". Like tying a ribbon on a deep wound. Social media has made me lose hope for similar reasons, you see it everywhere now. Feel like crap for not getting along with other boys and for having feminine hobbies. The way i understand is that it's both a body and gender issue for me but it makes me so upset knowing i cannot fix these things. I used to be able to manage these thoughts but now I just cry if im able to

@checkcommunity4moreinfo - 01.12.2023 07:10

Transphobia is better

@AutisticMuddafucca - 01.12.2023 06:20

This is easily the worst comment section I’ve ever seen

@leechgrl - 01.12.2023 02:17

as a trans fem this is 100% true and the cis ppl in my life told me it helped them understand better. I just wanna say that it manifests itself differently in everyone, and a lot of ppl dont even realize their shoes are on backwards per se! Its not always something youre consciously aware of either, even if you know youre dysphoric it probably impacts you in ways you havnt even unpacked yet! at least for me, coming out as trans and starting hrt has led me too finding new shit about myself out like every day. So ya be safe transylvania nation 🏳️‍⚧️ ily 💕💕

@theoslegos2034 - 30.11.2023 20:45

Way to fight gender stereotypes, by assuming that all women have long hair and giant sillicone tits, you dick biscuits

@YermIncorporated - 30.11.2023 17:53

Pretty sure dysphoria is classed as a mental illness

@batt300 - 30.11.2023 09:11

I used to be transphobic last year and now I'm experiencing this shit again and again. I hate myself.

@Musand - 30.11.2023 08:56

This video is so nice. I haven’t come out to my family at all yet, I want to so badly, but they’re a few people in my family that I know would be very upset with me if they knew and the other family I’m just not sure. The only person I know in my family that would be cool is my brother, yet I still can’t work up the courage to tell him. Also the hoodie and pants part is so true, I just default always to a t shirt or hoodie with pants. When I get called “he” or “him” I just try to put a mental block between it so as to not let it get to me it sucks. Good luck to everyone.

@Harrow567 - 30.11.2023 08:41

This is very sad and I know people that used to have it people that do have it and has seen a lot of people deal with this. It’s not a great thing, these people go through😢

But if you are going through gender, dysphoria, or something else similar to that please, before you do any severe things, go and get proper help from a proper therapist to confirm that you have it because some other disorders show some symptoms that are similar and keep some time for yourself❤❤

Stay safe out there

@irradiatedpacific - 30.11.2023 05:56

I really like the analogy of shoes. I'm bigender and while being pushed into the category of "male" didn't really "hurt" me persay, it did feel disingenuous to myself to call myself. just that. I suppose it felt like wearing two left shoes. It didn't affect me to be a guy, but it felt weird to not be a gal too. I feel a lot more like i'm wearing both shoes correctly now. Pretty balanced.

@yinreis4961 - 30.11.2023 05:12

Vaya, con que eso era lo que sentía, muchas gracias por este lindo video, me hiciste sentir mejor conmigo mismo.

Wow, that's what I felt, thank you very much for this nice video, you made me feel better about myself.


@EllainDarragh995 - 30.11.2023 04:02

This can also have a lot of overlap with the experience of Neurodivergent people. Not exactly that we don't belong in our bodies, but that we don't belong in society, and we try to change ourselves so that we can belong, but no matter how hard we try, it is never enough, and it can lead to feelings of burn out, or frustration and self hate. I mean, everyone else seems to fit in easily, so why is it so hard for us? What is wrong with us that we can't seem to do so simple a task as fitting in? I know I've asked myself these questions multiple times, beat myself up every time I "failed" to fit in. But, what I've learned, and am still learning, is that I don't have to fit in. I don't have to try and change just so I can be accepted by society. And, being me is hard, sometimes, especially when I do feel like I am alone in the world, but it is so much better than trying, and feeling to be something I'm not. And, to all of you that are going through those same things, know that you sre not alone. We, all of us, are right there with you. We understand what you are going through, and we accept you for who you are, not who society wants you to be. And, hopefully, in time, you can come to accept yourself too. You are trying your best, and that's all anyone can ask of you. All anyone should ask of you. Remember, you are beautiful, wonderful, and unique. Never give that up.

@Eddscolacan - 30.11.2023 03:54

I struggle with gender dysphoria and this video makes me feel so..understood. like, I don't know what I am, and it makes me anxious, sad, deppressed, everyone has a lable, but I can't find mine. sometimes I'm a girl or a guy or both or neither but I'm not none binary or gender fluid, those labels don't feel right for me. It's weird, I get an ick when someone calls me queen and I don't feel comfy in girly clothing but sometimes I do and It's so confusing. I don't know what I am and it freaks me out, I constantly change my prounouns from he they to she her to all to he him, It's like I'll never find what I am, and it scares me. thank you for uploading this, even if it was 5 years ago <3

@ejt12 - 30.11.2023 02:51

Yall need to know the difference between your feelings and reality, and stop caring.

@bugbeast21 - 30.11.2023 01:31

Not real. Nobody asked. Doesn’t matter.

@ttsamu - 30.11.2023 00:16

people with body dysphoria are not able to see the reality as it is and accept it so they imagine something they are not in order to feel comfortable. And NO, creating a new reality to live in is not the solution. You should try and accept that things are like that for a reason. Accept reality as it is and you'll live happier

@theskuli5411 - 29.11.2023 23:59

cope shit


Skibidi dop dop yes yes


Cringe 😂


Coward 😂

@Sylvia_does_silly_stuff - 29.11.2023 13:37

its not that easy
it never was
