Worst NFT Game EVER? | The Walking Dead: Empires Gameplay and Review

Worst NFT Game EVER? | The Walking Dead: Empires Gameplay and Review


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@Dradeeus - 03.04.2023 00:21

Think it's funny that in a game about the chaotic zombie apocolypse, where all of society and governing bodies have fallen, land rights, bought by money, are still enforced and respected.

@lus_gaming - 24.01.2024 11:20

can't disagree with this one at all...

@superrkujo157 - 22.01.2024 10:32

project zomboid better

@LordMoku - 22.01.2024 04:17

I would laugh at the NFT bros spending millions on nothing, if I didn't know that money was going to the absolute scum-sucking vultures behind these """""games""""". This is truly a no-win scenario.

@TemporarySec - 21.01.2024 07:03

Thay game has the most annoying art style i have ever seen

@ryanblack5967 - 21.01.2024 02:30

I really do feel like blockchain games have the potential to exist in their own corner of the gaming marketshare, I just don't think anyone has figured out how to properly make one yet.

Developers still seem to force an economy on the game at the expense of gameplay to make more NFT sales, similar to mobile games, which just milk the player for microtransactions.. where I think a game could exist that implements blockchain/nfts in a way that is an interesting mechanic on top of already good gameplay.

Not for kids who expect to spend 30$ to play a game for 50h. more like for people with excess income and a gambling addiction. Would I play them right now? no. does that mean they will always be terrible? no.

@Nurr0 - 20.01.2024 19:19

Am I the only one who thinks this looks like a worse version of Dysmantle?

@ViaLoona - 20.01.2024 14:24

Conclusion: NFT is a scam. Jeez does seriously someone purchased those plots? This amount of money for what?

@fort1nit3_balls - 19.01.2024 22:54

This just seems like the generic last day on earth copy: third person,pick up the everything,almost the same battle style cant dodge and trading damage, and more. I think theres a few differences but anything else than is just a copy of your generic ldoe game

@jeffdidnot - 19.01.2024 07:04


@Arauto_Kagnos - 19.01.2024 06:04

Brazil mentioned.

@SuperWeapons2770 - 19.01.2024 02:22

Congrats on being the highest viewed The Walking Dead: Empires video!

@christabox5542 - 18.01.2024 08:14

Hey, at least it is "an game"

@cyonu5675 - 17.01.2024 18:12

This is code for code, model for model, a copy of a successful mobile game, they saw that game and replicated it. The only unique part of this is the fact that it's an MMO.

@C0ND3V1L - 17.01.2024 08:36

Exploder zombie o.O thats a new one in the walking dead universe xd

@ArthurN-nl1mk - 15.01.2024 10:25

algum brasileiro???

@user-jl8ny4fs7u - 12.01.2024 00:53

haha first as you said, you take player view, but you speak about price...(its free to play, but if you want play to earn you can get nft and claim reward) Then Walking dead is in beta testing so tutorial, story telling and others will come when the game will be on prod. Look lile a hater post than constructive post.

@meodrac - 04.01.2024 02:27

I got an axie ad wtf
This the first time I got an nft ad lmao

@nightgarla - 03.01.2024 15:58

was gonna say "this game looks pretty fun too bad its crypto" until i remembered there is a free mobile game (last day on earth or smthn) that looks andplays identically to this game, and doesnt have any crypto stuff

@vivivagina - 03.01.2024 07:41

this guy is a idoit! shrem is one of most belove walking dead character

@Sakunyeh - 01.01.2024 04:17

You should totally do one on Fancy bird im curious.

@metamonr - 01.01.2024 03:04

Algum brasileiro?

@johnmager9364 - 31.12.2023 18:33

nft games are like supreme merch but instead of marketing to hypebeasts, they're targeted at nft investors with the emotional capacity of a praying mantis. theyre all video games made by/for people with the shallowest understanding of what a video game is. these videos depress me in a way because it shows how fucking hopeless our money is, and that our speculative economy is currently shifting more and more towards nonsense like this as the real value of thing is toally lost. NFTs gained traction as a malicious scheme to generate money from thin air (or claim to) and sold the idea to enough imbeciles to essentially inflate its value artificially like a runescape merching guild, and enough imbeciles bought in to restructure the actual world economy and focus of technological development. Can you imagine what could be done if half as much effort went into producing passionate and good products versus marketable ones? these kinds of things are evidence of the next dark age. boomer rant over

@ryanpriebe9751 - 22.12.2023 01:22

If an apocalyptic virus finally reduces us to “man vs zombie”, literally anyone who says “you have to pay me to use that” is going to have their life unexpectedly terminated because, like, why not? 🤷‍♂️

@toplel9746 - 21.12.2023 01:11

Another Walking 'Dead game'

@shawnpallaya - 16.12.2023 11:32

loll ya, im already struggling to pay bills and put food on the table, lemme just, casually spend what little i have left on something the 'devs' can take away on a whim, sounds like a wonderful idea

@conman9957 - 15.12.2023 19:53

everytime I notice the twighlight town ost I feel like I am losing my mind then realise it is in fact the twilight town ost. The music is so faint but man impactful

@fum716 - 14.12.2023 20:17

This is FrostBorn, a mobile game that is actually pretty fun and has more features and onlyregular mobile game in app purchases, it has dodge mechanics and dungeons lmao! its also Free to Play. The game is way neater than this turd

@TheMadAfrican1 - 14.12.2023 15:50

Some people just should not have financial freedom. Idiots out there making scum sucking piles of rotten cartilage like Gala rich.

@Beencheeling - 14.12.2023 00:48

God this game is just like a common mobile game. You know the ones i'm talking about right? It's just like thoes but it has a diferent scenario and i'm bored of thoes games because literally if you want anything good you gotta pay up for it now ofc this game takes the cake on this one but it's honestly baffeling to see such poor marketing. NFTs have fallen out of favour a long time ago even if sandbox annoying ads keep popping up the thing with invest in our games befause yooo ur getin richhh has fallen since 2021 and it's of course not worth it. Now this guy recording's a absolute legend because he even thinks about playing this stuff

PS: If you didn't know the tgames i was talking about are: Cyberika and Grim soul made by the same dev and being direct copies to you guessied it Cyberpunk and The Whitcher

@RouxColdMilk - 12.12.2023 18:58

the cross eyed profile pic in top left kills me

@dyslexics8n670 - 12.12.2023 09:13

The amount of effort you put into the videos about these games that seem to have less effort put into them than you have for the video about them, is commendable; but also, what did you do to be cursed with this purpose? Lol

@parom222 - 12.12.2023 05:13

Last day on earth ripoff

@artavenuebln - 12.12.2023 01:29

i researched who is stupid enough to play this game and ... i found only one answer: every single one was indian. there are even some content creators for this game, also a indian dude.

@sailingthroughemotion - 12.12.2023 00:05

“endless fields of trees, rocks and abandoned cars” isn’t really the least accurate way to describe Georgia tho lmaO

@quartzninja - 11.12.2023 05:04

This shitty "totally not mobile game" game makes me appreciate TWD Survival Instinct.

@crawfish7456 - 10.12.2023 20:37

This game is a copy/paste of Last Day on Earth mobile game

@TheRealDeadRock - 09.12.2023 02:33

Fuck man, that frame of Pc vs Mobile gaming chairs is amazing. Im sure it was a meme beforehand or something but that's still gold.

@Pipkiablo - 07.12.2023 17:59

I just realized the game is literally encouraging people to buy NFTs so they can be the Negan to all the other players.

@kirkfernandes7236 - 07.12.2023 01:32

@Jauwn, give us a review of Leage of Kingdoms please

@guavapaste - 06.12.2023 23:34

So in short, TWDE is basically Project Zomboid but with NFTs, unoriginal survivor mechanics derived from Minecraft and slow progression.

@nino7028 - 06.12.2023 00:01

I think you are wrong. This is not the walking dead, but the walking beggar. Those aren't zombie's but homeless people who were thrown out by the landowners.

@buwgew - 01.12.2023 01:10

ah so thats what georgia looks like

@sonic_boredom - 23.11.2023 23:54

HOW do you make the walking FUCKING dead into NFTrash

@midnightz7 - 23.11.2023 22:40

Never having heard anything of this game, I was curious and did a quick web search. It has a reddit page and based on the traffic there I'd say the game hasn't exactly taken the world by storm - half a dozen posts, in total, all two years old, and with a single comment in one of the threads. Nine group members though, which seems surprisingly high.

@getdababyd5417 - 23.11.2023 15:31

albion onlinebetter

@hyperdude144 - 23.11.2023 12:36

Imagine playing this in the same universe that Left for Dead or World War Z exist.
