Why Asians Are Good At Math - Jimmy O. Yang

Why Asians Are Good At Math - Jimmy O. Yang

Jimmy O Yang

4 года назад

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@dannydecheeto7350 - 10.07.2020 21:29

Bro ur hilarious. Keep up the good work we love youuu!

@markmatrahegyi639 - 14.01.2024 01:36

You are a legend Jimmy! I always laugh my pants off. You made my day again :P

@parthgandhi9754 - 11.01.2024 15:26

i mean like laughing in the live show is cool and shit, i dont find anything thing in this funny

@dennisdennisdennis. - 08.01.2024 00:06


@absnobody - 07.01.2024 16:59

I'm Brazilian and finished two Kumon Programs, Math and Portuguese. I laughed a lot with this video, specially since I hadn't realized before (even though I was at Kumon for some 8 years of my life!) that Kumon`s logo is NOT a happy face hahaha

@oklu_ - 06.01.2024 15:46

구몬학습이 중국에도 있는거였어......??

@winstonmiu - 06.01.2024 11:37

As an Asian who did Kumon, I can relate.

@paulbunyangonewild7596 - 28.12.2023 02:41

Oh gosh, for me it's not that my parents didnt let me use a calculator, it's just growing up they sat beside me as I did it and all those nights of him yelling at me about multiplication, the calculator was no where in this equation. We occasionally used them in class but yeah, I very rarely used a calculator. Then when my dad had to get a "real job" for double income, (cause during the day he'd do roofing then afternoon to night he'd work at food lion) I just straight up stopped doing my homework, but that didn't matter too much cause even with that I still got good grades on my regular school work, I still passed all my classes, but with an overall C because apparently homework is worth a third of your grade, did you know that? I never had it put so directly to me until my senior year, and by then it was already too late.
Don't hate on me too hard though, because from elementary school to first year of high-school I struggled day in day out with depression from my family's disapproval of my sexuality, not only that but me being a kid who just is the religion my parents believed, they had me convinced got hated me too, and that really takes alot out of you, makes you not feel like doing anything, never played video games all that much, not as much as I would've like because getting out if bed to change the tv channel and picking the game I want a play if I even felt like playing it, was all too much work, I'd look at the game disk and say "mmmmmeh" and go lie back down, and that's how I'd be for years, until freshman year I came out to someone and made it official to myself. But then of course my parents, never wanting me to have a moments peace, decided they'd start fighting each other every time they were home, now ask yourself this, would have bothered to do YOUR home work is this was the case, when you were passing anyways? I bet you wouldn't.

Of course now that I make games I use math and multiplication all the time everyday, I love math.

@DiepSpartan119 - 02.12.2023 19:38

For Chinese people but for me as Vietnamese my parents don’t care 🤷‍♀️

@soonersciencenerd383 - 02.12.2023 12:33

i enjoyed pissing off my math teacher during class.
she'd write an equation on the chalk board, and tell us to solve it. i'd go up to the chalk board, and solve it, right in front of her. everyone laughed, and she'd tell me to "show my work"... (i hated it when they tell you that.) so, i wrote "SHOW MY WORK". everyone laughed...(but i solved the equation, and a lot faster than she did.

@alan30189 - 27.11.2023 19:36

In less than 250 years of its existence, and even less than 200 years, the advancement of the economy of the United States has far surpassed that of China. We’re still far ahead. Communism doesn’t work. So there’s that.
It wasn’t until China started to adapt some capitalist policies, that they advanced. They also don’t pay their workers anything, giving them an unfair advantage on manufacturing. Most people in China are poor.

@alan30189 - 27.11.2023 19:28

That’s great that they prohibit the use of calculators until kids are 15 years of age, but here’s the question:
If Asians were so smart, why couldn’t they invent the fork? To this day, they’re still using chopsticks to eat rice. Freaking ridiculous.

@captainspirou - 20.11.2023 13:42

The Asians being good at math stereotype is weird to me because the Asians I knew tended to have A’s in everything else too. Why isn’t the stereotype that they’re good at everything instead of just good at math?

@grantleach4064 - 04.11.2023 10:14

This is one of the funniest bits of all time

@dilipnanijey4812 - 24.10.2023 07:56

He's Math'urbating.. 😂😂

@BrendaCastro42 - 11.10.2023 16:00

Your quincenera! Hahaha

@0809lei - 06.10.2023 03:22

As an Asian mother I approve this 😂

@joshburns493 - 15.09.2023 09:17

I love ya man. Very funny.

@baileykurlov5110 - 25.08.2023 00:14

We were only allowed to use scientific calculator in school during our Physics class. Calculators are forbidden especially in Math classes

@junkim72913 - 23.08.2023 05:16

As an Asian boy I was forced to finish 12th grade reading in Kumon in 3rd grade. No shit sherlock.

@figurefilms6799 - 22.08.2023 21:42

My dad just used the Kumon books LOL

@MW-zy9qw - 17.08.2023 17:49

I had an 84+ silver addition lol

@toomuchfandango - 16.08.2023 14:17

Every time I watch JimmyOYang, I laugh!

@catherinerosa-baker2937 - 03.08.2023 01:49

He's funny but he's too crude for me

@valak1178 - 22.07.2023 08:33

I'm Asian but I'm bad at math, fuck that stereotype.

@SummerFrost23 - 17.07.2023 15:42

Know nothing about Kumon. But one of my previous students has ridiculous operations in math. I heard he did Kumon. He can count quite fast but most of the time he gives wrong answers almost in every steps to my questions. It was really annoying. He may have misconception that High School maths is just counting like Kumon, I guessed. Luckily, I dont need to teach him anymore . Good luck to those who will teach him soon.

@denivu2304 - 16.07.2023 19:30

Jokes aside. As an Asian, I can guarantee with you guys that 95% of students in my country are actually dumb at Math. We only know how to deal with math problems in the exams but don't actually understand what we're doing, the teachers give us bunch of formulas then tell us what formula to use and what steps to follow when we encounter a specific type of question. Most of the students don't understand what the formulas do, how they are made, how they work, etc. This is due to the fact that, all parents want their children to be very competitive and achieve highest grades possible (8-9/10 is considered to be the norm) so we are trained to do the exams not actually learning, it's even the norm for almost every students to take extra classes after school, we have to take additional math classes, physics classes, chemistry, English, etc. (None of my friends don't take extra classes). Tbh, I love math, physics and such but only when I learn them by myself from the internet, that's when I can fully understand all the cool concepts. However, the workload from school doesn't allow me to do so and whenever I think about not being able to learn things the way I want, I just want to oof myself so I can hopefully get spawned in America or Europe so I don't have to suffer from heavy workload and have more time to learn things my way. :( I hate my life, I hate my country. Stop with these bullshit competitions please

@Dracos210 - 06.07.2023 08:40

Meanwhile me who used calculator, had all rules and such written down and still couldn't do shit in math. Man i never hated anything more than math i really despise its very existence

@ved861 - 03.07.2023 20:18

i go to kumon and have those ti 83 calculators

@leo25337 - 03.07.2023 15:36

They are fascinated with maths, so they pay more attention

@Wolfsbane909 - 29.06.2023 06:12

I only got an calculator because I had to! Texas instruments calculator. And i was surprised, you didn't even have to show your math work on how you arrived at that conclusion!? 😮

@user-hp7gf3nq2u - 28.06.2023 23:29

구몬이 거기까지 갔단 말이야? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

@nicbentulan - 26.06.2023 07:18

This is like that episode of Dexter where Dexter clicks TO instead of FROM a site.

@Amarus - 22.06.2023 03:43

Maaaan I do NOT miss Kumon

@suhasinidas8678 - 20.06.2023 18:08

We couldn’t even carry calculations to school, forget using it.

@boning2991 - 08.06.2023 04:18

Me participated in Olympic math contest back in China during high school, until this day I still can’t figure out why there is such thing to begin with.

@PeanutGallery762 - 31.05.2023 20:56

Im white and i suffered from kumon… i feel the pain haha

@Burner-nf8ki - 29.05.2023 07:32

Not just Chinese most old school parents around the world did it. Nevertheless still is funny

@logeyperogi1805 - 27.05.2023 12:45

I remember, back in high school, I had a huge thing for this Asian girl in my class, she was funny, smart, beautiful

And she was also…REALLY GOOD AT MATH

So one day, we’re doing a test, I don’t even see the first question before this girl silently goes “Oh no”

Immediate panic ensues in my brain

We both ended up having to ask each other for help over Snapchat, fucking sending each other the answers to the questions the other person couldn’t figure out

That is the one and only test I’ve cheated on

So the whole joke that Asians are good with math, it’s a joke for a reason, obviously don’t take it seriously all the time, but remember it’s there because it’s not entirely false

@Yellowstonne - 17.05.2023 20:17

Wow this bit is an all time classic. It gets better every time I see it and gives me a new perspective on life 😅

@TenzingsWaifu - 16.05.2023 06:38

Bro really meant
That he must really like maths😂

@this_is_NOT_a_test - 19.04.2023 04:30

Proverbs 4:23-24
Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it. Keep your mouth free of perversity; keep corrupt talk far from your lips.

@kimberlys8422 - 06.04.2023 10:06

Some times I feel jealous because some kids have parents who cracks the whip so to speak.
My parents were drug addicts; my Dad, the smartest person ever know tried to help with number salad algebra

@foxherder - 17.03.2023 02:20

kumon is rsm for me

@DankSi - 11.03.2023 00:09

I probably possessed more math skills than my parents by age 8

@GloriousDash - 09.03.2023 11:29

Jimmya! 😂😂😂

@nivedhyaramesh9306 - 14.02.2023 20:24

In India, children are not allowed to use calculators when calculators can save them in maths. They are allowed to use it only at a point where a calculator do not have any role in solving maths.
I was not allowed to use a calculator until I finished school ( None of the children in CBSE would have used a calculator in school. I remember using logarithm table instead). I began to use a calculator at the age of 18 for my Bachelor's degree.

@brilee4772 - 11.02.2023 22:54

Detention camp you mean concentration camps. You know to concentrate

@SonicKitten - 04.02.2023 10:41

この人おもろすぎやろw w

@alliasstar7289 - 04.02.2023 05:23

All through elementary school, I was never allowed to NOT use a calculator. Like you actually got in trouble if you left it a home or something. And now I can't do mental math past a certain capacity like other people like my mom can. It really sucks. So I see why Asian parents are so against calculators when their child is young.
