Dash Cam Owners Australia October 2024 On the Road Compilation

Dash Cam Owners Australia October 2024 On the Road Compilation

Dash Cam Owners Australia

54 года назад

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@justink1075 - 27.11.2024 05:27

Well done MISSSY😂

@justanaverageguy1351 - 25.11.2024 08:16

That last driver would've been screwed if another car had pulled into the empty spot to her left 😬🙄

@michellewolfenden2092 - 20.11.2024 16:59

That person trying to get out of he disabled spot - my learner son drives better than you

@RaulNigli - 19.11.2024 14:41

Yet, the government insists that speed is the cause of our road toll. Wake up, Government, it's NOT. Your poor, lax, driver licencing system is. You go after people for minor parking issues but ignore all these morons.

Wish we all had ANPR and could report it instantly to the police. It's 2025. They should legislate ALL CARS should have a front and rear camera by default.

@RAFKHO101 - 18.11.2024 05:19

1.50 this so fed, bro was saved by god there holy

@januszwyrzykowski4533 - 15.11.2024 15:30

Need to come to dergholm Victoria pub in the scrub drunk drivers burn outs putting other people at risk Victoria Police don't care out here they don't do anything about it
Oh the latest bonfire going putting homes and properties in danger no cares high fire danger

@ronoxengineering - 15.11.2024 05:58

how many hit and run convictions happen thanks to DCOA i wonder

@bzac-instankarma - 14.11.2024 05:42

Many people drive extremely carelessly, without thinking ahead

@gandalf501 - 13.11.2024 17:13

The array of Darwin award potentials that forget they are controlling a 1.5 ton killing machine and think that they are GTA game with unlimited lives. I don't care if they take themselves out but I do care that they are putting everyone else at risk. The road rules are not there to keep the driver safe the rules are there to keep everyone else safe and the quicker everyone realises this, like the police and politicians, the quicker we will see a reduction in secondary deaths in the road tolls. It should be anyone caught doing 30km/h over the posted limit in a 70 or less zone automatically has their license cancelled. They can petition the courts (often 1 to 2 month process) to have it reinstated but it is cancelled in the meantime. Cancelled means back to Learner's they go. This time learn that that kind of speed endangers everyone else, not them so much.

@Mysticwolf101 - 13.11.2024 11:24

that last one is like wtfffff who gave u a license

@stefanbach7652 - 12.11.2024 09:37

Some people should not be allowed to be in control of any vehicle and sadly includes a scooter

@bt3411 - 11.11.2024 05:02

These are probably some of the worst examples of Australian driving that I've seen in quite a while. There really needs to be a change in the way road policing is conducted, with officers monitoring these videos and following up with action.

@astonbrowne8203 - 11.11.2024 02:30

this upload has some of the worst drivers i've even seen.

@tonywheatley6728 - 09.11.2024 18:13

If the footage is passed on to the police do they actually follow through on it?!

@Ruddpocalypse - 09.11.2024 17:58

Love the use of the simpsons audio for the first clip

@In0centz - 09.11.2024 08:07

You seriously tried to stop for a bird you absolute idiot.

@Tomwc000 - 09.11.2024 01:14

So we all agree to never drive again, yes?

@christopherfarlow9248 - 08.11.2024 10:17

Australian drivers are by far the absolute stupidest!!!!

@helmutbargeld728 - 07.11.2024 16:42

I actually find this channel really depressing - just to know that so many of my fellow countrymen are such closeted xenophobic simps that they'll get their knickers in a twist over nothing, and even feel the need to share their banal experiences by sending their videos in.

@TheHolyCheese75 - 07.11.2024 15:20

Hands down the most thrilling, lunatic filled compilation i've seen. Can definitely classify this one as a horror. So many near deaths.

@johnmccnj - 07.11.2024 12:02

If I was in that Hilux, I would have shat EVERYTHING. I mean, I wouldn't need to poop until 2046. Seat would never be clean again, though.

@ghazghkullthraka9714 - 07.11.2024 10:45

Why was October the month of the wrong lane?

@BigFurnyy - 07.11.2024 07:36

The idiot in the focus, near the end, man, what a crack up.

@duke3346 - 07.11.2024 04:08

WTF is going on in this country? I hope driving instructors and the roads authorities are proud of themselves. Absolutely disgraceful.

@BlendedRacerthe3DPrinter - 06.11.2024 09:17

"That spot's for the physically disabled, not mentally disabled mate"

@simonr23 - 06.11.2024 08:15

right off the bat - cuntis maximus.

@Chris-Brown- - 06.11.2024 05:06

The lost one, WTF

@jue_boy4135 - 06.11.2024 00:36

That last one.....disabled is fucking on point

@richardverren8121 - 05.11.2024 18:51

Why do we have to put up with all these bad drivers. Surely the police can watch your video and see the number plate and then go around and book drivers or suspend them immediately. Lack of political will to attack new immigrants who cannot drive in our conditions or who are used to 3rd world conditions and no road rules or manners. I need a shit box truck with a bull bar now.

@lunnchie - 04.11.2024 04:13

To be honest why would u put a pole in the middle of handicapped spots? just makin it harder aint it?

@redson425 - 03.11.2024 15:59

There is some really scary shit on this one.

@82muli - 03.11.2024 12:35

At what mark is the dipshit in the VE with liquid horsepower at?

@bigdonkeyballs6041 - 03.11.2024 12:32

Missssst, lol this time you didn't fuckwit

@ravenasylum-m2z - 03.11.2024 10:47

It's like, once they have their full license, they think they can drive any way they like 😅😅😅
