7 Things Only Highly Sensitive People Can Relate To

7 Things Only Highly Sensitive People Can Relate To


4 года назад

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@betsyfaircloth334 - 10.05.2023 19:46

i relate to everything but I don’t relate to number7as much….also unfortinately lot of people accuse us of bein bratty entitled &snuty….

@majosmajos6822 - 03.06.2023 22:42

how can i cure thi diesise

@trudykearney883 - 22.06.2023 00:14

All of them

@thehappiness2741 - 24.06.2023 23:40

Plz o want the background music of this video

@zob3412 - 31.07.2023 11:41

I wasn't sure whether I have hsp or not, but recently the doctor has told me that I'm indeed a highly sensitive person. Thank you for making this, it makes me feel that I'm not alone❤

@lavanyasuryawanshi4629 - 03.08.2023 13:02

i can relate to everything point 7/7 👍👍

@_hsp_me - 08.08.2023 18:22

i have All these 6 feeling but expecting sleep issue.. i can relate very much to me thank you pscho2go...

@gabby-248 - 24.08.2023 12:40

I wish I could share these videos with my family that apply to me, but they don't care. They'll just say it's nonsense or ignore it. So, as usual, I just keep everything to myself and struggle through the days.

@Memepage9 - 05.10.2023 09:56

I’m sensitive and cry other little things and my father doesn’t understand and said become man even I’m a Women not a man 😊😢 i hated

@sharonjones7138 - 31.10.2023 01:52

I relate to all of these. As I emerge from the cocoon and spread my wings 🦋, I’m embracing my authentic self. EMBRACING HER!!! And shaking off who narcissistic mother and bully enabler father groomed me to be. Literally struggling today as I grapple with a decision to leave a crochet group I enjoy. The leader is toxic. And, I don’t wanna be in her company. She does things based on her thinking & feelings for different members of the group. She is quite insensitive 😢 😠 to others making jokes about physical appearance that is the result of a medical condition 💔💔. Today I think was the last straw!!! I’m done. I spoke with a good friend about the events of this day and did ask “am I being too sensitive??” To which she responded “no, I think you’re thinking right”. I learned from my Grandmother to always do what’s right. For me to be in the company of a leader who doesn’t do this, is more than I want to handle. Thank you very much for your videos…that r so validating.

@aikoaikoaikoaikoaikoaiko - 07.11.2023 00:49

i relate to all of these but i don’t really have that much empathy so i don’t know if i’m a hsp or not or if it’s just my anxiety 💀

@Weirdo_Kai. - 26.11.2023 23:01

Every school day, I have lunch with my best friend. She's usually a very happy person and really outgoing. But one day, I noticed that under her eyes, her skin was slightly darker than usual. Almost like she hadn't gotten enough sleep last night, or she'd been crying a few hours ago. I didn't say anything about it because I thought I was overthinking. Then I noticed that she was a little quieter than usual and she was avoiding eye contact a bit more. I really wanted to ask if she was doing ok and if she needed to talk, but I was worried I was wrong. So I didn't say anything. I really regret not asking. But I know she's doing better now. So, I guess that's ok...

@nurzahidahrashidi - 02.12.2023 19:04

Just wonderin, does the 2nd symptom also apply to when reading a story? For example (this happens to me a lot cuz I read so much), whenever I read angst stories, my heart hurts so much and I make sure to know the character goes through comfort before it feels better?

@NightCloudI - 30.12.2023 22:34

I don't know if I'm an HSP, but I also feel like one. Loud sounds and bright lights overwhelm me. I also sometimes strugle in school because when I do something wrong and for example get a bad great or teacher is angry at me I will start crying and even though I try to stop it, I can't.
I've also had many strange phobias when I was younger. Not a typical fear of spiders but very weird things that no one else would be scared of. I'm also very sensitive to any violence in movies and I can't watch a single scene of horror movie because it would hunt me for months..

@sanguinesomnambulist - 31.12.2023 22:10

Wow... literally all of this

@MrPresidentWashington - 13.01.2024 17:57

ain't a hsp so this video is boring

@pierremercier4724 - 31.01.2024 06:04

7/7. That's so me!!!

@Nisa25399 - 01.02.2024 09:32

Except the first one I relate to all of them. Well, I like noisy environment only when I'm with my friends though.

@kay123destiny4 - 05.02.2024 08:35

I never watched something that describes me sooooo well omg ! 😮🥰

@mariefeeney6664 - 05.02.2024 20:33

It's like being born with one less layer of skin!!!

@siastadelmann2387 - 09.02.2024 15:24

The art style is SO adorable it made me really happy 💕
Up until now i wasn’t aware that being a HSP is an actual thing and that other people experience these intense feelings as well.
Thank you so much 💗

@frankieclayton9303 - 14.02.2024 23:07

Amen 🙏

@frankieclayton9303 - 14.02.2024 23:07

This is so correct

@khaldon9711 - 08.03.2024 07:28

Human beings are adaptive.

@kosullable - 09.03.2024 03:11

Thank you for great information, lucidly presented. But how sensitive is this: please don’t have background music on your videos. It’s very irritating. Your voice is music enough. Thank you.

@J_jerre09 - 10.04.2024 16:02

5/7 i think

@martinfoy9327 - 16.04.2024 10:34

My ex suffered from hsp. Every time I smashed in the rear and washed off in her mouth she freaked out

@Talklesssmilemore. - 03.05.2024 16:48

I often find myself only doing tasks when no one is around so that way no one can judge me and when someone is around I stop doing what ever it is I was doing till they leave

@ewelun - 25.06.2024 17:46

My father thinks I can just learn not to be sensitive to loud noise

@taylora8845 - 01.08.2024 16:29

As a guy who is a hsp, I always felt so embarrassed having ALL of these traits. Thanks for sharing this very helpful video, & as an anime fan, I loved the little movie that played along! (I could def relate to the sad sprouted protagonist lol!) 😥

@Milisa-rx8nf - 05.09.2024 06:38

And I notice anyone’s change in attitude or mode and other stuff in this vid I relate to some bit I don’t really find like loud place’s chaotic I kind find it more easier to concentrate idk why but idk why but I always end up crying any and everything even if it dosnt relate to me and I just don’t know what to do I always take everything to heart and hsp or am I just overreacting please someone tell me idkkk what to doo

@Vinsmoke_sanji16 - 26.10.2024 20:31

3) yes
5) yes
7) no

@azloii9781 - 14.11.2024 14:28

A lot of friends like to be mean to each other for “fun” and “light banter” which is fine if that’s what they want, but for me it just makes me cry and feel hurt and alone

@ThePerfectHaven - 18.11.2024 23:51

It’s highly doubtful that the percentage of people with HSP is so high. The inaccurate 20% is based on one study with an obvious skewed data base. When every day people look around them you realise the real amount of people with HSP is only about 1%. Completely sick of misinformation being thrown around because of a skewed study.

@RiddhiKantawalaShah - 21.11.2024 17:23

I was today years old to know HSP officially is a term. Otherwise, people tagged HSPs as empathetic people or over emotional.

@richardferrara - 24.11.2024 01:00

Anyone looking over my shoulder is in for a very, very nasty surprise

@spoons641 - 13.12.2024 11:40

I think the emotion one resonates way too well. It really affects me at work because everybody hates to come into work but actually enjoy my welding. Then the work environment gets negative then it just I don't know why.

@JustaRandomCarrot-r6f - 13.12.2024 15:59

I'm highly sensitive, and that actually helps me in understanding people more.

@Lilleeaah - 19.12.2024 02:23

I am a hsp, i hate it. No one who isn't highly sensitive understands how hard it is

@cruzdominguez8261 - 03.01.2025 01:43

I'm an HSP and I am also traumatic brain injury survivor. I get super brain overload very easily.

@bunnymayaplayzz - 20.01.2025 23:56

I cry at a "your a idiot" or. "Your an attention seeker*+

@editorjeannie2318 - 23.01.2025 22:48

I have to be mentally prepared to go to a noisy place- I can go to a concert, but then I'm out for days

@risingstone1599 - 30.01.2025 14:19

what if i'm just trying to get outta my comfort zone, sis? ahh

@robertpolnicky7702 - 06.02.2025 08:00

I've had trouble with my karaoke lately.

@robertpolnicky7702 - 06.02.2025 08:03

I have recently a crying problem with my karaoke. Which worries ne

@Creatopiaoriginal - 07.02.2025 15:24

Hiho im an diagnosed hsp!
And ye one thing that is weird about me is that I love parties when I'm in the mood or when I know my favorite genres are playing, and I hate loud sudden noises or the same songs over and over again on the radio but when I'm at peace I listen to loud music on my headphones to soothe myself

@CharlesJackson-x4u - 22.02.2025 12:08

Everyone of your videos are helpfu i never get tired of any of them🤫
