Self Publishing Titans

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Cheriza - 16.10.2023 13:43

What if you buy stock images for the book, which were made with AI without knowing?
Unpopular opinion: This is a never-ending story. And to mark AI content as such will not support creativity. You can be creative, do research, put a lot of effort and thoughts in your work and still use AI, because nobody can do everything alone (or pay for it). What this does is, to exclude people who have not much time or energy, because they work, have kids or other stuff happens to them. But what if, they also have to tell a story?! What if they know something really important to share or have a great creative mind to show? Do we really want to limit everything to people who can learn how to paint or have time to write?
For me, excluding AI, is excluding creativity.
And if you say: but there will be a lot of low-quality books out there. Look at it, there already are. So many people hiring a ghost writer on fiver, who writes the same story over and over again or using stock material for low content books .
Better implement a good quality check.

Idongesit Usen
Idongesit Usen - 04.10.2023 22:33

The frtech is out there, has been for years. We must use it constructively,,

Todd Noble
Todd Noble - 21.09.2023 19:15

So your opinion is to not publish any AI books with KDP at all and to remove any books that have AI generation in them. That's nice, but what is Amazon's actual rules about AI-generated content?
Thanks for your opinion on what you think we should do, but yeah it might have been nice to know what the actual rules are.

Marco Cantelli
Marco Cantelli - 15.09.2023 00:00

i don't agree with that because if you do AI books and you sell them getting royalties it means that people like that books you did otherwise they wouldn't have bought them, secondly: when you do ai generated books you decide if that books is properly written or draw because you write the AI prompt, so ok that they're AI generated but you istruct the AI do do that, thirdly: many people wants to start self publishing business but if they haven't time to phisically write a book is right to use AI. this is my opinion.

Monsif - 11.09.2023 21:48

Hi Corvin, I made a coloring book for which I used a tool that transforms the images into black and white coloring images, and then I redid all the outlines of these images with my iPad. Should I check the AI assisted box? Thank you for your answer.

Travel Discovery
Travel Discovery - 11.09.2023 18:49

I disagree with video why unpublish now. Just wait and see!

Michelle Svendsen
Michelle Svendsen - 11.09.2023 03:05

Do you need to go in on low content books and do this updating? I don't see the same screen regarding "paperback content".

Silvahni Cadence
Silvahni Cadence - 09.09.2023 21:28

I am a writer myself, not published yet but I do create my art through AI and unfortunately not many people, including Amazon fully understand how AI art is created. AI art is essentially digital art manipulation. Per my user agreement with the paid AI platform I use to create my art, the images are mine. I cannot copyright them unless I modify them further from their originals but the guidelines for modification are incredibly fluid and case by case basis. Digital art manipulators have been doing this since photoshop and other digital methods of art have come out, for more than two decades. I really hope Amazon doesn't get sued over this because I personally will not disclose my art is AI to them, I use a tool to make art and that's my perogative. Are they next going to force everyone who made art using the tool of photoshop to disclose that? I don't know much about AI text generation as I don't use it. So they may have something there, I don't know. As for art, I do believe they are wading into muddy waters requiring this.

They should have a team that looks over the books in a general way, if they are low quality reject them, it matters not if they are AI or not.

F M - 09.09.2023 15:54

I created some cover images for coloring books using Midjouney, resized them and added the text on them. The are already published. Will these AI generated images cause any problem?
Do I need to go to confirm that the images aur AI generated or not? or should I update the covers?

Kourtney Tv
Kourtney Tv - 08.09.2023 12:42

I often use these AI tools to write, but I constantly edit and search other blogs and articles to confirm whatever information AI generates. As for my book covers I use Google Photos and Canva layout.

V Walker
V Walker - 08.09.2023 08:37

What about book cover art? What if the artwork was created by, say, Canva or Midjourney and you edit the elements, formatting, layouts, etc. Would that be unacceptable to KDP since they would be considered AI Generated? If so, how are others, if not using graphic designers who swear they don't use AI to generate covers, generating cover pages?

Whispered Emotions
Whispered Emotions - 08.09.2023 07:44

So I’m confused did anyone else notice that it’s very specifically says “ Did you use AI tools in creating text, images, and or/or translations in your book?” And if you click, yes, it wants to know what service once again “you” used. I use a graphic design service that does use AI. and nowhere does it give me the option to say that I personally don’t use AI but I’ve hired a service that does use AI and no I’m not aware of what company like midjourney, etc. that they use. They could’ve easily said something like was AI used in the making of this book, but they chose not to. I personally hope there will be an update coming to this section soon, because I’m not comfortable lying saying I did AI myself when I did not.

Abel Zoni
Abel Zoni - 08.09.2023 06:36

What happens if I mark the box entire work with no editing? Not published? Banned? Lost account? nothing?

Brett Thompson
Brett Thompson - 08.09.2023 04:31

AI isn't going away because, if anything, it's going to grow, so I doubt that Amazon will ultimately not allow any form of AI. I just can't imagine that a large, progressive, inovative company like Amazon would not move with the times. They may set boundries. But I think they are collecting info for change, not necessarily bad changes. I have no ai books at all but if i did, I would not take them down until they tell me to, especially if I spent hours making them high-quality edited interiors and AI images or covers, not just yet.

Jocelyn Green
Jocelyn Green - 08.09.2023 04:12

Hi. Do you have any thoughts on using AI to generate (always edited & checked for plagurism) the description of the book for the sales page and the back cover of a public domain book. HOw would you deal with that? Would you consider the description on the back cover of a PD book to be a 'section' of the book?

Марина Лайкина
Марина Лайкина - 08.09.2023 01:38

What makes you so sure Amazon will take action against AI-created books? What are your assumptions based on? Personally, it seems to me that they'll just put some kind of label that the book was created with AI. To warn users. That's what stock image sites have done, for example. I'm sure it's stupid of Amazon to deny AI. They're just trying to integrate a new AI reality into their site.

Jim Orr
Jim Orr - 08.09.2023 01:17

I think this video is jumping to conclusions and creating panic for no reason. There is nothing in the policy that says you can't use AI. It's just asking if you are using it.

I totally agree that AI generated garbage and low and bad content should be weeded out. But to say your account will be shut down is reading something into this that simply is not there.

ESatire - 08.09.2023 00:03

I'm glad they've added this new rule. I saw what ChatGPT can create with guidance from an actual author, and it can get frightening, so while I'm not sure how Amazon can catch cheaters, this seems like a step in the right direction.

Linda Vee Sado
Linda Vee Sado - 07.09.2023 22:46

What about cover art

April the 1st
April the 1st - 07.09.2023 21:05

Is there a way to remove your books altogether from even showing up on Amazon, I know we can unpublish, but I have some older ones when I first started that I would really like to remove because I was just starting and they are not good lol Recently I did a colouring book with AI and outsourced two to Fiverr and I know they used AI. Kills me to have to take them down :((

Ida Umanskaya
Ida Umanskaya - 07.09.2023 20:38

are these rules for the new books or for the old published books

Bill Peterson Galleries
Bill Peterson Galleries - 07.09.2023 20:33

Thanks for the info and analysis ... don't take this the wrong way please, but I would suggest you invest in a decent mic to make your videos. Or at least a cheap lavalier ( $20-30) to get it close to you face and cut out most of echo and also to get a little bass in the track. Your suggestions are of benefit to me and my KDP account, I hope mine will help :)

Tania Yager
Tania Yager - 07.09.2023 20:24

People outsourcing will have to be vigilant! Ghostwriters and designers who are hired will also look to shorten their workload using Ai. There will have to be a declaration of Ai use when employing outside help for the production of your books.

Techcowgirl - 07.09.2023 20:10

It seems like this is the beginning of Amazon going to discriminate against people who have used AI in any way to generate their material. If they get people to self-declare it makes it easy for them to cut the content that was admitted to be created using AI in some way.

AllenKraft - 07.09.2023 19:52

I am in the process of making a coloring book, I did research on kids psychology and what style and images would be the best for those designs, and with all the information and a lot of trial and error, I generated the coloring pages for the book with artificial intelligence. Since I am a graphic designer, I took the designs and redesigned them in Photoshop. Is that workflow considered AI-generated, or AI-assisted?

Patience Chikere
Patience Chikere - 07.09.2023 19:42

Thank you Corvin for the update

stiko is pro
stiko is pro - 07.09.2023 19:04

Before i could watch this video my account is terminatrd due to AI shit

Sandra Ikiriko
Sandra Ikiriko - 07.09.2023 18:45

Thank you.

Dominic Ukah
Dominic Ukah - 07.09.2023 18:35

Are workbooks Excluded? You know they are mainly made of Prompts.

Ilyes Dz
Ilyes Dz - 07.09.2023 18:29

I used AI for my description is it okay ?

Olasunmade Omolara
Olasunmade Omolara - 07.09.2023 17:41

Thanks corvin for this message. But my question is what is the best platform to generate content now😢

David Soughtout
David Soughtout - 07.09.2023 17:40

Great video corvin. I use AI to write my books....are there any consequences for selecting "yes"

vito corleone
vito corleone - 07.09.2023 17:28

I don't see any section that says they'll delete all the AI-generated products, they're only requiring to inform either it's AI-generated or assisted. No?

Clement Asebhofo
Clement Asebhofo - 07.09.2023 16:58

All cool

Bob - 07.09.2023 16:25

Amz is just looking to maintain a good customer experience. I suspect they feel KDP will be flooded with uncultivated and unfiltered Ai generated content that will cause a negative customer experience.

Top Ten Goat
Top Ten Goat - 07.09.2023 16:04

Coloring books are fine and other art images that are generated by ai including kids generated image books. They are polling data to see how much ai is being used. Currently no copyright laws in place for ai generated content so Amazon can’t do anything to penalize it.

Mohammed Toufik
Mohammed Toufik - 07.09.2023 15:55

does a tittle or subtittle generated with ai consider as content or only the the cover in interiors consider as content

Valentine Kosisochi
Valentine Kosisochi - 07.09.2023 15:43

But could this lead to sales drop?

Juan Born - Income and Freedom - KDP Publishing
Juan Born - Income and Freedom - KDP Publishing - 07.09.2023 15:23

Great video Corvin!!! Keep up the good work. I think this is really helpful for a lot of people and you are very clear on how and when to use AI (don´t use it to generate the actual content)

N.B T - 07.09.2023 15:01

I knew it was coming.

Masocha Cletus10
Masocha Cletus10 - 07.09.2023 13:54

They want to adjust royalty percentages. AI generated books might earn 3% while amazon gets 97%. They want to rob us daylight.

Fortune Publishing
Fortune Publishing - 07.09.2023 13:40

one must check that their work from ai is also not plagiarised. If you rewrite and use ai, then completely check it for plagiarism as you normally would - " You are responsible for verifying that all AI-generated and/or AI-assisted content adheres to all content guidelines. For example, to confirm an AI-based tool did not create content based on copyrighted works, you're required to review and edit any AI tool outputs."

Yoppy Muizk Entertainment
Yoppy Muizk Entertainment - 07.09.2023 13:17

Corvin whats the way forward we cant unpublish what do you suggest

This is Jo
This is Jo - 07.09.2023 13:14

There are few things bigger than Amazon….but AI is bigger than them. I don’t actually use AI for books, but…..there are many AI images out there. So you could be using AI images and not even know it and therefore be not answering these questions correctly - but unknowingly.. AI is amazing, but we are far from the end goal where people are ok with it. AI is the future….but……no one really knows what that future is going to look like! AI is going to be hard to control.

Nero Asuquo
Nero Asuquo - 07.09.2023 12:59

Thank you for the information, atleast I can find rest now

Microlearning Tutorials
Microlearning Tutorials - 07.09.2023 12:34

Why do you think those books made with AI will be banned in future, is it paranoia ?, the purpose for those tools is to help you be more productive, for example writing descriptions for books in some kind of format you wish ?

Saad Rehman Goraya
Saad Rehman Goraya - 07.09.2023 12:30

Does this apply to ebooks too?

Psalm Lay
Psalm Lay - 07.09.2023 10:43

Can I still paraphrase using AI when writing summary books?
