The Invention of the Land of Israel - book launch with Shlomo Sand | Frontline Club Talks

The Invention of the Land of Israel - book launch with Shlomo Sand | Frontline Club Talks

Frontline Club

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EFDawahFan - 19.10.2023 02:40

this is being hidden from the public...they dont want this to be openly....they need to justify the killings of Palestinians.

Channel Cohen
Channel Cohen - 18.10.2023 23:30

Vous êtes une bénédiction je souhaite que vous puissiez traduire en sous titrait en differentes langues toutes vos vidéos.
Pour libérer comme la francophonie la était que élohim vous garde❤❤❤ .

Axum Belai
Axum Belai - 18.10.2023 14:27

Thank you for this amazing knowledge, I'm sure I'll b listening to it again

Rogelio Perez Gonzalez
Rogelio Perez Gonzalez - 17.10.2023 02:29

We need this perspective now more than ever.

veronica cuello
veronica cuello - 14.10.2023 12:31

When the algorithm didn't bring you here, but the actual news.
I like Shlomo Sand because he speaks truth, and the world needs to understand all this subject. Christianity is the worst. That's an empire. And since 2009 that they've come with the hebrew roots lie is the end. I studied 2 years hebrew roots and now I'm listening to Shlomo Sand. You can't be stuck in Torah, Mishná, Talmud, ect. You have to open your eyes.

vplan - 14.10.2023 05:00

I am in love :)

vplan - 14.10.2023 04:55

Just became a huge of fan of Shlomo and bought all the books in every language on Amazon

Jason Trotter
Jason Trotter - 13.10.2023 07:23

It's becoming even more and MORE abundantly CLEAR, that the REAL JEWS are ALL the races of people, who fit the Prophetic curses placed on TRUE Israel in Deuteronomy 28.

David Watts
David Watts - 12.10.2023 11:47

Palestine doesn’t exist. At the end of WWII we took the land back from Muslim invaders which is why the dome of the rock , is on top of the Jewish temple, when the Muslims conquered Jerusalem they built that mosque on top . If the Muslims where there first why isn’t the temple on top of the dome? This is rewritten history as the left loves to do, if you look up Palestine it was in Iraq not Israel, this was settled until Obama reversed the protections of the American citizens from propaganda from our government. George Bush signed the patriot Act Pryor to Obama that set the stage by allowing the government to spy on anyone anytime and why parents at school pta meetings are now on the FBI terror watch but not one agency was watching Hamas, too busy hiding the evidence against Joe and making it up about Trump to do their actual jobs which is collect our money for doing nothing, now they actively work against the average citizen.

Mario Quesada
Mario Quesada - 10.10.2023 04:37

The woman said the the Jews were deprived from having a land, but in fact, whereever they were they didn't identify with the other inhabitants of those lands. Too often they became unwanted.
There is even a Jewish scholar that admited that the cause of antisemitism is the attitude of many Jews.
I'm a Costarican in Canada and my children are Canadian not Costarican. Their children will not be Costarican.
But who cares? They can be happy even if they don't get to speak my language.
I believe it is better to know more cultures but not to stay separated.
Isn't it prevalent that Jewish families don't want their children to mix with the Goyim?
Most people in the whole world love their lands and identify with the other inhabitants unless they are Racists.
Well... that's it. Whether they want to admited or not, many of those Jews are Racists and that's why they aren't happy wherever they might be.
Too many of them believe they are so special, chosen by God to guide humanity.

Victor Verdi
Victor Verdi - 02.10.2023 06:13

If the land of Israel is "Palestine" why then the Zionists considered other areas of the world like in South America, in Africa ... to establish the "Jewish Home Land" before finally they decided on historical Palestine?

Steven Hines
Steven Hines - 27.09.2023 19:21

Hey zionists: you have lost. TY Professor Sand. Yeah, game over. You can't win, in fact its very telling that you dont even bother to try to rationally discuss his points. All you do is shriek and appeal to bullshit authority out of a magic book and it's all incredibly racist. Yeah, you lose. You are actually pathetic. You have been exposed.

Shams Doha
Shams Doha - 02.09.2023 14:20

In Old Testament God promises 7 times over the Total destructions of Jews.

21 CENTURY - 04.08.2023 02:41

WoW …. How interesting…. But now for the TRUTH
For money ie a book selling extravaganza you are ready to say anything…. Even if you know that it’s lies you preach .
and you gues are full of it.

Ang R
Ang R - 03.05.2023 15:24

Israel was a man born about two generations after Abraham. He wasn't a country.
Zionism. If it was started by the British it was begun by the y syyc sons, their angels and ju tes then their later northman cousins (anglo saxons) who invaded here and have misruled ever since. The Queen like to boast she could trace her bloodline back to King David - so by inference to Abraham.
My invaded ancestors who were Britons and Celts had little to nothing to do with it.

Ang R
Ang R - 03.05.2023 14:55

Thank you.
I wish you would re-upload this with a louder volume though.
Best wishes.

OTRACUENTAPERRA - 28.04.2023 04:40

DNA science has now proven Shlomo Sands 100% accurate.

Ko-ny-yah - 20.04.2023 05:31


Acts 18:2
“And found a certain Jew named Aquila, born in Pontus, lately come from Italy, with his wife Priscilla; (because that Claudius had commanded all Jews to depart from Rome:) and came unto them

Ko-ny-yah - 20.04.2023 05:30

Yes. The white Romans expelled the black Jews from Rome.

References to an expulsion of Jews from Rome by the Roman emperor Claudius, who was in office AD 41–54, appear in the Acts of the Apostles (18:2), and in the writings of Roman historians Suetonius (c. AD 69 – c. AD 122), Cassius Dio (c. AD 150 – c. 235) and fifth-century Christian author Paulus Orosius. Scholars generally agree that these references refer to the same incident.[1][2]

Munir El Kadi
Munir El Kadi - 08.04.2023 00:56

Those who think all jewish culture is monotonous and similar, let them look at the Mizrahi Jews and see how different their culture, traditions, and way of life are compared to the Ashkenazi and Sephardi Jew.

Munir El Kadi
Munir El Kadi - 08.04.2023 00:52

One thing I wanted to add...We Muslims (including myself a secular Muslem) in every Eid (religious holiday) say Inshallah Next Year in Mecca - does that mean we want to go back and conquer Mecca? (referring to the old saying Next year in Jerusalem) - if you take it from a religious point of view, it is a saying to to go back to the origins of the religion, to its innocent purity.

Watchman's Duty
Watchman's Duty - 03.03.2023 21:29

Exceptionalism was done any with when Jesus came and died for us all we are grafted in now. The Lords wrath did away with all the Jews that dined him. those that loved and followed him were following the Way.

donotcomply - 28.02.2023 04:13

The last sentence 👏👏👏

donotcomply - 28.02.2023 04:13

Not only the world but Jews themselves are suffering from their elites goals that they carried from medeivals till today, A WORLD WIDE EMPIRE WITH CAPITAL STATE OF ISRAEL !
Palestine is not a holy land, ITS THE CENTER OF THE WORLD !
This is how they manipulate their ppl to push the progress further, by manipulating books and writing "jews must gather in that place" in manipulated books like bible & history books that nobody knows when they are written , as example the whole history is written by jesuits, the same jesuits who were convicted as criminals and were imprisoned and exiled!
They are refering to these books.
The good elites of jews from centuries ago understood the GOAL, they saw that they are hurting jews with their goals, that why we have the believe :"we should not go to israel bcuz we didnt do good to jesus"
Shlomo is one of those rational good jewish elites that try to protect his ppl..
As u can see today, the jewish bankers are destroying the world ! This raise h8 against their kind that try to be hidden, who will be hurt? Ofc. The average jews that dont even know they are being abused for a medeival stubborn tryings of their elites to make a one world government , that they control

Liza Henry
Liza Henry - 28.02.2023 01:58


Brian Roberts
Brian Roberts - 08.02.2023 23:32

Lol....go look in a russian university text book....and
You will find that a chagen (king)...chose his peoples religion....back around the 6th or 7th century...

not showing my name
not showing my name - 05.02.2023 02:04

Lol, so dumb. Haven't seen so much sleight of hand and cherry picking historical anecdotes in a long time.

house on the hill
house on the hill - 31.01.2023 15:59

Difference seems to be in how people define Jew during various periods of time throughout history.
However, it appears that none of the definitions account for how GOD has DEMONSTRATED the identity of the seed of Abraham.

Reading the Bible and following the line of descendants and their wives and the lands of their origins you begin to SEE and EXPERIENCE the wonderful tapestry of faithful believers from all the NATIONS of His creation.

Moreover, reading the words of Moses as he speaks with the MIXED MULTITUDE before the go over with Joshua, Moses clearly states the inheritance is the EARTH.
EXODUS 19:4-6
The EARTH is the Lords and the fullness of it. We are heirs to the KINGDOM and that is the New Earth.

ajarn wordsmith
ajarn wordsmith - 25.01.2023 11:16

The concept of race needs to be understood and defined. It has yet to be but likely will never be in the scheme of things. Ethnicity/ethnicities are less nebulous. DNA is a game changer. Jews are Jews, more or less. More because they are in the diaspora and Israel's modern state. The other side of the equation, which dares not speak its name, cannot be ignored, for they are here and now. Likewise, the Jews, more or less, must be accommodated in the future of the Levant. Israel's Menachim Begin and Egypt's Anwar Sadat accomplished the unthinkable. In that case, there's hope that two great men of their times will emerge from the miasma to accomplish the unthinkable.

Avigador - 13.01.2023 16:32

If its important for Jews to have a Homeland to run in times of trouble around the world, why is it not important for the Rroma Gypsies to have one,? In 2014 thousands were killed and displaced in Donbas Ukraine., they to suffered the horrors of the extermination camps.

Avigador - 13.01.2023 16:27

There were Jews in the German army, Navy and airforce, one surviver said I'm German first then Jewish.

Brian Roberts
Brian Roberts - 25.12.2022 01:35

Biggest lie in history are fake gews

Kumail Abbas
Kumail Abbas - 22.12.2022 11:16

Israel peed it's pants whenever someone says Iran , and Israel cry when someone says Hitler, and Israel says Papa whenever someone says USA 😂

Bernie Ehrenreich
Bernie Ehrenreich - 12.12.2022 06:48

More self hating Jews distorting authentic Judaism due to their atheistic beliefs. These people are so ignorant of Jews and Judaism that they are admired by Antisemites or Jews who know even less than they. You will not get the whole tru story here folks

I.B. Blackman
I.B. Blackman - 07.12.2022 17:19

Complete nonsense.

Jo Ann Muhammad
Jo Ann Muhammad - 27.11.2022 03:46

People do not want to believe that the Europeans who call themselves J*ws and those who occupy the created land of Israel are not GOD'S Chosen people, but rather converts to Judaism, and they know this! All praise and glory to THE MOST HIGH for the honesty of Prof. Shlomo Sand to state the Truth! I'm looking forward to reading his books!

shevashevasheva777 - 23.11.2022 14:52

Israel is a cokkblock between Africa and Asia

Aleksandr - 14.11.2022 18:33

Bible gods human what’s wrong with you? It’s not even a myth. It’s a mumbo-jumbo severe remind control. ,,,

Թ Stpnn
Թ Stpnn - 02.11.2022 14:18

Professor, why don’t you intervene and let this become a peaceful land again called Palestine, jews living next to arabs in peace as in the past, respecting each other and as equals in every sense. Compensation for every inch of land that has caused displacement of arabs as refugees and making up for any misery caused to them. Open the hearts of world jewry to contribute to that this just cause requiring attention now.

José Luis Herrera Ardila
José Luis Herrera Ardila - 23.09.2022 04:20

Shlomo... Un pseudo intelectual que resolvió alinearse con los Judeofobos , los antisemitas y los antisionistas..... Obviamente es un mejor negocio.... Alimenta su vanidad, su soberbia y sus bolsillo.. ...claro...
Pisoteando la verdad, la historia, la Arqueología, los libros sagrados..... La justicia, la equidad, los derechos humanos...... Y lo peor, Traicionando a su propio pueblo.... Del que lamentablemente.. y.... vergonzosamente dicen que tiene ascendiente.... Ojalá no fuera así....
Que Alá te tuerza la jeta señor negociante de la muerte.

C. John Smith
C. John Smith - 21.09.2022 16:38

The United States should end military aid to Israel

1. Israel can pay for its own military. Israel has a strong economy, an excellent international credit rating, and runs frequent budget surplus. Israel ran an annual surplus of more than a billion dollars six out of the last ten years.

2. Military aid to Israel is a security risk. Israel is a major supplier of military technology to China. These sales have been instrumental in the modernization of the Chinese military. Israel developed the Lavi fighter from American technology with 1.5 billion in American subsidies. Israel sold the Lavi fighter to China. It is now called the J-10 and is the mainstay of the Chinese Air Force. Israel has also sold China missile guidance systems,, advanced radar systems and targeting systems.

3. Israel is a diplomatic liability.

4. Military aid to Israel is illegal under the Leahy Law because of Israel's human rights violations. Any aid to Israel is illegal under the Symington amendment which prohibits aid to nations with nuclear weapons that have not signed the nuclear non-proliferation treaty and do not permit inspections of their nuclear sites

Patrick Johnson
Patrick Johnson - 05.09.2022 06:49

Modern Day Israel, is False, not the True Israel.True Israel, is the black people, scattered around the Earth.

MacieLuxcitania - 06.08.2022 12:19

Thank you Professor Shlomo Sand! You are The Man!

MacieLuxcitania - 06.08.2022 12:15

That "professor" is comparing Ancestral Nations born and Founded in millenial territories, with a FAKE state, "created" with Murder and Deceit(that continues) 74 years ago, in The Land of PALESTINE, that has been since then, completely Looted and Robbed to The Real Ancestral Inhabitants of The Land, The Palestinians. That "professor", another pseudo-intelectual filled with Vanity of his stupid inteligence, it must be another fake Jew/Semite/hebrew/Israeli...

P C - 13.06.2022 09:57

Sorry genetics proves this book is wrong Jews have high Levantine dna if you wanna argue with dna fine it’s pointless!

Josely Sylva
Josely Sylva - 17.05.2022 01:11

