What Humans Will Look Like In 1,000 Years | Insider Tech

What Humans Will Look Like In 1,000 Years | Insider Tech

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@swagger729 - 07.01.2024 06:34

So our future will be a Black Mirror verse.

@rogermiller2159 - 31.12.2023 08:27

Do we have a thousand years??

@arthurharrison2972 - 30.12.2023 05:51

Man interfering with genes and DNA is not evolution. Open your eyes

@arthurharrison2972 - 30.12.2023 05:49

We were created in the image of God. We will look the same. Humans don't evolve, technology does

@thomasfy4 - 30.12.2023 00:30

Technology isn’t human evolution?

@scfNew7418-3 - 28.12.2023 18:13

Bone brain

@anthonyjunior6931 - 28.12.2023 05:48

There will be no white people 😂

@luedog8385 - 23.12.2023 06:08

so only white people are human?

@williamwarner2518 - 23.12.2023 03:51

If the Illuminati plan goes well.. every human will be a medium brown

- 23.12.2023 00:57

If bodies change from one to another I’m glad I won’t be around 😀😀😀😀

@randomdude7200 - 19.12.2023 23:23

Just watch "Idiocracy"!

@donzell1945 - 17.12.2023 10:45

There not 1000 years life expectancy for this planet, base on almighty holly coran, it’s only remaining 550 years to the end of mankind and earth

@Agnez_Opal - 16.12.2023 09:39

This way better then evolving to look like a weird skinny Fat Bald Goblin

@Sincethe80sGaming - 14.12.2023 17:07

We are on a devolution if such thing exist, we have become addicted to a phone, lazy, and blind sheep following every dumb trend on TikTok or any other app out there...

@matijacerljenko1785 - 13.12.2023 13:02

Sounds like transhumanism

@stingfiretube - 12.12.2023 05:57

Problem is, the more technology we introduce to our body, the less humans will evolve. Evolution is the result of hardships by the previous generations, and currently humans live in utmost comfort. Maybe the term you are looking for is 'Cyborg'. Yup, you may merge with machines but thats still just tech and not natural.

@Matthew8473 - 11.12.2023 02:28

This is masterful content. I read a similar book that was equally compelling. "The Art of Meaningful Relationships in the 21st Century" by Leo Flint

@aloneness3506 - 10.12.2023 22:44

The most important thing is waht you do with the body and life1 you have.. The future is someone elsea... Why care about it

@EpicSofia - 05.12.2023 08:08

This is not natural with all these insane horrible science experiments

@pip915 - 04.12.2023 13:10

Maybe we'll end up looking like the typical aliens we've always tried to imagine, ya know big head small body,big eyes small nose and ears with telekinesis and great long learned knowledge of the universe and how to survive with it all and purpose.

@pohjanakka4992 - 02.12.2023 16:28

One thing about immortality: religious convictions aside, what if it turned out that one theory of our universe being some sort of simulation, that version which speculates that the simulation isn't any kind of computer one created by a very highly advanced "future" civilization recreating their own past, but something we have created ourselves, and has never been anything else, was actually true? That all this was some sort of teaching device game or school we made for ourselves so that we could have experiences we can't have in the actual reality? That our true selves exist in that actual reality, and our bodies here mostly just channel us into this game, and we have chosen to forget that for as long as we are here so that all this would feel truly real and we could experience everything fully?

Then achieving immortality, or even very long lives, would mean that we will have trapped ourselves inside a false reality. A mere illusion.

Frankly, I would want to be very, very sure that isn't the case before I chose any form of even very extended life, much less anything that came close to immortality (even if that is still impossible, no matter how long a lifespan you managed in our universe the odds will still get you at some point, one way or another). Okay, I might take some version of a bit less extended life if it came with a healthier body and extended youth - if definitely nothing like downloading my consciousness into a machine - so that I could do stuff like see more of what there is here, experience a bit more, but I am way too curious about the chance that we exist beyond this, and our bodies are maybe only some sort of avatars channeling part of our true selves, to not find out about that for myself way sooner than after anything you might call "immortality". Let's say something like a few hundred years, maybe up to 300 - 500 years might be acceptable. Or maybe even that would be too much.

If there is nothing, and I will cease to exist when my body dies, fine, no problem there because then I will not be around to regret not having lived longer, especially if it had been possible, about the only version I can imagine in which I would regret that is if there is existence after death but it will be some sort of hell with no chance of escape.

@elle8473 - 01.12.2023 17:47

This is bs lol no one wants to be a machine.

@DrZook - 25.11.2023 01:54

The introductory text just below the video screen states: "Another way to jump-start the human evolution on a different path is to move some of us to Mars. Mars receives 66% less sunlight than Earth. Which could mean humans on Mars will evolve larger pupils that can absorb more light in order to see."

No. Whoever wrote that does not understand how evolution works.

For an organism to have changes appear in its population as a result of evolution requires that the organism experience a selection pressure. For example, let us suppose that there is a population of horses in a particular area. Some of those horses have very short hair, some have medium length hair and some have long hair. Suddenly the climate becomes much colder. So the short haired horses suffer from the cold and most of them die. The horses with medium length hair survive better and the long haired horses manage to survive the best in the colder weather. The cold is a selection pressure.

The horses with the longest hair survive the cold weather the best because they are better insulated than the shorter haired horses. The longer haired horses thus end up being found in larger numbers and outbreed the short haired horses and if we visit that area after 100 years of cold weather, we would likely find that most of the horses there have long hair.

Now back to the humans on Mars who experience lower light levels. In the case of humans living with low light levels, there is no section pressure. Human beings, being technological creatures, will adapt the environment rather than suffer adaptation due to changes in environment conditions. If human beings find themselves in a place with lower light levels, then they will carry portable electric lights around with them whenever they go. Humans will thus not experience a selection pressure from low levels on light and thus they will not evolve as a group in respect of their vision in conditions of low light.

@wui7771 - 22.11.2023 17:03

Stop saying HIV is in South Africa 🇿🇦😂🤣

@russell4824 - 16.11.2023 21:03

No evolution for you, your as STUPID as it gets

Evolution has stopped for sapiens, nature is no longer invoved.

We will go extict by our own hands

@bgreen8853 - 12.11.2023 05:03

No more graves just recycling

@lydiagerson9802 - 10.11.2023 20:19

That's all the solar system needs: the proliferation of our species. We have already started polluting it with military hardware. As for the earth, it is already groaning under over-population. Human immortality will lead to more carnage --not only of man but of all living species, save maybe insects.

@Ty-P415 - 10.11.2023 08:49

I feel there will be robots we will be with for sure Elon Musk has created one and they will evolve and take a lot of jobs away from humans.

@ScottMasson - 10.11.2023 06:06

Instead of trying to achieve immortality, we should honestly just try and make this world better for the 70-90 years we have. Why are we trashing the planet, and killing off all species of plants and animals, but still trying to live longer on a total wasteland? It doesn’t make sense.

@BobLazier-zk8gi - 08.11.2023 15:28

You know modern humans have been around and almost if not exactly the same for 200.000 years or longer.. I doubt 1.000 will change anything unless we put cybernetics into our bodies or something like that.. I doubt it’ll happen naturally.. maybe if we go to a new world or this one drastically changes but even then natural evolution takes longer then 1.000 years bud.

@melvinatkins998 - 07.11.2023 23:30

Hopefully heathy, and happy pets of our AI masters!…. 💯

@AlexDiaz-wx3ng - 07.11.2023 00:38

IN one thousand years we will look like this.
Philippians 3:21
King James Version
21 Who shall change our vile body, that it may be fashioned like unto his glorious body, according to the working whereby he is able even to subdue all things unto himself.

Jesus body.
Revelation 1:14-15
King James Version
14 His head and his hairs were white like wool, as white as snow; and his eyes were as a flame of fire;

15 And his feet like unto fine brass, as if they burned in a furnace; and his voice as the sound of many waters.

In the new heaven on earth, we will have new bodies Just like Jesus after his resurrection. evolution, Religion, Man and culture are false. Only the word of God is the only truth. For Gpd does not divide himself.

Hebrews 13:8
King James Version
8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.


@stevesand8845 - 04.11.2023 15:48

i think humans will be smaller, because of weapons and technology and AI, humans will not need to build muscle, reproduction will not require sex, and DNA will be able to be modified to choose tons of desirable traits

@samuelreed2994 - 03.11.2023 03:25

Same as we do now.

@malpha6968 - 02.11.2023 21:14

my son of son of son of son will be a wife of another woman?

@legend1.520 - 31.10.2023 14:59


@elmstreetslasher4558 - 25.10.2023 01:31

Scientist say if we don’t save the planet from global warming and habitat loss, the world might end in disaster in 2100😩 then we’re all doomed.

@MasterBlek - 22.10.2023 16:50

We are too many, and yet someone talks about "extinction". 🤣

@unreleasedhitsnet - 21.10.2023 22:43

The son of god will save us all amen

@joraco30 - 19.10.2023 21:47

Hate to be the bearer of bad news but; unless we drastically change how we coexist, we are going to nuke ourselves into extinction in 1000 years. It's almost a scientific fact now.

@MrTalltodd - 18.10.2023 01:53

All the same. Inter breeding will produce a mix of all. For this to happen , the wall of China has to come down. Natural evolution. China as well as corrupt politicians are feeling confident and exposing themselves to light. There are powers present , we can not see

@mundanemorselsmundanemorse7028 - 14.10.2023 17:29

Very few people understand how evolution works, including the makers of this video.

@bigjohn8407 - 13.10.2023 12:10

We were not meant to be cyborgs.

@nicnichols564 - 09.10.2023 00:56

Biggest bunch of bs ever heard. I don't believe in evolution. That we were once tap poles frogs and finally apes. I will say I've seen people, blacks, that have appearance of ape like features. Think of Patric Ewing. But no other race I know of has these features. So there has to be a reason. Look to heaven and our creator God. If scientists and evolutionists would quit trying to date and explain age of earth and how humans got here and turned to God and the Bible they would see the answers

@swaapansinghnainwal7804 - 08.10.2023 21:28

Well your thousand years looks too slow, man you need to think a different level as in order to gain a sight of future

@prideofdurham4776 - 04.10.2023 22:17

I can remember something similar where computers were used to generate humans.They came up with two solutions.....alien looking blues and greys !!!!!

@shrinathagre3120 - 28.09.2023 09:34

In 1000 years humans are not living on earth ROBOT WILL REPLACE HUMAN 😂😂

@hidden-untolds8725 - 27.09.2023 19:30

2026 all human evolve

@Antares2358 - 27.09.2023 12:05

Humans will look the same in 1000 years you morons, apart from prosthetics, if they are adopted. That's a BIG IF. Human height probably won't increase either because human nutrition may actually get worse, especially if we're forced to turn vegan, or eat insects because they ban farming. The Greenies would have us eat the same diet as Central African Pygmys...

@cb7324 - 23.09.2023 11:18

the next human experiments will be sending us to outer space with/without protection to study effects of space on the human body.
