Xbox Series X vs Gaming PC! - What's Better?!

Xbox Series X vs Gaming PC! - What's Better?!

PC Centric

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Morten Kokholm
Morten Kokholm - 24.10.2023 14:37

Gears 5 is 4 years old

Joe Cully
Joe Cully - 23.10.2023 15:19

No because it's not a pc

soberman75 - 23.10.2023 11:51

1k for a gpu to play a 60 dollar game. Why not.

Andrew - 22.10.2023 12:18

The closest PC GPU to the Xbox series X GPU is the AMD Radeon RX 6700/XT. both use RDNA 2.0, TSMC 7nm. RX6700 has 11.29 TFLOPS and RX6700XT has 13.21 TFLOPS, series X has 12.15 TFLOPs. RX6700/XT has 12 GB GDDR6 has series X has 16 GB.

Aaron Weinstein
Aaron Weinstein - 20.10.2023 20:59

The xbox also has microsoft edge so you have a browser on it aswell

Son Of Odin
Son Of Odin - 20.10.2023 18:20

I have a gaming laptop with an rx5600m 6gb and still prefer this to the series X. But my son has a series X and plays mostly the same games as me so I may get an Xbox and game share.... Will save me money!

Chris James
Chris James - 20.10.2023 02:48

I want a top end gaming pc. Maybe one day. Then the series x can just sit in the front room with the big screen.

Shanon - 19.10.2023 04:11

A prius and a Corvette both get you from A to B. BUT, which would YOU rather have ...Some may say Prius for the money savings, but MOST will say Corvette for the better horsepower and overall better experience.

I have owned almost every console. Sometimes its nice to sit on the couch and just chill and play. Consoles (for me) come and go (I currently do not own any consoles). I ALWAYS have a gaming PC of some sorts....

Jayyy Miker
Jayyy Miker - 18.10.2023 17:28

if you have a lower end gpu then yeah i agree but if you have atleast have a 3080 or a 4070 then PC master race all day

Cliff A
Cliff A - 18.10.2023 14:02

Being a PC gamer, I obviously would never wanna switch back to a console considering I have a more high end build these days, and I wouldn't wanna compromise on the FPS ever agian. But that being said, I think Xbox and Playstation have some amazing flagship consoles that you can't beat for the price. So much performance for just a few hundred dollars. But one of the arguments I don't ever agree with from console players is about the user experience being more complicated when having extra settings. I get if you don't wanna go into the graphical settings and change everything because you just wanna plug and play. That is totally fine. But simply having the option doesn't complicate anything. You can leave everything at default if you wanted to and never have to touch anything. But it's there if you ever wanna get some more frames and better image quality. It's basically the same argument that Apple users use against Android. Having options doesn't mean complexity. It's the reason why I have stuck with PC for 8 years now. There just isn't a console that can compete with high end PC systems when it comes to performance, options on hardware, upgradability, aestetic, etc. Also being able to take apart your system and clean it so it doesn't start running super hot from the dust and die faster is great, along with all the different peripherals that can be bought for PC. Having your games, browser, editing software, media center, pictures, videos, documents all in one machine is something you can't compare with consoles. Also being able to upgrade components are you need for games is just something console players can never experience. You are just having to wait on the manufacturer for the next gen of consoles before you can see any improvements in FPS or performance in general. Being locked to 30fps for some 4k games is just something I couldn't compromise anymore with being used to running games at over 144hz in 4k for so long now. If you are on a budget, I would definitely tell someone to buy ones of the consoles for sure. It just is a great value for what you are getting. But if you have a good amount of money to spend on gaming, PC is just the way to go for all the reasons I stated. You can use controllers for most games on PC if you don't wanna learn keyboard and mouse for your games. So at that point, there just isn't an argument anymore.

Benny Jay
Benny Jay - 18.10.2023 07:17

so paying for online subscription would eventually cost the price of a decent GPU anyway LOL may take a while, but still something to consider

Just A Guy
Just A Guy - 17.10.2023 20:57

you have way more freedom on pc what you dont have on a console like i bet you cant touch anime boba in vr on a xbox or ps5 exactly ive proved my point enough

Lord of Lightning
Lord of Lightning - 16.10.2023 06:43

PC is always better because it also plays PS4 games... case closed!

Blue Bull
Blue Bull - 15.10.2023 15:09

Forget gaming, why hasn't the XBOX replaced the PC full stop. It's a high spec machine for a low price. I don't own an XBOX, but why not just get one and slap windows 11 on it. I'm really suprised Microsoft hasn't done this with the XBOX already. They could even have the OfficeBOX, an XBOX series X in a boring case, with a free keyboard and mouse instead of a controller.

Faizan Nabi
Faizan Nabi - 13.10.2023 19:03

Xobox series x costs $700 here. It would be great if you can build a PC under this budget and compare price/performance and power consumption as well.

HIT ME DADDY - 13.10.2023 06:25

Use PC same price like Xbox series X

LBenn302 - 12.10.2023 08:53

I just hate how deceiving consoles are with 4k 120hz mode. Sure, some games may support it, but it’s very very few. If they do support it, you compromise on image quality from upscaling. It’s not true native 4k 120fps. If a 4090 can’t even do that in some games, why the hell you think a $500 Xbox would lol. Just very deceiving imo.

candy_cab_gamer - 12.10.2023 00:30

The main problem is you can't build a pc that matches the performance of the xbox or ps5 for the same price.

King Fayaiz
King Fayaiz - 11.10.2023 15:21

Lets understand the fact many people dont buy a pc only for gaming. A gaming PC can do any official works like a regular one and also entertain with games

Tigg TV
Tigg TV - 10.10.2023 08:57

amazing video I've been looking for a comparison like this!

G M - 10.10.2023 03:30

What software is it that shows statistics in the top left. Thanks

ajstilesTV - 09.10.2023 10:56

I play my sports games on series x and my shooting games on my pc. I have my Xbox for when I want to kick back and relax. It’s one of my favorite consoles

Andrew - 09.10.2023 02:09

Different business models. With consoles, the companies have always lost money on the hardware, just to make up for it with software. same biz plan with cell phones (airtime) and printers (toner). So the cost of ownership is the fair comparison. With the consoles, you pay monthly just to play online, so multiple that by 60 months. The cost of the games on the consoles are pretty high, and there are many more free games on the PCs, not to mention backward compatibility (including simulators). And let's not forget that it's easier to justify a gaming PC which can be used for school, work etc. especially if you are on a budget, and can't have both. Also, repairs and upgrades are easier and cheaper on the PC, again, the true cost of ownership is less.

M Morales
M Morales - 01.10.2023 03:58

120hz on a console IS NOT the same as 120hz on a proper PC.

chad Flpo
chad Flpo - 30.09.2023 17:54

Gaming 🤓 alert, why is this on me feed, just buy a console like a proper human person 😂😂 (i kid)

Ian Fletcher
Ian Fletcher - 30.09.2023 15:30

I built my gaming pc after being a long term console gamer and honestly i haven't looked back.

Ahmad Mohamad
Ahmad Mohamad - 30.09.2023 14:58

PC is the best. Play all the games at better quality. No having to pay for yearly internet subscriptions. Also can do emulation of old generation consoles PS1, PS2, Nintendo DS. Can play exclusive PC games also. Then also do work and use it for everything else. No brainer.

req_ - 29.09.2023 10:01

The worst thing is how much you would have to spend on a PC to make it perform like the series X, which is why I own both 😅

GameX - 29.09.2023 01:20

I mean.. You don't need a Xbox if you have a pc.
Everything a Xbox do a PC can do the same and a lot more.
You can play absolutely all the Xbox games in there and even on steam.. And you can also play all Nintendo switch games if you know what I mean.
The only console that has some things a pc don't is the ps5

Triple-E - 28.09.2023 23:54

The entire point of a Gaming Cosole is to provide a more affordable avenue for people who want to play video games. I own all 3 lol...

You cant argue the value you get with Xbox as a brand. Just yesterday, Meta announced that the Meta Quest 3 vr/ar headset will have Xbox Gamepass in December🤯

In other words, you can play your xbox games or gamepass games games on a gigantic vr/ar screen... that's badass. You dont even need to own an xbox!

Timcruz316 Cruz
Timcruz316 Cruz - 28.09.2023 23:16

It All looks the same to me what the differences 500 xbox looks better than that 2000 dollar come pc ...

Shravan Deonarain
Shravan Deonarain - 28.09.2023 21:16

What exactly is the definition of a gamjng pc? Is it just a PC with graphics card?

Marcus Preston
Marcus Preston - 28.09.2023 21:00

I've never played a game on a computer and honestly don't understand why anyone would want to. Seems soo much easier on a console. Also, why would anyone want to play a game using a keyboard and mouse? A controller seems sooo much easier!

THROAT JAMMA - 28.09.2023 18:13

Fun fact: I'm 0% interested in politics......

CeeDee - 28.09.2023 13:56

You should eat bro

AA_Gaming - 28.09.2023 11:24

As an indian i can confirm i cannot see any difference at both

Those who dont know why i cant see it because we didnt get to play this games we dont know any difference if someone gave me to play this game at 720 and 30 fps i still play it

Alison - 28.09.2023 00:33

I'm gonna buy an Xbox because I have to travel a lot and I can't keep shifting my PC everywhere I go.
Buying a gaming laptop is super expensive.
My main game is Fortnite and 120 FPS quite good to play competitively.
My only concern is the input delay.

Alison - 28.09.2023 00:28

How's the input delay between the Xbox and PC?

Katie Blackmore
Katie Blackmore - 27.09.2023 12:42

F1 car or sporty road car? What is better?
Well an F1 car obviously, far more advanced, far more tuning, far faster, but at a compromise of huge cost and upkeep.
Next silly question?

PC is much better because you can do far more with it, upgrade it as much as you want depending on your funds, but it costs a lot if you want the high end set up.
Series X is great, and will pack a hell of a punch for a short amount of time, but then it becomes old and pretty obsolete till the next console comes out.

Tune in for his next video titled
What happens if i breath under water? What's best breathing air or fluid?
If he survives, he will do another video titled, is it good too shoot yourself in the head? Will it hurt?

Ryan - 27.09.2023 05:23

For me PC gaming is about choice. That includes mods. And PC games can be considerably cheaper

Venus Inc. Official
Venus Inc. Official - 27.09.2023 03:26

As someone with a Series X, i've put my ear right up to the fan, and it was just a faint hum. Microsoft, WHAT'S YOUR SECRET?

OneMajorRyan - 26.09.2023 22:59

I love my Xbox series X , with working full time I just want something easy to pick up and use that’s not damaging the pocket. love what Xbox has done with the series X & games recently. anyway , keep up the great content !! 🔥🫡

Nunofyadangbisnes - 26.09.2023 17:27

Console needs better kbm support. The delay is rough.

REN 3000
REN 3000 - 26.09.2023 14:22

The series X cannot run fortnite at 4K 120hz you are completely talking out your ass

Ken Ichi Tanji
Ken Ichi Tanji - 26.09.2023 08:37

it is not a fair comparison for the xbox as the price alone of the gpu is more than the console itself. Maybe do a pc built that is within the price point of the console for a better comparison video.

UNBOX BEN - 25.09.2023 19:59

Très bonne vidéo, merci pour ça

Impostre - 25.09.2023 16:29

Can i have the mouse pls

River Filmer
River Filmer - 25.09.2023 02:45

Just wait until console players find out what Dynamic Resolution Scaling is 😂😂😂 you guys think you’re playing 4K and 1440p, but if you’re getting anywhere near 120fps, your game / texture settings are on LOW (medium at best) and your resolution is being dropped down constantly to maintain even 60fps, let alone 120fps! You talk about optimisation.. if you had a high end pc you’d realise what you’re saying is embarrassing 😅 us PC players play every one or your games on Ultra settings at up to 165fps 1440p or 120/144hz TRUE NATIVE 4K (no resolution scaling) while you struggle on games like Starfield… 30fps is abysmal. No real PC player would even play a game at 30fps. Oh and yes, I have all of the new consoles as well, so I’m speaking from experience… Plus I grew up playing consoles. Also, let’s put the last nail in the console coffin….MODS! We can change our game infinitely! Make it 10x better than the original game (that you are forced to play vanilla) and modify our experience to suit how we want to play the game. There is no single legit argument against PC, only you can’t afford one, or you are completely uneducated/ignorant/delusional. This is a simple fact of life!

Joel Bairstow
Joel Bairstow - 25.09.2023 01:20

xbox isnt really a concole its just a pc with a controller
