Yuval Noah Harari | 21 Lessons for the 21st Century | Talks at Google

Yuval Noah Harari | 21 Lessons for the 21st Century | Talks at Google

Talks at Google

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Sewsun Mustefa
Sewsun Mustefa - 13.11.2023 12:06

Knowledge + atheism = confusion

six - 01.11.2023 06:37

This is an enlightening piece. A book I read with comparable ideas redefined my sense of self. "The Art of Meaningful Relationships in the 21st Century" by Leo Flint

cul2cat - 29.10.2023 09:21

his book was amazing

maria e Alonso
maria e Alonso - 02.10.2023 16:58

Of changes in the past!

Lenny MONTERO - 02.10.2023 07:38

W-E-F -
everyone at wef are ANTIGOD
anti people anti life in general
they want us OFF the planet by any mean's

A.N.C. Australia
A.N.C. Australia - 01.10.2023 08:06

That's about the Torah. Okay. I have the Torah bro.

Elias Chevette
Elias Chevette - 25.09.2023 21:18

What should you be teaching your daughter? how to be a decent, compassionate and loving human being.

Bala Subramanian
Bala Subramanian - 25.09.2023 03:08

Mission Accepted? ❤🎉😊 congratulations!!🎊🍾🎉🎈

Marc Hess
Marc Hess - 24.09.2023 22:04

A historian who doesn't write about history but the future he wants, cleansed of the Judeo Christian beliefs that make him uncomfortable. I'm half way in and hasnt explained how if he tossed out the sexual prohibitions of Leviticus he gets to retain "love thy neighbor" as objective morality rather that a suggestion.

Rau Eugen
Rau Eugen - 24.09.2023 20:52

"sapiens" not sapien ! (coming from Homo Sapiens)

nilolee nilakshi
nilolee nilakshi - 23.09.2023 03:19

I do not want to see black face

Rada Stefanovska
Rada Stefanovska - 22.09.2023 07:12

Ова земја ена Бога атиси губре смртно од земју

Paul The Merciful
Paul The Merciful - 19.09.2023 17:54

Grapple with issues Satan has excelerated his plan to run from this planet to Mars.. (AKA HELL) all resources will be focused on that, WEF will take over.. AI gods robots..chips in brains .. The The WEF nightmare nobody sane would vote for

Gonootropics 2.0
Gonootropics 2.0 - 12.09.2023 05:33

This guy totally blows past the question of users having an option to allow or not allow AI to interact with your biology. Tremendous autism

Dr. Abdul Qahar Sarwari
Dr. Abdul Qahar Sarwari - 03.09.2023 08:30

One of the most ridiculous debates and the ugliest signs of the deep decline of human values is that a man violates all values and innate and natural aspects of human creation, human life and human nature, introduces another man openly and proudly as his husband(!) and indirectly promotes homosexuality- which is one of the ugliest deviations and mental disorders-, and then comes and warns from the destroyer effects of artificial intelligence (AI) on human civilization! Can human civilization and values be damaged and mocked more than the mentioned issue?!
Dr. Abdul Qahar Sarwari

Satish Nagarajan
Satish Nagarajan - 30.08.2023 06:48

The Idea of God as mystery I love it ! As it relates in Sufism, Vedas and Upanishads. It also relates to Gandhi stating on Keto Upanishads the same.

Lauro Guadarrama
Lauro Guadarrama - 14.08.2023 08:10

🇲🇽✌ Tank you! Very humanístic in an android world. There is Also an organic world to improve.

Lauro Guadarrama. Toluca, México. 🇲🇽🙏

J Miller
J Miller - 13.08.2023 20:08

1. Humans are animals that my pals at the World Economic Forum plan on hacking.
2. Freewill is over. That's Yuval's little Bolshevick coming out.
3. What do we do with billions of people? Drugs and video games
4. My pal Klaus Schwab is planning brain chips, owning nothing, and eating bugs.
5. Just because I am a nerd doesn't mean I am not a genocidal maniac.

Sir Tom
Sir Tom - 13.08.2023 11:33

Maybe don’t put public enemy number 3 on your talks yeah?

Flic Mac
Flic Mac - 11.08.2023 14:27

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. Forever and ever Amen

Ed - 03.08.2023 21:37

Full of DÉJÀ POO 💩!
The chosen one 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮

Wos - 26.07.2023 02:44

Revelation 3.9

Ji ZHANG - 24.07.2023 11:52

Personally, I think the host doesn't represent the thought quality and criticality of Google as a "pool of the best minds"...unfortunately.

SURFER BY BLOOD - 21.07.2023 05:00

You will own nothing and will be happy. You will eat meat 🍖 only on special occasions. You will take vaccinations 💉 yearly. You will live in a 15 minute city. You will rarely drive or fly. You will bow down to us the WEF or we will turn off your mind, turn off & confiscate all your assets, belongings & savings.

Evan Williamson
Evan Williamson - 19.07.2023 14:46

One of the most dangerous times in human history. No escaping…

sarwar Iqbal
sarwar Iqbal - 16.07.2023 00:02

Yuval said anyone who suffers is reality . Matter around us ; they are real , nevertheless, they don't suffer , they fall under the category of reality .

sarwar Iqbal
sarwar Iqbal - 15.07.2023 23:54

Very informative and it really clicked my mind to look at future from different perspective ❤

Kasia Zielenkiewicz-Ołpińska
Kasia Zielenkiewicz-Ołpińska - 13.07.2023 17:05

Czyli trzeba przekonać ludzi, żeby chcieli połaczyć się z Ai. Już się to dzieje zamiast lekarzom i testom będą chorowali wg tego, co powie im AI... wiele chorób jest indukowanych testami. Nadgorliwi trochę sami są sobie winni. Brak ćwiczenia umysłu " nie istniejącej silnej woli" . Poddawanie się wpływom, modo, opiniom prowodzi dużą część inteligdntnych ludzi w tym kierunku... Jakiego czynnika brakuje? Jak dziecko jak często jesteśmy skłonni do wiecznych pytań i uczenia się ? Dziecięca ciekawość połaczona ZAWSZE z wyobraźnią?
Wszystko jest możliwe i prawdopodobne to jak bycie bez stabilnej podstawy. I tu ciekawą rolę odgrywa mechanizm STRACHU...
Nic na skróty. Mechanizm przenoszenia odpowiedzialności jest jedną ze skłonności, która nas przybliża do takich zachowań.
Ładuj się w trudne sytuacje i ponoś odpowiedzialność 😊.
Charakter na siłowni

Muhammad Azam
Muhammad Azam - 10.07.2023 11:59

Billions of people still starving, but the elite factor induced the global communities into their side.

Muhammad Azam
Muhammad Azam - 10.07.2023 11:39

The world’s 2,153 billionaires have more wealth than the 4.6 billion people who make up 60 percent of the planet’s population, reveals a new report from Oxfam today ahead of the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos.
Harari speaks for the elite class rather than 4.5 billion people, the major issues the lower class is facing right now is the dearth of food and drought.

Razia Sultana
Razia Sultana - 07.07.2023 12:37

If a self driving car falls of the cliff to save the two kids and killing the owner of the car following the algorithms it's given, how about when despite the fall from cliff, the owner is saved by any possible reasons? Does it mean the algorithm is incorrect or does it have to do with the existence of the natural super power or it's simply the free will of the owner to live alive even after the fatal incident?

Youri The Human
Youri The Human - 29.06.2023 11:38

Its pretty impressive that after 4 years. Their talk about AI is still relevant today. This interview was ahead of its time!

Robert Felix
Robert Felix - 28.06.2023 12:04

Yuval is a delusional man. If youre going to be so easily influenced by this man then you yourself need to be checked out.

chidindu Bright Otuka
chidindu Bright Otuka - 25.06.2023 07:02

The Bible is clear about this, a fool has said in his heart there is no God. But they will realise the truth one second as soon as you cross the tide, standing before the judgement seat of God who they have blasphemed.

Ameen - 19.06.2023 22:26

Brilliant mind

Laszlo Szujo
Laszlo Szujo - 17.06.2023 10:08

this morbid freak should be put in jail for floating genocidal ideas

Javaid Ahmad
Javaid Ahmad - 17.06.2023 09:18

Seems Yuval relies much on media information: we are still way behind knowing correctly about blood pressure and systemic process through merely looking at a person or their skin changes.

Jitesh Keshari
Jitesh Keshari - 13.06.2023 06:13

Thank you very much 👍

Kimberly Eason-Sims
Kimberly Eason-Sims - 12.06.2023 06:03

I cannot believe how many people in the comments are actually "praising" this corrupt man with a clear "God" complex!
What I see, is someone pushing a HUGE DECEPTION on the masses, and people are seemingly completely blinded to his insane rantings!
We absolutely have Free Will! We are able to make our OWN INDEPENDENT CHOICES every single day! God gives us that specific ability in order to prove that we can surrender OUR will, to His will!
This man is also speaking great blasphemy against The MOST High! He is if not The Antichrist, certainly an, Antichrist! Jesus talks about how MANY will fall away from the Faith in the End Times, and there will be GREAT DECEPTION! Yuval is free to make his bizarre arguments against God, and God will certainly HONOR his request. He is knowingly going to hell, and God will indeed honor him in his choice. Very sad how many uneducated people he may drag along with him on his journey.
Please pray for this lost man, AND all the people his is deceiving, that God will open their eyes BEFORE their time runs out. Blessings upon Blessings, in the only name that EVERY KNEE WILL BOW DOWN TO, amen 🙏

VictoriaSobocki - 07.06.2023 00:49

Fantastic, insightful talk. Also, very brave comment at the end haha

Ahmed Mohammad
Ahmed Mohammad - 05.06.2023 15:44

Although I was born in a third world country more than 67 years ago, but my parents never ever told me what should I study or even ordered me to study. They left me the freedom to choose what I want to learn and the future I would like to have. It is very important to give your children all the support they need, and then give them the freedom to be what they want to be. This is the true success in life.

Penos nababan
Penos nababan - 03.06.2023 13:26

THANK YOU, VERY superb , i like very much his book SAPIEN, Jew said about evolusion it;'s srange for me

golaizola - 03.06.2023 01:43

The host is clueless imho 😄

문선주 - 01.06.2023 01:35

아무래도 이젠 걸리고도 남아 몇명이나 걸였는지 블랙홀이던 " 절대 열지 마시오 위험하며 책임 못집니다. 후회해도 그땐 늦습니다." 신상품 박스에 충분해..문선주 약 몰래 먹였던 건든자는 세져라 강해져라 튼튼하고 황교안 팔뚝만해져라 여자면 김혜수보다 커져라 기보다 문선주의 정신력에 힘을 지금 준다..이 댓글 서로 공유에 전달하고 같이 휴대폰으로 화면에 보던 보고 인지에 읽는 순간 변한다.암말들이 좋아하고 숫것 거지라도 환장에 좋아하지 얼마나 걸였는지 발사에 쏘던 너희들이 지금부터 무조건 그짓껄에 쏴~이말만을 해 이 댓글을 공유에 서로 돌여보세요 진짜 걸리는지 걸였는지 인지나 눈으로 확인에 속으로 읽는 순간 즉시인데 안되는지 확인차입니다.무리는 없지요 남여도 남자끼리던 여자끼리에 친구던 이중에는 남여끼리면 한쪽이던 양쪽 모두 다 좋아할지도 모르는 일입니다.그럼 피부치료에 전위던 사우나에 다 같은 탕 뛰기 서로가 등 밀어주며 정에 오붓한 사이들 되시길 특실에 욕조는 삼가에 피하고 확인차입니다.상대 물건이던 확인도 따라야 되서 안그런지 달였는지 여자인지 남자인지 이는 분명한 부모님에 가족끼리도 걱정에 어디까지나 확인차지 덤비지는 서로간 말아야 온전한겁니다.치마 올리던 바지 내려서 그리 붙던 덤비면 상해서도 확인은 철저히 댁들은 확인도 없이 그냥 막 덤벼버렸냐?? 좋냐 좋던 좋니 좋았냐다.황교안에 반기문님부터 띄웁니다. 확인 이글 되셨지요??또한 불법조작에는 누군가 확실하게 누군지는 모르지만 매년 제 생일날 배가 남산이던 그리 나옵니다. 저와는 무관해서도 저도 조심해야 살아서 ...해당관련 처리를 전하고 사실을 피해자 없게 하기 위해서도 이는 하기로 한겁니다.몇명인지는 모르지만 한두명으로는 안되서 일부자만 한다면 금융은행관련의 중소자립기업가던 연인이 분명한 사이중에 관련 해당집안으로 왠지는 주변 친구도 다 알고있고 무리가 안따르는 법조인관련이 친분관계인 중에서입니다.정신을 안건들던 가해자는 스스로 무의식적에 인지로 인한 이게 되어야만 가능해집니다.온들 저와는 무관하며 해당 식구중 어머니에 가능하던가 상대 배우자 남성에게 보는 순간 인지에 충분해집니다. 이쑤시게던 바늘이 없던 말로도 전화만으로도 충분해지기 때문입니다. 그냥 사실대로 말하면 얼마든지 상대가 자동인지에 가능해서입니다.그럼, 오토매틱 풀 자동이 완성되네 이것 재밌다 계속하자 끝까지 해보기 숫말하고 한 상대는 당연히 블랙홀이 되겠네 끝까지 야골리기 한번 걸였으면 계속 정신 건들면 와우 한국 대단한 파워맨과 우먼들..깜놀...계속 끝까지 도저히 절대 누가 풀까나 다 풀면 원더플보다 와따플이다. 한번 다들 엿먹으면 어느집은 밥상 푸지겠군 벽이란 소리 안들어서 좋으련가?? 해결된겁니다. 완수 경축!!! 빵빠라빠라빵..빵빵해서 좋겠네 커서도 좋지 나는 글쎄 아직은 애가 없어 그것까지는 NO~잘 가라 약물불법관련 신체변형 오며 돈독보다 더한 문제 발생에 이젠 시작된다 얼마나 크면 걷지도 못하고 생활에 지장에 아이구 모르는지 알았남...시작된거다. 손예진 넌 이젠 못 막는다. 넌 해외까지다.목사던 장의사던 문제 생긴다 허용과 허락에 관련이 없던 신고도 안했다면 거짓일까 난 직접 봤다니까들... 이젠 늦은거다 못 풀어준다. 이곳에서는 성당의 추기경도 안된다 국재소에 국제의료전문참여 되야 가능한데 사실통보와 전달만하지 끼겠냐...빠이바이 배상관련 보상 안한 당사자 어떻게 될까??범죄자담에 낀 사람들은??? 우리집 오지 마라 국재소에서 하는것이라니까 나도 못한다구 얼마나 공개글로 해 의약의료처벌집행이라구..숨고 죽어도 안된다 기간도 자동으로 무의식에 따르는데...허위에 거짓의 위증첨가제요!! 섞은 조개부터 상한 쏘세지에 두더지보다 더한 요물들에..시작 되었군!! 드디어 피조개에 피가래침도..걱정하지마 그것도 매년에 매해 배가 나올지 힙이 커질지 헛구역질에 때론 바지 내리구 실례할지 알게 뭐여..“절대 열지 마시오 책임 못집니다. 위험하고 후회한들 늦습니다.” 이것뿐이겠나...전에 댓글에 구체적인 사실 그냥 깠지용.자 이글 퍼트립시다 지인이나 친분에 그리운 사람이게만...한정수량 상대와 같이 보던지 문자수신 카피로 보내시던지 행복하시길 바래봅니다.-해외의 오지에 외국까지 매년 매해 연중행사입니다. 진짜 행복하세요??(설마 아직도 살은거야 정말 살았어??..)자~그럼 쏘세요 쏴~..
선주의 명답이란....옆집 가서 해결해 그게 좋아 죽기 싫으면 그냥 가~~
