How Chemotherapy Works

How Chemotherapy Works

Dark Science

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@cozycritics - 21.04.2021 02:16

New studies show that during chemotherapy, Cancer cells hide and hibernate.. Chemotherapy has its dangers. However, the use of baking soda has been proven to reduce cancer cells and eliminate them..
There are many researcher that support these findings. BAKING SODA CURES CANCER.

@jakeg3126 - 22.04.2021 14:21

I had total body radiation. Why didn’t you mention that? That might’ve been part of the process to wipe out my immune system for my stem cell transplant... it’s not embryonic, I’m against that type of transplant

@yussuf2096 - 22.04.2021 18:14

I'm really grateful for your sophisticated explanation

@michaelreyesmaagad9131 - 22.04.2021 18:17

How Chemotherapy Works??? Duh..... It doesn't!!!

@liam.4454 - 22.04.2021 18:42

Worst idea for a cure ever

@smellthel - 23.04.2021 14:21

I used to always think it was radiation

@ffrreeddyy123456 - 25.04.2021 00:08

I don’t mind the idea of ten more hours, compared to lots of hours of chemotherapy.

@ffrreeddyy123456 - 25.04.2021 00:10

More likely to be cancer in your toes is what? You never finished the sentence.

@djoeke2675 - 26.04.2021 22:45

Can the normal cells still replicate? (When effected by chemo-therapy)

@IrishAmericanconnection - 28.04.2021 03:57

Thanks, never quite knew what chemo was

@anthonyaloysius8940 - 30.04.2021 22:11

This is 3am in the morning,i had exam this morning and i watched a cemotheraphy video

@Ludak021 - 02.05.2021 15:47

Everyone I know that had chemo died in between chemos more miserable and in worse health than they were before they received the chemo. I would opt against chemo, and will if it ever comes to that. Just give me pain management and let me die. Chemo kills more cells than this video or doctors would suggest. It ages person (internally) by a lot in just one day. Even if chemo works, you are now biologically older at least 50 years. Bad news whatever you real age is, because now more cancers will naturally occur.
"Cure" is worse than the disease in this case.

@StefanReich - 03.05.2021 00:32

I don't believe in the official theory on cancer

@boat73jr - 03.05.2021 09:48

I took an immunotherapy for stage 4 melanoma in 2018 and haven't even had a cold since.

@mikep11218 - 10.05.2021 23:00

How chemotherapy works: It doesn't.

@nrfbjvdfh7723 - 11.05.2021 06:31

I think that the video will be better without music 👍

@noobclashofclan8498 - 13.05.2021 19:17

The beginning of world war 3.

@chronikuad - 13.05.2021 20:32

damn, I learned a lot in 4 minutes. thank you

@devkithakor8559 - 17.06.2021 14:32

I’m happy I’m finally cured from lung cancer diseases thanks you so much Dr Harvey you are a Blessing to my Life, I’m Forever Grateful sir. you can contact Dr Harvey on EMAIl::[[email protected]]
WHATSAPP:‪+1 (516) 468‑3210‬

@nnnnn777bbbb - 09.08.2021 13:38

My old school friend didn't survive the blood cancer despite hard battle....he was just 17....10 years of togetherness...may God give his soul eternal peace.

@dutchman063 - 12.08.2021 04:03

All those causes of death on that chart in the beginning are non existant anymore, covid is the sole cause of death around the world since 2020

@kiemi5437 - 30.08.2021 00:19

my mom had cancer when i was a kid and until now i always thought chemotherapy and radiation were the same thing. i feel pretty dumb now

@nightfury66 - 01.09.2021 03:54

thanks for the video, i really had no idea how chemo therapy worked ^^

@iWayneJr - 06.09.2021 05:03

I saw the word "chemotherapy " and automatically thought of Walter White's Lung Cancer

@joelmcgee2280 - 15.09.2021 23:49

So here's the question for you, if you were diagnosed with a quick growing cancer would you get chemotherapy?

I looked into this 6 years ago after my father was diagnosed and shortly thereafter died from pancreatic cancer. Most of the information I found pointed to chemo not being a good idea for cancer since the statistics for a "successful" treatment ended shortly after chemo and there was a high mortality rate several years later. I read that even if the cancer is gone and then comes back that chemo was considered successful. I understand there are many many variables here, but I guess I'm just looking for your personal opinion on cancer if you were diagnosed

@nouseformyname3788 - 11.10.2021 22:14

Yep, this just helps prove the earth is flat-I mean c'mon, don't be a sheeple; open your eyes!

@Montalto45 - 13.10.2021 21:34

U should do a video on how a healthier diet with fasting can heal cancer

@deanshimp2791 - 15.10.2021 23:48

I have had 6 friends diagnosed with cancer..... ALL OF THEM DIED FROM THE CHEMO ----- NOT THE CANCER.
The Chemo creates a miserable horrible quality of life and death.

@eenpaard3915 - 17.03.2022 23:07

I lost my mom this year after 5 years of battle

@Ref6969 - 25.03.2022 08:12

I love the term 'suicide mechanism'

@ye-tj6ws - 12.04.2022 17:00

Jada smith is really going through it huh.

@223rockmaster - 04.05.2022 22:47

Chemo absolutely sucks. Don't try it. It did make me piss all the different kool-aid colors though. So that's cool.

@srinivasann512 - 30.05.2022 16:30

Our doctor also told us that the chemo drugs, in addition to directly destroying cancer cells as you mentioned, "mark" them in some way for radiation to target and destroy them. Interesting stuff!

@Gambitheart - 12.07.2022 11:09

Gene therapy needs to take over the disease treatment its d future of eradicating every disease known to humans.

@kevinanaks8554 - 16.02.2023 23:53

NATURAL CHEMO IDEA - 100% Home Treatment for all kinds of CANCER
CANCER is caused because the forces of death in u are poor/low thus Ur cells die poorly but enjoy growing
- to overcome CANCER (natural Chemo) use dehydration therapy and left kingship to force Ur cells to die faster- forcefully
To know more read - wattpad - Book Title; WHAT DOCTORS DON'T KNOW ABOUT CANCER
Author ; Kevin Anaekwe

@seashell1038 - 05.03.2023 21:10

Would you make a video about how low dose chemo is used to treat rheumatoid arthritis.

@atakorkut5110 - 19.03.2023 08:26

Jesus the older I get the better a gun looks I can’t imagine going through chemotherapy it’s aweful my moms best friend of 15 years our neighbor just passed and this is really hitting home 😢

@drasiella - 01.06.2023 11:29

I have heard from one woman who knew a female cancer patient in chemotherapy, particularly intereinteresting thing she said was that the woman carried a bottle of frozen water with her and as the water melted during her chemo she drank it and this is how she saved her hair from falling of.

Is there any science in this?

@Portalcat9000 - 16.06.2023 05:07

Wait I'm perplexed so if the cancer drug is slowing or stopping the cell cycle to prompt apoptosis why would the cell even care if it's a tumor suppressor gene that's busted and that was the gene responsible for telling the cell to undergo apoptosis would the cell not just kind of float around in a suspended state with no working genes to tell it to die or alternatively couldn't it just not care and keep cranking out janky DNA it seems like this type of process could be more damaging to cells that have functioning apoptosis pathways rather than cancer cells

@shaneharper6851 - 20.10.2023 23:53

So your telling me these healing crystals I bought on ebay don't work.

@gimiter7463 - 23.12.2023 04:11

i am confused. then why all chemo patience drop dead?

@jaypalnitkar4400 - 06.02.2024 19:21

Chemo doesnt work : Period. You almost always get back a different cancer after a short remission. Plus neuropathy & other hellish side effects. You are just alive without any interest to live

@robertfield5904 - 08.02.2024 07:40

Cancer feeds on (eats) sugar.

@1marcelfilms - 06.03.2024 03:08

What a nice day to not have cancer

@igostupidfast3 - 03.05.2024 06:33

My grandpa was crazy, now he's dead. Get more than just the surgery

@jmseipp - 17.05.2024 20:22

Should be titled ‘How chemotherapy DOESN’T work!

@TheOfficialCzex - 29.06.2019 10:16

Thanks for this! My mother was diagnosed with Stage IV Type-A lung cancer a little over a month ago. She started chemotherapy a couple of weeks ago, so this information is very relevant to me and definitely simplifies the concept enough for me to adequately understand it.
