在本期双语教育视频中,我们将以中文普通话讲解,并配以同步英文字幕,带您探索中国民间最重要的鬼节——中元节的起源、传说、习俗与禁忌。农历七月半在道教中称为“中元节”,在佛教中称为“盂兰盆节”。这一中国传统节日定在农历七月十五,对东亚文化圈产生了深远的影响,包括日本的“お盆节”(Obon)和韩国的“백종일 (百種日)”或“망혼일 (亡魂日)”。中元节与除夕、清明节和重阳节并称为中国传统四大祭祖节日。让我们一起了解一下这个在中国文化中具有重要意义的传统节日及其对东亚文化遗产的影响。
In this bilingual educational video, voiced in Mandarin Chinese with simultaneous English subtitles, we explore the origins, legends, customs, and taboos of the Greatest Ghost Festival in Chinese Folklore, also known as Zhongyuan Festival in Taoism or Yulanpen (Ullambana) Festival in Buddhism. This traditional Chinese festival, observed on July 15 of the lunar calendar, has greatly influenced the East Asian cultural sphere, including the Obon (お盆) Festival in Japan and 백종일 or 망혼일 in Korea. It's one of the four major ancestor worship festivals in the Chinese tradition, alongside New Year's Eve, Qingming Festival, and Chongyang Festival. Learn about this significant event in Chinese culture and its impact on East Asian heritage.
#七月半 #七月十五 #中元节 #鬼节 #儒释道 #道教 #佛教 #お盆 #obenfestival #백종일 #망혼일 #중원#chineselistening #traditionalfestival #chineseculture #eastasia #Ullambana #Yulanpen #Zhongyuan #ghostfestival #hungryghost #july15 #lunarcalendar #bilingualeducation #lingopaldesigns #educationalchannel #asianculture #asianfestival #learnchinese #mandarinchinese #eastasia
#ghost_festival #yulanpen #zhongyuan_jie #Ullambana #oben_festival #盂兰盆节 #中元节 #鬼节