Rapier vs Katana; speed 4/5; 레이피어 vs 카타나 ; ropera vs katana

Rapier vs Katana; speed 4/5; 레이피어 vs 카타나 ; ropera vs katana

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Ivan Quaglia
Ivan Quaglia - 14.10.2023 17:26

The way to use the rapier gives an advantage in distance and probably in speed because a lighter blade, for a slashing technique that needs a closer distance and some "leverage" for making the cut is hard to get a space to get in. Each time the katana tried to make an aperture by hitting the rapier up or to the sides in an effort to make a window to advance the rapier was faster to recover it's position an distance, but given the case it can get closer enough the rapier loses its advantage....I think

Cosmic Force
Cosmic Force - 14.10.2023 11:10

Fiora vs Yasuo

Ken Arok
Ken Arok - 14.10.2023 04:43

You dress like a samurai, doesn't make someone a samurai, samurai don't move like fencing_ samurai are fast & slashing until you don't realize your body has been cut.

Lawrence Lou
Lawrence Lou - 14.10.2023 00:53

Stay Infront of the rapier and you'll be skewed .. fencing is a straight line footwork.. moving side to side and slapping the rapier often will allow the katana to bridge the gap and close in.. easier said than done yet very possible..

Jesús R Martínez S
Jesús R Martínez S - 13.10.2023 02:41

La ropera es una espada para su epoca magnifica donde usan mucho la ciencia para hacerla eficaz, la katana para su epoca a comparación es deficiente. Una espada realmente que entra en una tecnologia medieval.

Javier Calvin Granados
Javier Calvin Granados - 12.10.2023 17:39

La espada ropera es de origen español no italiano.

MysticDragonWolf - 09.10.2023 17:09

Now imagine if the katana duelist had the necessary head and body protection to take on an opponent who had a reach and height advantage— almost immediately the rapier decided the speed and length of the duel, in a drawn out no armor duel, the rapier almost wins by default as it commands the duel.

I’m no sword expert - but duel speaks for itself - the katana was forced in circles and majority deflecting/blocking attacks (a feat in itself amazing as the rapier is faster than a katana if wielded by a master).

GEO WORLD PMC - 08.10.2023 04:11

Muy pendejos, sin espíritu guerrero!!

David - 07.10.2023 17:55

Once the katana is cornered he’s done.

David - 07.10.2023 17:53

I’ve seen more dangerous sword fights in men’s public bathrooms. 😂😂😂😂

Олег Безруков
Олег Безруков - 06.10.2023 19:25

Японцы всегда отсасывают у европейских фехтовальщиков и боксёров.

Herly Sarmiento
Herly Sarmiento - 03.10.2023 23:38

I have never seen a katana fighter like this. He was trying to fight in the style of the opponent... that renders the katana useless... mine as well grab a spear instead of the katana!

M Jesensky
M Jesensky - 03.10.2023 16:26

Am I missing something here? Why are you trying to use the katana in this way? You are stabbing at the distance, like with a rapier. If you take a chance and close the distance, you should have the advantage with swinging and slicing in (semi) close quarters - which the katana is ideal for. The long rapier would have a much harder job defending in close proximity. At least that's how I see it...

Ale Broker
Ale Broker - 02.10.2023 23:53

The Rapier originated in Spain not Italy.

Ondřej Matějka
Ondřej Matějka - 02.10.2023 22:10

It's cool how that katana guy is trying to reach more far by stabbing and holding it by end of the handle with one hand, that shows that rapier has advantage here because it has much better reach and guy with katana has to somehow adapt to that and compensate it. Problem with these fights is that you can't really fight as in actual battle because you don't want to hurt your opponent, I like how rapier guy is changing hands to confuse him. 😀
I like katana, but we have to be realists, you would have to move like master Yoda to overcome defense of a person with one handed light rapier which can has more than 1 m.
BTW, what do Koreans think about katana? Isn't it like weapon of your historical oppressors? Do you like it?

Александр Майфет
Александр Майфет - 01.10.2023 12:41

Смешно!!! Это два клоуна из цирка!!!

Dipper - 30.09.2023 02:31

Eu percebi neste vídeo que a Rapieira tem uma leve vantagem por conta do seu alcance, algo que a Katana perde um pouco.

ajb7876 - 29.09.2023 03:52

What`s the music?

René Abarca
René Abarca - 28.09.2023 18:26

We need a true Español with a espada Ropera made forged in Toledo with side to side dancing and poking. Katana wouldn't stand a chance!

콱주차뿌까 - 27.09.2023 15:13


P.H.M. Kletersteeg
P.H.M. Kletersteeg - 27.09.2023 11:50

Rapier is as weapon superior. Longer reach, lighter of weight, faster. Just like the spear is far superior to whatever sword.....

K C - 27.09.2023 04:26


Zardoz - 26.09.2023 20:21

Verdadera destreza vs katana. No game for katana. Spanish destreza gives one, two feet, reach and shorter, quicker attacks. Stab, not slash.

Tom - 25.09.2023 08:39

The winner was the one who didnt fall asleep :P

Quentin Styger
Quentin Styger - 22.09.2023 08:57

Point goes to katana, death blow goes to rapier.

ARIG PRASOMTHONG - 21.09.2023 21:41

The man use Katana, still not skilled enough to fight!. Huh

Tempest - 21.09.2023 10:36

Katana VS espada tava óbvio quem venceria

Rulo - 18.09.2023 23:29

Maybe this rapier is made in Italy, but the rapier sword (espada ropera) was born in the spanish Renaissance.

Pedro Álvaro
Pedro Álvaro - 18.09.2023 02:48

Para duelos se utiluzaba la ropera y la daga 🗡 al mismo tiempo y eso le suma un plus tanto en defensa como en ataque.

Pedro Álvaro
Pedro Álvaro - 18.09.2023 02:46

Between the 15th and 17th centuries, fighting with cloak and sword in the streets to preserve honor was a practice brought to Spain by the soldiers of the Great Captain Fernández de Córdoba, so knowing how to handle the rapier sword was an art and a necessity. The duel was done clandestinely because it was not a legal practice and it was very common when a knight felt outraged, since honor was a highly valued asset. Spanish swords were made with fine steel and were very famous for their quality and beauty. The duel was done with rapier swords and with thick capes, hence the popular saying currently known "fight tooth and nail" that is, with bravery and courage. The types of rapier swords were very varied and could be carried by both civilians and soldiers. soldiers when they went out into the streets. It was the sword of the Spanish Golden Age. The origin of this Spanish sword appears for the first time in the inventory of objects of Duke Álvaro de Zúñiga, dated around 1445. And it seems that the name comes from being a distinguished complement to personal attire, of clothing, as an obvious sign or symbol of the strength and power of its owner. They used to be made and decorated with very good materials and even jewelry. In principle it was used by the highest social class: royal family, high nobility, knights of religious orders, soldiers and other lords and noblemen. Then it spread to various people, from adventurers to rich bourgeois, especially in important cities, where duels and brawls were frequent. The Spanish rapier sword had a series of common characteristics, such as the thin and narrow blade, somewhat longer than other type of swords to prevent the enemy from approaching and a little lighter. They all had a metal garrison or guard that protected the hand from the opponent's punctures. The guards were in the shape of a cup, shell or bow. In addition to being a very effective weapon in combat and duels, it had and gave great prestige to its owner. Its greatest role was from the first third of the 15th century to the last of the 17th century. With the Spanish sword, point fencing was usually practiced, that is, it was not to cut the enemy with the edge but to puncture him in some vital part of his body. as a thrust. The left-hand dagger or candle dagger could also be carried in duels, which allowed stopping blows from the opposing sword or also wounding with the dagger. It was a technique and a skill to wield the sword and the dagger at the same time. It was also known as a cup sword because of the more or less hemispherical guard that some swords and sabers had between the fist and the blade to protect the hand.

Noahshu - 17.09.2023 06:22

Sadly with most martial arts they only practice against their own style . I do have to give props for this

Mikami's House
Mikami's House - 16.09.2023 11:08

Makes no sense to me, wear a helmet first of all. I would be scared to engage too even in a practice session without a helmet guard lol.

juliojose garciagarcia
juliojose garciagarcia - 16.09.2023 09:41

Interesting video, but with all due respect, the swordsman that the Spanish Rapier is using, it is evident that either he is not very skilled, or the truth is not being used in depth. He moves very slowly, he does not make tricks or tricks and of course, he would have to have a long dagger in his other hand, because that was how we Spaniards fought.
Unlike the heavy katana, which must be used with two hands, the Spanish rapier takes advantage of the advantage that a light and fast sword that can be used with one hand gives you, leaving the other hand free to use a long dagger with which stab, block and deliver blows to the enemy's face or body.
A very clear example of how effective the Spanish style of fighting was is the battle of Cagayan (1587) off the coast of the Philippines, between a group of 40 Spaniards and a force of about 1000 pirates, mostly Rōnin, samurai without Sir.
At the end of almost a full day of battle, the Spanish defeated the pirates, losing 10 men, while on the opposite side the dead were counted in the hundreds. The defeat was so great on the part of the pirates that when the survivors returned to Japan they said that they had not faced men, but demons dressed in steel.

anes - 15.09.2023 01:24

If you use sticks . Is better to full attack .

AL BE - 14.09.2023 00:03

1 on 1 there is almost no hope against a rapier... it is specifically designed for dueling

K-plus tunjevina
K-plus tunjevina - 13.09.2023 17:58

Aww and he is a south paw. Tough match up.

leolio 029
leolio 029 - 12.09.2023 19:17

impressionnant a voir la maitrise et les garde et la gestion de la distance

T Pierre
T Pierre - 11.09.2023 15:45

He is such very poor performing rapier guy !

Alan Chenery
Alan Chenery - 11.09.2023 15:05

Ive done a fair bit of HEMA, and ive got to give it to the katana user here, he held up well.

Rapiers really are awful to fight against with anything except another rapier, an offhand weapon to parry while you close, or something with an overpowering weight/length advantage.

Dossell Sinclair
Dossell Sinclair - 11.09.2023 09:31

would a sharp enough katana cut a rapier?

ricky notengo
ricky notengo - 11.09.2023 03:18

The Rapier is a Spanish sword, not Italian

Daniel Mihaljevic
Daniel Mihaljevic - 10.09.2023 20:16

La katana no tiene oportunidad ante un esgrimista profesional con un rapier

Jai - 10.09.2023 19:33

Muy decepcionante ese japones con la katana, un samurai habria desviado hacia un lateral la ropera, rapidamente arrojado un corte al area inferior del oponente avalanzandose con todo su cuerpo y cortando hacia arriba nuevamente en 3 pasos

Ediner Perez
Ediner Perez - 10.09.2023 16:02

It’s interesting to see the fight, but in a real situation a renaissance sword wouldn’t take that long to beat a medieval katana. The technology and technique are superior

Miguel Díaz Romero
Miguel Díaz Romero - 10.09.2023 10:00

La ropera no es italiana

Dmitriy Lukyanov
Dmitriy Lukyanov - 10.09.2023 09:24

Timing is important

jose luis gonzalez bertos
jose luis gonzalez bertos - 09.09.2023 22:04

Italian Rapier...........?.Sois patéticos.No se que quiere decir Rapier.ESPADA ROPERA ESPAÑOLA,EL COLMO DE LA INDIGNIDAD.El acero TOLEDANO.Y si tienen dudas,repasense la batalla de CAGAYAN,y luego me cuentan las diferencias y lo que les paso a 1000 Samuráis.En lugar de ver este circo.

Seph Salvador
Seph Salvador - 09.09.2023 05:39

Japanese guy was only trained in Kamiya kashin style.
