"Interracial Love" is a is a skit created by students in Awareness through Performance (ATP) at the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse during the fall 2010 season. The skit follows three interracial, romantic relationships that friends and family frown upon. When the disapproval from their parents conflicts with the messages they were taught about unconditional love, the young adults are left wondering about the legitimacy of their life lessons. For more information on ATP, visit
Written by: Kenny Rosales, Jonathan McCune, Sarah Wilcox, Dewayne Wrencher, Krystal Porter; Performed by: Kenny Rosales, Krystal Porter, Dewayne Wrencher, Angela Marinello, Jonathan McCune, Sarah Wilcox, Jon Terry, Mai Lea Yang, Pa Zao Xiong, Shaundel Spivey, Brent Bankes
#Awareness_through_Performance #ATP #Campus_Climate #UW-L #interracial_relationships #unconditional_love #double_standard