How You Can Save on Utility Bills from Emily Leary and VoucherCodesPro

How You Can Save on Utility Bills from Emily Leary and VoucherCodesPro

Voucher Codes Pro

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How you can save on utility bills from Emily Leary and VoucherCodesPro

Hi and welcome to another guide to spending, eating, playing and living smart from me, Emily Leary and Voucher Codes Pro.

Today I'm going to share with you some simple steps you can take to tackle that thorn in all of our sides: household bills.
Now saving money on energy, telecoms and so on really divides into two main areas: getting the best deal and reducing what you use in a way that doesn't excessively compromise your lifestyle.

First things first, it's time to have a chat with your current providers. If you're locked into a contract, there might not be much they can do in terms of offering you a discount, but there might be elements of your current deal that you can chop out now to start saving money today.

For example, that film package that seemed so amazing but now you realise it only shows the same five films on loop and so you end up paying to rent On Demand far more often than you watch that channel anyway. Get rid of it!

Now if you've gone beyond that golden 12/18 months, you might find that a quick call and a gentle reminder that you're free to go elsewhere might well result in a generous discount offer from your current provider.

Don't accept their offer there and then, though! Tell them you'll call back when you've spoken to your husband/housemate/dog...

Next, call up their competitors. Ask them what deals they can offer and mention that you've been offered a great incentive to stay with your current provider. Stand firm until you feel you've been offered the best deal they're authorized to offer you. Now you're in a position to go with the very best deal.

It's worth noting that while some services, such as your TV, broadband or mobile phone providers often do have the authority to offer discounts, generally utilities, such as energy providers, don't really have much wiggle room when it comes to core prices -- they can't offer cheaper gas just because you ask, that's not how energy works, but they can take a good look at your account and work out the best tariff for you -- and since all energy providers work a little bit differently, speaking to them directly is a great way to ensure you're getting the best deal.

In particular, don't forget to talk through how you use your energy and ask about duel fuel and online discounts. Often, getting both your electricity and gas from the same provider and then managing everything online can save you a bit of money and give you access to tools that help you manage your usage.

And that brings us neatly on to my final tip -- saving money by using energy wisely. Now, I'm not going to suggest that you turn off the boiler and sit shivering in the corner to save money but taking a look at how you heat your home can help make significant savings.

There's not time to talk through all the ways you can reduce your energy usage, but take it from me, taking those simple steps we've all heard of before -- from switching off the TV instead of using standby to clicking the thermostat down and popping on a jumper -- really can make a difference.

Most energy providers can offer you discounts on items such as plugs that turn off when they sense the device goes into standby, and they should also be able to tell you about any grants or discounts you are entitled to, to help make your home more energy efficient. So make that phone call - a small investment could save you a lot of cash in the long run.

That's it for now. Thanks for watching and, as ever, let me know in the comments if you have any of your own tips to share.


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