Serene Branson on her migraine aura

Serene Branson on her migraine aura

CBS News

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Dee Em
Dee Em - 04.10.2023 11:23

Anybody know what the treatment Q10 is the medical person talks about ? Can’t quite make out the complete name of it

UMAD8RO - 28.09.2023 16:24

I suffer from these. I had one 20 years ago and never had it again. I'm not going to get into it, but following a certain required medical procedure a year or so ago, I now get them up to once a month after not experiencing them for 20 yeas. They are the most terrifying things ever and I usually have a panic attack when they come on. I have the visual aura for 30 mins, followed by the left side of my body going numb for about 20 and then the headache comes on. I feel for everyone who has to deal with these, especially frequently. It's something I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy.

ronaldo archer
ronaldo archer - 17.09.2023 04:49

Ebonics for white people. Practicing I got a headache excuse for her husband.

adayinforever - 10.09.2023 06:05

Yeah amazing how she made talking about Lady Antebellum an interesting conversation.

alfredagain - 01.08.2023 00:30

I've got an aura right now. No headache. Just a great big shimmering bluish letter C made up of Chinese letters. Was wondering what was wrong with my eyesight.

Clint Beck
Clint Beck - 24.07.2023 08:33

All of this just to cover up the fact that she's just a blonde.... Smh....

XReflexian - 11.07.2023 00:35

Ive been having migranes with visual and speach auras ... The speach auras are pretty scary and had them 4 or 5 times. I could think and understand just fine, but i couldnt say things the way i wanted unless i really concentrated hard and even then it wasnt quite right... lasted about 5 to 10 minutes and all was fine again. Did check my mouth etc if it wasnt crooket or however you write that (sorry,im Dutch') and that was all fine every time.

Kelsey Felux
Kelsey Felux - 27.06.2023 19:50

I've been getting these types of migraines for around 20 years. As I've gotten older, they aren't as severe. However, when I was younger they were very bad. I was unable to speak, one side of my body would fall numb, I would start seeing the aura and I'd get incredibly nauseous.
I initially took a triptan, but had a severe reaction to it that placed me in the ER.
Now I take a daily pill every night to help lessen them.

ballsworker97 - 10.05.2023 15:24

Keeping a migraine diary is the best thing. I have 6 year of migraine diary entries, every time I have one I write down what I was doing at the time, the time it happened, if I was stressed, have I had asthma, had I had any caffeine or alcohol, was I hungry, did I sleep okay or get up late, did I have my glasses on etc etc. I have always suffered the same migraine with aura, the aura lasts an hour every time and the head ache 2-3 hours and I get post drone the day after where I get lazy vision. I’m pretty sure my trigger is lack of sleep or getting up late/ not being in a good routine. I have stopped drinking tea and coffee and opted for decaf instead just to see if it helped, I think it has a bit. Having the aura feels like you are having a stroke, I lose vision in my left field and my face feels tingly. I’ve learned to live with them so I always carry water soluble paracetamol which acts quick to take the pain away as soon as I have the symptoms. The worst is when you are at work in a meeting or driving it can be quite distressing and scary but just remember it is nothing bad and it will pass. Many of the men in my dads side suffer with them so I think it is hereditary. I just think I’d rather be dealt this card in life than have something far worse to deal with.

Thomas Jakobsen
Thomas Jakobsen - 12.04.2023 09:03

I have been living with these attacks for 40 years now.

King Joseph
King Joseph - 23.02.2023 04:48

She just needs a good foot rub after work every night. Husband ain't taking care of her needs.

Ross Ward
Ross Ward - 19.11.2022 21:44

When you get the visual aura drink some children motrin, about two cap fulls. It will reduce that migraine pain by about 80 percent.

Nets Postgameshow
Nets Postgameshow - 22.10.2022 02:51

Zaddyy 👍🏿😩

gtgraham1970 - 06.09.2022 19:35

My wife had migraines that mimicked a stroke. It would start with left side numbness, then mumlings and then blackouts. Four neurologists over a few years couldn't find the source, and then she was finally diagnosed with kidney failure. Never thought to associate kidneys with migraines and blackouts. Something to keep in mind and to have checked.

biggmass73 - 24.08.2021 23:50

i just got one at work today, had to leave i hate these things, had them around 18 years and don't get easier i can say that, you do not fully return to yourself until about 3 days after but they are far in between for me around every 6 months or so, if anyone is reading this believe me your not alone.

William Wrought
William Wrought - 23.11.2020 16:27

please don't ignore any strange symptoms, get checked out to prevent a stroke. I suffered one in 2014 and have been surviving with the affects since. not fun at all . Strokes can happen in a blink of an eye. Mine occurred after I finished my yard work and I decided to smoke a cigar to relax. As soon as the cigar touched my lips, I felt a "pop" on the right side of my head. My entire left side went numb (even my teeth). I really did not have any clue that I was at risk leading up to that. Don't smoke and keep your blood pressure in check. Not fun, when you only having one good arm and leg. I do not wish my condition on anyone. plus the surgery to repair the bleed on my brain was terrible too.

The Local Mustache Man
The Local Mustache Man - 08.11.2020 12:48

This was really scary for me when I had it for the first time. I it growing larger and for some reason saw the g-mod logo, (it’s funny cuz I was playing g-mod hours before it happened. Must’ve been something interrupting with the memory or something in the brain.), then eventually it took all of my vision away. It’s like when u stand up too fast, but worse and the colors and stuff come in slower and more dramatic. I was not happy after.

Katarina Villalta
Katarina Villalta - 22.03.2020 03:07

I started getting migraine with aura in college. There was one time i thought I was having a stroke I felt pain my one of my arms i also passed out and felt my body going limp. I also started slurring my speech and my words would come out backwards and re arranged so instead of saying can we go to the store? I would say "do you store go want" slurred. Its horrible having migraines! my head pain was horrible i went to the ER and they said it was a migraine but i also felt my mouth completely numb it wasnt good

nschoess - 11.09.2019 00:59

Wondering if Serene had headache pain as well as the slurred, confused speech. I had a similar episode (complex migraine later diagnosed) that landed me in the hospital, but had no headache pain at all!

Nedra Encelewski
Nedra Encelewski - 21.03.2019 17:18

Thank you for spreading awareness. I had this happen. The first time in 2002. I still get them and I still get scared at first, and panic because I can't speak. I just have to learn to relax and let it run its course. I always do the tongue test also, if it passes I know for sure it is migraines.
