How To Read 7 Day Candles(Flame Interpretations)

How To Read 7 Day Candles(Flame Interpretations)

Sol Conscious TV

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@lailanimonet8699 - 09.06.2021 21:44

What if it’s not a spell thats being done but a prayer for peace and positivity on a white candle… yet the candle came out like the one with a lot of soot

@phwrestling9530 - 22.06.2021 20:00

Clean my house

@phwrestling9530 - 22.06.2021 20:01

Evil eye candle

@SHARONGXNGSTX42 - 05.07.2021 18:41

I lit a Think of Me candle because this all what we seem to do. Finish each other's thoughts, write the same letters and its really crazy. Anyway my wick leaned to the side and burned that area but the rest is clean. I still have 2 days to go. I didn't want to blow it out, so I moved it to the middle. Should I start over? Or let it burn

@Cutejustcus - 28.07.2021 15:59

Somebody help me.

I lit 3 candle about 15mins apart

A white one that burying really fast

A green one that burning just about as fast

A multicolored one that’s burning “EXTREMELY” slow.

I burned them all Monday. & it’s Wednesday. I noticed he said within 2 days your manifestations are coming quickly! Now what if your candle burn 3days???

& as for my white candle “I kinda bumped it and it went out, so did relit it and did my ritual over.

-did I mess up?

@dhianeycampos3767 - 04.08.2021 09:59

Hello, what does it mean when my candle is burning and melting but the height is not changing like the wax just sits there with the herbs in it , its not a seven day candle its just a spell candle

@alignsunshine2868 - 17.08.2021 05:06

peace and give thanks!

@spirituallyprotectedtarot9071 - 19.08.2021 16:16

Thank you so much for the message. Peace and blessings to you 😊

@fghhgf6197 - 27.08.2021 07:29

Good video thx.

@kamilacquaah1157 - 25.09.2021 05:42

Thanks for this message

@leonajones2795 - 09.10.2021 19:26


@LeoSun33 - 28.12.2021 20:50

7 day candle blew out on day 2. It had a short, low flame to begin with. Any insight anyone? Tia

@HEYJESSIEBON - 10.01.2022 22:24

Just seen your video thank you for the messages 😇🙏🤲

@borntoscream - 23.01.2022 14:00

great vid

@xo1207 - 25.01.2022 13:29

you explain it so nicely

@lainawaina9972 - 26.02.2022 18:12

I had a twin flame when I lit my success candle

@GM23XO - 16.04.2022 03:55

What do you do with the candles after? Throw it away etc?

@MeditativeSoul4 - 05.05.2022 23:44

Wow I'm seeing this at 4:44pm spirit speaking to me

@Tiki12t4 - 22.05.2022 23:51

Okay, I'm somewhat confused, I was taught candle care relating to safety. First: wicks should be cut down if to long as to not burn too fast or too hot. Second: Pillar candles same as above as well as pouring off liquid wax and cutting off soft wax which could causes candle to drown out flame. Third, Spiritual candles encased in glass: Wickes, should be cut down if to long, especially to prevent overheating and possible explosion, otherwise these candles should burn their course under supervision and without interference. Any flame reading can occur after safety precautions are initiated, was I taught incorrectly am I doing something wrong? Please help. 🙏

@GiesRugz - 03.06.2022 19:48


@rippleproject1326 - 18.08.2022 09:13

I was casting a binding spell last night, the black candle that had my name underneath it was high and steady, the red candle with my targets name underneath it kept flickering high to the left as if there was a breeze blowing it. It lasted some time but stopped halfway through the ritual, which it then became steady and normal height in sync with my candle. How would you interpret this scenario?

@Esusango - 16.09.2022 12:38

That was all cool bro

@kv1039 - 21.09.2022 10:35

I’m new to this 🙈1 of white candles I put on one side of my ancestor alter for 1 side of my lineage it has black soot most of the way down the other burned clear with white wax lines going down what does this mean ? The all purpose candle I put on the alter is the same soot half way down

I made a separate alter for money & prosperity the pink 7day success candle again has soot half way down! What’s going on with all this ??

@lovelykat210 - 28.09.2022 17:53

What if I burned a candle that lasted 7 days. But it was clear?

@AnuNuBey - 22.10.2022 12:00

Gratitude this was a great video. I definitely like to hear you go more in depth about some more scenarios in the future dealing with candle magic and reading now comes! 😇

@NBee93 - 20.11.2022 03:53

Thank you ! My money candle burned like the middle one. Im going to redo it . & my bf cour case candle is burning like the last candle but slowly. Tomorrow will be day 5

@estrellajaquez3852 - 28.11.2022 08:26

3 of my candles burned completely black what does that mean

@Tanya-oe9gz - 29.12.2022 12:11

My elegua candle red and black was black specifically when it's get the black one thank you

@lovemesafearm1204 - 31.12.2022 13:48

My elegua candle burns half way up very dark halfway down clear at end my candles broke the very bottom at 130am please explain what should I do next
Thank u fora helping w
Humanity with your gift
God bless all amen

@SachetMarie - 08.01.2023 06:39

I can’t seem to find the answer…can i leave these unattended? I turn off the flame when i leave the house for you know fire safety…but is that not it ?

@MAKEUPandhairByterri - 24.04.2023 19:13

That’s not wat the lines mean

@mariazavala640 - 05.05.2023 22:50

Thank you

@sammisamson7019 - 11.07.2023 05:17

I have a question when you light the candle do you keep it on through the full 7 days without blow it out, or you have to blow it out and relight it through out the 7 days? ❤

@cy8684 - 03.08.2023 05:28

Why would another person’s guides have more ashay then another persons guides and how do you get more ashay

@michaelbarber7631 - 10.08.2023 00:08


@Ayanada305 - 05.09.2023 22:38

what does it mean when my double reverse is cloudy and i see the cloudy ring on the glass of the candle. Another video said Spirit agrees and it works. is that true?

@sjlovejesus - 22.10.2023 04:00

Thank you so much

@LadyIrrigator - 01.11.2023 16:37

I have a black candle only burning down 1 side. Leaving wax on 1 side and the glass. And burning weak. 3 days in.
Wicked in the middle. Side that is burning is clean. Other side has unturned wax.

@StarrMeccahRides - 05.02.2024 09:39

Return to sender reversing evil white candle burned pretty clear the black reversing evil burned with high flame, black smoke and all black soot. I will be cleansing my space a trying again

@mysticmessenger21 - 21.04.2024 01:23

are you married? i need a husband.

@Dyasiaalb - 15.08.2024 21:07

Do you put your candle out when you leave the home ?

@Trishaw41 - 08.09.2024 11:02

Thank you ❤ very much 🎉

@MZSHABABIE - 02.10.2024 15:13

I have small black spot at the top right but is burning clear on my road opener

@derrickbrown7042 - 20.10.2024 00:59

Gratitude Universe

@anasaunders695 - 03.02.2025 04:41

Great stuff! keep it coming . Take care 💖

@WhistleBlower55533 - 11.02.2025 03:04

It could mean the spell is broke if it's halfway cleared and if it's all the way dark, you have a lot of heavy obstacles that's working against you. You have to redo it and add extra Enforcement behind it

@Addivideos13 - 16.02.2025 16:01

Send your contact info

@Addivideos13 - 16.02.2025 16:06

Contact for u sir

@LeLe333_LV - 20.05.2023 22:21

Peace King, thank you
