The Attachment Theory: How Childhood Affects Life

The Attachment Theory: How Childhood Affects Life


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Kevin Mannix
Kevin Mannix - 21.09.2023 03:47

The biggest lie in human history is "it takes 9 months to give birth"
It really takes 7 years with 2 umbilical cords one physical, you cut at 9 months, one Electro magnetic you cut at 7 years
Both can be cut prematurely

Babos Florin-Eugen
Babos Florin-Eugen - 18.09.2023 21:52


Cool - 17.09.2023 10:33

well it is what it is, im gonna die early

MANEESH MUTYAM - 16.09.2023 01:12

Okay now that none of us have a perfect childhood, how to heal from our own scars is the question. We cannot blame our parents for everything, I believe that most of them try to do their best but everyone has their weaknesses, which may leave a scar on you. Learning to heal is very important.

koultcechan - 13.09.2023 10:19

Situation: 🙁😒🥺😢
Music: 😃😃😄😁

T J - 13.09.2023 00:53

I'm trying to give my daughter the childhood and parent I wish I had growing up.

Manju Dahiya
Manju Dahiya - 10.09.2023 19:53 this channel is available in hindi?

Deez Nutz
Deez Nutz - 09.09.2023 11:00

Adrenal glands are where? I'm a .... I'm kinda not on the same page of this I think...

Ruth Edensor
Ruth Edensor - 08.09.2023 17:29

This explained much to me once I learned about it.

Lucila Limon
Lucila Limon - 08.09.2023 12:36

This video is helpful! God bless all the children out there!! ❤John 3:16🌎

Joyous Squonk
Joyous Squonk - 06.09.2023 19:53

Pretty sure I'm somewhere between anxious avoident and anxious disorganized

Saren Duran
Saren Duran - 05.09.2023 16:06

A detached set of parents taught me resilience and self-sufficiency. I’ve met people who have never struggled or had real problems in their lives and I feel for their weakness and perceived dependability on others to push through.

Ian Ford
Ian Ford - 03.09.2023 11:28

It’s funny how little “toxic stress” in children gets discussed in the Black community. Particularly those raised in war-zones of New Orleans, Chicago, Baltimore, NYC, St.Louis, Miami, Dallas, etc. What it has done to those children’s developing brains to hear screaming, yelling, fighting, gunfire nearly every day.

Christine - 01.09.2023 09:55

thanks i learned a lot from this channel

Adel Tleuova
Adel Tleuova - 31.08.2023 05:45

It is surely one of those life-changing videos, providing you with some key knowledge about life.

Fight club
Fight club - 29.08.2023 03:03

this stuff is making us all weak. avoid this kind of non sense.

Céline - 26.08.2023 13:57

I remember getting lost in a mall once when I was a kid. I thought I was 10 at the time because the memory is so clear. However, my father said I was only 3 or 4 years old. This is the oldest thing I remember about my own life. My father was going one way and my mother the other. I tried to leave my father and go to my mother. However, I could not find my mother. When I came back, my father wasn't there either. I cried until my lungs hurt. I continued to cry even when my mother came back. I remember it took a long time for them to calm me down.

Valkaerye Raven
Valkaerye Raven - 23.08.2023 20:28

Coming from a child with divorced parents, anger issue mom and an absent father. This video is accurate. I don't know who I am. My mom always told me to not cry and never talk back to her, eventho she is obviously WRONG. She gets abusive, especially when I was 1-9. I do NOT express my feeling well. People always misunderstood my actions. They never cared about my suffering. As if my feelings, thoughts, and problem does not matter. My closets people villainaize me. They secretly HATES my mom and PROJECT IT TO ME. In their eyes, I am always the problem. They make me feel inferior. They left me out and gossip about me behind my back. I miss out in a lot of friendship opportunities in my childhood. I was bullied and LEFT out in school, UNTIL NOW I don't know how to handle social interaction . I have an anxious -diaorganized attchment . The media these days promote to not blame parents for mistakes that they HAVE caused to their child. I wish my parent never met. What should I do to have a better future?

Meditation Minded
Meditation Minded - 20.08.2023 18:50

This is so upsetting to watch. If anyone is reading this now. I pray your heart heals and you realise you are loved, and whole, and enough.

Alouette EXE
Alouette EXE - 20.08.2023 12:58

My mom was abused while she was carrying me in her womb. I was already abused at the age of 1 then followed by them leaving me with my over protective grand parents specially my grandma who only think food and shelter is all we need then theats us with reverse psychology if we try to be independent. It stunted my growth a lot. Now I'm in pain physically and neglected because they dont trust doctors that much. They hate risks. I always have thoughts of abandonment and not being accepted in the family if ever i try to do things my way.

I. Eduard
I. Eduard - 19.08.2023 17:58

My childhood between 5 and 12 was terrible, not extremely bad... but I had the feeling I am on my own, then my dad left working in another countries. Never had a father figure, when he was home,he was drunk and it was a distance between us, since he only cared about food and clothes and nothing else. I know he loves me but he failed real bad in early childhood.
As a teenager I became anti social, closed minded to having new connections, and in uni I had to suffer because I didn't had in mind a career, a family, looking for a relationship, always been disconnected from society and a constantly drawn to loneliness.
I had days in my life living like prisoner. Completely alone, walls and nothing.

eirdonne - 19.08.2023 17:06

I suspect this is why I had a weak immunity, I'm talking I had a cold every other day to the point my dad got help for me. And I was clingy af during my childhood. Overtime, I grew out of it when my sister was born. Then, when life began to be stressful, I became clingy and possessive again, a people pleaser.

My parents fought a lot when I was a child and my mother wasn't a good mom, then. She is now, and my parents are both loving. Now. Not when I needed them most, even when they don't realise it.

I have to take care of myself and learn how to 'share' people and learn how to cope healthily, especially because seeing everyone else be better than me when I didn't care, to when I did, to when I couldn't care because I was too far behind. Too slow. Too late.

Very negative self image is quite accurate, and my heart goes for Amy even though she isn't real.

Reza Murshed
Reza Murshed - 18.08.2023 22:26

A child left to play alone with a mobile phone will never look for her mother again!

F. W. Sauerteig
F. W. Sauerteig - 18.08.2023 22:04

I very much doubt attachment is consummated by age six.

toromei - 18.08.2023 20:07

Great video, but…this freaking music is stressing me out!

Rusty Thrombosis
Rusty Thrombosis - 18.08.2023 01:12

I love how my mom keeps screwing me over... First, a physically and emotionally abusive childhood, and now... health issues.

All of that aside, what I don't understand about parenting is, if you were raised poorly and didn't enjoy it, then why would you think your own children would benefit from or enjoy the same style of parenting? Does one actually say, "Oooooooh, how I hated having cigarettes put out on my arms, but maybe my son would like it?"

Life Illusion
Life Illusion - 17.08.2023 11:27

Coming back to my apartment after a long day, mom is the first person I want to see.

IM NUGGET - 16.08.2023 21:44

Guys before you believe this its a THEORY also this theory is base off another theory? So pretty much someone just said yah it makes sense to me but we do know more successful people come from well the slums more often then not

IM NUGGET - 16.08.2023 21:40

There a reason why the guy said a theory... but that wouldn't make sense cause over. If this is the case most millionair will stay millionaire but the case is most millionaire are NEW millionaire and sadly more likely cause you have a hard life and succeed that one you are more likely be successful

MenosProblemos - 16.08.2023 15:48

Would like examples of solutions

liel montoya
liel montoya - 16.08.2023 04:56

I would say like with everything, research before committing to something, especially a baby.

Mohamed AbdelWahid
Mohamed AbdelWahid - 15.08.2023 23:17

for me i haded an insecure childhood but now it all changed after i improved my mental health and phyisical health and started marcial arts and bodybilding i still have some thoghts and My relationship with my parents has become better than ever, and all of this in one year, and it could have been less, but it is a journey worth it, knowing that I am still improving my social skills and my psychological state until now(There is no such thing as you can't change and improve your self)

Elizabeth Hoeppner
Elizabeth Hoeppner - 15.08.2023 21:38

This is funny but not true. My parents were not kind. I turned out fine.

RAHUL IS GREAT - 15.08.2023 17:32

Great video man

Veteren Pro gem
Veteren Pro gem - 15.08.2023 08:18

Yes, can we fix it?

for rest
for rest - 13.08.2023 12:37

i can not relate to anything showed in the video. i am a completely different person now compared to who i was at age of 10

D Snapf
D Snapf - 13.08.2023 03:56

I once attached an empty bag of chips to a scrap of paper using glue.

Blue Beka
Blue Beka - 11.08.2023 23:26

The only flaw in this study, is that life dosen't go linear and not everybody acts the same. Sure growing up, some kids have loving families, but at some point in anyone's life things can happen to imbalance the perspective of someone towards the world.
People aren't precise machines with a linear character in a perfect world. Things can happen at any age to change the balance. The idea is interesting, but so imprecise to the human character and swich to changes.

Hienie Nguyen
Hienie Nguyen - 11.08.2023 20:06

Generational trauma needs to stop. Just break away from toxic habita

layan sarayra
layan sarayra - 11.08.2023 17:07

I feel like the background music is rubbing it in

Anbu Hyuga
Anbu Hyuga - 11.08.2023 02:58

The examples almost made me cry. It is so strange how having someone else utter your experiences brings out so much bottled sadness. The same thing happens in therapy. You can say it yourself
"Yeah that happened and that happened. It was very bad. I whish thing could have gone different but I'm alright now"
And then they repeat it back to you and you just break down or worse, have an anxiety attack. This shit sucks man.

Model Booking
Model Booking - 10.08.2023 21:36

I never liked the idea of a woman having to work while her kids were too young, in example of the video it was valid because of what happened to her husband, yet I wish the government would have supported a woman in such a case in every thing. now days many women chose to have children with a man who is not financially ok or some live off an average salary or the they want to be boss girl, therefore they feel forced to go to work and leave their children with close relatives or strangers. I wish the would know about the damage it does for the child development, and most of the time these persons could care less about the child.
I grew up with low self steam because of this and many abuses I experienced at such a young age, today it makes me happy to know that no-one of that was my fault and that not matter how difficult it was, God never left me alone. I see everyday as an opportunity for growth, for healing and for living. I hope everyone heals from those pains inflicted early on in life, May God bless you all.

RiderLiving - 10.08.2023 14:51

Since I'm in my middle ages and have started a family of my own I'm slowly getting the picture of why I'm such a disaster. It's all childhood traumas.

From the outside things seemed fine, hell some friends were even jealous of me for all the materialistic things i possesed. I didn't know it back then but i needed so much more than just nice toys so i could stay "out of the way"

The parenting were very strict, i wasnt supposed to show any emotions, get upset or make unnecessary noices since that was annoying i guess. I was supposed to behave perfectly and organized, sit still in a corner like a furniture almost.

Time went on, i grew older and at the age of 8-10 my mother sometimes had these outbreaks crying and yelling that i wasnt loving her like a kid is supposed to love a mother. I wasnt showing enough love towards her. This shocked and scared me every single darn time. It didnt matter what i did since i wasnt enough as i was.

My parents usually backtalked each other as well during the occasional argues they had at home, using me as some sort of forum they'd blarg all their anger and dissapointments about the other parent. Bear in mind that I'm at the age of 10-12 now.

I started losing friends, isolate myself in my room. The bullying i experienced was also chocking to me. I couldn't understand why so many people wanted to hurt me emotionally and physically when i haven't even met them before. I showed signs of depression and anxiety so they brought me to the child psychiatric who diagnosed me with Aspergers. I refused to accept this. "Im not a retard with some diagnosis" i kept telling myself. I was at the age of 15 here.

My whole life of relationships has been a mess ever since. I'm surprised my wife has even stayed with me given the emotional abuse ive put her through since i don't even understand how i work myself.

At the age of 20 my bones has startes to deteoreate, and i really need a hip replacement says my doctor. He's shocked as tho why though because it's so unusual for someone at that age to replace a hip.

I've suffered with acne and all kinds of skin deseases in my life. I have a rather weak immune system but i don't drink, smoke or do drugs. I try to work out at times.

I'm writing this long post because I've been to countless therapists but with no questions answered. I'm willing to try again but trying to define more what i think might be the background of my life.

I was kind of surprised when i first met my wife's family and saw the way she interacted with her parents, it was so free and open just like between best friends. I told her that it seemed so "unnatural" because parents are supposed to provide shelter, food and help with practical things like homework and such.

mazhar pathan
mazhar pathan - 10.08.2023 13:24

When I came to uk, children here are very expressive and open about there feeling and fears.

My friends, Indian parents can’t cope with this .. take this as a negative sign .. few of them just runaway back to india to make there children learn Indian culture..
Most of them feel slap 👋 is must for children to understand the world and make them obedient.
Most of them try to enforce religious beliefs… that might be good in some cases but not always.
Most dangerous ones are the one who think here education is not enough to make them ready for the coming challenge in life .. to make money. Take so many steps to make them comparative. And excel.

Everything is about money 💰 right . Of course.

Rodrig Santoyo
Rodrig Santoyo - 08.08.2023 14:42

Seems fake

J. R.
J. R. - 07.08.2023 16:43

Normalize criticizing women as mothers. You're not supposed to but you should be able to.
