9 Pieces of Advice for my Teenage Self

9 Pieces of Advice for my Teenage Self

Lana Blakely

2 года назад

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@seryjsk - 29.12.2023 15:29

Professionnel d e v oi r

@Tazxtehz - 20.12.2023 06:59

I think as a teenage myself I struggle to socialize sometimes but when the right peoples come I love to talk..so i wouldn't consider myself a INTROVERT..LIKE NO!but yeh in school I do feel lonely cuz the kids are DIFFERENT just like every other highschool...but its okay i wont change myself becaude of them...at the end of the day they wont stay with me for the rest of my life...instead I will focus on bettering myself in education and career,just like the saying you are what you attract..so educating myself means I will attract educated people so lets focus on the things we can do and God will send the right people my way inshallah😌

@Han_nyy11 - 02.12.2023 15:08

As a teen …… I was with a group of people since I didn’t wanna be alone and not because I wanted to be , I always felt left out and alone around them so I left now I’m mostly alone and doing things myself , I’m just 14 and I’m enjoying things by myself so don’t be afraid of being alone and it won’t really make you sad after a few days I think you would love doing things that you really love by yourself, a little story I have a friend who is 80 years old ( that’s my grandma 😭🤣) who also love spending her time alone and now we do things together like get flowers and go on walks in the streets of Denmark so the moral is your lonely grandparents can be the best buddies you ever had !!!! I love all of you so much <3

@dreamgirl6671 - 30.11.2023 07:10

Hi! Thank you for the advice :) I'm 16, so from my perspective as a teenager social media has kind of just made everything worse. People are more distant, and meaner, I've noticed, and unhappier as well. We don't feel as motivated to do even things we really love, especially as it becomes harder and harder to succeed in life (dropping college acceptance rates, inflation, etc etc) and we find ourselves bogged down with inane amounts of work to try and fight the despairing feeling of imminent failure. However, it's also a time where everyone sort of just "gets it," if that makes sense. There's no one who you can't say something about feeling down about technology and where the world is headed who won't know precisely what you're talking about. So it's more isolated, but more connected at the same time. Ironic, huh.

@hafsasalman2489 - 28.08.2023 11:26

As a teenager, I try to enjoy my life with what I have and to make the best out of little things. I make sure to go out even if that means at the grocery store with my mom only to spend time with her. I volunteer at a library and enjoy finding people who match my energy. I first take few pictures and then spend the rest of the time enjoying the moment. I have a small obsession with boys however I always find a way to ground myself and love myself by journaling or going for a run for fun. I now feel older and more grown up than I did in middle school.💞

@yangjiaxie - 21.08.2023 04:52

This is the best advicee..

@minhyuksssmile - 19.08.2023 00:06

I realize I have 1 year left as a teen it's scary that's why I'm watching these videos because it's my last year as a teenager and I want her to be happier that I at least tried too change better❤

@lifeandpodcasting - 10.08.2023 01:21

i m watching this as a teenager ,idk if i have to say yayyyy or cry cause i needed to hear this.

@honeystudies4510 - 25.07.2023 18:58

Thank you so much for sharing this with us! I love this video, and I can't wait to answer to your question regarding what concerns the teenagers nowadays.
But before that, I must say you are shockingly pretty 😍!!! And the quality of the video is skyrocket, so it was really a pleasure watching it.
Continuing with the question, I am really worried about not being enough, as you've said in this video, I know I should overcome this feeling, but it keeps draining the peace out of me. I am 16 year old and I feel like I did nothing of use so far. I feel like I am old and like I have no chance of being happy and successful. Honestly, it discourages me to see how well are doing in life all this young influencers, being financially independent and looking like they're living their best life.
Also I am upset with me because I do procrastinate really much, I feel the need to start working towards my goals, but as I keep researching what is exactly the safest path to choose in order to accomplish my dreams, I get lost in piles and piles of information and then I don't know where to start.
I struggle with other things too, like depression, abuse and do on, but I often feel like these should be my motivation to move forward, but despite the fact that I am feeling energized by this wave of determination, I end up on my bathroom floor crying and loosing time blaming the universe that everything is stopping me to pursue my dreams.
I never really talked serious things with my family, and I didn't know elementary stuff like what is a period, hygiene and things like that, so I had to figure out myself. But I still don't know how to socialize efficiently, how to say no, how to avoid being manipulate, how to get a job, what is a credit card and all this stuff.
I am growing anxious because I feel so uninformed and left behind, and everytime I want to ask someone about this things, they all laugh in my face and start mocking me for not knowing those basic concepts, but the answer is never revealed.
Please, tell me how to start my journey and how to stop planing pointlessly.

@palak7975 - 09.07.2023 12:57

Okay but can we just take a moment and talk about how pretty and beautiful she is? ❤❤✨

@SarvaePCM - 07.07.2023 09:03

My advice for my child self (I’m a teen of 13 now): Write in your diary (try to everyday) because your memories were important to save and you can only remember them from memory now

@SarvaePCM - 07.07.2023 09:02

Yes you can
Ask questions
Stick to one sport (swim)
Stick to instrument (guitar, piano, drums)
Be friendly not friend to all
Be authentic and don’t make things up
Be kinder for no reason and be all selfless and see people as people

@David-nm6bv - 07.05.2023 13:39

Seeing things with an impartial perspective

@David-nm6bv - 07.05.2023 13:37

emotionally we don't see sensitive things trying to keep our mind in control of its place

@David-nm6bv - 07.05.2023 13:35

we managed to play our emotions and intelligence good control under all pressure how to keep it stable

@spiriiits - 27.03.2023 16:36

it help a lot thanks

@dawlietdesmond - 26.02.2023 21:51

You're amazing i was surfing yt instead of studying when i found this video you've motivated me smch i hope ill carry this

@user-rt2zq4jv8x - 11.02.2023 14:07

My advices for younger me:
1. Do sport
2. Care about your teeths - dantist are expensive!
3. Dont buy cheap shoes - instead buy one pair good leathet shoes. They last much longer.
4. Write everything down. You dont forgot imporrant things if you erite them.
5. Dont eat so much shugar.
6. Go to slepp earlier = wake up earlier.
7. Read more books.
8. Instead of buying useless rubbish - save money for tomorrow. Oh boy you will need them!
9. Learn second language.

@shortedbyme - 29.01.2023 15:03

being a teen but having a mindset of an Adult causes of The immature Actions Of the Adults

@jellyfsh814 - 16.01.2023 04:38

as a 14, almost 15 year old, your advice is still really relevant, i fully agree with being kinder and being authentic because it can hard and exhausting to chase the wrong people out and attract the right people into your life as a young person, and in the future it can leave you thinking "why didn't i do this when i could have?"

@smra2006 - 11.01.2023 21:45

Thank you very much Lana for your tips🫂💙
I'm a teenager too but I'd like to give one piece of advice to people my age as well 😂💙
"Reduce your judgment of yourselves and of the world, breathe freedom in your depths" .

@ghostly_elly - 01.01.2023 22:53

my school therapist was fired because of me. She was very cool, since im depressed and bi-polar (not a good combination) she let me get over my episodes in her class. So i skipped a lot of lessons but i helped her out all that time like helping talk to kids and doing serveys. And yet she was always scolded for "distracting me from school" and yet she did it anyway.
I miss her

@pangsnc.7023 - 19.12.2022 17:04

Though you couldn't go back in time to tell your teenage self these things, you've just told them to this teenage me and it is exacty what she has always needed to hear

@stephenmccain993 - 19.12.2022 03:01

Can you be less beautiful please ❤

@sanna_adiels - 12.12.2022 02:51

I am just realizing how quick time is passing by me. And I am so deeply scared of growing up, everything about it, but mostly about my looks. I just want to live more in the present moment, but life just gets in the way for me with boys, insecurities and school. Honestly, maybe I do believe that fear of life plays a part of being young/teen. Doing mistakes, cry your eyes out, being in love. It's sort of a nice feeling in some weird way..
I would like some advice on how to make every single day the most out of it? Because the only thing I can't change is turning back time.
Love, sanna

@ohhi7202 - 05.12.2022 00:08

I like you qualityyy what's the camera name?

@ernestgrib4522 - 03.12.2022 15:47

This is top g this is deep respect

@ivenalanko2462 - 29.11.2022 00:47

I'm currently 16 i bet so many of my peers will regret spending the whatever many hours on their machines. This week has been under 1h per day on average for me.
My regret is not becoming more confident earlier. At least I dug myself out of that grave I've been thrown in two years ago

@inezchong1306 - 21.11.2022 08:55

Lana, I really like a lot of the points you brought up in this video! I am eighteen, and in the transitioning period of my life waiting to go to University in February. As I float in this weird half-gap year, I have been doing a lot of reflecting on the high school life I left behind… the things you said about sticking to a sport or to an instrument actually cut a little bit, and make me feel somewhat bitter, because I was never a sports person. Or at least, I had always pegged myself as someone who cannot play ball sports. I was always more of a dancer… I don’t know. I have quite a lot of regrets about the way I handled certain things, and I wonder if I should have tried sticking to volleyball even though I didn’t quite like it, but like you said, there is something character-building about being part of a team. The fact that I’m an introvert really doesn’t help because - just like what you had with gymnastics - if I don’t feel comfortable with the people in a club/team, I ended up dropping it. That’s what happened with volleyball, and even dance, even though I actually really like to dance. I just didn’t really get along with the dancers lol. Also, I like that point you made about having this limiting perspective of yourself - when I saw that in your video, it struck me that that is exactly the mindset I used to have. I was curious about joining the high school musical because I LOVE musicals and singing and dancing and all that, but I got nervous and chickened out because I thought “no, I can’t because I’m not good at acting” or “I’m not good enough to actually be in a musical, I just enjoy them from afar”. it’s just like how you said, thinking that dreams need to stay dreams, not believing they can become reality. It hurts to regret things because you know you can never take back that lost time, or ever go back and do things differently. However… I am also grateful that I was able to reflect on these things early, because I still have uni ahead of me, and it is never too late to do the things you want to do. And I am so grateful for clicking on your video, Lana! I will keep your points in mind, especially about removing the closed mindset that “I can’t because” or “I’m just not __ enough”, because I think your advice there is very helpful to me.

Thank you Lana. Love you!

@daryleisner1088 - 21.11.2022 01:25

I totally relate to the fit in thing
The more u care about the less you fit + I reject the ones that became my true friends now (and I do regret but that's ok, we all grow up !)
If I had to give younger me a piece of advice is that "Everthing will be ok, even if u may not see it now"

@aurea.2849 - 29.09.2022 17:18

I do not know, I want to be a successful person while I am afraid of failure. We also try to recover from my childhood contract 😭😭

@jellyfishlover4 - 10.09.2022 23:01

i am 14 and i really hope to enjoy and make the best out of my teenage years, thank you Lana for being with me in my most precious years, i may not really be the best person out here but i try to be kind to people at my school and class. I try to never skip classes and take care of my studies i am also dancing, cooking, drawing, singing, reading and i wrote 2 books by now ! I really like how i feel that i am doing my best, i also have a crush on someone like any teenager but i know i could never have that someone, and it's okay ! Because sometimes we meet people that teach us lessons to not make those mistakes again, i am also reading Agatha Christie and Dostoievskie cause i rlly love those type of books, to everyone here around my age, enjoy your years and be kind to your self, love your self the way you are cause we are all made by the same thing in the end of the day :)

@wanfazali2518 - 08.09.2022 16:28


@wanfazali2518 - 08.09.2022 16:14


@goldenmmj3793 - 29.08.2022 01:13

I'm a teenager (15, soon 16) with a great fear of time passing by too quickly.
I have great parents and mentors in my life that have helped me shape my view of the world.
I see a major difference between me and my friends, I try my best to be polite with everyone and respect them, have an open mind but also have my own values and beliefs, i do the right things, help others, be humble and selfless, challenge and stretch myself for other people (which just helps me grow), have a variety of interests but also have fun. Living this type of life, living a 'good life' isnt boring. I see friends drinking and going to parties with boyfriends and girlfriends, throwing their lives away at such a young age. But then this makes me think that theres a reason behind this, maybe they had a poor upbringing and are trying to cover up the pain, having to grow up so fast.
I think thats the biggest difference i see with other teenagers and me. Like you mentioned, seeing other people as ... well "people". Everyone is quick to hate anyone at school for one small mistake, but knowing most 99% of people there are all struggling with their own insecurities, problems and lives at home can shift your views of school. I have a big heart and compassion for people, with this i got to know many interesting people out of school and in my church, being able to learn from them and their experiences.

Recently I had to leave an old friend group, it was always a toxic environment around them and we were just different people with different views. It was really difficult for me because im a real people pleaser, so to them, nothing seemed out of the ordinary but i was hurting deep inside, enduring all the things they say (i dont want to get into too much detail). First i started distancing myself away from them a bit, not even 3 days have passed before i had another close friend tell me all the shit they were talking about me behind my back, fake dating rumours and just making stuff up. This hurt so much that I was in denial at first, since i gave so much of myself to them for almost 4 years and they threw it all away in 3 days. This only affirmed my views and made me want to leave the group quicker. So i decided to confront them about it that friday before breaking up for the winter. I had already made a new group of friends that have accepted me with open arms after i stood up to my ex-group. I was super nervous, my legs were like jelly and i thought I was going to collapse. i wish i said more but my wise mother said "not to add any more wood to the flame, just to let it still. your energy is not worth writing all those paragraphs to them which they will probably not even appreciate" and she was right of course one of the guys from the old group messaged me that night apologising and saying how he was shocked and felt like he didnt do anything wrong, so i sent a lengthy paragraph stating my reasons and also stating that i dont want us to be seen as enemies, we can still smile walking past in the hallway. He replies by completely ignoring everything i said and putting his emotions first, convincing me to feel sympathy for him when i was the one that was hurt. He made me feel guilty by overloading me with emotions and bringing in other people and ending it off with "we've all had a rough week". so the only logical explanation for this was to leave him on read. I left choir but i have 2 close friends in my new group that go there and they always fill me in on everything they say. Most of is stupid and made up but i honestly couldnt care less anymore.
If theres any other teenagers reading this (surprisingly), my small advice would be just to be more kind, a smile or a compliment can go a long way :)

@gianna526 - 16.08.2022 00:11

I'm 15, and I feel like I can't do enough, and haven't done enough. The only extra curriculars I've ever been in was drama, which I do love and I'm doing again this year, but I can't dance, I haven't had singing lessons, I'm not flexible, I can't do any sports except soccer, which I haven't done in years and was never taught, I'm not very good at sewing, I'm not good at makeup nor hairstyles, I can ride a bike but nothing else like that. I really want to do stuff and I feel so awful because I've never done those things. I spent 13 years sitting in my house all day. On Sundays I went to church, on holidays I went to my grandma's, and a couple days every summer my dad would haul the entire family to a waterpark and we'd spend all day there. I never had any friends nor social interaction, and I also didn't officially start school (I've always been homeschooled) until I was 12. Before then I could read, write, and do addition and subtraction. After I learned those no one paid attention. My mom gave me a math book but I didn't know it was wrong to cheat, so I just read the answer key and wrote that down. I'm now in high school, I have some friends but I still am confused with how to have good conversations with them, how to respond to what they say, how to make new friends. I have difficulty picking up social cues, I stumble a lot and say dumb stuff and then think about that for weeks. I also really want to start dating but I'm afraid that I'll get caught up in a toxic relationship because that's all I know, and I kind of feel safe with that type of behavior, which I know isn't good.

@raynehardy2547 - 28.07.2022 02:32

these are all so good pieces of advice and words!!

@CultureJourney - 15.07.2022 23:32

Thanks for your advice! Being a teenager is overwhelming at times, but I just have to remember to enjoy it and be myself.

@ismailemoiz5246 - 08.07.2022 07:59

Is that only me or many people can resonate with Ms Bakely?!!

@shambhavimohare1106 - 22.05.2022 02:02

Im 18 right now but what i do wish i had done was being more adventurous and being more open to new experiences. I will try to incooperate this into my future. I also stuggel with living in the moment and I am working on it as well! have a good day/night everyone :)

@angelinamaureenelti8520 - 29.04.2022 12:19

Human life is always relevant to "transition". I think being a teenager actually means I am in several transitions of different states. "Change and be a better self" always become our most goals since there are invisible demands of the world, even families. So, it is very nice to always have the spirit to move forward but don't ever neglect the exhaustion and the true feelings you have right now. Hug and be kind to yourself, always.

@susanamarilusamayoacabrera1838 - 27.04.2022 21:14

Thanks for all you share us 👏🏻

@lpssweetumstv8453 - 19.04.2022 15:35

as a teen, i suppose what i fear most is not getting better, improving-myself-wise. i fear that it won't be okay in the future, and that i'll end up being a boring / fearful person all my life..i hope that's not the case, so i keep trying, but i keep holding myself to high standards i cannot reach, so i end up 'failing', fearing how my future self will turn out all over again.

@teamviktoriasarina - 18.04.2022 12:01

you remind me a little bit of Selena Gomez
But I really really do love your videos, they have so much deep content to learn 💖🙏

@daniilgoldberg9666 - 14.03.2022 14:03

you are awesome, thank you

@sunsetsims8861 - 02.03.2022 23:53

I am a teenager right now. I think you are right about most of the things that you said. I have a thought for you. 'Speek how you would say it to your self'. I am sure you would understand.

@jeffh.6274 - 26.02.2022 09:46

Like the video anyway 🤟😘🥰😍

@jeffh.6274 - 26.02.2022 09:45

Education is not preparation for life but life itself? ? 🤔 I don't think so. 🤔 I think experience is life itself! And I wished I could have more experiences but things take time.

@saemori - 06.02.2022 20:39

what if i'm a party and horse person :(
