Nafisa's Pearlz

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@sakinnahwebster701 - 09.05.2024 13:16

🌸 ‘𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐡𝐢𝐠𝐡 𝐯𝐚𝐥𝐮𝐞 𝐌𝐮𝐬𝐥𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐡’ 🌸

- She does her morning and evening athkaar and remembers Allah at every point of her day.

- She has a daily wird (portion) of Qur’aan that she reads and ponders upon without fail. 

- She guards her salawaat and prays them properly and on time and with her heart fully present and concentrated. 

- She strives to increase her knowledge of her Lord and His religion daily and doesn’t make excuses. 

- She makes her bed in the morning and keeps her environment and house clean

- She keeps herself clean, hygienic, and looking and smelling beautiful and presentable if she’s staying at home
- She only leaves the house if she needs to, and when she does, she maintains the proper legislated hijab

- She doesn’t talk to non-mahram men unnecessarily 

- She is at the service of her parents and family and she is of her best character with them even when they may be difficult 

-With her husband, she is loving, caring, and she obeys him in that which is good, respects him and is grateful to him.

-  Her friends are also practising Muslimaat and they call each other towards good and forbid each other from evil things that displease Allah. 

- When she is corrected she is not arrogant, and when she is complimented she is not proud. She remembers that all her favours come from her Lord and is not arrogant. 

- She does things for others for the sake of Allah, so if she doesn’t receive thanks she is not affected by it.

- She stays away from idle talk, gossiping and wasting time doing things that will not help her such as watching TV shows or reading Western fiction books

- She doesn’t spend hours on social media and if she has it she only uses it to benefit herself, and to keep in touch with friends and family 

- With her children, she is not too strict and not too lenient. She is loving and nurturing and sets the proper example for them. 

- When she hears a ruling from the Qur'an and Sunnah she submits to it without questioning or making excuses. 

May Allah allow us to develop these characteristics and more. 🤍

Did we miss anything?


@satinyadale4428 - 05.05.2024 06:19

I think Muslim men need to learn to control themselves as well. Some men are great at tempting me beyond reason

@asiyaz7421 - 05.03.2024 22:26

BarrakaAllah. Fiki. Thank you for the very noteworthy advice. Listening to your video is therapeutic to me.

@ladymariamoa - 06.01.2024 21:13

Wa alaikum salam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu sis Nafisat. Alhamdulilahi Rabbi Alamin that I think I'm a scale of 7.5 out of 10 of being a HVM and I believe Allah S.W.T make it easy to develop into a 10 out of 10 as a single Muslimah that have never married before as our era isn't easy at all. Alhamdulilahi Rabbi Alamin for everything Ya Rabb has done in my life and HIS promises I believe in. Keeping strong.

@joejo7698 - 31.12.2023 12:20

Muta (short marriage), Girls in Muslim country are being marriage off and most of them are left. Some are even told to get married with her own father-in-law after a divorce. Some are forced to marry/sex with Imam just because the man divorce her. ALL this, Muslim womens are used as money making for Muslim man. 🤨

@joejo7698 - 31.12.2023 12:14

Just looking at the Quran, MAN can marriage a under age girls EVEN a Baby?😔

@joejo7698 - 31.12.2023 12:12

So the Holy man calling women half brain, devil and more in Hell?😔Ex Muslim Sahil and Adam seeker

@Linasgaming123 - 31.12.2023 10:09

Mashallah ! Mashallah Mashallah ❤🎉 love u sis your the best

@ulfimaudy - 08.12.2023 01:37

Such a great video❤❤❤❤❤❤

@maryfield2080 - 05.12.2023 18:33

Marshallah amazing speech I wish I had seen it more than ten years ago when my marriage started to go downhill from my abusive ex husband ,,but even to watch your video now is so empowering to see it,because it prevents me from letting crap happen again to my life...THANK YOU AND MAY ALMIGHTY ALLAH REWARD AND BLESS YOU FOR GIVING OUT THESE VIDEOS FOR FREE!!-.And please do another video on the vice versa it should be :10 things high value muslim MEN MUST NOT ALLOW THEIR WOMEN DO ON THEM..trust me some women do abuse with MUSLIM men too AND it is happening now and your video must be coming on those topics too..PLEASE SISTER KEEP IN WRITTEN WORDS THE MESSAGE ON THE VIDEO IN REGARDS TO THE ADVICE YHAT YOU GAVE LIKE THIS:"ATTENTION!!-- IT IS OK TO HAVE THIS SITUATION HAPPENING FOR A WHILE IF THE WIFE OR HUSBAND IS SICK FOR A WHILE "---.MAKE IT IN A YELLOW BACKGROUNGD WRITTEN IN DARK BOLD BLAC AND BIG LETTERS AND OR NUMBERS IF ANY IS NEEDED and keep it for longer interval of times on the screen and ignore the line crossing my words here it is you tube that does it....PLEASE ADD YOUR WEBSITE IN THERE TOO FOR MORE HELP!MAY ALLAH BLESS YOU INSHALLAH,YOU ARE GIVING US BIG HELP!

@Zainab-wh2zw - 04.11.2023 12:10

I just started listening to you yesterday but since then, I am just glued to the phone. Maa shaa Allah sister.... May ya Allah bless you and your family.

@halimtuahmad6310 - 06.10.2023 20:44

Assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh, sister I really enjoyed every step of your speak. May Allah bless you with most knowledge.

@RandFan09 - 25.09.2023 21:24

May Allah reward you for these wonderful videos sister!

@n0426 - 12.09.2023 21:18

“They learn to control the little events around them”
Yes 🙌🏻
Even when i go to the grocery store i go after aser and turn home before magreb
I also refused to allow my brother to bring his friends and relatives to spend the night at our home.
We can have self control. But do these men even have self respect? Most are too weak of an individual and the world is full of drama, wicked people and sad children. So you NEVER want to swim in that swamp. Stay the beautiful free spirited mermaid that you are! 💜🧜🏻‍♀️

@n0426 - 12.09.2023 21:09

“Nobody is perfect at the surface of this earth but however HOWEVER some women are better than others “
And so are SOME men !
And if anyone tells you everyone is the same and no one is better than anyone know they are a NARCISSIST and stay away because no one can see your beauty better than GOD.

@Jafar.Jamal-175 - 29.08.2023 03:55

Lol, this is just feminist garbage.

@hellostorm7661 - 22.08.2023 16:46

What makes a high valued woman such versus a low valued woman? Whats the missing link in the thought process? The thongs ive done in your list shows that im low valued easily pressured and im not sure why i allowed certain behaviors against me, like pressure to have intimacy without marriage. Low esteem naive gullibility? Many woman may not understand why? Missing father? Absent mother? Like what distinguishes the two women mental capacity?

@nishashaikh2023 - 12.08.2023 09:03

You are amazing sister
Allahhumma barik
The last point you said 😢😢
I was really in need of this.

@usainaali5604 - 03.08.2023 16:37

I love your teaches, may the Almighty Allah rewards you

@AyishaIsshak-kd2sq - 01.08.2023 03:05

Hmmm well done sis 🙏💖👍

@LR24134 - 25.07.2023 07:31


@nafiwsuallahaissofa1157 - 24.07.2023 13:32

Maa Shaa Allah ❤️❤️❤️

@adiriesther03 - 18.07.2023 01:23

JazakumuLlahu khayran Ma 🥰.

@kausharpathan2851 - 13.07.2023 04:06

Jazaq Allahukum khairan sis🥰🥰🥰❤❤❤

@sulaimanfirdaus5779 - 09.07.2023 17:38


@christinearztmann7351 - 07.07.2023 00:41

women who dont want to live in polygamie must fix this before marriage and in their marriage contracts as well.

@rachalabella7823 - 06.07.2023 17:02

I agree with everything 100%. Marriage is a journey and a ministry. You cannot be involved in hot girl summer this year and the next you are asking God to give you a good husband without even going through the process of prayer, fasting, forgiveness and redemption.

@savannahwillis5902 - 04.07.2023 17:38

I love your vids sis. I just can't get behind the High Value language. Its roots are capitalistic and misguiding.

@MsMuslimahgirl - 02.07.2023 23:04

All facts!!! ❤

@Duck-fy6xn - 02.07.2023 10:49

I really like your content ❤, may Allah bless you 🙏

@hassanifatoumia6413 - 30.06.2023 09:52

Thks for sharing, every time, I Learn something

@Young-Riaz - 28.06.2023 10:31

I am a non traditional British Pakistani guy but i agree with you and i pray to Allah that i will be better and have good characteristics for my future wife

@aaishahbong3824 - 27.06.2023 14:09

More than 1 wife is sunnah! He doesn't need her ok or permission. Out of respect for her and their relationship, he should tell her. If she cannot accept it then it is between her and Allah and she will answer for it on the day of judgment. Men and women are not the same and even our Mother, Aaishah radi Allahu Anha, was jealous at times. It's natural but we do not go beyond the bounds set by Allah. As long as he is fulfilling your rights there should be no problem, bi'iznillaah. We will leave them or they will leave us in the end anyway...this is all temporary. But the issue of toxic relationships are on point. Too many boys and not enough men !

@user-hv9ym9ek8u - 24.06.2023 00:44

Maa Shaa'a Allah

Jazaaki Allahu khairan ❤

@swatijana549 - 23.06.2023 17:17

What if I already let him touch me because he said he will marry.

@Bianca2802 - 18.06.2023 19:09

So what to do if you have two children and your Muslim husband does not work ,saying he does not feel like it, and prefers to take money from the state, hangig around with friends,coming home late. And the wife is responsible for everything. The children, house and also income. Is it better to get divorced ?

@Bianca2802 - 18.06.2023 19:01

I needed to hear this..❤

@foodiesworldUSA - 18.06.2023 09:15

Asalam Alaiqum. I want to contact you and share my bad experiences and evil person rude comments.

@cashout9860 - 17.06.2023 17:32

I'm not supposed to provide, western people don't get it

@gairoonishaboolay4331 - 17.06.2023 11:08

I think if a man wants a second wife it should be OK. It's Allah's gift to them and us ladies. There are many widows that needs the help , support and also wants to live a filled life of marriage.

@nalukengezulaikah2099 - 17.06.2023 08:36

Subuhanala, thanks dia 🙏🙏🙏

@nilumabegum5662 - 17.06.2023 00:18

Love u Nafisa.

@user-pk2mk3rh8i - 16.06.2023 20:49


@gemnafee - 16.06.2023 01:35

You truly are a gem! Allahumma Bareek❤❤

@samirasharmeen1124 - 15.06.2023 13:12

I love listening to her advice. We can learn so many life lessons from her..❤

@aura7153 - 14.06.2023 22:30

Thank you sister ❤ بارك الله فيكِ

@NoorFatima-dp6ow - 14.06.2023 12:15

Please add timestamps 😊

@Knowledgeseeker77 - 14.06.2023 11:11

Very powerful. You made me think I am valuable😊

@hananalmasri9069 - 14.06.2023 11:04

Ameen, can you make one about high value Muslim men in a relevant context as well❤
