Getting Over It With Bennett Foddy - Full Playthrough, Ending (excl. reward), extra Snake Ride

Getting Over It With Bennett Foddy - Full Playthrough, Ending (excl. reward), extra Snake Ride


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ρяσρнєт - 14.05.2023 10:37

I've came here for the wisdom this game has so much wisdom in such a short game it's crazy

WaffleKrushaTTV - 07.03.2023 16:46

Great job playing this rage inducing game. 👏🏿👏🏿

Lè Shàwn Dè Wàlrùs
Lè Shàwn Dè Wàlrùs - 05.08.2022 19:36

Wait there is an actual ending?
I remember getting to "orange hell" and thinking i was far in and was like "if this isnt the ending,there's none.
I was not even close😭

ArthurFord - 02.06.2022 00:43

It fells like a sloth is playing this

meliodas - 04.02.2022 15:21

Dang he too lucky😂

PikoVr - 12.01.2022 07:53

How do u download getting over it on Pc

Remss R
Remss R - 13.10.2021 12:00

Im a new subscriber

Thecupheadfan183 - 23.07.2021 21:02

Sadism: The game

JustGaming - 31.03.2021 06:33

Imagine completing this game and you get a message saying that "congratulations on completing the tutorial now progress to level 1"

Daniel Rouman
Daniel Rouman - 14.02.2021 18:11

No one:
Ludophiles: Gets over it very slow as a snail

Some Random guy with breasts
Some Random guy with breasts - 14.02.2021 12:26

omg such paitience

dravendude101 - 26.10.2020 18:20

Ahhhh memories huh?Its a Bizzare game im proud :)))

RockingBasket88 - 24.10.2020 01:01

I wonder how many times you said fuck or shit while not talking? 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔

Yuhannis Khodabocus
Yuhannis Khodabocus - 23.10.2020 19:46

Fu*k you

Yuhannis Khodabocus
Yuhannis Khodabocus - 23.10.2020 19:37

You are so slowwwwwww

Frostdylan80 P
Frostdylan80 P - 19.10.2020 04:47

Better by far you should forget and smile
Than that you should remember and be sad."
- Christina Rossetti

"Can I see another's woe,
And not be in sorrow too?
Can I see another's grief,
And not seek for kind relief?"
- William Blake

"Do not stand at my grave and cry;
I am not there. I did not die."
- Mary Elizabeth Frye

"Don't hate the player hate the game."
- Ice T

"Even as the stone of the fruit must break, that its heart may stand in the sun, so must you know pain.
And could you keep your heart in wonder at the daily miracles of your life, your pain would not seem less wondrous than your joy;"
- Kahlil Gibran

"I feel your pain the pain in knowing this has
Happened to you. The pain in knowing what more
tears we have gained. But through all this I feel your pain"
- Octavia B. Hawkins-Richardson

"If you try to please audiences, uncritically accepting their tastes, it can only mean that you have no respect for them"
- Andrei Tarkovsky

"I feel within me a peace above all earthly dignities, a still and quiet conscience."
- William Shakespeare

"In the end… We only regret the chances we didn’t take"
- Lewis Carroll

"I stand amid the roar
Of a surf-tormented shore,
And I hold within my hand
Grains of the golden sand —
How few! yet how they creep
Through my fingers to the deep,
While I weep — while I weep!
O God! Can I not grasp
Them with a tighter clasp?
O God! can I not save
One from the pitiless wave?
Is all that we see or seem
But a dream within a dream?"
- Edgar Allan Poe

"Laugh, and the world laughs with you;
Weep, and you weep alone;
For the sad old earth must borrow its mirth,
But has trouble enough of its own."
- Ella Wheeler Wilcox

"LIFE is a mosaic of pleasure and pain - grief is an interval between two moments of joy. Peace is the interlude between two wars. You have no rose without a thorn; the diligent picker will avoid the pricks and gather the flower."
- Sathya Sai Baba

"Of all sad words of tongue or pen, the saddest are these, 'It might have been."
- John Greenleaf Whittier

"Oft expectation fails, and most oft there
Where most it promises; and oft it hits
Where hope is coldest, and despair most fits."
- William Shakespeare

"Our doubts are traitors,
and make us lose the good we oft might win,
by fearing to attempt."
- William Shakespeare

"Pain has an element of blank;
It cannot recollect
When it began, or if there were
A day when it was not.
It has no future but itself,
Its infinite realms contain
Its past, enlightened to perceive
New periods of pain."
- Emily Dickinson

"Patience is the foundation of eternal peace. Make anger your enemy. Harm comes to those who know only victory and do not know defeat. Find fault with yourself and not with others. It is in falling short of your own goals that you will surpass those who exceed theirs."
- Tokugawa Ieyasu

"She smiled in defeat,
With unconquerable eyes."
- Atticus

"Somethin' filled up
My heart with nothin',
Someone told me not to cry.
Now that I'm older,
My heart's colder,
And I can see that it's a lie."
- Arcade Fire

"Sorrow is my own yard where the new grass flames as it has flamed often before but not with the cold fire that closes round me this year."
- William Carlos Williams

"The mountain seems no more a soulless thing,
But rather as a shape of ancient fear,
In darkness and the winds of Chaos born
Amid the lordless heavens' thundering-
A Presence crouched, enormous and austere,
Before whose feet the mighty waters mourn."
- George Sterling

“The pain I feel now is the happiness I had before. That's the deal.”
- C.S. Lewis

"There are no regrets in life, just lessons."
- Jennifer Aniston

"The soul would have no rainbow
Had the eyes no tears."
- John Vance Cheney

"This is the Hour of Lead –
Remembered, if outlived,
As Freezing persons, recollect the Snow –
First – Chill – then Stupor – then the letting go –"
- Emily Dickinson

"This thing we call "failure" is not the falling down, but the staying down.”
- Mary Pickford

“To live is to suffer, to survive is to find some meaning in the suffering.”
- Friedrich Nietzsche

"Whenever I climb I am followed by a dog called Ego."
- Friedrich Nietzsche

"When to the sessions of sweet silent thought
I summon up remembrance of things past,
I sigh the lack of many a thing I sought,
And with old woes new wail my dear time’s waste"
- William Shakespeare

"You cannot now believe that you will ever feel better. But this is not true. You are sure to be happy again. Knowing this, truly believing it will make you less miserable now."
- Abraham Lincoln

"Your failure here is a metaphor. To learn for what, please resume climbing."
- Rob Dubbin

PRIYANSHU VERMA - 14.10.2020 08:16

I have a Hack of this Game PC version or mobile version 🤩

BaryonModeBG - 05.10.2020 13:52

Happy ending 😭😭😭😭

BaryonModeBG - 05.10.2020 13:49

Ye ganja pagal kutte ki zapan hai

Concept 🏳️‍⚧️
Concept 🏳️‍⚧️ - 31.08.2020 18:22

I can't even begin to imagine the sheer amount of frustration you felt during this.

SG 2048
SG 2048 - 29.07.2020 08:55

I completed this game

Dovid Koenigsberg
Dovid Koenigsberg - 26.07.2020 15:08

Who’s here after Poofessure?

renmine - 19.07.2020 07:04

Came here for the stairs

Gamer Craft
Gamer Craft - 07.07.2020 10:47

I complete it 2 times and first win is 1 hour 20 min
Now its 18 minutes

Tyler P
Tyler P - 24.04.2020 13:09

This might be the first ever in the world completion of the game.
Because this mad lad beat the game the day after it released!

Galax Operi
Galax Operi - 19.03.2020 06:42

Getting over it is too preachy

Zero Zombie
Zero Zombie - 15.02.2020 10:45

They're just care about speedrun and winning the game but dosen't know this game create about
My god dislike...

satans Santa
satans Santa - 14.01.2020 10:54

way better than speedrun one,Why so many dislikes?

Jawsome - 28.12.2019 04:15

im just salty because my headphones slot is broken and half the time i have to adjust my headphones to get any sound at all
so it cut out here so i pressed escape to pause
and then the credits just fuckin cut out

Dusty Nut
Dusty Nut - 27.12.2019 08:46

why so many dislikes? Yall think you can beat the game? xD


Getting over it:you can't beat me

Ludophile:Hold my 🔨

bumpertv55000 - 04.10.2019 02:05

you forget to put no commentary

SuperKiller500 - 15.08.2019 17:12

insane nice man

Vadim Achille
Vadim Achille - 13.08.2019 09:47

Man, another game where some game journalists suck as well...

Day Ruiner
Day Ruiner - 25.07.2019 23:06

Alternate title of the game:
,,Getting overrated with screaming retards"

Milad Ch
Milad Ch - 09.07.2019 02:17

U r very relax😑😑

vazons - 25.06.2019 17:00

This game is constantly trying to gain your attention by talking, and it wants you to pay attention to the voice you hear. So you can’t concentrate. Don’t get angry , because thats exactly, what it wants you to do.

On the part where he starts talking about the games, he says they suck, and thats where you get angry and you can’t concentrated... Getting over it, is a hiking game and when you are hiking, (in real life) you have the fear of losing everything you have (meaning your life). As soon as you feel that your in an uncomfortable spot, you become paranoid of falling.

You get distracted by people telling you things. Let me tell you a story, its a story about distraction. Every year these frogs have this race of who can get up this steep mountain... the kids never make it, heres why. When the frogs get close the people start screaming “YOU CAN’T DO IT!” Then the frogs look over and then... they fall. But one frog. Kept going even tho they were screaming. And he made it... because he was deaf... so dont listen to the voices on the game, and you will make it.

Good Luck...

Ηλιανα Μητσιανης
Ηλιανα Μητσιανης - 11.06.2019 21:48

I wish this was free

Melting Doggo
Melting Doggo - 05.06.2019 03:00

That was beautiful 😢😢😢👍💐💐💐

swagboss - 27.04.2019 10:26

“I dedicate this game to you I give it to you with all my love” I don’t know why but this make me sad after all trying to beat the game

Unspeakable Gaming
Unspeakable Gaming - 30.03.2019 13:05

Why are you doing it slow🐢

Mister Ghoul
Mister Ghoul - 11.03.2019 23:49

I actually enjoy the lack of commentary. feels like everyone does it, without letting you experience it. like a baby bird getting explained how to eat the chewed up food.

i got this name from a name generator
i got this name from a name generator - 02.02.2019 12:48

truly satisfying video
