How To Develop A Consistent Art Style: 6 Proven Strategies (including examples)

How To Develop A Consistent Art Style: 6 Proven Strategies (including examples)

Contemporary Art Issue

1 год назад

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Thomas Rufer
Thomas Rufer - 13.09.2023 23:11

Would be good to know your dogs name.

Arnaud Celma
Arnaud Celma - 07.09.2023 22:14

There is consistency in the dog yawning

aidy studio
aidy studio - 03.09.2023 22:30

does anybody, notice how peacefully the dog is sleeping ?

Ashley Rice
Ashley Rice - 30.08.2023 17:12

Do you have exercises to help us discover this for ourselves

Cookie Monster
Cookie Monster - 29.08.2023 23:15

Awesome channel and videos!

james gasowski
james gasowski - 18.08.2023 07:08

i despise " style"

Bunny Lang
Bunny Lang - 13.08.2023 20:26

This is very helpful, nice to realize I do some of these things naturally, at the same time, I've really learned some new important details. Thank you.

Corey Chambers
Corey Chambers - 11.08.2023 06:46

Turn up your audio level a bit

Zira Prod
Zira Prod - 10.08.2023 18:13

You DO NOT have to have all of these.... But you DO have to have a few.

Erik Norberg
Erik Norberg - 10.08.2023 14:21

I think the presentation is good, but personally I don't seem to understand what all other who commented seems to understand, since there are very difficult to find real buty in the shown art pieces. Often I just find it depressing to watch any installations. Last time I visited Lousiana art exibition in Denmark I just found it a very boring experience, but I had to be patient since I was there together with friends who seemed to enjoy what they saw. Some years ago I visited the watercolor muséum in Skärhamn i Sweden and I found the exitbition very interesting. The hanging of Emil Nolde's art was exqisite and very beautiful. A year later, when I visited Louisiana in Denmark they showed the same art, but had hanged it very tight in a big square, which made it impossible to enjoy the art. Once when I visited the muséum of Dalsland (a district in Sweden) they showed art of the Swedish professor Arne Isacsson, and his art is what I call art. I saw a picture from an art exibition where a bunch of people are staring on thre enormus pictures of white canvases' and feel just faberglasted about what it is all about!

Sasha S
Sasha S - 01.08.2023 20:58

Wow, covering floor with ultramarine blue paint or a bad painting upside down! So brilliant, so radical!!!

th - 30.07.2023 00:31

a year of art school in twenty seven minutes

Moe26 - 29.07.2023 21:10

This was incredible. You brought me back to think about what is important in my art. Thank you, this helped❤️😊

Aleph Escobedo
Aleph Escobedo - 23.07.2023 19:35

is the dog ok?

Daniel Lopes
Daniel Lopes - 23.07.2023 07:39

Again a visit to you here and again reaffirming. An artist talent is nothing with out further discovery. Always imagining the image through exploration, Not easy without a thorough understanding of the original start the beginning must be fully realized. Beyond many impossible for most, certainly the artist here are inspiring. Thank you.

Craig Voigt
Craig Voigt - 18.07.2023 04:07

Thank you Julien for your terrific videos. Very useful information. 👍💗💗❤

black stacie
black stacie - 18.07.2023 03:15

Once we start thinking too much, we start to water down our potential. Once in a while, it’s good to just create like you were 5 yrs old.

JOYDEEP GHOSH - 17.07.2023 03:22

Albert Einstein used to visualise lots of experimental evaluations just virtually.

eye cough
eye cough - 14.07.2023 21:01

I like the idea of consistency and versatility.
I’m still going to paint trees until I bleed maple syrup.

Mohtaf - 12.07.2023 18:56

This was a great video. Thank you

Julie Tugwell
Julie Tugwell - 12.07.2023 10:47

Fabulous advice. I have been a full time artist for about 6 years and finding my style is still a journey.

Sublime - 09.07.2023 01:51

So, is someone mixing up their own medium and using it mean the work is stable? The person would have to be a chemist not an artist and how many people have the time and space to brew up their own medium? Transferring photographs onto a canvas and then a grid over it seems lazy and unimaginative. The "artist" doesn't have to know how to paint/draw. Mixing materials is risky unless you are a chemist, or mixing for the purpose of because it hasn't been done yet is meaningless. Many "works" look trendy/shock value/ugly; suppose that is art today. Please define "spiritual". You didn't mention Richter's squeegee paintings where the assistant lays down the paint and hands Richter the squeegee. Listen, when an artist produces something that sells they aren't going to change it much.

Jorge Chikoti
Jorge Chikoti - 05.07.2023 12:26

Great video, i like the fact that you broke down each style, explained them well and gave some examples for all of them. 
Expecting more videos from you, wishing you all the best bro 🙏

FRANZ DOREZA - 03.07.2023 18:37

OK I have a funny little story about David Hockney…his boyfriend approached me at a gallery show, and he liked my paintings… But instead of buying my paintings, he wanted to trade me some of his plates… David Hockney plates that were apparently hand painted and signed?I guess they’re hand-painted plates, but I’m not sure… If they were mass produced or what… But of course, I said no… Not because I don’t like David Hockney… But I can’t pay rent… That’s what sucks… If they were hand-painted plates from David Hockney, of course I would trade a painting for it… But if they were just mass produced..Hell no… But how would I know? Unless I talk to David… and I couldn’t talk to him..And again… I needed to pay rent I didn’t have time to sell, his hand-painted dishes, if they were hand-painted, and if they were worth enough money… I still don’t know if I did the right thing ..

FRANZ DOREZA - 03.07.2023 18:30

Gerhard Richter is one of my favorites because of his ability to adapt and evolve… I don’t like all of his work, but I appreciate all of his work… But I’m a painter, I will stick to painting on whatever surface I don’t care… Picasso is my model… He always evolved, even though he might do a few things in the same manner… They were always pretty different… Hopefully I can find my way

FRANZ DOREZA - 03.07.2023 18:26

I met Nicolas Africano, when I was a student at the Art institute of Chicago.. I was working as an art mover, part time while being a student… I was highly praised by my teachers at the school, even told I was going to be a star one day… And when you hear that from the most senior painting teacher at the school in front of for the other students during a critique… It’s embarrassing and overwhelming… Yes, it gives you confidence but then you feel like you’re on the spot… So much pressure… I’m not saying this to brag… Because I’m struggling, not because of my work, because I’m not working… Because of the way, the art world has changed… And the way the art world is set up… Mainly because we have to fucking pay bills really… I haven’t worked in more than 20 years because of this… The world is saturated with a lot of art, most of it, not very good… People are making how to videos so they can tell people who have no talent how to paint abstract art? Are you fucking kidding me? I guess it’s easier to make money doing that because the people who watch it have no idea what they’re doing. And there are a lot more of those people anyway… More people with money and no idea, no taste. Anyway, when I saw his painting, which was about 10 x 10‘… It was muddy, brown, black and gray… Childlike stick figures with a few words underneath, neither good or bad, just plain, dull and boring and confusing… His sculptures, however, were very beautiful… So I asked him what inspired you to do these paintings… I didn’t want to insult him I was at his studio… He said they pay me $100,000… So basically it’s about money because I don’t think he really likes those paintings, he found a little niche, fooled some people into believing it’s worth it… And that’s what happens in the world… Sometimes these critics and galleries, they turn crap into gold, because they say so… and some pseudo intellectuals but it..And a lot of famous artist, who I find extremely boring, and some of it it’s not really painting, but graphic design… have become very successful because of what other people say, people who I don’t trust anyway… They’re not artists, they’re just critics, basically… So why do we have to follow what they say? The artists should control that not the critics and galleries… What the fuck do they know? a certain style of art never has to end because it always changes even though it has similar qualities… Some galleries were telling me. Oh, that was already done before we want to do something different… Everything has been done before… But now since you have to change materials, let’s see, I’m going to use shit and piss this time or maybe catchup and mustard… or cut a dog in half..And I’ll do a painting on toast or drywall with some pieces of paper plates in it… Different just to be different is not making art. Different to provoke or to alienate, or shock is not making art… My art, what I care about is beauty, even frightening and depressing can be beautiful… I don’t care about provoking or shocking people… That doesn’t mean it’s art, that’s just a statement… It’s more of a philosophical idea… contemporary art is very alienating to me… Some of it’s nice, but most of it is just alienating… So why is that worthy of our attention? Anyway… You can see I’m frustrated because I don’t always understand what’s going on even as an artist myself, it’s even more confusing… … But like I said, I think Artist should have more control of what we do and what is art instead of critics and gallery owners..

FRANZ DOREZA - 03.07.2023 17:48

Consistent quality is important, what bothers me about how to become a more recognized artist is that you kind of have to repeat yourself… You do the same thing over and over in a different way because you need to make a living and make a name right? But at the same time it kills you as an artist, it’s just your creativity, I have never done anything that was, the same, not even similar… They are always different, but I’m trying to find a little niche so I can I guess, create my own style? I don’t even like saying that… I like changing because each painting is different. I guess it’s more of finding a series of paintings that are similar to establish a certain look, which actually really sucks. I prefer Picassos method just paint what you feel and keep changing and evolving because that’s the most important thing for artists Not making money and getting galleries… But constantly evolving… It really is kind of a fucked up situation…some people are born with a specific style and it works..Maybe I’m still trying to find my own thing… But yes, the idea of repeating myself is frightening… But it’s also slightly necessary, which again… If we didn’t have the money system we wouldn’t have to worry about it..

Gamer Couch (RGB)
Gamer Couch (RGB) - 01.07.2023 20:22

consistency feels like nature of a flower that breaks free from concrete of uncertainty

SPYT VALV - 30.06.2023 18:59

I consistently click on your video thinking it will be someone else talking but its just you again 😂

RedBlue Bae
RedBlue Bae - 30.06.2023 12:16


dwinosam - 29.06.2023 06:18

Hey my dude, no style style is called free style, but….art 🙄

Harriet - 29.06.2023 01:32

“Be yourself, be yourself radically” …love this thank you!

VD Art
VD Art - 28.06.2023 13:33

The presentation was exceptional, offering a clear and precise approach to attain a higher level of perseverance.

Ethan Finch
Ethan Finch - 28.06.2023 13:29

What a joke

Mary Ambrose
Mary Ambrose - 28.06.2023 03:59

just found you.... excellent topics and helpful advice. thank you.

alfiemarie - 27.06.2023 21:53

the dog is such a cutie pie :/

Steve the Owlcatcher
Steve the Owlcatcher - 27.06.2023 17:46

consistency is kind of boring imo, i like experimentation

Ann - 27.06.2023 09:43

What is the name of the artist mentioned just after Richard Serra? Fred...?

Art.omas.Thomas - 25.06.2023 22:38

Wonderful video work Julien ! thanks ! i m on my way ..

Deniz Kaptan
Deniz Kaptan - 25.06.2023 05:26

I am glad you mentioned Richter; I absolutely LOVE Richter not only because his insane painting ability but also because he didn't buy into the capitalist expectation of "consistency" that galleries push forward, and still became immensely successful and recognized. He became an expert of his medium and explored all the varieties of human emotion while exploring the capabilities of his medium. His process in itself is art: human, honest, and beautiful.

Gab Silva
Gab Silva - 25.06.2023 02:52

Really nice. I was looking for this type of info. I have two very different styles. Both pop art. One is a comic book type of aesthetic similar to warhol and lichtenstein. And the other is very inspired by keith harring. They are similar in themes i potrait but very different in visuals. I have a lot of doubts on how to present them in a consistent way. Thanks for the video!

DJ Native Intelligence
DJ Native Intelligence - 23.06.2023 00:46

Wow, big video, lots of incredible info and examples, thanks

Linda B.
Linda B. - 22.06.2023 05:48

Thank you so much for your excellent lecture!👏🏻 It is well thought out & presented, with clear examples & wise suggestions. I have only very recently discovered your videos & channel, & as a lapsed artist I feel greatly inspired & encouraged by your posts. 🤩 Wonderful!🎉

Big Blue
Big Blue - 22.06.2023 04:41

Thanks, Julien. Everytime I watch one of your videos I learn something new. In fact several new things.

antitsa - 20.06.2023 22:21

I love the dog.

Daniel Lopes
Daniel Lopes - 17.06.2023 09:52

Always a finding that proceeds organically never an adaptation. Ever evolving toward pure idea. That this idea lives in each artist waiting to be realized.Ideas are our compass they point the way. Wonderful how your video’s push me to think about these things. Thank you CAI❗️Keep ‘em coming always looking forward to your next while reviewing the others.

Nader Khaghani
Nader Khaghani - 16.06.2023 21:10

I love the doggie. She listens so intensely to daddy. An art expert by now.

André Rios
André Rios - 16.06.2023 13:41

It was very insightful and I just created a new unique and consistent art style! The most amazing one. INVISIBLE ART.
Introducing the enigmatic realm of "Invisible Art," a groundbreaking artistic movement that challenges conventional perceptions of art by embracing the absence of physical and digital content. Within this revolutionary style, artists craft immersive experiences that transcend tangible boundaries, inviting viewers to explore the unseen dimensions of existence. Guided by the power of imagination, these visionary creators harness intangible elements such as emotions, concepts, and sensations to provoke thought and evoke profound introspection. By shattering traditional expectations, Invisible Art unveils a new frontier where art becomes an ethereal manifestation of the intangible, inviting viewers to engage with the invisible threads that connect us all. (by chat gpt)
Now, how can I sell these invisible art pieces?

Inji Artistry
Inji Artistry - 15.06.2023 22:06

My soul and brain won't let me stick to one style.
