Amazing KOI Japan! Absolutely didn't expect this natural lake has a lot of KOI, Ranchu and Oranda

Amazing KOI Japan! Absolutely didn't expect this natural lake has a lot of KOI, Ranchu and Oranda

Marady Fish Fighter

3 года назад

1,356,824 Просмотров

Amazing KOI Japan! Absolutely didn't expect this natural lake has a lot of KOI, Ranchu and Oranda

#MaradyFishFighter #hunting #Fishing #Goldfish #Founding #Carps #Betta #Shark #guppyfish #guppies #sharks #balashark #mollyfish #koi #koifish #carp #angelfish #fish #animal #animals


#Marady_Fish_Fighter #Amazing #KOI #Japan #Absolutely #didn't #expect #this #natural #lake #has #a_lot #of #Ranchu #and #Oranda #Amazing_KOI_Japan!_Absolutely_didn't_expect_this_natural_lake_has_a_lot_of_KOI #Ranchu_and_Oranda
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