The “heroic dose” of psychedelics, according to Johns Hopkins | Dr. Matthew Johnson

The “heroic dose” of psychedelics, according to Johns Hopkins | Dr. Matthew Johnson

Big Think

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dirtsky - 21.09.2023 15:40

all you dummies on pills, you lost

Namen3 - 21.09.2023 14:10

The naive approach shows how little has actually been done with these things. Of course all this work needs to be done, but there should be so much more testing.

Trevor Hills
Trevor Hills - 21.09.2023 09:44

I bought mine online from a psychedelic dispensary 🍄🍄

kumquat - 21.09.2023 07:06

Scott the woz with a beard

Walrus Mallone
Walrus Mallone - 21.09.2023 06:34

Sanity is fragile.

BuckyCBS - 21.09.2023 06:03

Looking forward to this therapy following my brain surgery 12 months ago 🙏 🤞 fingers crossed

Cherry Campbell Masters
Cherry Campbell Masters - 21.09.2023 05:33

This guy is a poser for profit.

Mark Lada
Mark Lada - 21.09.2023 05:32

Magic Mushrooms completely changed the way I look at the world.. The first time I experienced ego death is easily the most profound moment of my life..

Shroom_Wurld.. - 21.09.2023 00:03

He's got the best stuff and ships too 🤞🤞🤞👆👆👆✅✅✅

14Guitars - 20.09.2023 20:45

The audacity of anyone telling another man he cannot do what he wants to HIS own body is abominable.

Q Retrah
Q Retrah - 20.09.2023 20:18

Don’t do drugs kids 💀

Josette Montez
Josette Montez - 20.09.2023 18:19

Colorado we just voted 😅for this to be able to carry our own medication. 😮I love my shaman ability to be able to self medicate. 🎉❤❤🎉

usermuser - 20.09.2023 10:40

It’s great but I feel like after a few tries it’s still not as special as reality

Henry Larson
Henry Larson - 20.09.2023 09:46

Listen to Tame Impala while tripping, it is a beautiful experience, each song is a journey.

Amanda James
Amanda James - 20.09.2023 09:20

Psychedelic is the answer to most severe anxiety and depression. The use of magic mushrooms completely helps one get over depression and makes you feel like yourself.

ComsicHatM - 20.09.2023 08:30

i used to love taking doses as big as 10 20 and even 28 grams, (yes that is one whole ounce) but now i cant do it, not even 5 grams. its not the trip it self, its the fact that any shrooms will make my stomach hurt, and when your tripping that high, the stomach pain feels like your entire body is pulsing in pain which just makes me go into fight or flight the whole damn time. still amazing though.

Dick Turpin
Dick Turpin - 20.09.2023 06:52

Back in the 90's I was at a rave..🤪 And a guy dove head first on the dancefloor thinking he was in a yeah not all 100% good..

Bill Bill
Bill Bill - 20.09.2023 02:47

Very good approach I love mushrooms first major trip I had was amazing when I get time I’ll do it again haven’t had severe depression since

Patrick Yang
Patrick Yang - 19.09.2023 23:06

I had a huge ego death with 3 grams. I was 4 hours up north at a cabin. Took it at 8am. Dranked some orange juice to help a bit. I went out by the fire pit to grab some logs. As soon as I got the fire started. I sat down and looked up in the blue sky with the cool breeze blowing through the open forest. I started crying. Not because everything was beautiful around me, but I think it's because I was going through a lot during that time.

It really made me realized where I was in the moment of living life. It made me feel comforable being vulnerable to my own emotions and perspective on other things that I didn't even know for myself.

Imagine sitting down by the fire. The sky is blue and minor clouds. The sun it's out, 80 degrees.
You look up and the sky looks like the clouds are moving with you, with a fish eye lens point of view.

You look at the tall trees in the forest. You see the trees dancing from the wind blowing against you.

Grey Area
Grey Area - 19.09.2023 05:11

Realy enjoyed copious amounts of lsd and others. Mushrooms included. We now grow them legally in jamaica

Rae - 19.09.2023 03:55

I absolutely give psychedelics credit for how my entire personality turned out. I was going a completely different way before my first solo mushroom trip, and afterwards I never looked back. I'm still unfolding that experience every day and it was almost 10 years ago.

Jeanette Markley
Jeanette Markley - 19.09.2023 00:13

I once took acid and walked the cat walk (without holding the handrails because they were piled with inches of greasy dust) of the Verrazzano Narrows Bridge between Brooklyn and Staten Island. I took the acid in Brooklyn and waited. When I was feeling it me and my friend walked up the gigantic concrete slope that holds the bridge. We got to the lower level of the bridge and crawled through a hole in the fence. The catwalk was easy to get to from there and we went out to the first tower. It stops there because we couldn't get into the tower to go through, so we went back. This has to be the craziest thing I ever did, but it wasn't because of acid. I planned to do this while I was sober.

I would have done it, and it would have been a lot easier, if I was sober.
This was recreational use of coarse. I have no doubt that psychedelics can be therapeutic. If I knew where to go or who to contact to get this therapy I would. I suffer from every anxiety disorder in the book and have life long depression (hence the bridge in my teens) I do not leave my house other than to walk through my yard and around the house in laps for exercise, or to go to the doctors or dentist. Besides my husband I only communicate with my mother in law via text. I have 2 dogs. That's it.

Gran' Duque Masrum productions
Gran' Duque Masrum productions - 18.09.2023 20:24

I cried watching this

Bob Jary
Bob Jary - 18.09.2023 19:58

Guru complex is to be avoided but isnt it rather cold to leave someone in silence when they are asking those big picture questions?

The Old Leafybeard
The Old Leafybeard - 18.09.2023 18:09

From microdosing benefits to macrodosing benefits. 😛

Capricious - 18.09.2023 08:21

"Heroic Dose" A phrase coined and exploited by a man that tried that once and never did it again. Not openly disclosing this fact, continued to publish and lecture as if this was something great and meaningful to do. You can trust drugs more than any person extolling their "virtues".

Ryan M
Ryan M - 17.09.2023 21:51

30 to 40 milligrams? That’s .03-.04 grams! This has to be a mistake

Richard Grier
Richard Grier - 17.09.2023 19:37

In 1981, when I was 24, I took my first dose thinking it would be a fun thing to do on a Saturday night. After 15 minutes, I began to feel really uncomfortable. I couldn't hold back this tide of discomfort, and I soon realized all the unpleasant things I had been stuffing down to avoid facing were now being thrust up, and I could no longer avoid them. My feelings of being an imposter (I was a BMW salesman who had dropped out of high school), of guilt and sadness over my mom's death 5 years earlier, the loss of connection with my family, and the self-loathing I experienced as the result of years of childhood trauma and abuse flooded me. I writhed in agony on my bed as these 'demons' came for me. Then a voice began to speak to me, telling me it was all ok, that it was normal to have these feelings - of course I was sad about my mom, of course I missed caring for my mom and younger brother, of course I didn't know or understand a lot because I had missed a lot of learning and guidance, and of course I would feel bad about myself when most of what I was told about myself was negative. Then I felt this tremendous sense of relief, like nothing I'd ever experienced. This experience changed me, made me softer, more vulnerable, and more empathetic to others. I'm 66 now, and my world has again "shrunk", and I'm stuck. I tried microdosing, but it had limited impact. I need another heroic dose. I was afraid to try it again, but now I'm ready.

David Fish
David Fish - 17.09.2023 09:37

I died I'm dieing right now I tripped back to back I am ready for orahhhhhh

Chandler White
Chandler White - 16.09.2023 17:50

Tooks a dose of lsd, mdma, mescaline so the peaks meshed together. On the come down i took a quarter oz of some mushies and then fell asleep. Woke up a different person for the better.

Adrian Wawrzak
Adrian Wawrzak - 16.09.2023 13:06

I wish psychedelics were at least decriminalized. In my case they were tipping point for initiating change in me, but that was over decade ago. I would love to repeat that experience, to gain again all these insights that I had once, but this time from brighter side of my life, not from low point of my life. However they're still illegal, so I'm afraid to risk it, because if state catches me, they will ruin my life. It's sad, because we're forced in various ways to stay mindless drones in this system. Do your job, don't think, don't question authority, repeat and die. There's more to life, but they don't want us to experience it, because people would destroy current system based on exploitation, if people knew what's actually going on.

Free ricebags for commie freeloaders
Free ricebags for commie freeloaders - 15.09.2023 23:45

Video title shoud read like ="How to sell drugs 101"

Patrick O'Reilly
Patrick O'Reilly - 15.09.2023 21:17

One guy (I think it was on JRE) compared your thoughts to a snowy hill, and the more you follow a thought pattern, the deeper the tracks become. This makes it hard for you to think in any other way because your sled wants to follow the same tracks. He said psychedelics are like a fresh snowfall that allows you to have more freedom to shape your thoughts.

JEC C - 15.09.2023 20:08

We must be ahead of our time. Society please catch up. Do something

EJ OKC - 15.09.2023 16:27

Can someone clear something up for me, please? In the video, he says participants were given a "Hero Dose" of 30mg, which would be 0.03 grams. Everything I have found states a hero dose is 4-5 grams, which would be 4000-5000 milligrams. A dose of 30mg isn't even what is considered a microdose. What am I missing?

The Fundamental trader
The Fundamental trader - 15.09.2023 15:54

The beauty of self awareness

Kek Wokeson
Kek Wokeson - 15.09.2023 11:57

According to the John Hopkins study I found online, it states that approximately 5g of cubensis constitutes an ‘heroic dose’.
I wonder, then, what they would categorize my doses as..given the highest in one session was a just over 28g, and my regular dosage is anywhere from 7g to 14g.

Leonard Hutchings
Leonard Hutchings - 15.09.2023 11:03

I'd like say I would love trying your therapy meeting you're therapisit becoming patient

RTW - 15.09.2023 01:27

I love this video. And hope that psychedelics become widely available for healing. ❤

Atmoo - 15.09.2023 01:08

LSD can open a person's mind, but LSD used to confront and transform and person's emotional baggage can truly be life changing. But it is a joke psychiatrists giving their patients psychedelics. It's like someone who does not know how to swim trying to teach swimming. Psychiatrists study and learn theories and techniques to solve mental health problems. But every psychiatrist is in capable of resolving just one of their own personal problems !

Aysen Altunay
Aysen Altunay - 15.09.2023 00:33

i know many People Who became schizophrenia even because of joint,not to mention lsd,some of them died because of suicide,i Just watch roger Waters talking about syd barret how he became non sense that they couldnt communicate and he Said he took so many acids

Starbucks Name
Starbucks Name "Marvos" - 14.09.2023 19:41

I think everyone should try shrouds atleast once. First time microdose. Second time ante up.

Meditate & Medicate
Meditate & Medicate - 14.09.2023 15:55

I am sad to see the full video is down. I had watched almost 1.5 hours of it and was looking forward to finishing it. I hope it becomes available to watch again soon.

Jennifer - 14.09.2023 12:54

Psilocybin saved my life. I was addicted to heroin for 15 years and after Psilocybin treatment I will be 3 years clean in September. I have zero cravings. This is something that truly needs to be more broadly used in addiction treatment.

i Thought
i Thought - 14.09.2023 07:22

nothing personal i dont trust scientist. they have trust issues. im more of a theoryPhysisct

Dennis Worden
Dennis Worden - 14.09.2023 06:07

I'm all for legalization, but let's not pretend these drugs are always good for a person. They can also have negative effects and cause lasting damage. Very much a 2 edged sword. I'm speaking from experience.

cyberpunkspike - 14.09.2023 02:51

Psychedelics are horrible for anyone in modern society, I don't doubt their value in historic communities, but in modern society they are dreadful in nearly every way. If you enjoy how you felt or they made your life better, that's great... I'm not trying to invalidate your experience, but like the stable throuple that exists somewhere in the world, stay the f**k away from the rest of humanity.

WatchedByTheWatchers - 14.09.2023 00:46

Lets be honest here.....the government will never allow dmt or lsd to be legal simply because these spirit molecules remove your mental shackles and make you a free thinker and that cannot be allowed in the masses in the 60s people will revolt against the government and they cant have that. So the simple answer is to make it permanently a schedule 1 illegal narcotic. Psilocybin is different, it has the potential to give you a good night of partying or it has the potential to give you a spiritual awakening so i feel its more lenient. But lsd and dmt are not party drugs, these are spiritual teachers. If you go into it with the mindset of im gonna get fucked up and party then you are sadly mistaken and will quickly be put into a wolrd of pure energy.

F. - 14.09.2023 00:42

Only way to experience the ineffable is to trust. So many of us are glad we did.
