My Experiences with Deities: Freyja

My Experiences with Deities: Freyja

Chaotic Witch Aunt

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Rose Wood
Rose Wood - 30.10.2023 05:37

Freya came into my life recently. I actually was forced into doing rune divination to find out who was calling to me lol. I wasn’t really good with runes but felt drawn to use that and spent the morning figuring it out. Turns out it was her. She came in with this like… nature presence almost? But beautiful and elegant sides of nature. And it was overwhelming. So I was really confused and she kinda made me figure it out. It was like a riddle. I saw someone else commented about how she communicates in riddles and I totally understand that. Hel did a similar thing where I had to dive deeper into different mythologies to figure out who was reaching out in her case but it wasn’t as difficult as Freya.

Just a few days after bringing Freya in after I’ve really been trying to learn how to set boundaries, I was thrown into a situation with my dad where I had to set a boundary and learn to be firm about it. It was hard but I learned from it and I have a sneaking suspicion she was involved in that 😂

I also see cats ALL THE TIME and my cat who passed away visits me. I had a suspicion the sheer number of cats, especially the way they just naturally trusted me might mean something but I wasn’t sure. Now it all kinda makes sense after bringing her in lol

With each deity that’s come into my practice, it’s been different. It really shows their individuality tbh

dearkatie - 12.10.2023 19:55

She’s my queen 👸🏼 right now
It just works 🌹 🫖 🥔

Silentm0th - 12.10.2023 01:02

I totally agree with the throwing you into battle, she just does things and you gotta get on board its amazing i love her.

Mika - 24.08.2023 05:50

That's interesting, in my case I feel her like a mother and very protective. She helps me to go through the darkness but always with a smile. It's the most paticular goddess for me because she is a strong warrior but at the same time very sweet deity 💗💕🐈

Neha - 03.06.2023 23:32

The fact that I was looking for a goddess to work with and I just did an instagram live where I also asked my viewers what their fav tea is and that I have been using rose and rose scented stoff so so much more recently, I think I found the deity I need to work with! Thanks

The wolf's infamy
The wolf's infamy - 03.06.2023 01:43

You are pretty

Bosco Sun
Bosco Sun - 01.06.2023 01:26

the mother of love , i met her years ago when i was working closely with Odin, im a sharman so i see the gods visually. shes incredible took me to vanaheim out of my body, she has 8 sisters and i met two of them and her mother Nerthus, she also took me to her brothers . she is in charge, she is strong and direct to me. she is love so loving her is well what she is within you.

Eloyns - 24.05.2023 00:48

Regarding Hekate not being a motherly goddess, it all depends on which aspects of the goddess you focus on. She was originally called upon as a protector during birth for example, and one of her epithets is literally "protector of children". She is the key bearer which was also a motherly role. She is a guardian of lost souls and actively seeks out people who have been cast out from society to give them protection and strength. And i feel thats pretty motherly in its own way.

Laila 305
Laila 305 - 05.04.2023 10:16


Mila Volkov 📑⌨
Mila Volkov 📑⌨ - 28.03.2023 19:40

I hate how people, "elder Pegans", "Odinsons followers", etc bastardize Freyja like calling her a whore, tramp, nothing but a love Goddess, kneels at the feet of Odin, saying she has a husband and he controls her, she has no power, etc. I hate when people do that and they act all mighty too. Oh and I can't forget the ones who "worship Freyja who say only one way is how she wants it otherwise your not a real worshipper of her". The ones who are "fake pegans who say you can't worship norse God's because your not Caucasian/white and the fake Pegans who basically act as if Odin is the God from Christianity and Odin is the only right way those are the ones who left the God and Jesus based religions just to tramatize new pegans and other people by also fear mongering thinking they are better people for converting, real pegans aren't like this we do not act like that. I can't forget the ones who call her a Valkyre she is the Goddess of Valkyres not a Valkyre and you can't set her on fire one of her titles is LADY OF FIRE.

JillGaritta GOAT GIRL - EXPOSE THE TRUTH - 26.03.2023 21:28

Thanks for sharing 🙂!

AcademicGenius - 23.03.2023 20:43

Thank you so much for this video. I really do appreciate it.

Vacaspen - 20.03.2023 01:38

Your Mother Goddess is italuan

Vacaspen - 20.03.2023 01:37

Mother is origin,instruction control , leader not gushy babysitter.

Vacaspen - 20.03.2023 01:36

Mother means cause to be . Womb that molds your body and maintained it before birthing.

Gul Dukat
Gul Dukat - 09.03.2023 18:55

I can't find the book you mentioned, the one by the "white supremacist". Who was the author?

Nathaniel Ellis
Nathaniel Ellis - 08.03.2023 22:59

I am just getting started with my relationship with Freyja. Not a witch, but I am a practicing Heathen, and so far I am stunned by her. I feel that she will teach me well and the cycle of reciprocity between us will be strong.

RainbowQuartz - 22.02.2023 13:17

With how they describe Freya is how I see Athena, Athena is like "Child do this now or you will fail" and its like ahh. As for parental deities I see Hekate or Nyx or even Hestia as parental deities which is lovely
