Thank you eamon and bec for having me on your podcast. ❤ You two are such a light in this world and I feel so grateful to have met you both. Thank you for opening up the space to listen to my story
ОтветитьThis is an epic crossover for me🥹 All the wisdom flowing through this video is inspiring! Thank youuu. Crying with you all ❤️🙏🏻☀️❤️🔥😭
ОтветитьSooooo good!!! Thank you for this pod ❤
ОтветитьGreat conversation I love Ellen! And she is sooo beautiful, always so smiley, vibrant and oozes great energy!
ОтветитьI like eamon and bec challenging Ellen, showing that either men or women can have different roles. It’s all about balance between partners
ОтветитьDoesn’t surprise me that she’s uneducated, can’t retain information and she’s a right wing Trumper. There seems to be a distinct correlation.
ОтветитьGoshhhhh this was such an awsome podcast, how I wish I could be sitting there with Ellen and Bec! So much wisdom and so much said that I believe in my head but can’t put words to! 👏 👏 👏
ОтветитьEllen you're stunning❤
ОтветитьWhen my brother was born (in 1980) my mom breastfed every premie baby in the NICU while she was there.. 😭💕
ОтветитьEllen Fisher looks very sick and bloated to me and Bec had breast cancer. I think its about time we all move from plants/carbs to STEAK!
ОтветитьI wish all this information was available when I had my children. I can see both of you women being dulas
ОтветитьWhy is every little girl named Frankie lately? Are they all named after someone?
ОтветитьWhat an amazing episode ❤ I enjoyed listening to this so so so much! You three are wonderful souls. Thank you for sharing something I never knew I needed to hear. Wow!
ОтветитьThink what you want about Ellen, but she obviously subscribes to the ideas of healthy, natural living which a lot of people find challenging. They are slaves to modern medicine and technology. I like the point she made about how she couldn't imagine having to wake her kids up so early for school. They tell everyone fresh air, good food, lots of water, exercise and plenty of sleep. Yet society makes it impossible to actually achieve these things. It is wild to me that parents wake their kids out of dead ass sleep ever, but to do it on a consistent basis is just setting them up for health issues
ОтветитьThat was SOOO GOOOD!!! 🎉
ОтветитьI love these pods 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Ответить1 hour into this I have to say. I had 4 natural birth . I did nothing she said . I only prayered and trust God. My first was quick and painful . So i asked for slow. I got slow and it was good but too long. Do next 2 i told God ,he knows best. 3rd was super painful and quick but baby was super calm and perfect . 4th was painless! Idk how just painless and it was 9 hours and baby came out colic .
I give thanks to God! I trust God and not myself . I do say my preferences but i do let go and know he will give me best .
Take a shot of tea every time you hear the word “inspiring”
ОтветитьMy daughter delivered a baby in hospital with a Midwife and a doula. As a RN, I don't like the idea of home births. I've known women whose babies have cognitive delays (from lack of oxygen), moms who have bled out and women who have needed extensive surgical repairs following home deliveries. Childbirth can be unpredictable and certain circumstances are unavoidable. In the end, it's all about delivering a healthy baby. Her 3rd, 4th and 5th babies were easier because her birth canal had been stretched out two times before that.
ОтветитьThe way my jaw dropped when she said Canadae Owens!
This woman. Is. Honest.
Amazing conversation.
Also, goosebumps at the "I now love the word God."
Loved every second of this.
This was great, did not know of Ellen, will definitely follow. Fantastic conversation. ❤
ОтветитьI can not believe Ellen said Candace. I like candace content. I'm going to her channel and mention you, Ellen. She's just been spending time much time on Blake lively lately. I miss her political commentary.
ОтветитьThe part where you ask Ellen the question about a lie that we tell ourself, was so beautiful and emotional and raw. We need to take a moment to appreciate the our beauty inside and out. As women, we are too hard on ourselves. Thank you so much for this amazing interview.
ОтветитьIn the conversation about trusting your intuition. I recently read about how this can sometimes be harmful because not everyone has that intuition. Sometimes our intuition is actually rooted in trauma. And so we are sometimes actively going against our intuition in pursuit of something better.
On the topic of finding strength to have a home birth. Bec's comment about presence of outside fears and supportive partners struck me. I was met with nothing but outside fear and an unsupportive partner. I had my home birth. This conversation has me reflecting on where I found that strength. Thank you for the thought provoking conversation, as always.
I ordered the mind change method book as soon as that conversation finished. I wish I could have ordered directly from the author but that isn't an option in Canada. So I ordered it to a local book store.
I ordered the mind change book!
ОтветитьI always learn something from the Pod! I am in a different time of life - my kids are grown/married and I still am being expanded by you all! Thanks!
ОтветитьThis was beautiful! ❤
ОтветитьPart TWO please!! This podcast was incredible! The conversation between all of you was so beautiful. I’ve been following Ellen Fisher for years, and I just love her so much!
ОтветитьSuch a beautiful podcast, wow. I cried, laughed, healed, learned. Ellen is truly, truly, a beautiful soul, inside and out. Bec, and Eamon you both are incredible. Loved this. Thank you!! 💗
ОтветитьEamon and Bec, I'm so sorry but this is where my journey with you ends. I cannot believe you would platform someone so awful on your podcast, and give them a platform. All the best, but I'm out.
ОтветитьI dream of a world where we acknowledge all of the inner beauty that each of us has.
ОтветитьWhy the terrible thumbnail???
ОтветитьOh brother 😂
ОтветитьBec’s markers? Bec said she shared her markers with Ellen before the podcast. Are you talking about the cancer markers? Have the numbers changed from when you mentioned it 2 months ago?
ОтветитьI completely get what Eamon is saying about whether to address a baby's crying right away and if you continually do so, are they learning that is what they have to do to get the reaction they want? Totally valid point. I watch my twin one year old grandsons several times a month and if they start fussing when I lay them down for naps - they've had their bottles, they've been changed - I'll let them go for about 5-10 minutes before addressing it. I'll address it sooner if it is escalating. Most of the time, it's an overly tired type fussing and it will lessen over that time.
I felt like Eamon was being ganged up on with this kegitimate concern.
I couldn't watch the video because I'm not interested in this woman at all. But did i really hear her say she got hit in the face by a train in the beginning clip? WTAF, how tone deaf was that? RIP Lee.
Ответитьshe IS so beautiful.
Ответить“You have no idea the physical toll that three vasectomies have on a person” I’m so glad you put that in 😂😂
ОтветитьAs far as Franky in the stroller getting frustrated. From my experience with 2 toddlers (14 months apart) and lots of need for the stroller because I couldn’t physically carry both of them by myself. I find snacks and toys go a long way. Sometimes they are crying because they are over being in the stroller but if you add new excitement like a toy or treat they will chill out. I always have a bag of tricks with me.
ОтветитьThis podcast made me wonder... How did our ancestors raised their kids without therapy and reading about parenting. Parenting should be a natural thing. This sounds crazy to me, parents being taught how to be incredibly stupid.
ОтветитьMy first acted like F when he was overtired. An earlier bedtime & independent space helped.
ОтветитьWhen Ellen brought up Candace Owens I got so excited because it reminds me of one of the main reasons I like Ellen, she and I both listen to both sides (as many sides of any argument) as possible to be the best versions of ourselves and speak our truth. That is often lost in this day and age where people live in echo chambers or think right or left side of politics are evil or never speak their truth because they are afraid others won't' like them, or simply don't understand something, that needs to stop and having open adult conversations with people who do and don't think like you is the bridge to a more peaceful place for us all to live. I also think Candace is a badass and more power to her. Don't agree with her on veganism but agree on other topics.
ОтветитьI feel Ellen is totally right about connection before correction. I didn't learn this from anyone but years ago I was a nanny for several families and I used this method because I thought, if I was their age this is how I would connect with an adult or feel heard. I'll never forget the time I was helping a mom and her daughter out, the mom needed time to clean, cook and decompress among other things and was struggling to get her daughter to listen, her daughter would throw incredible temper tantrums etc. It was time for bed and I had to get her to brush her teeth, naturally, she threw a fit and refused and that's when I told her you know I hate brushing my teeth too, it's time consuming, boring and didn't make sense, then I went on to describe what happens if we don't brush our teeth and the positives in a fun way, I think The Little Mermaid (her favorite) got woven in, like Ariel brushes her teeth and hair and she started to get inspired. Within 5 minutes she was brushing her teeth. Her mom was floored multiple times that night including me getting her daughter to calm down within minutes. I used this method with other kids as well and will continue to,.
ОтветитьI like Ellen's content, been following her on and off for years.
I do have to disagree on one thing and that's education. When you know or believe in your worth and you realize that not every topic in life is joy, you appreciate knowledge and wisdom in a profound way. Could you imagine if you didn't know basic math, history, basic science or how to read or write? Education helps people find out what path they want to take in life while also learning how to be a human. Sure, all of us have a passion or a profession but if that's all we know in life that can be harmful in unintended ways.
I started out not interested in school, I used to skip class to smoke and never felt smart enough, however by the time I got to college I had a new outlook on life and when I applied myself, every topic became interesting because it meant I was bringing that much more value to the world. I can't even begin to count how many times what I learned in school helped me throughout every day experiences and I'm talking from history, math, science, English etc. and all elective classes, I am a much more well rounded person and truly believe school teaches how to think critically and how to learn from mistakes, how to question things and it's invaluable. Don't get me wrong, education has its flaws (the United States system is based on Prussian military formatting and politics have their hand too deep in the things and way its taught (history class is a perfect example) but I hope more people value it. I think some reform needs to happen in public schools and the things you mentioned should be taught as well but not to abolish it completely.
I think it is important that we don't project our experiences of what life was when we were kids and assume that is how it is for our kids. For example, emotional regulation in schools. I currently have 2 kids in the ontario school system. They have been to 2 different schools because we had to move. They are in SK and grade 3. Emotional regulation absolutely is very much a part of the school system. There is a lot about anti bullying as well.