Our Pharmaceutical Litigation Attorney Fen-Phen Prescription Drug Case

Our Pharmaceutical Litigation Attorney Fen-Phen Prescription Drug Case

Mark Blane

13 лет назад

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@JonathanBuddBro - 27.04.2017 20:16

Hello, I was recently arrested at CVS for allegedly attempting to steal some vitamin supplements for optimal brain health. This has inspired me to see the light and I would like to sue CVS for its major role in the development of addiction, specifically related to the dangerous levels of benzodiazepines that they had given me. The kicker is that I want to sue them not for my personal gain or to cover the years of my life I lost to addiction and the businesses and relationships it swallowed but I want to sue them to fund my research on the cure for addiction, which I am confident I can develop with my Ayurvedic and Shamanic background. Most modern researchers don't understand the vital role altered consciousness can play in genetic manipulation and evolution. I believe I have a strong case, from them freely filling large scripts of oxycodone, clonazepam and xanax when I was 17 years old to recently filling prescriptions of xanax I brought them from multiple doctors. I think this can be won for a big payout and thus help me in developing more effective treatments for people who's nervous systems and lives have been destroyed by these drugs and now the stress they must face living inside damaged vessels every day, every minute on edge as their natural stress responses are completely destroyed in the wake of heavy chemical manipulation. Maybe if I was trying to sue them for compensation for my loss but since I want to sue them to fund my research, immediately after I was arrested for allegedly stealing supplements that are determined to aid mental focus, development and growth... I really think there is a chance here for a big lawsuit and to fulfill a much greater purpose. I am ready to speak loudly and emotionally about the dark path I had to suffer through as a result of the money hunger capital gains allowing them to fill dangerous prescriptions at dangerous levels for children as well as adults. Only I need a lawyer who believes this is right and will talk and fight beside me. I'm ready to devote my life to this research and so too, devote my life to this case until it is one. When I was a teenager I had a genius IQ. Now it is just at the highest point in the spectrum of normal. And I know I am now a pathetic version of myself but I believe in the human and I believe in my research and I believe in this case. And if you can imagine what these drugs have done to the world as a whole, even if there were 10-20 other people like me, out of 500,000 people turned into addicts by inadequate pharma caution. You need to understand it like look at Elon Musk and what his work has done for the world as a whole and imagine if the world never even knew of him and electric cars were boring and unlikely and space travel cost too much to ever be possible. If he was never there. But also imagine if there were 5-10 other people as accomplished as him dedicating their lives to being of service to the world and the greater evolution of humanity. destroying a person that is a genius has imperceptible consequences. But I know at 15 I was mapping out how to reinvent the medical industry, ecological engineering for a sustainable and abundant Earth and a completely new educational system and understanding of education for the modern human, not the outdated assembly line style education that was developed during the industrial revolution for a society rapidly growing in size and desperately needing more assembly line production workers. Now our society is different and to sustain the world medicine, agriculture and education must change. I had all the answers 15 years ago and they never manifested because I ended up getting addicted to prescription pills and was constantly juggling great successes with greater failures. These are areas that Elon hasn't focused on at all; he envisioned changing the factory, space travel and electric cars. I envision changing the schools, root causes based, cure focused medicine, atomic photon electric generators and ecosystem agricultural engineering for a sustainable Earth. Changes the world needs desperately and changes that their lack of will result in an unsustainable world. Changes that haven't happened yet because of pharmaceutical recklessness and engineered addiction for personal profit. These companies loved getting people addicted and then they were trapped having to spend money on these "drug-medications" for the rest of their lives. They truly deserve to pay the difference and be responsible for funding the research to clean up the mess they made. If the courts do not force them they will never take blame and they will never want to change and practice safe distribution of chemicals.
