The God Emperor's Most Holy Inquisition! Absolute Power And Authority In The Imperiums Name 40k Lore

The God Emperor's Most Holy Inquisition! Absolute Power And Authority In The Imperiums Name 40k Lore


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@frankcz7672 - 28.07.2022 23:38

This guy ladies and gentlemen...
This arch guy...

@bobjohnson1633 - 30.07.2022 10:15

The inquisition has white privilege

@jackkelly2058 - 31.07.2022 04:52

🤣 was totally request a war of the beast series until I heard your thoughts on it

@Furzkampfbomber - 02.08.2022 17:25

No door the Inqusition is not allowed to open? Well, let them try that with my fridge.

@Chtulhu1204 - 02.08.2022 23:09

ETTS has destroyed the Inquisition for me, and all with a small scene; "You know? They're all just killing each other down there...OK FIRE!" Proceeds to smash Exterminatus button, repeatedly, faster then the speed of light

@PhilDrury - 07.08.2022 13:08

"You have been brought before the conclave to justify your actions!"

"Spin on it!"

@KrimzonFlygon1 - 07.08.2022 22:37

Devils advocate on the War of the Beast: were the Beasts “Ork Primarchs”…

Or Krorks?

@scurvydog20 - 11.08.2022 06:30

Its surprising ciapas cain wasn't made one

@pippupaladin - 11.08.2022 13:47

They're looking for "exceptional individuals," sadly Angron turned traitor.

@davethedestroyer9727 - 13.08.2022 01:20

Arch: "Even the Inquisition is not perfect."
Me: Turning down my volume just in case

@OkurkaBinLadin - 17.08.2022 19:15

Absence of Inquisition created room for Word Bearers pre-Heresy... Just sayin...

@midshipman8654 - 27.08.2022 14:44

I always found it extremely weird that the imperium literally most unilaterally powerful force outside of the high lords, dont have a particular and strict method of recruiting and ensuring good practices. I mean, the marines at least psycho-indoctrinate their apprentices, but I would think that you would want stringent tests and procedures before you allow someone to have the powers of an inquisitor rather than it being ad hoc.

@anthonywalker6268 - 28.08.2022 04:21

There greatest achievement was single handedly ruined the setting for me. How can things ever be grim dark for them.

@therocinante3443 - 06.09.2022 20:24

Wait, where's the furry helmets?

@Crowbars357 - 08.09.2022 16:03

Well, I have heard rumors of an Inquisitorial school run by an Inquisitor referred to as “Oak.”

@terrysaunders7107 - 21.09.2022 21:37

Imperial records clearly state the war of the beast to be the best chronicles for that era. It is official record, it must be true.

@OutrageousOnPurpose - 24.09.2022 21:06

ughhh your opinion on the war of the beast is ok to have, but really, isnt suited to your format, none cares about it (in my opinion hehe) as its just needless shitting on a piece of well established lore (i agree not my favourite but war of the beast did a lot for the ork lore innit, and setting up how the war in heaven was absurdly over the scale of today, as the beast was HALF krork)

@dirtyjack6300 - 28.10.2022 18:08

Shocking that nobody has made a Mass Effect style Inquisitor game. Such an easy formula

@harleytutor - 04.11.2022 02:13

What are a few good books I can get on audible to listen to following inquisitor’s. I’m a truck driver looking for something to occupy my mind on the road.

@Grimpy970 - 19.11.2022 20:37

I love your channel, but I have some constructive criticism.

The plucky string track you use in the background of many of your videos is used in TV and films. It's used almost exclusively when someone is trying to be sneaky but are bumbling it. The plucky strings connotation is commonly seen as a comedic break to tension, reducing the stakes and making folks relax or outright laugh.

I don't know if you edit your own videos, but this light, plucky string piece is playing in the background when you talk about atrocities. It causes huge dissonance for me. It's like hearing someone play a SpongeBob sound effect whilst talking about the holocaust. At minimum, it's bad taste.

Anyway, I love your channel. I'm sorry if I was harsh, but this drives me up a wall. Good sound design tells as much about a story as the actual words do. This stuff just causes cognitive dissonance, which is tiring. I can't take it seriously and that's a big problem!

Edit: I'll hear you talk about exterminatus of billions of people and I hear a track that sounds like 'the pink panther' investigator is walking around with toilet paper stuck to his shoe.
It's just.. wrong.

My suggestion? Use more snare drums and trumpets or horns. Some generic military shit is a better connotation than an incompetent sneaky boi.

@sakomanlee - 20.11.2022 18:51

You know who would have made a great Inquisitor? Columbo. "Ahhh......just one more thing....Exterminatus"

@aoofmg6684 - 26.11.2022 00:00

wasn't the icon of the inquisition created by Lorgar during the black crusade? I think in the first heretic he had troops dedicated to destroy foreign wisdom aka heresy which used an Stylised "I" with two square bars going through it

@thuzan117 - 04.12.2022 16:40

Good choice of example using the KKK as a stand in for a subversive element Arch. It really would have been difficult to root them out in the early 20th century.

@HermeticJazz - 05.12.2022 21:35

The war of the beast isn't that bad. I dont think the beast was a ork primarch but what the orkz were during the war of heaven. And after. The Orkz were so fearsome the necrons went into hiding and the Eldar purposefully stunted them

@mindSoulEnso - 13.12.2022 00:41

I hope there a future books about the death of the Inquisition. Would love to see the end of these turds..

@santiagogutierrezgarcia9022 - 15.12.2022 14:51

Hi friend, yours is a nice way to observe 40k. Can we call it "servitor Emperor"? Perhaps is it also hosting a warp eterial entity? Can it be this entity corrupted by Chaos? Or can it get a God machine or AI corrupted by Chaos? An empty case?

@42Mrgreenman - 16.12.2022 12:49

Dammit Arch, you just couldn't bear to say, "...against the worst scum of the universe." could you?

@jerrysmith5931 - 27.12.2022 04:07

Here's to hoping Caville portrays an inquisitor trying to root out an underground chaos or genestealer cult, only to command the planet's when everything goes to hell.

@surtaandume_psykermystyk4010 - 04.01.2023 11:26

You neglected to mention that this prolific organization's greatest advantage is that Nobody expects the Sacred Inquisition!!!!

@williamfawkes8379 - 15.01.2023 21:30

My comment has nothing important to convey. Enjoy.

@ravencorax9384 - 28.02.2023 03:48


@KiithnarasAshaa - 13.05.2023 13:22

In my mind, Ordo Sicarius was created to keep the Imperium-crushing ego of Cato Sicarius in check.

@kirkkirlew9592 - 17.05.2023 16:13

Hello everyone, I’m new to 40k and I had a question what would happen if an inquisitor was to be a psycher

@my_shotgun_is_my_therapist - 07.06.2023 15:30

Radical Inquisitor: (Reads Chaos Tome) I don't feel any different.
Puritan Inquisitor: What about that tentacle coming out of your chest?

@KrusherMike - 15.06.2023 03:55

"Dabbling in things best left undabbled."

Well said.

@robertwadsworth3411 - 19.06.2023 18:28

Been playing Inquisitor Martyr and felt like rewatching this

@lordgod9958 - 06.07.2023 02:55

I need an opinion on how to do an inquisitor cosplay for a convention. I have the fancy sci fi jacket and the rosette/ring of office, should I get one of those fancy hats with the I on it? Robes on top?

@charlesballiet7074 - 06.07.2023 08:27

goodness did i love the inquisitor table top game with their large modles and multiple special rules.

@ltjamescoopermason8685 - 17.07.2023 10:11

Excellent introduction into the universe of the Inquisition!

@blazingshadow2669 - 23.07.2023 10:35

what i would like to know is if there have been space marine inquisitors or is it not possible

@davidirving5667 - 02.08.2023 10:46

Was there an Ordo that dealt with Time Travel? Could you do a video on that Ordo?

@logangrimnar3800 - 21.11.2023 16:11

Most tyrants consider people who ask uncomfortable questions and possess basic pattern recognition as enemies to their order. Good on big E for going the other route.

@BronnBlackwater - 26.12.2023 16:53

Annoying music

@pontusvongeijer1240 - 31.12.2023 08:02

Malcador was trans.

@michaelgautreaux3168 - 28.04.2024 03:42

Selection of a new Inquisitor comes down to how much damage, both in scope & aftermath, are U willing to except! 🤔...😳

@deano2160 - 17.05.2024 00:53

Arch mate, that back ground music is awful. I couldn't listen to it.

@user-uh6gf5dp5l - 30.05.2024 07:34


-what follows when SOMEONE learns what occurs with absolute power is added to unlimited resources...and nearly NO restraint...
