r/MaliciousCompliance HOW I SCREWED OVER A WHOLE COMPANY! - Reddit Stories

r/MaliciousCompliance HOW I SCREWED OVER A WHOLE COMPANY! - Reddit Stories


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@gzGorillaz - 28.03.2024 07:17


@Juggzy - 28.03.2024 07:59

I’d love to know what goes thru these “bosses” minds when they threaten people with their jobs and think that’s gonna actually make people work harder. And even the threat of giving a bad reference is illegal, let alone going thru with it. I’ve had my jobs threatened before when I bust my butt and walked out on the spot. I refuse to have my job threatened and have never put up with it. My response is ALWAYS “I was lookin for a job when I found this one, I’ll go back to lookin for a new job without a problem.”

@bloodvue - 28.03.2024 11:06

Uhh you doubled up posts here with last one?

@matthewaldridge9305 - 28.03.2024 17:54

The logging as I do road side pickup and its pen and paper. My manager wanted me to write down all the times of when I stopped on the road to when I finished picking up my last bag on that road. That took almost an hour a day to write down every bag all times and every single bathroom break I took. Thankfully when that manager left I no longer had to do that

@wedoprods6088 - 28.03.2024 21:42

lowkey wild how on story 1, the entire company was practically relying on 1 guy..

@Kinsfire - 29.03.2024 05:37

With the teacher one, it was probably that the person who complained was a friend of the higher up boss, which the OP might not have known about. Usually when someone bitches and gets listened to like that, it's either a weak-willed boss sniveling that "We need peace in the workplace!" or "Well, my friend/lover/wife wants it, so to hell with the person who already legitimately has it."

@luke6225 - 29.03.2024 09:08

what's with all the ads?

@wertygospiner2245 - 29.03.2024 16:16

9.2k views and only 7 comments, fishy fishy

@loqutisborg5416 - 29.03.2024 16:42

Don't usually watch/listen to a story nearly 16 minutes long. In this case, glad I did. Bosses who wanna "Shake things up" get exactly what they deserve. Keep it up, your channel has great potential. Some advice - Don't repeat. and most importantly - - DON'T COPY SHIT FROM OTHER CHANNELS AND PUT IT ON YOURS.

@alfr1 - 31.03.2024 08:07

Boss called me in once, told me the Bigger Boss wanted me gone because I was not a happy camper at work. I had just explained that I was doing 14 hour shifts and getting paid what the other guy, Day shift, of 11 hours was being paid. He had to empty and refuel 5 trailers/trucks and I had to do the rest, another 22 to 25, per night. I jumped up on to my feet and was out the door of his tiny office before he could say, AWK! And he chased me down in a couple steps and told me that if I would keep working as hard as I could to do it all HE would go to Bigger and tell him he needed me and he would go to bat at keeping me employed. I told him I will keep working, for the next month, but they better change this as I am not working next month over 8 hour days. In a week, he offered me an over-the -road truck route and I grabbed it. A year later, They replaced me and the day guy with 3 guys doing 8 hour shifts with time-clocking and paid them the same daily rate we had been getting. AFTER months to find another fool like me to work unfair hours and lousy pay, he quit them a year later, and my old Boss tried to talk me into taking it back, I laughed at him and went from his $34000 to $70000 by going to a better company. I had to move a thousand miles, but they treated drivers like KINGS.

@prman9984 - 01.04.2024 12:41

They are trying to bill clients 8 hours a day, even though there are always a few hours a month of company overhead.

@brianandrea3249 - 07.04.2024 01:02

Had a similar thing happen to me! US based parent decided that they wanted to globalise operations. Our non US based subsidiary company was operating like a well oiled machine, employed best practice processes and with great team morale. The US based parent, although much bigger, was obviously no where near as mature in its processes however they totally discarded everything that happened locally and attempted to replace with a whole mish mash of their local processes that were disjointed and not cohesive at all. Team morale and delivery quickly fell through the floor. Talented people left at they could see no further improvement or career advancement. When flaws in what they were doing were politely pointed out and better way proposed (nothing radical….just standard industry processes) it was viewed negatively and I was “let go”. Frankly glad to be out of there.

@istvanpraha - 07.04.2024 01:53

Yeah I love when someone tries to treat a real company like an MBA project

@istvanpraha - 07.04.2024 01:53

We have a similar tracking system as first story and I actually like it, I just break big projects down into smaller ones……so I shows I’m busy

@istvanpraha - 07.04.2024 02:06

As per “how does this happen” question at end of first story- I have a coworker who is very lazy and basically says everything is impossible and he delegated stuff he shouldn’t. What is scary is half of people think he’s so smart and productive! I have more visibility into what he does and it’s not much and any time stuff gets slightly complicated he ignores it. No clue how upper management doesn’t see it

@jassimann - 24.04.2024 19:07

And just when you think it can't get any crazier, Jerk Boss steps in with his own brand of madness. But hey, at least someone's getting a golden parachute out of this circus. Here's to finding greener pastures and leaving the chaos behind!

@seanmcneill6256 - 27.04.2024 13:03

My old company the rule was if metric tanked the managers got 3 months to fix it if the couldn't they got moved on

@user-pd5th7jg1e - 28.04.2024 10:59

I got paid for two months with leave time accrued and never taken by getting my salary for two months I didn't work. 😂 I was retired with a pension of 80% of my salary.
