What If Humanity Was a Kardashev Civilization? | Complete List EVERY Level | Unveiled XL Documentary

What If Humanity Was a Kardashev Civilization? | Complete List EVERY Level | Unveiled XL Documentary


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@user-kz3ni8cr6c - 22.01.2024 14:50

Kardashev is a scale

@user-kg9gd9wk4e - 04.01.2024 13:23

They not justify the spirit happiness does not come only from knowledge Christ Is still The Truth, only loving the next one as we wanted to be loved would be possible...

@tgfover9000 - 01.01.2024 15:37

Pitiful people think their lives are important 🤭

@coder_117 - 28.12.2023 05:21

At what Kardashev level does humanity take on the mantle of responsibility?

@user-od1ty5re8p - 17.12.2023 02:26

One word impossible!!!

@JJ-ui4ph - 17.11.2023 06:45

This is a really great first of all. Humans can’t advance up the scale for a few reasons. The average I.Q. is 100 and that is honestly pathetic. The AVERAGE person lacks the ability to reason and think for itself. They have the ability to function and do basic task but that’s about it. Everything else is being done by the few intelligent people on this planet. When a individual takes in information but can’t draw the right conclusions from it, they become a liability to progress. People that can’t distinguish between something real or false is what caught them in the trap of religion in the first place. The western world promotes a capitalistic world in which 20 percent of humans have 80 percent of the wealth. The top 1% of the wealthiest are individually more wealthy than countries. Musk or Gates both have more money than entire nations with millions of people living in them. Because of my original point that the average person is stupid, this isn’t a problem. Play with your newest phone app or let the people really running the government think for you with their propaganda. Look Israel and Hamas is your problem. Not the quality of like that you find yourself in. You can always just pray to that god that is prompted here but has no power whatsoever to do anything at all ever. Like I said the problem is that humans in general are stupid. God is real and sent his sim here because people believe it. One individual can have more money than a entire nation, while others go homeless because that’s just the way it is and NOTHING can be done about it. Those are the beliefs of the average person on this planet. Why? Because a I.Q of a 100 dictates a person can’t reason.

@redmondisaiah16 - 12.11.2023 13:59

This dude is talking about becoming God's!!! This is the silliest thing I have ever heard in my life.

@redmondisaiah16 - 12.11.2023 13:31

Even if this was possible we would be millions of years gone by then.

@heleneschlee248 - 10.11.2023 22:19

Kardaschev scale (my version)

Type 0.01: The lifeforms have fully transformed into animal Form

Type 0.05: The lifeforms occupy the entire planet's landscapes

Type 0.1: The lifeforms can use some of the methods its planet grants

Type 0.5: The lifeforms are able to use 50% of all power methods possible on the planet and are aware of space and can even spread through air and water

Type 1: The lifeforms are able to use every single method of Power its planet grants and have explored every part of its planet and live in all its biomes and places

Type 1.5: The lifeforms are able to inhabit more planets than just its home planet

Type 2: The lifeforms use all power methods of its solar system, including its Star
(Also less .5's from this point)

Type 3: The lifeforms control its entire galaxy and use all power methods of its galaxy

Type 4.5: The lifeforms control multiple septillions to gazillions of galaxies inside of its universe, using their power methods to its fullest

Type 5: The lifeforms are inhabiting its entire universe point on point and watch over other civilisations within

Type 5.5: The lifeforms are able to spread through multiple universes

Type 6: The lifeforms inhabit the entire multiverse and making so much energy that the word "limit" isn't really a term anymore

Type 7: The lifeforms inhabit the entire Xenoverse

Type 8: The lifeforms are half-gods, they inhabit the entirety of the omniverse

Type 9: At this point, the lifeforms are so powerful that they are able to switch from one to another reality

Type Omega: This is the true end, the lifeforms are so strong that they aren't even able to go extinct anymore and are able to costumise every reality possible and silently watching over the civilisations, and seeing them growing stronger and stronger

Feel free to put addition-suggestions or rate my scale :D

@peterpalumbo1963 - 07.11.2023 04:03

I am of the opinion that this scale could be extended to 10 or 11 Kardchev Civilization such as 9, 10 and 11. 9 would have to understand 1/137, 10 would have to master the weak Anthropic principle and 11 would be the Strong Anthropic principle. 1 or 0 would be a pre kardechev civilization like we are.

@JusFIRE-vg5pg - 01.11.2023 13:04

Through war, countries will be destroyed and after a Golden Age a new form of humanity will rise from the ashes and become united , finally a Type 1 civilization.

@user-qh8fi7th9e - 24.10.2023 00:42

with nuclear fusion perfected you wouldn't even the need to take the suns energy in every kardashev we will find new fuels and new energy to sustain ourselves if anybody will put solar panels to hide the sun that would be a crime.

@JBrd79 - 23.10.2023 23:19

NEWSFLASH, Genius: EVERY CIVILIZATION is a 'Kardashev Civilization'... You said, "What if we (Humans, I'm assuming) were a Kardashev Civilization?'... WELL, in fact - WE ARE!!
Because, and here's the thing: a 'Kardashev Civilization' isn't a thing. KARDASHEV is the name of the SCALE on which we gauge the technological advancement of ourselves and other civilizations. Therefore, a 'Kardashev Civilization' would refer to any civilization of sentient beings that could be analyzed and placed on the Kardashev Scale and, as I've previously stated, ANY civilization could be analyzed and rated on this scale. Even civilizations who are now extinct, such as Neanderthals...

@DeeJayOJTV - 23.10.2023 22:34

full bullshit

@ringoisacandyapple - 23.10.2023 08:19

Keeping up with the kardashev’s

@kesmaj - 21.10.2023 16:42

uh child bubling

@schlemmervincent8019 - 20.10.2023 03:46

This need to go further and to spread wihle we dont understand oursefves seams to me very unrational. It is like wanting allways a biger house, more waranty. I would not be surprised that a natural bondery would prevent that until we learn to be wiser…

@MikeyVidsPR - 19.10.2023 19:38

Interesting up to the point you said "carbon neutral" and "carbon negative"... 🤡

@HonchoHundo - 19.10.2023 07:19

If you think we’re gonna be wearing special goggles by google or some shit to look at the sun in 3000+ years you are either insane or insanely conditioned by corporatization lol

@ziplockbaggies8707 - 17.10.2023 06:26

If we can get past religious dogma we might be able to get there. Too many old people in power holding back experimental sciences imo

@jean-sebastienbrideau2556 - 16.10.2023 14:59

The law of one (Ra material) is also interesting in that topic.

@hansolav5924 - 15.10.2023 04:39

the only reason humanity will NOT spread across the galaxy like the infestation we are, would be the potpourri of self-imposed or outside disasters we are facing. Unless one of them should manage to wipe us out entirely, our dominion of the galaxy is assured. and, provided we survive that long, it will NOT take a million years. certainly not several million. We'll have hideaways aplenty, and not just for the wealthy, by the time our Sun dies.

@Tenmo8life - 14.10.2023 23:27

All aliens are cake

@supersasquatch - 14.10.2023 08:08

Almost as scary as the kardashian svale

@mothman_slayer4217 - 14.10.2023 06:51

It won’t happen too many dumbasses starting wars and terrorist attacks over religions or a pile of dirt

@user-jj6sk4co4u - 12.10.2023 11:20

If there is a God, it's just a type 7 civilization.

@TheOrigamiPeople - 11.10.2023 16:13

Change the weather.? First country that did that would use it as a weapon……gave up listening to this bad science fiction

@pauloconnor5850 - 09.10.2023 05:18

I'm pessamisticly hopeful that we can.

@theoldfartschannel3692 - 09.10.2023 04:39

Civilization is already on decline and technology is more likely to end civilization than save civilization. .

@davidradevic6354 - 08.10.2023 03:08

This is really absurd. How can type human civilisation suppose how big other types are? 😂 Omg we are so limited

@Freedomlives33 - 08.10.2023 00:59

Pretty sure we are already type 1 regarding weather. It's just a matter of using it the way we hoped we would. Im sure CERN and HAARP can do more than what we originally thought.

@militiatwistable - 06.10.2023 11:02

Someone would have full control. Not us.

@lildubuoy - 05.10.2023 19:48

Why do we always make ourselves so insignificant?

@sabareeshb.s - 05.10.2023 11:58

Things got invented by ppl, who seems like insane and odd, so ppl who discourage such inventions was there for all the times. This is how we evolve and transform, spreading negativity won't stop such great minds, what they see, we haven't seen.

@jahathebutt - 05.10.2023 04:25

We re a Kardashian civilisation for now,I m afraid we wont get that far!😬

@AvatarKnownAsNathanielPeters - 05.10.2023 03:08

Humanity can’t even master getting dressed to go to the store lol.

@wasia95X - 03.10.2023 22:11

A bunch of good buds and I'm at the 7th level))

@sahilsharma88 - 03.10.2023 07:45

Where do the Engineers stand on the kardashev scale?

@solinus83 - 02.10.2023 23:35

if this scale is based on fact that there are no physics laws, then this scale is absolute nonsense, you can literally make any fairy tale you want, your limit is only your imagination....
wake up dreamers, no ftl, no space bending, no crap... and dyson sphere is also I would say stupid idea, who the would want to put a sun into shade? your very own and only star you have... I could continue, but for waking up you dreamers, must suffice for now

@LiamKnight91 - 02.10.2023 18:50

So basically, we need to move away from capitalism

@grog5564 - 02.10.2023 16:49

Humanity is a tribal culture, unable to talk to other tribes for even the most basic subjects that would allow a more cohesive society.

@nishitpunatar5914 - 01.10.2023 10:13

Probably if we make it to Type IV or V civilisation as per the Kardeshev scale, we may have mastered energy. But we could be walking into the Big bang theory which is in place at a nascent stage today !!! Lets think about it.

@HaiteLibbies - 29.09.2023 20:05

I have been taken up 88 times

@hrblucifer - 29.09.2023 09:24

Public ko chutiya banane ki scale😂

@przemmed - 29.09.2023 02:52

so the orc's "prophet" is a reliable source? pu.tler k.aput!

@staceym8031 - 28.09.2023 18:57

I would say we already have the potential to be a type 7 we just don't know how to tap into it at will. We already know we are a part of everything and everything is a part of us. We are star stuff. I believe dreams are just another reality we tap in to, just another place we have the power to shape our reality. We get glimpses of it all the time. I believe there are species that travel in and out of our dimension also, we see them as aliens but I'm sure they are all around us but more in tune with there abilities than we are. I also don't believe we die we just change our reality or how we exist, our body is a vessel for this reality. But that's just me.😊

@NashBrooklyn - 27.09.2023 12:44

Kardashian Civilization is a clear precursor to Kardashev Civilization

@damocles8685 - 26.09.2023 01:04

Type 8 will be whatever creature we're in will finally be born.
