Jared From Subway: Catching A Monster | Official Trailer | ID

Jared From Subway: Catching A Monster | Official Trailer | ID

Investigation Discovery

1 год назад

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WowCat - 11.09.2023 03:18

He's just like bill Gates - dedicated to "helping children" all over the world, but with a special emphasis on those in Africa and India. He's a remarkable person with incredible goals, traveling the globe to ensure that kids everywhere have whatever they need to "stay healthy and free from disease". Truly a hero!!!.

Eidelmania - 10.09.2023 20:12

He should had escsped to Israel.

Banana Split Cream Buns
Banana Split Cream Buns - 03.09.2023 07:31

Besides Jimmy Saville, is there anyone on this planet that looks more like a ped than this guy?

Kristine E.
Kristine E. - 30.08.2023 09:01

How does he only get 15 years for 14 victims while the one that helped catch him gets 20? I'm confused.... The FBI should also be ashamed of themselves for sitting on this for so long. I watched the documentary and it seems like this wasn't a priority for them. Maybe if he had drugs on him they would've rushed it but child porn? Nah, wasn't as important to them.

Donnie Ates
Donnie Ates - 16.08.2023 22:38

If he got caught today, the left would cancel anyone who mentioned it on social media.

Steve - 01.08.2023 15:22

The reporter is almost as disgusting as him, she was rooting for the monster the whole time because it advanced her career, she had to tell the camera every 5 seconds that no one knew Jared as well as she did, it was all about her.

Ms Manibusan
Ms Manibusan - 30.07.2023 12:05

I had NO idea

The Man Of Many Face's
The Man Of Many Face's - 28.07.2023 03:01

Jared was the poster boy for “Body Positivity”, real body positivity.

Where I honestly believe that his decline is what led to people like Lizzo and Tess Holiday being a thing.

Mickey Linder Designs
Mickey Linder Designs - 17.07.2023 13:47

Whats really bothersome is there seems to be sooooooooooooooooooo many ppl preying on children yet you hardly ever hear or see much in the way of any investigations on the family origins or what might the possibilities be of how or what turns these people into monsters.
Is it porn? Is it childhood trauma? Is it purely satanic? It seems soooo many people are sexually sinister from celebrities, politicians to regular citizens but the question is ...can it be prevented somehow without biblical intervention?

Joey Boombatz
Joey Boombatz - 14.07.2023 02:40

So him and bill Cosby are sharing a cell?
Both ended their careers trying to get into smaller pants

A.C Diamonds
A.C Diamonds - 04.07.2023 19:54

I’m not discrediting the reporter for all the investigating work she put in. But, honestly I find it weird and strange on why Jared was so comfortable randomly telling her “ I think middle school girls are hot”

Iloveu - 01.07.2023 07:08

They act like decent people . I know of a Jehova Witness woman who goes door by door talking people about Jehova and at the same time she is a child molester .

S - 30.06.2023 03:39


Sebikelife🚴US IRAQ Vet Paratrooper🪂
Sebikelife🚴US IRAQ Vet Paratrooper🪂 - 28.06.2023 05:46

Why do old ladies wear makeup 💄 you look even more terrible......

Gregory Smith
Gregory Smith - 22.06.2023 03:21

It was boring, 3 episodes, 99% about the reporter, very little about Jared. Jared was never interviewed, they didn't even talk to people in prison that know Jared. Also, they kept running a disclaimer about offensive content. Seriously? WE KNOW THERE'S GONNA BE OFFENSIVE CONTENT!

Bruce Merrill
Bruce Merrill - 21.06.2023 18:09

Rochelle's the definition of a cold calculating viper 🐍!! She totally baited this dude then set him up and I'm only on S1 Ep1. I'm not defending his bad behavior but who planted that there in the first place!? If the masses only knew Hollyweirdland tne level of hypocrisy here is astounding

Aaron M.
Aaron M. - 20.06.2023 02:58

Jared Fogle is a monster but the biggest heel in this documentary is that blonde radio chick who always plays the victim... Wish that attention seeking drama queen would be put in jail too honestly

The_cat_did_it - 19.06.2023 16:28

Why in the world would you whisper in a journalists ear?
“ I think middle school girls are hot”
It’s like he was admitting
“ hey, I am a child predator hear me roar “

Dwayne Smith
Dwayne Smith - 18.06.2023 00:05

i was grossed out by how this woman played the "i dont like him" card to "so should we diddle 9 yr olds? tell me those dark secrets?" to "OMG i could not believe he says he wants to diddle 9 yr olds." then dummy set herself up by taking it to the FBI in order to get him in trouble but backfired on her. if you want yo save yourself time i suggest not watching this documentary. we all know he diddled a kid.

D'Onna Christina
D'Onna Christina - 16.06.2023 06:47

He came to my elementary school and showed us his pants

Ol’ Caruso
Ol’ Caruso - 16.06.2023 05:40

this lady is a liar and crazy. and managed to get an incel in jail

Ol’ Caruso
Ol’ Caruso - 16.06.2023 05:38

i havent seen the whole doc yet but i dont trust this lady at all. she is still complimenting him by the end. i mean come on

Kow Loon
Kow Loon - 15.06.2023 19:01

Sorry to disappoint everyone who wants to watch this but it’s really boring and stretched. Just rent the last episode if! Not worth anybody’s time unfortunately 😢

Nyran Stanton
Nyran Stanton - 15.06.2023 09:15

crazy world we live in.

Alexi Gonzalez
Alexi Gonzalez - 12.06.2023 18:50

What a sick man

Lawrence Acosta
Lawrence Acosta - 10.06.2023 23:28

Subway worked so hard and spent sooo much money trying to seperate themselves from him and now HBO does a series putting Subway back in public light. I bet they're pissed.

Matthew David Bowron
Matthew David Bowron - 10.06.2023 15:35

and odd that Jared was fired from Subway in South Park due to wanting to give the kids Aides (that's spelled that intentionally for those who haven't seen that episode). I wonder if they had any idea how close to the truth they were at the time?

Dr Phot
Dr Phot - 10.06.2023 07:24

I wasn’t shocked in the slightest… Just surprised they took that long to make it public.

Adam Marzinski
Adam Marzinski - 10.06.2023 03:30

That lady clearly just hates men cuz they rejected her for being ugly her whole life, so she just makes a whole documentary to show how awful they are just out of spite

Adam Marzinski
Adam Marzinski - 10.06.2023 02:04

I can’t believe that lady wasted that many years of her life trying to gain evidence. If you spend 5 years trying trying to prove someone is guilty of a crime and they go to jail for a few years then you’re technically losing 5 years of your life which isn’t worth it

Tamara Gregory
Tamara Gregory - 09.06.2023 09:55

The fbi couldn’t get they shut together in 48-72 hours to save a few children. This is heartbreaking, not only this man but the way the fbi handled the safety of children for years then a way to catch him arrived and they can’t get it together. I wonder his many children was traumatized in their years process

Rosie Savage
Rosie Savage - 09.06.2023 06:47

I was so shocked and angry that the FBI sat on this case for over 3 years knowing what he was and his power position with kids…then to force her with two kids to act as a mole to investigate him—by blackmailing her for secretly taping him to begin with?!? They could have set up another sting like the bday party—many legal manipulations could have been taken, saving more victims from his abuse. I wish the documentary addressed the FBI’s tactics and utter failure here!

IEN - 09.06.2023 04:23

We all have a monster hiding and Jared came out.

wantcooky - 08.06.2023 21:40

Awful documentary. It’s mostly about the annoying journalist lady and her view. Very little about Jared. Some very disturbing things but stretched out over three unnecessary episodes.

TA O - 07.06.2023 06:26

The blond bimbo is a drama Queen. Not much here folks. 1 star

Hucklebuckchuck - 07.06.2023 05:14

I’m 24 and I have an eight-year-old stepsister, and the fact that he was interested in an seven-year-old girl sickens me. If I ever find out that somebody I know is touching kids. I will go out of my way to hurt them and I will not feel bad about it!

Denise Sir Ritter
Denise Sir Ritter - 05.06.2023 02:13

Shut up narc

G2j NaN
G2j NaN - 04.06.2023 13:20

I’m sorry, but that lady Rochelle was annoying af. She was constantly making it about herself and seemed like she just wanted the fame.

K3iona Floyd
K3iona Floyd - 03.06.2023 08:35

The fact that this woman took her time doing her own investigation pisses me off. How many victims while she was playing inspector gadget?!

65th Hitman
65th Hitman - 01.06.2023 10:08

The fact she called the news to insert herself into the story shows she didn't do it to do the right thing... She wanted to be famous

65th Hitman
65th Hitman - 01.06.2023 09:50

This girl acts like keeping her mouth shut while the FBI did their jobs caused her physical conditions bc she wanted to get paid....

3mate1 - 01.06.2023 03:37

I couldn't finish this, the lady with too much makeup made the entire thing about her and what a hero she was for recording him and how scared she was. Seriously, I couldn't listen to her after the 2nd episode any longer. I'm glad they stopped him and put him behind bars but damn, the lady was just too much.

queen bee
queen bee - 31.05.2023 16:20

Not sure how I feel about this reporter she seemed shady as hell and yes Jared was a creep but she was going to get a story no matter just like all reporters she seemed to put words in his mouth and she was also playing the part of a pheody
She’s as disgusting as him as far as I can tell
Plus she’s full of Sh!t if she expects anyone to believe the FBI would waste their time on a charge of recording someone she wanted to be involved typical repotter

Junior Moore
Junior Moore - 29.05.2023 23:31

For the people saying that Rochelle should not have gotten involved involved because she would have put her kids in danger, let me put it to you this way. Say for example if Jared Fogle was a principle of an middle school, and Rochelle was a teacher. Then at some point of his career, Principle Fogle started engaging in sexual activity with the students. Rochelle the teacher knew about it, but didn't want to say anything because she was afraid of Jared coming after her kids. So Jared kept abusing his students. Until one day, one of the students told a parent what the principal was doing with the students, and the police were called, and they arrested Jared. The school district conducts an investigation and it's found out teacher Rochelle knew what was happening, but didn't want to say anything because she was afraid that Jared was going to come after her kids. They find out that the allegations were true and the school district fires Jared what do you think what would happen to Rochelle? Also, what would you think of Rochelle that she knew about the abuse but was afraid to say anything about it? Keep in mind that many children were abused by Jared because Rochelle was too scared to say anything. Was she protecting her children, or was she a coward?

Mightymikeamps - 27.05.2023 04:07

As bad a Jarod Fogel is, that mother Angela Baldwin who had sex with a horse, and let Russel Tayler film her daughters really shocked me.

Jarod only got 15 year. Russel got 27, but she got 33 years.

The 3 of them made me sick to my stomach, but the betrayal of a mother is just overwhelming. Those poor daughters.

TheStarsDon'tDance - 25.05.2023 11:50

I feel so bad for his ex wife and kids.

Brenda Thompson Adams
Brenda Thompson Adams - 20.05.2023 18:04

The monster could get out of prison in 6 years. Hide your babies! I hope the monster does not turn to a murderer as some of these freaks have.

Tomislav Antic
Tomislav Antic - 07.05.2023 09:13

South Park did a very good job

Carpe_ Poon
Carpe_ Poon - 04.05.2023 17:46

This is so scary. This lady did her own investigation and went to the FBI and she said they weren’t doing enough to get this monster. Sounds about right

Renia E Saddler
Renia E Saddler - 03.05.2023 01:29

In 15 years or so, we will be hearing about Jared again, thanks to America’s love for child predators and her disdain for victims of them.
15 years. What a disgraceful joke.
