this is BS. it's in the agent's interest to convince the vendor they can get them the most money for their house. why would they undervalue it? to sell quicker? in the crazy housing market where everything sells within a month or two anyway and buyers outbid one another? the house sold for much more just because there's been a shortage of houses last few years and huge over demand - not because of genius agent. I've viewed a few houses in the last few years. the agents are just useless key handlers not knowing ANYTHING about the property they show often not having access to all places - like many times I couldn't see a garage from inside because they didn't have the keys XD on my last two viewings, because the properties were old, I asked about the wiring and they couldn't answer when was it checked or serviced last. I went up to a loft, noticed ripped and badly patched roof felt with sagged ceramic tile. when I mentioned that to the agent he suggested a wind must've moved it. a heavy interlocking tile in the middle of the roof. XD it's easy to be a seller when the demand is bigger than availability. I hope the time comes when it significantly stagnates because they need a proper reality check.
Ответить❤ excellent
ОтветитьAmy sounds as fake as a Turkish Rolex. Comp,ete squeaky airhead. I would avoid.
ОтветитьPlease don't assume that Estate Agents and valuers are able to show any professional qualification in what they do. Random, arbitrary chancers. The same usually goes for Chartered Surveyors whose qualifications are way below what we imagine.
ОтветитьVery interesting. I know these houses. I once was going to buy there.
ОтветитьTime to make this video again, in a negative market where all agents are fire selling your properties agents don’t care about your price they care about the sale when they receive their commission. The price is irrelevant if they can’t pay the wages each month they are not in business. Never trust a real estate agent, I have bought and sold in 3 continents over decades and it doesn’t change. All agents rely on emotive purchases and have no idea where their buyers are going to come from, it’s all down to the internet being visible to the right person at the right time.
ОтветитьWhat an inflated exercise all this is………..
ОтветитьThe Scottish way I'd say is the best offer's over what you think your house is worth
ОтветитьWho believes or trust Estate Agents --- they are the main driving force for the inflation in house prices and are in the 'business' for their own benefit not yours ever.
ОтветитьYou should make a video about agents, who use dirty tricks, to put your property down, just because you didn't sign up with them, I have had agents & 2 Auction houses bad mouth some of my properties because I didn't go with them. There is a lot of dirty tricks how sad.
ОтветитьWhat about sellers cost? I didn’t hear that mentioned ??
ОтветитьAt legal.
ОтветитьGreat deal for you but the buyer probably overpaid and will be in negative equity. There are many variables to the price you will get.
ОтветитьIf you’re in the market to buy something, and the seller (or their agent) asks what your budget is, please don’t tell them. As soon as you tell them your budget, the chances are that you will be paying at least that amount, and probably more, because the vast majority of people state a figure lower than their true budget.
When I’m asked, I just give a wry chuckle and say, “As little as possible”.
For example, if you’re in the market for a house, ask the agent for details of properties ranging from the most and least expensive properties that meet your criteria (i.e. number of rooms, etc), otherwise you’re only going to be shown properties starting at your budget price and higher.
Fascinating, but important to point out this was filmed during an extraordinary boom period in the housing market, during the post-Covid period when demand for property (especially in a nice part of Somerset) was going through the roof. Would be interesting to repeat this experiment in more normal market times, when overvaluations by agents often lead to properties failing to sell for months before having to be sharply reduced.
ОтветитьPut your own board up .
ОтветитьAnd the one real estate agent she will pick out will be the one that values her home the highest greed is always the winner in this game,
We should always have our reserve price on our home and have a open auction on the home keeping in mind our reserve price and who ever is the highest bidder on that day gets your home as long as they are higher then your reserve price and of course you have to be happy with that and no one trust real estate agents they are a cut throat industry to greed is everywhere so do not let it get to you and be honest with in yourself when selling your home.
Beware. I had an experience with an local estate agent, who failed to find a buyer, listed inaccurate details of the property, did minimal marketing and in the end, we withdrew from the market, but, they billed us for all sorts of things and even took us to court to get that money, despite the vague small print in their so called contract. I remain totally disgusted with that 'outfit' who listed properties just to get fees imo.
ОтветитьI wouldn’t have paid that price,no way .
Ответить😂I love the painting on the wall with all the ladies sat next to each other…
ОтветитьGosh I wish I had come across your channel 5wks ago. I have been struggling with two agents on two properties and I have had to give them advice as I am in sales (not in real estate). I have fallen in the trap.
ОтветитьRead the book Freakanomics. In one chapter it details how Real Estate agents trying to sell THEIR OWN HOUSE left it on the market TWICE as long as any other house the they were auctioning for their clients.
Basically, when it came to selling their own house they wanted the best possible price, but when it came to selling your house, they didn't care about making you money and all they were interested in was the quickest possible sale and the quickest commission.
I think the whole format for estate agents business leaves it wide open for corruption… And let’s face it some people are just about born dishonest … having said that the managers targets set , forces a lot of young people who work for them into being dishonest just to meet the targets , in order to get a shitty star card to say well done boy/ girl you are the star of the month… carrot on the stick … sad All around…
Ответить300,000 for that shack, what the heck
ОтветитьVery interesting video.
Certainly the words ‘I don’t mean to put you under and pressure’ mean quite the opposite.
What struck me is that the second day valuations were clearly higher than those from the first day. Would that be a coincidence?
What a bozo this woman is. Who on earth telephones an estate agent to get the e-mail address of their property valuation expert?
That information is readily available without having to telephone the company.
Who, in their right mind, “admits” to having no idea what their property is worth before getting an expert to value the property?
This woman hasn’t got the brains she was born with.
The fact is the market dictates the price. You need an estate agent to advertise your property properly and as many perspective serious buyers to be exposed to your property via their network etc. There need to be sufficient interest in the property to get the best possible price. Best scenario when selling is your property enters a bidding war
ОтветитьThis programme is a little misleading. You could get your house advertised at as many estate agents you want but its very important which buyer goes into which estate agents. I sold my house in 2008 at the height of the recession. I didnt have a mortgage & i didnt have to sell it. I didnt get a single viewing & he told me i needed to reduce the price by 10k, which i did. Still no viewings & he said i should reduce it by a further 10k & i told him no, if it doesnt sell then i will stay here. One lady ( only one, i didnt have any other enquiries about it ) came & viewed it & as she went into each room she said wow. & she said she wanted the house & would make an offer on it through her estate agents. She did offer 5k less & i sold it & it all went through very very quickly. I had completely decorated it throughout the whole house & was putting in an ornamental fireplace when she came to view it. & she said could i get it in as she would love it so i did. Also that same day she viewed it as i was getting ready for work she bought her daughter round to view it & her daughter also loved it.
ОтветитьI am not surprised at all, is the UK.... Like banana rebuplics...
ОтветитьHow much is flood insurance on this property?
ОтветитьTotal con merchants,will never use an estimate agent,why do people fall for estate agents liars all of them.
ОтветитьMy estate agent and I had agreed a fixed price to cover all costs if my house sold at home report price. The estate agent then decided on an 80/20 split on anything above the home report price which I agreed to. I get a copy of the contract emailed over a few days later and I notice the estate agent had awarded the 80% on anything above the home report price to themselves. I thought this must be an error as no estate agent could be that greedy. Their response was 'you signed the contract'. And it got worse. They were still to add the 20% vat on to the 80%. So if my house sold for £20,000 above the home report price the estate agent got their fixed fee and £19,200 - I would have got £800. I was fuming. I gave the house away at home report price.
ОтветитьI would have gone with the cash sale!!! Quick and done!!
ОтветитьI had a nightmare selling, 3 bed semi, up for sale at 220 in august 23, sold for 210 in march 24, mortgage people devalued it to 200k..😢 😢😢
ОтветитьMost male agent are low life lazy bums looking for easy money. They will under value your property to make a easy easy sale. They don't worry about the final conclusion of the sale as long as it happens some time. Women agents are way more dedicated.
In South Africa agents want 8 present commission for their effort. I built new houses to sell and dealt with many agents and had a hardline attitude of take it or leave it regarding their commission. The highest commission I ever paid was 4%..Mostly I based commission on the time it took to complete the sale. Commission reduced over time.
The men interrupted her a lot. That bothered me.
ОтветитьIt must be similar no matter where you live. A neighbor had considered selling their home and got the same pressure tactic that someone wanted to buy it and they accepted it without talking to anyone else. The person buying it was likely a friend of the agent as it immediately put back on the market and sold for $100,000+ more than it was purchased for. Of course, there is no recourse and they also had to rush to buy another home that they hadn’t even been searching for prior to contacting the agent.
ОтветитьAs bad and laughably overpriced as the UK and US markets are, NOTHING even comes remotely close to the absolute insanity of the Canadian housing industry. Over 40% of entire GDP is tied up in housing. Criminal and on purpose.
ОтветитьI have two good agents living in my own village in Cornwall who sell the majority of properties in the area. I would use one of them. I would never use an online agent or one not in the area. You need someone who knows the area really well. It's all word of mouth mostly. I know there is a waiting list a mile long with buyers wanting to move to the area. If you live in a house on an estate or which is similar to the one next door then it's easier to value. Prices in 2024 have plummeted now. Amy Did good.
ОтветитьSellers and buyers are usually liars
ОтветитьWhats bad about selling your house is you know you're going to be dealing with a lying selfish ripoff merchant
ОтветитьThey all seem to be giving valuations of a similar figure, it's just their educated guess based on what properties in the Streets/Roads around your house have historically sold for!
ОтветитьThe estate agent - the "methodology guy" - is incredibly patronising.
ОтветитьGreat eye opening perspective on this video. Thanks
Ответить300k for that little place. You saw them coming.
ОтветитьYou’re making this more complicated than it is. Why not let the agent with the “very keen” buyer do a one off viewing? If they offer £285, great. If they don’t, nothing is lost apart from 30 minutes of your time. Best to open the property to as wide a market as possible. With RightMove, the role of the agent is almost incidental if you are firm minded enough to direct the agent to do your bidding. Houses sell themselves (unlike cars). Agents don’t sell anything.
ОтветитьIt's only the 98% of real estate agents who give the rest a bad name.
ОтветитьAnd… another shitty estate agents’ trick is to start the sale at a high amount, with an agreed percentage commission, they then advise lowering the price but charge commission on the original quoted price.