Actual AIMBOT! I found a CHEATER in Mechwarrior Online...

Actual AIMBOT! I found a CHEATER in Mechwarrior Online...


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fedepede04 - 23.09.2023 13:54

I hope you report him, he is ruining the game for us.

Blight - 23.09.2023 06:02

Oh for sure it exists in the game - I'm not convinced by this though. He is firing all over the mech. If this is aimbot then its a shit aimbot.

mason trevelyan
mason trevelyan - 22.09.2023 19:42

Gauss is like a magnet for aimbotters 😂

Patryk Maniek
Patryk Maniek - 21.09.2023 17:01

Not a chest xD i can AIM on 1000km on component

Thorsten Müller
Thorsten Müller - 20.09.2023 17:56

AIMbot for sure

Zigzag Killah
Zigzag Killah - 14.09.2023 23:56

When the Viper lagged, and the aim snapped too the correct "pathway" it would have taken had there been NO lag hiccup ... the slowed down fight between this person and the viper and King Crab makes sense if you are the cheater who just realized TTB is watching you .....
So I wonder if it is someone testing their program out, or possibly an AI bot test.

Edit: Also I noticed how people were reacting to the person in question. It seemed like they weren't firing much at them, as in they couldn't really target them. The fight between the King Crab/Viper and the person in question, was an odd fight altogether. The KC didn't fire much at all. they might have been out of ammo / too close for minimum range for their load out, but I doubt that.

mrctunes - 12.09.2023 19:51

Apparently I have the "can't hit $#+@" bot.😅

Boneshaman - 12.09.2023 02:17

if you ain't not cheating, you ain't not trying. if it weren't for aim bot, I would still be in tier 6.

JK I put way too much time and money into this game to use aim bot.

AlekseyDegterev - 11.09.2023 08:09

Maybe a person plays very actively, and successfully, in some cs go, and has a very high speed and accuracy of mouse pointing, has a high speed of decision-making.
ps Sometimes, a person who plays as if he is a cheater, actually plays at a level that is unattainable for you, while being absolutely honest. I remember 20 years ago, in the days of computer clubs, the accusation of cheating was like a compliment :D
pss all cheaters are bastards!

Izumi - 10.09.2023 07:34

I think the tracking itself isn't suspicious alone. I mean have you seen Overwatch Tracer Pro players? Way faster gameplay and they manually track extremely fast moving targets with extreme precision. But the component switching is quite unusual and suspicious. But what really get's me to believe that this could be an aimbot is that usually someone with such a high skill level in tracking wouldn't be so hard out of position. I mean it's clear to me that this needs to be investigated but it's not a 100% for me. Especially because we don't get a 1:1 Replay with where that person really aimed at.

James Berry
James Berry - 07.09.2023 23:35

The cheats came out when the game did 13 years ago. They are still the same cheats available today. Trust me , i play this everyday and count , at the least , 2 to 3 cheaters in every match. Ranging from wallhacks to aimbots , or both. Since PGI conveniently decided not to publish their so called "ban lists" anymore , that tells me they completely given up on the game. Basically cheat if ya want to , we dont care. This , along with their horrible match making system , has basically killed this game. I would be very happy if they would just shut down the servers so me and my friends can move onto to some other game worth playing.

Giga D
Giga D - 07.09.2023 07:22

Hoping to get back after a coupla years hiatus myself, i remembered the first purge of cheaters back then, sad to see it still happening. Hope wen cheaters get caught that all his kills to whomever gets redacted from their stats.

Alvenrik1 - 06.09.2023 23:10

Is it weird that THAT is how I imagine a targeting computer would help you in aiming rather than add just numbers to your damage and crit chance?

TheIceGryphon - 06.09.2023 06:10

3D person still snap to garbage? 3D person was awful idea yet still there.

Albert - 01.09.2023 22:09

Generally speaking the filosophy of a cheat dev is the more niche a game is the less competition there is therefore the more money.

It should never come to a surprise that x game has cheats regardless of how niche the game is because there will always be some players that want to have high level plays without putting in the effort and as long as there is demand for cheats there will be supply of cheats

JohnnyNismo - 31.08.2023 01:11

I aim well, but this is supernatural. I have tuned my mouse sensitivity in-game and my mouse's DPI to work very well together. There's just no way a person can aim this well when the torso, legs, and arms are all moving in different directions. I aim very accurately, but I usually have to come to a near stop to track a component in my Black Lanner.

henry Lawson
henry Lawson - 30.08.2023 10:15

I love this game, I'm terrible at it 75% of the time, but it is fun to push yourself to improve. If you have to cheat to improve, then you've failed at life. I truly hope that is just a super sensitive mouse and someone that good, but I can see the truth plain as day in the aim. Noone is that precise on a computer. ESPECIALLY in MWO.

DEEGEEGEE RETRO GAMING - 30.08.2023 01:54

Their are many cheaters in MWO. I have seen everything from AIM-BOT to WALL HACK, RAC and UAC/AC Hacks....

mikeumm - 29.08.2023 19:11

Lol damn, and here I feel bad about having my aim assist set on low in Mechwarrior 5.

It is a lot easier hitting the fast movers at range with it though... I justify it with mechs have targeting computers of varying degrees. Actually, it would be really cool if that was a game mechanic. Something the Marauder should have longer zoom and better targeting capabilities than the average mech.

John Cooper
John Cooper - 15.08.2023 23:50

Good job... Last night there was a lot of players using Aimbots, Wallhacks and their Medium Lasers on a grinner last night was shooting really really fast.

Boris 2112
Boris 2112 - 13.08.2023 16:15

Never really considered. I had a guy hit me in the leg from across the map on Emerald Vale with a gauss. I took it as a really good shot. I was running through buildings in a light at 137 kph btw

vodahmiin nonamehere
vodahmiin nonamehere - 07.08.2023 16:26

Why bother with aimbots? The community is too small not to get called out, the time to kill in this game is so long that all the aimbot will do is expose you for using it, and they still lose anyway, aimbot or no.

itsamemario444 - 01.08.2023 02:55

clearly has the targeting computer MK XII installed

itsamemario444 - 01.08.2023 02:54

i had a guy snipe me from across frozen city in the cockpit only not once but twice in a row. Direwolf cockpit ain't that big so one lucky hit i will give you but to followup with a second direct cockpit hit, nah you cheating. Then i watched him kill 3 others and then turned off the hacks and lost the match to a light mech with ppc's.

Ryan Murders
Ryan Murders - 01.08.2023 01:50

Yeah that's basically guaranteed aimbot. ER Larges are the most common weapon for aimbotters, combined with tracking through an obstruction, and constantly switching between the two targets with weapons off cooldown makes it a pretty dead give away.

Per Færch Andersen
Per Færch Andersen - 25.07.2023 01:52

when you on avrage have to wait 5 mins for a game, it is ok, that a cheater ruins your game, when it only happens 1 out of 10 times you play, but now it is honestly more 50/50 soon there will only be cheaters playing that game. But its ok, starfield and baldurs gate 4 are popping in less that 1 month

Per Færch Andersen
Per Færch Andersen - 25.07.2023 01:28

I have left meckwarrior online, because of blatant cheating. Bin playing for more that 10 years, so even when people cheat, my avrage is 2-3 kills, im doing ok. But people clearly use wall hacks, aimbots and jump with no jumpjets.
When people clearly aim wrong and hit perfectly. Not one time, but agin and agin, and i have bin counting, no matter what meck i use, 8 out of ten times i die, it is from hits to my right torso.
Also i have a image from my combatlog, that show me that i was headshot my a medium laser from 1300 meters. So cheaters can buy some kind of medium laser that can one shot assult mecks at atleast 1300 meters. so yeah, im leaving the game. I left the game before i found your video so dont worry.

Veevslav1 - 13.07.2023 07:40

I quit playing MWO because everyone denies any cheating going on. Others claim it has minimal impact.
Bottom line is that if it is happening it ruins the fun of the game. I think there are more hackers than you could imagine at the higher levels. There are ways to verify it. Screenshot installed in client would go a long way to verify. Just submit and detect for oddities with AI.

surnbe - 12.07.2023 23:34

I have been playing a very long time and my estimate is that cheating has exploded during the last year.

TronTuborg - 08.07.2023 20:11

Anymore sus and I'd be calling an emergency meeting

nikushim666 - 04.07.2023 05:17

Real problem is it doesn't matter if PGI manually bans him. Takes like 30 seconds for them to create a new email and make a new account. Concerning aspect is if that crap actually gets released on a public forum. Then its just gonna spread like cancer with PGI refusing to lease or develop a anti-cheat.

Professor Oak
Professor Oak - 03.07.2023 23:37

you really hate to see it

LabRat - 02.07.2023 00:15

The whole exchange, is quite 'lore-friendly', in theme.
Some inexperienced 'hot-shot' piloting a mech with some 'forbidden and forgotten' example of an experimental/LosTech DI, ends up getting his arse handed to him due to simply 'biting off more than he could chew'.
IMO, this is what the BattleTech 'meta' is all about :D

todd fink
todd fink - 26.06.2023 00:56

definitely looks like it. to me it seems he's not familiar with it and was testing the tracking. good catch TTB.

Vital Lazarovic
Vital Lazarovic - 17.06.2023 13:46

Maybe they nerfed streaks to sell their cheats -.0

CarlDSLR - 17.06.2023 10:13

That doesn't look like anything ...

JoeMojoJones - 15.06.2023 01:43

Unfortunately cheating in MWO has been going on for a very very long time and even by people AND content creators. Just came back after 2 years and almost nothing has changed in MWO.

Brad DL
Brad DL - 12.06.2023 09:54

Remember when they found out about the tarkov hidden community of aimbotters and wall hackers that linus tech tips live stream covered. They exist in every game but are much harder to catch these days.

Stephan Van Der Merwe
Stephan Van Der Merwe - 08.06.2023 07:45

Why would you want to use aim bots for big stompy robots? Just learn the controls!

CyberHound Gaming
CyberHound Gaming - 07.06.2023 20:25

I will admit that it's weird

Booma4142 - 07.06.2023 04:14

I buy it.

Gladius Gaming
Gladius Gaming - 06.06.2023 20:44

So does this mean that there no anti cheat system in MWO, also if people are paying real money to support comp play is this a issue that needs to be addressed immediately?

Wilddog13 - 06.06.2023 10:28

Good Job calling this out TTB!! I have left so many games due to cheating.. Tarkov.. of which I was a founder buyer .. WoT is another one.. cheating is killing games.

Douglas Scharbrough
Douglas Scharbrough - 06.06.2023 00:38

i see aimbotters alll the time in mwo, the ones i report is the guys who hit a single compnent with unguided srms

Andy Gousev
Andy Gousev - 05.06.2023 20:38

Oh NO! Cheaters in Competitive? Tell me more.

Ghent Halcyon
Ghent Halcyon - 05.06.2023 20:27

I am honestly going to question if this is a player. Something can’t have aimbot and be so bad. It has to be a bot or something.

Mal Contender
Mal Contender - 05.06.2023 19:34

If anyone hasn't seen "the video" regarding hackers in Tarkov and all multiplayer games as a whole, look it up.
Chances are? You have almost always been playing with/against at least 1 hacker, in every popular multiplayer game you have ever played (PC of course).

I suggest those interested have a gander at A.I. driven anti-hack technology, there is a solution in the works.

WarHippy - 04.06.2023 16:51

Not really seeing anything particularly suspicious. At full speed looked pretty normal and slowed way down looked a little weird but things often look weird slowed way down. In the end even if he was it seemed more a hindrance than a help in the situation you highlighted.

Cara Carcass
Cara Carcass - 04.06.2023 13:15

I have spectated several of those suspicousaim movements the last few month. I always turn on OBS too late.
