The Future of MMORPGs Powered By ChatGPT | Ginger Prime

The Future of MMORPGs Powered By ChatGPT | Ginger Prime

Ginger Prime

1 год назад

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Throne and Liberty, Ashes of Creation, Blue Protocol, Pantheon, the future of the MMORPG and the power of AI help to evolve MMOs to the next level of gameplay experiences.

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#chatgpt #gingerprime #ai

0:00 Introduction
1:00 Getting Started
3:00 Challanges of the MMO
8:00 Game Design Challanges
14:00 Final Thoughts


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@MisteRRYouTuby - 10.02.2023 17:49

No. Bad idea. Gaming is dead if this is a thing.

@capnmorgan867 - 10.02.2023 17:56

Skynet /waves "Hi!"

@justevil100 - 10.02.2023 17:56

What the horrific political leanings of ChatGPT whether they want to admit it or not this is a horrid idea. If they use this to help monitor the fanbase I can see most people being removed within a week of game launching.

@copixel37 - 10.02.2023 18:08

AI can be a great tool to create a more immersive experience in a MMORPG by allowing NPCs to dynamically change based on the actions of players. AI can help create a more engaging and personalized gaming experience with smarter enemies, more varied and unpredictable outcomes, and a living, breathing game world. With AI, a new exciting MMORPG could really come alive!

@Attrowoods - 10.02.2023 18:16

Am I the only one that think it's the design philosophy of gaming companies that is killing mmorpg. They allways consider their monetization before making a fun game.

1. Battle passes, cash shops, monthly subscriptions.
2. Create worse game play to push their monetization.
3. Ignore there communities.

These are the man reasons I don't play mmorpgs.

When all things are against you my friends and I wonder why would we waste hours of are time to be able to play short moments of the game together.

Not worth the time or money.

@user-qt8yo7gs7i - 10.02.2023 18:44

I'm already getting fomo at the thought of my character playing content without me. However I spent two weeks without a computer and my team had to twiddle their thumbs without me as their healer. So...

@hquest - 10.02.2023 19:10

IMHO the only fit for AI I see on games is in the ability to create content. For instance, make dynamic quests amongst the pool of parameters available in the game that can be unique to your character, instead of the predetermined ones as programmed by the developer. Along these lines, adding a dynamic story that fluctuates depending not only on your progress but your choices (a larger version of the good Arthur/bad Arthur from RDR2).

I don't think adding your "avatar" as a way to circumvent the social gap and have your pretending you are playing with your friends work at all. This to me is the epitome of the Forever Alone meme. I wouldn't mind, however, seeing someone's else in combat or racing near me. I may not need to interact with them, so they can convert me into an NPC, however with my actual playback of the race or fight for added immersion and maybe serving as tips for the new player.

Then on the FOMO or the 3 stages, as you called, there's not a true value outside creating a bot, and that defeats the whole purpose of the game. As you have pointed in other videos, horizontal progression, if properly implemented, would do much, much more than a bot of mine that does a few things while I'm away from the game, so I don't feel like I missed anything.

@arcangel6384 - 10.02.2023 19:45

that would be a cool concept to see in action. I was thinking along the lines of an AI player to pop in and play with you when you dont have anyone to play with. or are stuck on a mission and need fast backup.

@TaniaRavenYT - 10.02.2023 19:56

Do not allow this to happen ChatGPT is totally biased.

@hightierplayers2454 - 10.02.2023 20:29

AI will revolutionize everything we have in rendered entertainment. From managing environments on a level we simply can't right now, to giving dynamic NPCs, randomizing dungeons/treasure hunt locations/bosses/etc all within given parameters to make games dynamic yet still defeatable.

It will be as big as moving from 2D to 3D for those of you too young to have any reference points for how this will likely go industry-wide.

@redhgffdsgd1605 - 10.02.2023 22:04

Ask to play role playing game with it and it only fit for snowflake and safespace people it's too sensitive too REEEEEEE for an enjoyable story for normal person, In short it's boring for real human.

@Nubbley - 10.02.2023 22:15

google and microsoft can go f themselves xD any gaming company thinking of using their service will be no more for me

@sakarakit5835 - 10.02.2023 22:37


@Solemn_Argus - 10.02.2023 23:15

I think AI will be a great tool for game making, and cutting more costs. Hopefully more cutting from time to make things and less from amount of people making them. Some may cut jobs with it. But I doubt it will be widespread issue at its current ability. Also my first time hearing about Chat GPT and it's from your video, that's what I like to see. 🤝

@jeremyn4397 - 11.02.2023 00:50

Ginger advocates botting in MMO's confirmed ;)

@Kafeenuk - 11.02.2023 02:14

Weird. I was thinking about this exact topic earlier though more on a content level rather than subsituting players with bots.

We're already seeing AI generated 2D art, one of the next logical steps is for AI generated 3D art.
Even if not used for the main characters where the designers will likely want more control, it could free up a lot of time from the art time by generating side characters, etc.

I can see it being used in other areas too, especially for MMOs but other games too:
AI-created quest systems could be great in single-player games, giving everyone a unique game experience. I think could create some great "water-cooler" coversations discussing what stories played out in your game compaired to your friends.
In MMOs especially, worlds could be more dynamic. Players don't all need to recieve the same side quests, the world could adapt generating new quests on the fly.

The other area I'd like to see it used is in in-game conversations. Rather than selecting a predefined dialog option, players could respond how they want to respond and have NPCs reply accordingly.

There's a lot of opportinity for AI. I'm interested to see where it will take us over the next 5, 10, 20 years.

@PeterPanbe - 11.02.2023 07:51

Ai to do our jobs, AI not only to make MMORPGs but also to play them for us. That brings us back to nature and real life and the circle is closed 😅

@바보Queen - 11.02.2023 10:00

man, ai almost sentient like NPC's in games would be insane

@benar5040 - 11.02.2023 17:24

I read somewhere The Quinfall mmo uses A.I. It will be very interesting..

@dwarni5968 - 13.02.2023 15:29

I think it'll be rather the downfall of MMORPGs. Because why should you play an Online game if the interaction with NPCs is almost as good as with real players. Some would even they better since you don't have any toxicity (except if you want to).

Create a large open World RPG with realistic NPCs, and you don't need a MMORPG.

Especially in WoW player base has become so toxic (expecially in M+), that I quit a few weeks ago and really enjoy Single player RPGs. Only thing I miss is the feeling to play in world with others. Good AI could give me this feeling.

@BigTough - 13.02.2023 22:18

Yes! No more exploits in games for losers to take advantage of.

@eksynn - 25.04.2024 06:17

what games are we watching in the background there?
