Ana Aturaya (Qalat Qarna) Romeo Tamou אשורי אנוכי

Ana Aturaya (Qalat Qarna) Romeo Tamou אשורי אנוכי

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שיר לאומי אשורי מלא בפאתוס ורוח לחימה התובע את חירות העם האשורי. השיר נכתב על ידי ד"ר פריידון בית אבהרם אתוראיא, גיבור תרבות אשורי שלחם לעצמאות העם האשורי ושחרור ארץ אשור. מת בדמי ימיו בכלא לאחר שהואשם במרידה
Freydon Bet-Abram Atoraya (Syriac: ܦ̮ܪܝܕܢ ܐܬܘܪܝܐ‎; Freydon the Assyrian) (1891 – 1926) was an Assyrian physician born in the town of Charbash in the district of Urmia in Iran. He was sent by his father to live with an uncle in Tbilisi, then in the Russian Empire, and studied medicine there.
He worked as a medical doctor for the Russian Army as soon as he graduated in 1915. He was later transferred to the Russian Forces in Iran as a medical and political officer, and established an Assyrian National Committee in Urmia, sending 250 young Assyrian men to Russia for military training. Alongside his military and political career, he wrote poems and founded an Assyrian magazine and an Assyrian library.
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