How to Shrink Your Prostate Naturally: The #1 Nutrient You Need

How to Shrink Your Prostate Naturally: The #1 Nutrient You Need

Dr. Eric Berg DC

2 года назад

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@jacquelineanne3934 - 09.02.2024 13:44

I love Dr Berg, always shares great information

@nickmuaythaiandfitness - 05.02.2024 05:34

My father and my grandpa had prostate cancer. I assume I’m high risk? I’m definitely going to start using this as a supplement

@JonsVeryInterestingStuff - 02.02.2024 11:46

When you mention red meat, is it to be consumed raw, or is thoroughly cooked as good ..???

@rossvumbaco4508 - 30.01.2024 20:36

Should I stop cholesterol med? I take sawpametto with zinc but also take a statin

@Amir76fresno - 24.01.2024 15:00

Hello Doc. I just stumbled upon over this video by chance, Big like indeed. Thx a lot for sharing your knowledge and thoughts. Wishing you all Happiness prosperity. Cheers 🙌🏼❄️

@pipiriarnie - 19.01.2024 06:36

how about for men with gout? red meat is a no no

@keerthidelwatta2785 - 17.01.2024 19:21

Do you consider prostate swelling in the prostritis and the cell growth in the BPH as equal conditions where swelling and cell growth both could be shrinked.Are there technical reports published in scientific journals demonstrating the extent of prostrate stinked by medications by measuring prostate size before and after by medication.Can you give one example of prostrate size reductions evident in US scan reports submitted by a Radiologists.
Keerthi Delwatta

@shu-ichen4439 - 12.01.2024 23:09

Dr. Berg, iodine.

@fredsilvers1427 - 11.01.2024 07:07

Excellent. Another lesser known thing about zinc that my doctor told me about (and this is a secret amongst doctors for some reason. My doctor was angry that this knowledge is suppressed) is taking Nature Made 30 mg zinc every 2 hours, 3 times a day, for two days. At the end of the two day mark, the pumps that adsorb and/or distribute metals in your body shut off, so taking more does no good. Anyways, this regimen stops reproduction of ANY AND ALL VIRUSES!!! AIDS, name it. Sounds crazy I know but I actually got one of the covid strains (even though I thought none of it was real because they lie and deceive). It hit hard and fast. I did the zinc regimen and it was gone on the 3rd day, while others with the same strain were down for a month or dead. I had some nasty things that I blew out of my nose for a week or so but it was all dead infection or maybe masses of the dead virus idk. This regimen only woks if you don't take zinc on a regular basis. Otherwise your pumps shut off too quickly and the levels don't reach high enough. Just throwing this out there. I wouldn't if I had not proven it for myself.

@AlbertW-xy7py - 05.01.2024 00:01

LOL, until recently I hadn't realized that Mario updated his favorite way to tackle ED and it's a relief! Although what he previously suggested was pretty good, it was a real pain to follow... I just go'ogled the latest in Volpstein's Erections at Will, it's so much simpler and potent now!

@rentner1762 - 03.01.2024 12:51

Been taking zinc for years, hasn't prevented prostrate growth.

@paulschooley7364 - 24.12.2023 14:29

Thank you very much Dr Berg, you explain problems and solutions that anyone can understand and without a criticizing manner .Merry Christmas .

@tobiyahs - 20.12.2023 15:24

I am running into an issue that makes no sense at all. When I sleep for about 5 hours, I have an issue where I have a hard time starting urination. This only happens early mornings. Once I am up for the day, I don’t have this issue. Sometimes I will wake up early mornings and I will have no issue. This all started when one morning I woke up with pain in both kidneys. But, I have did urine test over and over and the tests show my kidneys are amazing, but the only thing that shows up in these tests is a very low amount of leukocytes in the urine. It is so low that it is almost untraceable. The tests show no blood, proteins, or nitrites. The weirdest part of it all the prostate inflames and then shrinks again. I know this for sure. There is a consistent small burning right above my anus. It isn’t like an infection burning, it is more like the feeling as if your cold hands were put in warm water and they start burning. There is no pain when I urinate. I have fasted for a day twice and no change. I have been drinking whole lemons, this appeared to totally fix the one night and seems to relieve swelling of my prostate, but I will still have the issue with what I just spoke of. I have even quit taking all my supplements in case something is causing an allergic issue. I really don’t think there is a doctor that can help me with this that I can trust to give me honest information. It has gotten worse lately to where it takes longer to get started urinating. I have also checked my prostate for cancer and there appears to be no abnormalities except the size off and on.

@Healthyhabitsover50 - 17.12.2023 16:30

What are the symptoms of high cholesterol?

@willemvanriet7160 - 17.12.2023 10:16

Can you please do a video on prostate cancer and the PSA blood test. Mine is high but the old fashioned feel test and a MRI scan shows my prostate as being healthy…

@protour4413 - 16.12.2023 12:17

i am 37 male i have type 2 diabetes and enlarged prostate i've done 2 surgical procedures each time after 3-6 monthes of the procedure the problem comes back no doctor unfortunately told me about zinc or what to do to help they just told me its a chronical problem and i will have to do more procedures in the future, after watching your video i started taking zinc 25mg every day along side managing better blood sugar, fasting ...etc now i am in best shape of in 15 years i didnt feel this good urination is very good and ejaculation not painful and amount of semen as it was of my early 20's ....thank you Dr. Berg

@59250em - 13.12.2023 14:46

Merci Docteur pour les précieux conseils que vous dispensez au cours de vos vidéos ! C'est très apprécié.

@Zeropointbug - 05.12.2023 17:44

Take 2 brazil nuts daily also for selenium, it's linked to much reduced risk of prostate cancer. (Japan)

@LannieLord - 18.11.2023 14:50

I agree with EVERYTHING he said - EXCEPT for that RED MEAT part. First , with inflation, I cannot even imagine what the cost of organic meat would be now ? I'd just eat more fish & vegetables in place of red meat - also BEANS . My favorite source of ZINC is in pumpkin seed oil . The brand NOW makes one that's under $15.00 a bottle which is amazing! Check it out.

@colwilpro - 17.11.2023 02:44

Iodine seems to be crucial to reducing an enlarged prostate.

@Alan-71351 - 06.11.2023 12:44

Hope my high consumption of tomatoes keeps me from prostate probs!

@thomashegarty9221 - 04.11.2023 19:29

I used Pygeum bark with good effect for some years (increased flow, not a cure.) but need more help of late.

@thomashegarty9221 - 04.11.2023 19:27

He's made the assumption that an enlarged prostate is the result of a lack of zinc. Perhaps the low zinc is a result of having an enlarged prostate ! Al the things he says aggrvate a prostate, are happily eaten by healthy people ? Is too much zinc bad for you ?
Anyone else find gym, running or long walks makes sleeping that night "difficult, " up to 5 or 6 times to the loo ?

@vahagnmelikyan2906 - 22.10.2023 10:12

Thanks for that info I'll add zinc vitamins to my diet too.The best way to increase your testosterone is to avoid drinking from bottled waters and tap water. Only filtered water with good quality reverse osmosis+carbon filters to double even triple your sperm count and increase your genitals. I discovered that by accident when I wasn't happy with water quality of bottled waters (specially 1 gallon water). 3rd day of using reverse osmosis I woke up and felt that my junk was hanging. Since than it seems like testicles continued to grow simply by filtering my drinking water. So any water (included bottled water) that I drink I pass through reverse osmosis. Of course lots of other health benefits as well. I felt dramatic results because I don't drink sodas as well.

@Bibledefender4u - 18.10.2023 16:22

I love Dr.Berg wonderful i formation.. is there any testimonials staying on this and their symptoms cleared up?
Thanks in advance 🙂

@velikadsouza329 - 17.10.2023 08:22

Hazel nut is best

@lolahernandez9382 - 08.10.2023 18:55

I bought my Dad and uncle Dr Bergs Trace minerals after watching this video. My dad was so desperate from the pain that he scheduled his surgery. I asked him to take zinc before making the decision and he hasnt been able to stop thanking me 😂. Then My uncle went for his follow up and told his dr that he stopped taking his prescribed meds because it was making the issue worse and instead had been taking trace minerals. Doctor had no choice but to admit that was the right decision and to keep taking whatever he was taking because it was obviously working better that his prescribed meds. 😅. Thank you Dr Berg!!

@markbainbridge2052 - 08.10.2023 13:31

Can black seed oil help your prostate

@togisukh718 - 06.10.2023 17:44

Thank u sir

@dufus2273 - 05.10.2023 17:55

how much zinc?

@lanahartman8390 - 05.10.2023 03:23

It’s a gland
Size walnut
Gland / mussel
Zinc deficiency
Deficient in zinc
Low testosterone
Grass fed
Stomach acid needed
Late food
Shellfish( oysters
Meet red
Trace minimal
Alcohols deplete zinc

@ashishkhadka6168 - 04.10.2023 11:34

Whats normal size in cc???

@tristanlarbac7094 - 04.10.2023 09:48

Can I take your supplements the Trace Minerals Enhanced, hair Formula, and your COD liver oil all together?

@MissionaryForMexico - 04.10.2023 00:32

Increasing zinc also provides a defense against covind.

@vincentmattiello351 - 03.10.2023 03:05

So someone who drinks coffee or addicted to porn would be affected

@stevevaughan5128 - 26.09.2023 06:17

I am going on 87 years old I have an enlarged prostate - according to my Urologist
I need to have a Terp in a month's time. I have a problem in not urinating sufficiently.
I have been using a catheter for about 4 weeks which includes a bag. Is it feasible in
postponing the Terp procedure to trying the diet you suggest. We have always eaten
a lot of veg. grew up that way. I have been taking 50g Zinc and will reduce that.

@basspig - 24.09.2023 07:17

Red meat is unaffordable to any now.

@user-fs4gp7un2r - 24.09.2023 03:35

Thanks so much Dr Berg

@venus7888 - 20.09.2023 12:52

Lütfen alt yazıda Türkçe dilini açın🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏😭

@venus7888 - 20.09.2023 12:37

Merhabalar Türkçe dili neden yok alt yazıda lütfen Türkçe dilini açın😭😭😭😭😭 sağlık konusunda Size güveniyorum👍👏❤

@taffythegreat1986 - 19.09.2023 06:01

Hi what type of zinc is the best for an enlarge prostate?
Love the video

@malcolmcoote141 - 11.09.2023 11:53

How much Zinc should I be taking a day Dr.

@pierrejeanes - 08.09.2023 03:40

Hey doc usted es el doctor de los pobres👍👏👏muchas thanks por que aca hay muchos docs matasanos

@Bear-lx4bk - 30.08.2023 04:05


@1980Empirical - 16.08.2023 10:07

How much Zinc is a good ammount to take though to be effective?

@xadam2dudex - 04.08.2023 08:45

It is due to a lack of testosterone and excess estrogen

@michelveilleux5527 - 01.08.2023 05:20

Is it true that men who have had a vasectomy are more at risk to have cancer of the prostrate ?

@shannonmonroe5873 - 26.07.2023 23:52

I take a supplement protocol that has worked unbelievably well. Originally put together as a protocol for males on TRT to help with any prostate issues it works for anyone though. Can be slighty pricey but it is well worth the cost. Most capsules are standardized or most companys produce identical dosing so if you get the products the dosages for each one always about the same that's why I just say 2 capsules.
Take first thing AM and PM before bed. I prefer on a empty stomach with about 6oz of water. If you dont want to drink before bed take around 5pm.
Saw Palmetto 2 caps
Stinging Nettle (Root)2caps
Turkey tail mushroom extract 2caps
Pumkin seed 2caps
Pygeum 2 caps
At night 3 capsules of ZMA zinc/ magnesium on empty stomach.
I pee like a race horse, no dribbling, sex drive improves, decreased prostate inflammation -the most impressive part. And believe it or not it increases sperm volume.
It's like a regular prostate supplement on steroids..try it. It works.

@saidesimon3144 - 24.07.2023 03:14

Zinc is good. But it needs copper to be absorbed.
