How Was the Grand Canyon Formed?

How Was the Grand Canyon Formed?

Be Smart

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HakuzaPK - 07.11.2023 22:03

Mountains are cool

3Musketeers - 03.11.2023 22:34


Quest - 03.11.2023 00:56

I got the idea of tackling the rising of the ocean level by dumping a huge portion into the canyon. Won’t ever happen. But it is interesting to think about.

Brennen Lee
Brennen Lee - 29.10.2023 02:12

It took a lot of water in a little time, not a little water in a lot of time... it is a product of a catastrophic event during or after the global flood when the waters receded there were places where water was built up and trapped in large valleys and finally broke through carving the landscape

Trent Vlak
Trent Vlak - 24.10.2023 18:20

lol, whatever. From all the tributaries and offshoots, this was obviously formed by a massive flood that made a vast sheet of water over this area.

KIP51448 - 19.10.2023 21:18

There is no erosion IN BETWEEN the layers in the Grand Canyon. It looks like a huge stack of pancakes. It is completely flat in between the layers. If there were millions of years of time in between the layers, erosion, both mechanical and chemical, plus bioturbation would have destroyed the layering completely. Yet, we have this perfectly flat layering with no erosion between the layers. Under the conventional paradigm, this would be impossible. So, why are the layers completely flat with no evidence of erosion or bioturbation between the layers?

Ad Roest
Ad Roest - 28.09.2023 20:40

When we look at the Grand Canyon we see many horizontal layers on top of each other but close ups of these layers also show that they are completely separated from each other and the layers look rather homogeneous. How is this possible? Each layer is the effect of a recurring natural disaster, a huge tidal wave that is pulled over the planet, that is caused by a celestial body that circles our sun in an eccentric orbit. A thick layer of homogeneous mud remains on our planet. Fantasy? No, ancient knowledge that is available in books, legends, myths and religions. The many earth layers are solid proof for this recurring disaster. No scientist will agree to this because they all are focused on their small part of science. They know a lot about a little. Those natural disasters occur in a cycle of seven and create a cycle of five civilizations. The longest living civilization lives no more than 10,800 years. Nonsens? No, ancient knowledge and that knowledge is supported by many depictions that we find in museums on statues, cylinder seals, coins etc. The last time that this celestial body, planet X or nine, was seen and depicted and commented was just before our era. To learn much more about planet 9, the recurring flood cycle and its timeline, the rebirth of civilizations and ancient high technology, read the e-book: "Planet 9 = Nibiru". This book answers many of your questions about ancient history. It can be read on any computer, tablet or smartphone. Search: planet 9 roest

David Andrews
David Andrews - 03.09.2023 21:36

Geology is how time writes.

China Martin
China Martin - 21.07.2023 14:30

Noah's Flood Formed The Grand Canyon !!!

Donald the truth seeker
Donald the truth seeker - 18.07.2023 05:14

Dumb. all speculation. No proof of anything.

Dark Abyssal
Dark Abyssal - 18.07.2023 02:37

giant flood maybe?

Simon Jard
Simon Jard - 28.06.2023 02:50

Genesis 7:11 In the six hundredth year of Noah’s life, in the second month, on the seventeenth day of the month, on that day all the fountains of the great deep burst forth, and the windows of the heavens were opened.

S A BUKHARI vlogs - 23.06.2023 21:51

Good info

Rodgers Otom
Rodgers Otom - 20.06.2023 14:15

All of the world's rivers' water would only fill it halfway. What a liar!

nomadshiba - 07.06.2023 13:48


Seth Roisin
Seth Roisin - 17.05.2023 12:05

You really think it looks like the grand canyon

DannyB1954 - 11.05.2023 11:56

There is evidence of a super large lake that had a weak spot that let loose dumping the whole lake into the Colorado River. The intense water flow is what caused the erosion.

Rick and Rygel
Rick and Rygel - 30.04.2023 03:43

Why do people always ignore the actual start of the canyon? It starts along a mountain range. There once was a massive lake in there. The water started by flowing over the low point of the mountain range and once the flow lowers the low point it just cuts through rock as it drains the lake.

Quinten Games
Quinten Games - 19.04.2023 12:30

who cares
