4 Tips to Supercharge AutoCAD Templates & Title Blocks! Automate & Standardize | 2 Minute Tuesday

4 Tips to Supercharge AutoCAD Templates & Title Blocks! Automate & Standardize | 2 Minute Tuesday

CAD Intentions

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@chrheae - 17.10.2024 18:31

I need to make a block out of two made objects/blockd. Object 1 is only lines object 2 is lines and attributes. I have mangaged to make this block work but when i try to add this to my tool palette it seems to combine the two blocks so that i have to explode to make it easy to enter data for attributes. To add to the complexity i need to export these blocks and be able to share with co-workers. Any tips?

@Kookiesss-d2y - 03.09.2024 05:09

In automating the Month. i need the format in month in Capital Letters.. sample: 30 AUG 2024. Is this available in autocad?

@GerryJ08 - 18.03.2024 06:15

Hey Brandon, Gerry Jamieson from Coquitlam here. Can you please help me out on two things? 1. I've looked for, but can't find an AIA.dwt file so I can make use of the many layers.
2. I've purchased your fundamentals course a few years back but I don't know where to access the tutorials? Can you help on either of these?

Many Thanks

@sydneyhall7912 - 05.10.2023 02:55

* new to using sheets * i was wondering if sheets templates could determine what layouts i could see in the drawing. My idea is to have one arch template but have hhe option to show sheets/layout for a single story, and in 1 or 2 clicks be able to turn off/on the layouts needed for a 2 story. Kinda like how we can organize layers into sub-categories now, is there anything like that for layouts?

@kennytaylor2738 - 21.12.2022 22:35

Hello Brandon, can you help with something. My line weights do not change until I get to 50 metric. And it’s to big

@robertmrivera - 18.11.2022 07:11

I change the color or appearance of my file name and plot date notes so they are not so noticeable.

@kurramkhan613 - 25.09.2022 18:46

Hello sir
Is it possible make multi-leader with dynamic block along with its parameters properties?

@nazimrai830 - 21.09.2022 00:29

Sir please can you make video of full making plan and elevations

@davidduvall9669 - 15.09.2022 23:41

Hi Brandon,
Do you have video on sheet set and or sheet set manager.
Best Regards,

@Chandankumar-dg5ii - 14.09.2022 06:21

Thanks sir

@dbgldcndr - 14.09.2022 02:57

Great Stuff!

@dbgldcndr - 14.09.2022 02:56

Great Stuff!!

@robthewaywardwoodworker9956 - 13.09.2022 23:33

These are a great tips. You always make me feel like a noob! LOL Can you add those Fields into a block?
